Strings Attached

By realbadass

8.3K 302 157

Celeste Lucas Fischer was a brilliant and intelligent witch of her time. She had the same ambition as her bro... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chap 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 9

327 13 8
By realbadass

Rain was thicker in England as Celeste roamed on the streets of London with her fiancè.

"You look more chipper than usual. What is it?" Newt asked as the rain clashed against their umbrellas.

"I am just happy for you. I heard that you are drafted to make a book on creatures around the world." Celeste said as she turned to him with a smile.

"I guess words do travel fast in the ministry. I am going to travel the world starting next month." Newt said as he looked forward as they walked through the streets.

"Oh, I didn't know that. You have to write me letters. I wish I could join you, but I am being drafted to Greece for two months to search for Grindelwald." Celeste said as she kicked at the water and giggled.

"Yeah, I heard that one. Be safe ok?" Newt said, his face held seriousness. "I crossed my heart and promised you that I will be safe."  Celeste said as they approached their flat.

"Last time you were drafted somewhere, I almost lost you to post trauma of the war." Newt said as he folded his umbrella, Celeste followed the suit.

"It comes with the job love." Celeste said as she entered the flat and removed her heels on the threshold of the house.

"I know, but you can't stop me from worrying about you, can you?" Newt asked as he removed his pea coat and hung it on the cloak rack.

"And I won't stop you, because I worry about you too." Celeste said as she hung her coat on the cloak rack and went inside the house.

"Did my mum send you any letter?" Newt asked suddenly, nervousness edged in his voice.

"Not that I know of. Why? Was I supposed to be getting one?" Celeste asked as they entered the living room.

"Kind of. Mum talked to me about getting married this year. But I kind of put down that question." Newt said as he nervously fiddled with his shirt's sleeve.

"Well can we just put the wedding off for sometime? I want to solve the Grindelwald case first." Celeste said, her expression mixed with guilt and apology.

"Yes we can. I want to focus on my book right now. You are not mad with that decision, are you?" Newt asked, trying to reassure his mind.

"No, I am not mad. I am glad you consulted me, or else I would have to say yes to your mum." Celeste said as her pet cat jumped into her lap and curled up into a fluffy ball.

"Thank merlin. But I didn't see Gabriel and Theseus' relationship happening. How and when did that happen?" Newt asked as he remembered his brother coming out to their mom.

"Three years ago, after the war was over. Our nerves were rattled and we were used to taking risks, so he took one. I guess it was supposed to happen." Celeste said as she smiled at a memory.

"I am glad that Theseus found his better half like I found mine." Newt said as he glanced lovingly at Celeste.

"And I am glad that you are my better half." Celeste said as she snuggled into his side making the cat jump out of her lap hissing.

"I still can't believe that it was like twelve years ago when I met you at that bowtruckles tree." Newt said as he played with Celeste's fingers.

Celeste smiled and let her eyes closed while she listened to the steady rhythm of Newt's heart beats.

One thing that Celeste was grateful to the universe was her family, and her fiancè. And she would do anything to protect them.

"Ah, my mission partner!" Charlus exclaimed as he noticed Celeste walking in their office.

"Ready to take down some dark wizards?" Celeste asked as she removed her peacoat and made it vanish in thin air.

"Always." Charlus said before grabbing her hand and disapparating to Greece's ministry of magic.

"I don't understand one thing. We are hit wizards, why are we investigating Grindelwald's case?' Charlus asked as they both straightened their robes.

"Because we happened to be most qualified for the job." Celeste said as she straightened her charcoal black hat.

"Well anyways, I like it. It keeps me busy." Charlus said as they entered a room which was half filled with wizards and witches.

"Woah, was there a meeting that we were supposed to attend?" Celeste asked in a whisper as every head in the room turned towards Celeste.

"I don't know." Charlus whispered back before they occupied two empty seats. "Mr. Potter, Ms. Fischer, you are on time. We were just assigning the areas of patrol and investigating. I am thankful to the British ministry for sending their most capable hitwizard and hitwitch." The Greek ministry said, his hands clasped on the desk.

"The British ministry is honoured to help you Mr. Aetós. We will surely help you to track down Grindelwald." Celeste said in all business tone.

After they were assigned their roles and their positions, Charlus and Celeste found themselves on the streets of Greece, dressed in muggle clothes.

Charlus was dressed in an all navy blue tuxedo with black overcoat. A black hat was seated on his head.

Celeste was dressed in black pants and a shirt that belonged to Newt. It was complimented by a black overcoat and a black hat.

"What are we supposed to do?" Charlus asked, now confused as to what they were supposed to do. They were all used to action on the sight, but this was investigating and pretending to be someone that they are not.

"We follow anything that screams unusual to you or me." Celeste said as she smiled sweetly at the passerby.

She had her arm tucked in the crook of his elbow. "Why does this investigating thing sound so boring all of a sudden?" Charlus asked as he kept an outlook of the street.

"Because we are used to action on the site, buddy. 30 degrees on your right, there is a woman who is trading a paper with that man. We need to get our hand on that paper." Celeste muttered as she ducked her head down.

"On it." Charlus said as he turned around with Celeste and crossed the street. They both looked at each other and pretended to talk to each other on some interesting subject as they passed the lady.

Without grabbing the lady's attention, Charlus smuggled a pamphlet from the lady and continued to walk the street.

"That was smooth." Celeste said, impressed. "You sound surprised." Charlus said as he handed the pamphlet to Celeste.

"I knew it! A meeting by the greece meta museum. He is not hiding, he is challenging the ministry." Celeste said as she showed the pamphlet to Charlys after reading it.

"What do we do?" Charlus asked as they continued to walk down the street, a pamphlet hidden beneath Celeste's overcoat.

"We report to the ministry, and we keep an eye on that museum because the meeting is not until two months later. Meaning, he is either hiding in Greece, or he is out and about." Celeste said, her mind trying to put the puzzles in their place.

"Do you think this is legit?" Charlus asked, skeptic about the whole ordeal. "One way to know it." Celeste said as she pulled Charlus into an alleyway and removed the pamphlet.

She removed her wand and pointed at the paper. "Revelio." Celeste muttered and the paper stayed the same.

"As authentic as Grindelwald can get." Celeste said as she pocketed her wand and smirked at Charlus.

"Can we track him down with that pamphlet?" Charlus asked as they continued to walk down the streets.

"No, we can't. Because it will lead us to the lady, not Grindelwald. And Grindelwald knows not to get his cover blown up." Celeste said as they neared the Greek ministry of magic.

"Why aren't you an auror Fischer? You would have made a brilliant auror." Charlus said, his expression turned into an amused one.

"Well I am thinking of changing to Auror honestly, but after this mission." Celeste said as they entered into a building that transformed into the ministry.

"I am going to join your team." Charlus joked as they kept walking. "You better." Celeste said grinning.

Two month of searching, and reading about Newt's adventure, it was the day where they ambushed Grindelwald.

She had proven the great tracker and investigator, making Charlus always comment on how her career choice was wrong and she was an auror material from a long time.

Right now, she was standing in front of the large mansion, in the dead of night with other Aurors and hit wizards.

"On my word." Celeste said as she planted her feet firm on the ground and pointed her wand on her neck.

"Sonorous." She muttered, and her voice resounded along the perimeter. "Grindelwald, you have a chance to surrender." Celeste said loudly, her voice being carried away through the crowd.

There was a man standing on the door of the house, and she was sure that it was Grindelwald.

There was no answer, making the man beside her look at her. "Does that mean we ambush him?" He asked, eyebrows raised.

"Quietus." Celeste muttered before looking at the man. "No, he has a plan. And we would be attacking in the dark, and it can cost us greatly." Celeste said as she tried to comprehend the move of Grindelwald.

"It's good to see a hitwitch with your brain." Graves said as all stayed in their high alert. Suddenly there was blast of white light, uprooting everyone from their spot, even Celeste.

Celeste's head bit a boulder and she slipped into unconsciousness, so were all that were around the area.

Grindelwald walked through the ground, and approached the unconscious body of Celeste. A satisfied grin was on his face when he looked down at the girl whose head was bleeding profusely.

He waved his wand and the size of the wound shrunk, but didn't disappear at all. "We will meet again. In different circumstances." Grindelwald said, a sinisterness was in his voice.

Celeste woke up with a gasp, like someone pulled her from the deep ocean. "Good merlin, you are awake." Charlius' words drowned her mind, making her flinch.

"What happened?" She asked as she sat in the bed. "We lost. He escaped. Percival Graves though was talking all good things about you. That man has gotten soft for you." Charlus said, checking for more injuries.

"I don't understand. How did we lose? Last thing I know is blinding white light." Celeste asked, confusion raided her mind.

"That would be Grindelwald attacking us. Don't worry Ms. Fischer, you did your best." A voice interrupted Charlus.

"Oh Mr. Graves, thank you for putting good words for me." Celeste said, flinching a bit as she tried to sit straighter.

"Whatever I said was nothing but true. So you don't have to thank me Ms. Fischer. And you should rest, you deserve it." Mr. Graves said, as he stood infront of her infirmary bed.

"I guess I have late reflexes. I should have seen that coming." Celeste said as she touched her bandaged forehead.

"Ms. Fischer, finding his location, that too on your own is a great accomplishment. A senior auror couldn't track him down, but you did. Give yourself some credit." Graves said, dismissing her self-doubting thoughts.

Celeste smiled before answering. "I just had my magic by my side. Thank you so much Mr. Graves for trusting me with my instincts." Celeste said, clasping her hand in her lap.

"I trust the talent where I see it. And you both are talented. The resistance that you showed Mr. Potter, it was amazing. Now I would have stayed for some chat, but I have to inform President Picquery. Have a good day." Mr. Graves said before giving both a smile and turned around.

Charlus gave a look to Celeste. "I know Charlus. I am pretty sure we are not dreaming at all." Celeste said, shocked herself.

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