Story Drafts

By LenaHamilton9

1.2K 140 35

These are all unpublished stories that I have started in Google Docs. They are each just little tidbits to se... More

Derek Hale
Kol Mikaelson
Min Yoongi
Jung Hoseok
Bellamy Blake
Carlos DeVil
Niklaus Mikaelson
Alec Lightwood
John Murphy
Erica Reyes
George Weasley
Bellamy Blake
Alec Lightwood
Jughead Jones
Hybrid BTS
Carlos DeVil
Barry Allen
Kim Namjoon
Derek Hale
Five Hargreeves
Carlos DeVil
Carlos DeVil
Kim Seokjin
Peter Pan
Sam Winchester
Niklaus Mikaelson
Stiles Stilinski
Sam Winchester
Draco Malfoy
Xavier Plympton
Sam Winchester
Sam Winchester
Loki Laufeyson
Bucky Barnes
Loki Laufeyson
10k aka Tommy
Alec Lightwood
Isaac Lahey
Sam Winchester


16 0 0
By LenaHamilton9

OC Name- Kim Yumi

Fandom- GOT7

Editing Needed- 7/10

(OC name will most likely be changed in the future)

(Yumi's P.O.V.)

"Eomma, Appa, Jisoo is here! I'm leaving now!" I call through the house as I stand by the front door.

"Be safe. I love you." My mother says, walking up to me with my baby sister, Naomi.

"I will. Love you guys." I say before leaving, meeting my best friend at her car.

"You ready to see this movie?" Jisoo asks as we drive to the theatre.

"Heck yeah. I've been waiting for months. I can't wait. We need good seats." I exclaim.

"Duh." She laughs and we continue chatting until we reach the movie theatre.

We get our tickets and popcorn before going in. The theater is pretty empty so we get great seats. Soon enough, the place is packed and the lights are dimming as the movie starts. I'm quickly immersed in the storyline and the movie is halfway through when it suddenly stops and the lights come back on. Everyone makes sounds of protest and looks around, wondering what's wrong.

"What's happening?" Jisoo asks, looking at me.

"I have absolutely no clue." I mutter, looking around for a cause. I spot 2 police officers entering the theatre and my heart speeds up. "Jisoo, there's police here."

"Oh my God." She gasps. "I wonder why they're here."

"Attention everyone!" One guard says. "We're looking for a Kim Jisoo and a Kim Yumi."

I feel my heart stop as I look at Jisoo before we both rise to our feet, catching everyone's attention.

"Please come with us."

With shaky feet, we exit the theatre and follow the policemen outside the building. They lead us to their car and stop, turning to face us.

"Yumi, we're sorry to tell you, but something has happened."

"What? What happened? Are my parents and sister okay? Where are they?" I ask, feeling my eyes water.

"There was an accident. Your parents were on their way to the grocery store with your sister when a car swerved into their lane. It was a head on collision. Your parents died upon impact."

"Oh God." I sob, collapsing into Jisoo's arms.

"What about Naomi?" She asks.

"She's okay. A few scrapes and bruises, but she's alright. She's in the hospital. We'll take you there, if you'd like."

"Yes." Jisoo answers for me, because I'm too busy crying.

We get in the back of the car and the police quickly drive us to the hospital. They lead us to the room where a nurse is sat with Naomi on the bed, small blocks laid out in front of her. I cry, walking up to my baby sister. She looks up, frowning at my tears.

"Are you Yumi?" The nurse asks and I nod, sitting down next to Naomi.

"I'm sorry about your loss." She says before leaving.

"Miss. Kim, your Godparents have been notified. They're on their way now." One of the officers says.

"Okay." I mutter, hugging my little sister as she crawls into my lap.

Jisoo and I sit in the hospital with Naomi for another hour before my Godparents arrive. The next day, we go back to my house and pack up all of our stuff. I load up my whole room and take a few things from my parents room. We get a couple boxes of Naomi's stuff, and load everything into a rented trailer along with Naomi's bed. I sob as I say goodbye to Jisoo, and my Godparents whisk me and my baby sister away. After a 3 hour car ride, we pull up to a small 2 story house with a big yard and a big porch. I carry Naomi in my arms as I exit the vehicle. I look around at the neighboring houses, noticing a bunch of old people on their properties.

"Uhm, Chorim-unnie?" I ask, looking up at my Godmother.

"Yes, Yumi?" She asks, obviously annoyed.

"Is there anyone my age who lives around here?" I ask as Naomi plays with my necklace.

"Yeah, there's this boy named BamBam who lives across the street. He's a year older than you and lives with his grandparents. You'll meet him eventually."

"Oh, okay." I mutter.

"Come. I'll show you to your room." My godfather gestures me to follow him, and we enter the house, going down into the basement. "I'm afraid we don't have an actual room for you."

"It's fine. I don't expect things to be the same as they were."

"I'm also sorry to say that we don't have an extra room for Naomi." He continues. "But the entire basement is yours. You have all the stuff already down here, all your stuff is in the moving truck, and we can buy you anything else you need."

"Thank you. Really." I say, sitting on the futon couch.

"You're welcome, Yumi. It's late so get some sleep. We'll wake you up in the morning and talk then."

"Thank you. Goodnight." I don't even have the energy to smile as he turns and leaves.

-Time Skip-

-The Next Day-

I wake up to the sound of my godmother calling my name. I sit up, careful not to wake Naomi, and turn to look at Chorim.

"Yumi, come upstairs. Tom and I need to go over some things before we leave for work." She says and I carefully pick up my sister, following Chorim upstairs. She leads us to the living room, and I sit on the couch in front of my godparents.

"Okay Yumi." My godfather, Tom, begins. "For starters, Chorim and I both work 6 days a week. We leave by 6 in the morning and get home around 5. The day we are off, we tend to go out and do activities with friends or coworkers. However, we did talk to the boy across the street and his grandparents, and since he's out of school and doesn't have a job, he will be spending days with you."

"Why? I'll be fine with just Naomi." I insist, not wanting some random boy to be forced to stay with me.

"We understand that. But you need company aside from your baby sister. He's coming. End of discussion." Chorim says, crossing her arms.

"When will he be here?" I ask, gently rocking Naomi when I feel her stir.

"Any time now. So go change. We're leaving. Be good." She says and they both leave.

I sigh, but go back down to my room, changing into a random t-shirt and leggings. I put Naomi in shorts and a shirt. As I carry her upstairs, there's a knock on the door. I quickly walk over to the couch and set Naomi on it.

"I'll be right back, Naomi." I say to her before rushing to open the front door. "Hi, sorry about that."

"It's no problem." The boy who looks to be about my age, grins. "I'm Bambam. Are you Yumi?"

"I am. Come on in." I move out of his way and he enters the house, slipping his shoes off. "I'm sorry you have to be doing this. I told Chorim and Tom that I didn't need help. I'm sure you have things you'd much rather be doing than dealing with me and Naomi."

"No, I don't mind." He chuckles as I lead him to the living room where I left Naomi. "I don't have anything to do at my place but text friends and deal with my grandparents being grumpy all the time."

"That's something I was wondering." We sit on the couch and I place Naomi in my lap. "Is everybody around here old? I didn't see a single younger person yesterday."

"Yeah, it's all elderly people. Just a bunch of retired couples who wanted a nice house to live in. Most of them chose this place because the houses are nice and surprisingly cheap and their families won't visit them anymore."

"If families don't visit, why are you living here?" I question.

"My father is in prison, my mother is a drug addict, and my sisters want nothing to do with me." He shrugs.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." I rush out, feeling immensely guilty. "I shouldn't have asked. That was so insensitive of me."

"It's alright, Yumi." Bambam laughs. "I don't mind. I'm used to people asking questions like that. It doesn't affect me."

"I still feel bad." I sigh. "If it makes you feel better, my parents died yesterday while I was at the movies with my friend. The cops came and stopped the movie and pulled us out and then took us to the hospital where Naomi was and then my godparents came and we packed up our stuff and drove 3 hours away from the house I grew up in."

"How are you not a complete mess right now?" Bambam asks, appalled.

"I've never been very good with emotions." I chuckle.

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