Story Drafts

By LenaHamilton9

1.2K 140 35

These are all unpublished stories that I have started in Google Docs. They are each just little tidbits to se... More

Derek Hale
Kol Mikaelson
Min Yoongi
Jung Hoseok
Bellamy Blake
Carlos DeVil
Niklaus Mikaelson
Alec Lightwood
John Murphy
Erica Reyes
George Weasley
Alec Lightwood
Jughead Jones
Hybrid BTS
Carlos DeVil
Barry Allen
Kim Namjoon
Derek Hale
Five Hargreeves
Carlos DeVil
Carlos DeVil
Kim Seokjin
Peter Pan
Sam Winchester
Niklaus Mikaelson
Stiles Stilinski
Sam Winchester
Draco Malfoy
Xavier Plympton
Sam Winchester
Sam Winchester
Loki Laufeyson
Bucky Barnes
Loki Laufeyson
10k aka Tommy
Alec Lightwood
Isaac Lahey
Sam Winchester

Bellamy Blake

21 0 0
By LenaHamilton9

OC Name- Calynn Layla Jacobs

Fandom- The 100

Editing Needed- 5/10

(Calynn's P.O.V.)

I sit up with a hiss when the door to my cell opens. 5 guards come in, all with their weapons drawn.

"Prisoner number 213, stand and face the wall with your right arm out." One of them demands and I nearly laugh.

"Please, you really think I'm scared of you?" I scoff. "I could kill you all without batting an eyelash."

"That's why, Miss. Jacobs," The familiar voice of the Chancellor says as he walks into my cell. "you have been deprived of blood since you arrived here, and we have developed new weapons especially for you."

"Oh really?" I laugh, moving to my feet.

"Stop resisting us, Miss. Jacobs." Jaha signals one of the guards to ready his weapon. It's what appears to be an electric baton.

"Your little batons won't hurt me."

"These are different."

Before I can respond, a baton is pressed against the middle of my back. I feel my whole body lock up and stutter as electricity courses through me, slamming into my undead heart. My vision goes blurry and my legs give out from under me. As I slam against the cold, hard floor, I feel something clamp around my wrist. My vision goes black before I can see what it is.

I groan when I come to, finding myself strapped into a seat in what appears to be a drop ship. I look around, finding several people I recognise. Clarke Griffin, Wells Jaha, Finn Collins, Octavia Blake, Jasper Jordan, and Monty Green. I shift my legs only to feel something resting on my thighs. My brows furrow as I look down, finding a backpack in my lap. I slowly inhale and my eyes widen at the scent of blood coming from the bag. I grin, realizing that Abby Griffin must've snuck some on here for me. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when everything starts shaking and rumbling, and screens around us turn on, showing Chancellor Jaha. I ignore it as he gives what I can only assume is some stupid, annoying speech. However, I can't help but listen when I hear my name.

"What I'm about to say next is incredibly important. There is one person among you who is stronger, faster, and overall better than every single one of you. That person is Calynn Jacobs." I feel everyone's stares turn to me. "Miss. Jacobs is, I suppose you could call it, unique. She can do what many of you would only dream of doing. She will lead you and keep everyone safe."

I roll my eyes with a sigh. Of course he singled me out and almost exposed my species. And now everyone is either gonna be terrified of me or highly expectant. I close my eyes and lean my head against the headrest, listening to everyone freak out and scream as the drop ship lands. As soon as we land, I know it. I'm the first to unbuckle my seatbelt, and I head straight for the hatch that leads to the lower level, knowing the outer door is down there.

As soon as I can see'the floor I jump off the ladder, landing smoothly on my feet. I turn to look around, but a body crashes into mine. My eyes widen before I recognise the scent of the male hugging me. I wrap my arms tightly around him, burying my face in his chest. I fight back tears, not realizing how much I missed my best friend.

"You better not be crying, Calynn." He laughs and I can't help but laugh too.

"No, I'm not." I pull away from the hug to look at him, but I feel my eyes betraying me. I frantically wipe away the tears as they fall, and Murphy laughs at me.

"It's alright to cry."

"I'm not crying. I don't know what you're talking about." I laugh, finally able to stop crying.

"Come on. Let's get out of this stupid ship." Murphy wraps his arm around my shoulders, turning us to face where the door is.

"Is that Bellamy Blake?" I ask, seeing the dark haired male with his sister and Clarke Griffin.

"Yeah. I wonder how he got on the ship."

"Who cares." I scoff. "I just wanna stretch my legs."

"You mean you want to use your special speed to climb a tree and devour one of the blood bags in your backpack."

"How the hell..."

"I told Griffin to sneak you some." He shrugs as the door opens and Octavia Blake makes her way down the ramp.

"I fucking love you, Murphy." I laugh, hugging him once more.

"We're back, Bitches!!" I hear Octavia scream and everyone on the drop ship goes running down the ramp. I chuckle and hang back, waiting for everyone else to clear out before I leave.

"Come on, Calynn!" Murphy shouts from where he's standing in the grass.

"I'm coming." I laugh, walking down the ramp. 

I take a deep breath as I jump to the ground. I can smell and hear so many things that I've never been able to smell before. I can smell the fresh air, excitement from the other kids, I can smell the trees and plants and bugs, I can hear the trees rustling in the wind and I can smell something slightly salty in the wind. Rain. I can hear the rushing water from a creek and birds chirping in the distance. I deeply inhale again and grin at the smell of blood. Blood pumping through the veins of excited teenagers, blood running through the veins of animals all around us. The smell of the blood bags in the backpack strapped to my back, just calling my name.

"Calynn." Murphy's voice sounds and I flinch, having heightened my hearing.

"Yeah, John?" I ask and he rolls his eyes.

"Your eyes are starting to show. Go find a tree and feed." He gestures to the forest around us. "I'll be here when you're done."

"Alright." I say and run off to a more secluded part of the woods.

I make sure I can still see the drop ship and the people around it, before using my special speed to scale a tree and find a spot to sit on a branch. I take the bag off my back and unzip it, the smell of blood hitting me in the face. As much as I want to just tear into all of the bags right away, I carefully reach into the bag and look at everything inside it first. There's 4 full blood bags, a change of clothes, a hand gun, a medical kit, a bunch of rope, a spool of string, and a note. I pick up the note and carefully read it.

Calynn, I packed everything I could for you in here. There's 2 boxes of ammo for the gun in the front pocket of the backpack. I know the medical kit will be next to useless for you, but please use it and help my daughter, Clarke. She knows a bit about being a doctor, but not nearly as much as you. I'm sorry I couldn't get more blood bags, if I got more, they'd notice for sure. You're strong, Calynn. You need to use that strength to keep these people safe. But in case you needed a little reminder of who you are, check the side pocket of the bag.

Sincerely, Dr. Abby Griffin

Confused, I slowly unzip the large side pocket of the bag and gasp at what I see. In the pocket, are the twin daggers that used to belong to my parents. They're both gold and very extravagant. My father's dagger is bigger and burlier than my mother's, which is slim and lightweight. I briefly pull each dagger out of its sheath to check the condition of the blade, and grin when they're both perfect and untouched. I see a belt in the pocket too, and I pull it out. I strap it around my waist and hook the daggers into the loops. I notice another empty loop and pull out the handgun. The loop is too small for the gun, so I just tuck it into the waistband of my jeans. I check the side pocket again and grin. My mother's necklace and my father's ring are in there. They once told me that they were special and enchanted to keep them from burning in the sun. I also had a bracelet that's enchanted like the necklace and ring. I put the ring on the chain of the necklace and clip it around my neck.

I dig back into the bag and finally pull out one of the blood bags. It's cold, but I don't really care. I stare at the bag for a moment, feeling the veins under my eyes turn black and my fangs descend from my gums. I bring the bag to my lips and sink my sharp teeth into it, moaning at the taste that I thought I'd never have again. Before I know it, the bag is gone and I'm moving to my second one. I vaguely feel my eyes glowing as I regain my strength, and I grin. I quickly tear through all four bags before sighing in content. I can go months without blood, so I don't really care that I just drank all that I had. I wipe off my mouth and toss the empty bags back in the backpack. I zip it back up and jump out of the tree, walking to find Murphy. I find him by the dropship with a group of other people.

"What'd I miss?" I ask, making my presence known. Everyone turns to look at me, nobody speaking. "What?"

"Who are you?" Clarke asks and I chuckle.

"Calynn Jacobs, at your service." I mock bow and several people's eyes widen, but everyone remains quiet. "Okay, what's wrong with you people? Are you all mute or something?"

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