Story Drafts

By LenaHamilton9

1.2K 140 35

These are all unpublished stories that I have started in Google Docs. They are each just little tidbits to se... More

Derek Hale
Kol Mikaelson
Min Yoongi
Jung Hoseok
Bellamy Blake
Carlos DeVil
Niklaus Mikaelson
Alec Lightwood
John Murphy
Erica Reyes
George Weasley
Bellamy Blake
Alec Lightwood
Jughead Jones
Hybrid BTS
Carlos DeVil
Kim Namjoon
Derek Hale
Five Hargreeves
Carlos DeVil
Carlos DeVil
Kim Seokjin
Peter Pan
Sam Winchester
Niklaus Mikaelson
Stiles Stilinski
Sam Winchester
Draco Malfoy
Xavier Plympton
Sam Winchester
Sam Winchester
Loki Laufeyson
Bucky Barnes
Loki Laufeyson
10k aka Tommy
Alec Lightwood
Isaac Lahey
Sam Winchester

Barry Allen

22 6 1
By LenaHamilton9

OC Name- Rosabella Queen

Fandom- Arrow/Flash

Editing Needed- 4/10

(Rosabella's P.O.V.)

"Rosabella Queen, what do you think you're doing?" My mother exclaims as I pack all my things.

"Mother, I already told you. I'm 18. I'm moving out." I sigh, not looking at her.

"You can't do this!"

"Yes I can." I laugh. "I'm legally an adult. I have a good job, I get paid more than enough, and I found a place that I like and I bought it. Simple."

"Look, Rosey-"

"No!" I cut her off, spinning around to glare at her. "Don't you dare call me that. Nobody calls me that."

"Oliver used to call you that all the time." She says, appalled.

"Yeah. And now he and Dad are dead."


"Mother, I don't care if you want me to stay. I'm leaving. Nothing you say or do will change my mind." I close my final box, taping it up.

"What about Thea? What will you tell her?"

"Not that it matters, but I already told her. And she's coming to move in with me as soon as she's 18. I have no reason to stay here."

"Rosabella, you can't just leave. Thea and I are grieving too, ya know."

"Yeah, sure." I scoff, turning to face her. "You grieve by fucking your dead husband's best friend. Thea grieves by rebelling and staying out all night. I'm tired of everything."

"But this is your home. You grew up here." My mother cries.

"Yeah. And now when I walk down the halls, all I can picture is Oliver chasing me and Dad hiding me from Oliver. I picture all the fights with them that I wish I could take back. All I see is Oliver and Dad. I can't do it anymore. I was never close to you or Thea. It was me and the boys while you and Thea did whatever." A car horn sounds outside and look out the window, finding my best friend standing there. "That's Cisco. The movers will be here in about an hour. Tell them to take everything in here and be careful. Bye."

With that, I grab my purse, hobo body bag with my laptop and chargers and other stuff, and my suitcase full of clothes. I turn and exit the house, smiling at the sight of my best friend who I haven't seen in ages.

"Bells!" He yells, trapping me in a hug. I can't help but laugh and hug him back. "Let's get your stuff in the car and you can take a nap on the way to Central City. It's a long drive."

"You know me so well." I chuckle. We throw my things in the backseat before getting in the front. I lay my head back and fall asleep not long after we're on the road.


"Bells, wake up. We're here." Cisco calls, pulling me from my sleep. I groggily open my eyes, noticing that we're at STAR Labs. "Come on. I'll introduce you to everyone."

"That's probably a good idea." I laugh. "Seeing as I'll be working here and all."

"Yeah. Come on."


-Time Skip-

"Thea, what do you want?" I say through the phone as I sit at my desk in STAR Labs, trying to figure something out. "I'm busy and I don't really have the time to talk."

"Oliver's alive." Is all she says and my heart stops.

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"What? What do you mean?"

"What the fuck is wrong with you that you call me and tell me that our brother is alive?" I shout.

"I'm not lying, Bells." She cries. "He was just found on a deserted island! He'll be home in a few days!"

"Thea, there's no way for me to believe you. We buried empty caskets because their bodies were lost at sea. They're gone."

"If you don't believe me, will you at least come home so you're here when he gets home? Just for a few days." My little sister begs.

"I'll come home so that I can laugh in your face before I slap you." I reply.

"But you'll come home?"

"Yeah. Let me talk to my boss, and I'll be home in a few days." I sigh before hanging up the phone.

I close my laptop and exit my office, making sure I lock it behind me. I begin the long walk to the main area of STAR Labs, where I know all the employees are along with Cisco, Caitlin, Ronnie, and my boss, Harrison Wells. As soon as I walk in, Cisco screeches and runs up to me.

"Did you finish it, Bells?" He asks.

"That's a secret." I laugh, holding a finger up to my lips. "Where's Wells?"

"Up in his area."

I thank Cisco before going where he said our boss would be, and sure enough, Dr. Wells is standing by a computer with his usual thinking face on. He looks up when he hears me enter the room, and gives me a friendly smile.

"How are you, Dr. Queen?" He kindly asks.

"I wish I could say I was good, Dr. Wells." I laugh. "I'd instantly be better if everyone stopped referring to me as 'Dr.'."

"Get used to it. It's your title. Anyhow, what brings you out of your office?"

"I wanted to ask if I could have the next week or so off from work. Some family issues came up and I need to go back to Starling City."

"Of course, Rosabella. Take as much time as you need."

"Thank you. I'll be leaving in a day or so, but I'll try to continue working while I'm away."

"While that's much appreciated, you don't have to. Just be there for your family."

"Thank you." I grin before leaving and going back to my office.

I spend the next few hours in my office working, when there's a knock on my door.

"Come in." I call, not looking up from my laptop.

"When are you going home?" I hear Caitlin ask and I glance up at her.

"When my shift is over?" I answer, but it sounds more like a question.

"Bells, it ended about 4 hours ago. It's almost 10 p.m." Caitlin softly says, her voice coated with worry.

"Shit." I laugh, checking my clock.

"Bells, go home. You're overworking yourself again."

"I'm fine, Caitlin." I wave her off. "I'll pack up in a few minutes. You can go. I'm sure you're keeping Ronnie waiting."

"I'm not leaving until you do." The stubborn woman walks forward and closes my laptop.

"Okay, fine. Jesus." I laugh, moving to my feet and packing all my things up.

"Bella?" Caitlin asks and I hum to let her know I'm listening. "You'd tell me or Cisco if something was wrong, right?"

"Yeah. Why?" I ask, confused as to why she's asking.

"It's just-" She hesitates. "Nevermind. Forget I said anything."

"Cait. Tell me."

"It's just- It's just that you've been working yourself a lot harder lately. You're one of the first ones here and one of the last ones out, and you almost never take breaks, even for lunch. Cisco is especially worried that you're wearing long sleeves all the time. At first I didn't think anything of it. I thought he was just being paranoid and worrying about his best friend relapsing, but now I'm starting to worry too."

"Cait." I laugh. "I'm fine. Really. I've just been trying to make this blueprint perfect. I don't want anything messing up with the Particle Accelerator. And I've been wearing long sleeves because I'm cold. It's not exactly summer anymore."

"Okay." She exhales, relieved. "I'm sorry for saying anything. I was just worried that you were hurting yourself again."

"I'm alright. I swear. Now let's go. Your fiance is waiting." We link arms and exit the building after meeting up with Ronnie, Caitlin's fiance.

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