ArchAngel Izuku Toshinori (ha...

By Kevashii

84.7K 1.3K 551

(Alright, people, this is my first ever fanfiction so please don't go too hard on me, any suggestions, commen... More

Some Info
Chapter 1 - A Gift?
Chapter 2 - From The Stars
Quirk Ranking
Chapter 3 - First Encounters
Chapter 4 - Roaring Power
Chapter 5 - Start Line
Chapter 6 - Final Preparations
Chapter 7 - Entrance Exam
Chapter 8 - Class 1 A
Chapter 9 - Hero Baic Training
Chapter 10 - The League
Chapter 11 - Field Marshal
New book. (Not An Update)
Chapter 12 - All Might
Chapter 13 - Light
Chapter 14

Chapter 8.5 - Coincidences

4.5K 74 11
By Kevashii

10 months before the entrance exam (Yoayorozu residence)

Yaoyorozu P.O.V

I was reading a book on advanced physics of particle acceleration when I heard the front door of the house open up, I went downstairs and to my surprise, it was my father. "Father!" I said in excitement and surprise. "Momo! How have you been in my absence." My Father greets me with equal excitement, giving me a hug. "I've been great dad, what about you," I asked curious about his business trip." "Ah, it was very successful, I also have something I want to talk to you about." He said turning a little more serious. "Okay, father," I replied, very curious about what he wants to talk to me about. "I'm going to talk to your mother first, I've mentioned it to her already but I just wanted to make sure." "Azukaze! you're back a bit earlier than you said you would be." My mother says as she comes to the front door from the kitchen area. "How did it go?" She asks dad, "It went well, we made a fortune, I even got to work with Toshinori." 

"Toshinori!? Isn't he one of your old classmates?"

"Yeah, All Might."

"Huh, how's he doing?"

"He's doing pretty good, anyhow, I'd like to talk to you about the thing I was talking about the other day."

"Momo, could you wait for us in your room?" My mother told me which I just nod in return as I turned to wait in my room, 'I wonder what this is all about.' I thought to myself as I went back upstairs to wait for my parents. 

(A few... Moments... Later...)

'Knock Knock' "Momo?"

"Yes coming!" I said as I walk over and opens my bedroom door to see my dad standing outside with a slight smile on his face. "Hey Momo, can I come in?' My dad asks which I replied with a nod. "So, Momo here's the thing, I have a proposal for you on the matter of having you betrothed..." 'WHAT?" I said surprisedly on the sudden introduction of a betrothal. 

"Hear me out, it one of my business partners who happens to be an old friend of mine, we figured it would be a good idea to maybe suggest this idea to you and his son, so I want to hear your take on this." 

"I wha, ha, what, I mean, I don't even know who it is?!" I said, a little upset over the fact that I won't be with the boy who saved me besides that beach, "W-well, do you have a picture or anything"

"Oh yeah here's a picture of him, his name is Izuku Toshinori." My father said as he gave me the picture which showed a green-haired boy with white angel wings, I stared at the picture in shock 'it couldn't possibly be the same one, right?' A smile appeared on my face as I realized the coincidence which caught the attention of my father who looked a little confused.

Third Person P.O.V

"Have you meet him somewhere before?" Azukaze asks his daughter who was zoning out. "A-oh yeah... I've met him before..." Momo said as she puts a hand on her left cheek with a small blush appearing on her face. "Well then, what do you think?"

"Y-yes, okay..."

(Toshinori Household)

"A W-WHAT?!" Izuku jumps back in shock as his father explains to him, "I would like you to consider a possible betrothal with my friend and business partner's daughter, the decision is yours of course." Toshinori explained as he hands his son a picture.

"Her name is Momo Yaoyorozu, have you ever seen her before or know her?" Toshinori said as he looks to a shocked Izuku. 'omg, she's the cute girl I saved at the beach accident, how's the coincidence even possible?' Izuku thought to himself unknown to him he was saying his thoughts out loud with Toshinori hearing every detail, "So you know her, great, I'll that description as a yes?" 

"Wait, what how did you know?" Izuku said a little confused. "Well, you were saying your thoughts out loud so..." "SHIT." "So it's a yes?" "yeah...... I guess." "Great! I'll Inform the Yaoyorozus."

(A while later)

Izuku is standing in front of a huge area of land with a massive mansion in the middle of it along with his father who's currently in his hero form which confused the greenette, "Dad, why are  you in your All Might form right now?" Izuku asked facing the Slightly taller figure, getting an instant response. "Oh, forgot to tell you Izuku, the Yaoyorozus knows of my identity as we're long time cooperators, plus Azukaze used to be my old classmate." 

The top two most powerful human beings walk forward towards the front gate of the mansion, Toshinori pressed a button to the right of the gate and spoke into the speaker and receiver. "Ah! Mr. Toshinori?" An unfamiliar female voice asked through the speaker, "Yes I'm here with my son." Toshinori responded as the front gates opened. "We've been expecting you, Mr. Toshinori." 

Izuku and his father walk up towards the big mansion as Izuku admired the size of the building, even though All Might was his father and that he seems to be getting infinite paychecks, they stuck with the small house they currently own with a few high techs integrations. 

When we arrived at the front door of the mansion and was greeted by Mr. Yaoyorozu standing outside the door, "Toshinori!" "Azukaze!" The two adults greet each other, exchanging a handshake. "Ah, and you must be Toshinori's son, Izuku!" Azukaze turns to face Izuku. "Yes, sir, nice to meet you," Izuku responds. "Let's head inside," Azukaze said, leading the two through the front door. 

Izuku walks in through the door and was immediately taken back by the size of the hallway, 'So fancy.' he thought to himself as they walk towards a large living area. They stopped at what seems to be the living room where Azukaze motioned for them both to sit down on the couches.  "Here, have some tea." A woman offered who Izuku instantly recognized as Momo's mother, pouring tea into each of our cups. "Oh hey, Izuku." Izuku turns his head towards the stairs where the greeting came from and saw momo walking down the stairs towards them, she was wearing a white T-shirt with grey trousers and hair flowing down untied. "Good Morning Momo!" Izuku greets momo as he waves his hands at her, followed by her face turning slightly red. 

"So, Izuku, Momo told me that you guys meet before," Azukaze said, signaling for a story. "Oh y-yeah, we meet at a beach as I was training," Izuku said as his face turns red, remembering the events that followed. The adults, however, just stared at the two tomatoes faced teens and gave the creepiest of smirks which put the teen's faces in utter confusion. "Well, Yagi, I guess it's decided," Azukaze said with a smirk on his face. "Oh yeah, it is, definitely." All Might said as he puts his thumb up towards Izuku, who's now lost in thoughts. 'Well, what a coincidence, hehe..' Izuku telepathically said to momo, which cut her out of her thoughts and nods towards Izuku, 'How have you been?' Izuku said again. "I've been well, you?" Momo said out loud, visibly confusing the adults. 'I'm good too, this is embarrassing.'  "Yeah, very," Momo said, confusing the adults even more. Izuku saw the confusion on everyone's faces so he decided to explain, "I can use telepathy to talk to anyone I like or an entire group of people." The faces of confusion were instantly replaced by those of surprise. "Just how OP is your son, Toshinori?" Azukaze joked as the adults gave their own jokes, leaving the two teens to themselves as they move on to more important talks about high tech equipments for hero support.

"So, I guess that means we'll get some time of our own?" Izuku said to a still tomato faced Momo. "Y-yeah." She said, struggling to make eye contact. Izuku read her mind and was overwhelmed by the number of thoughts going through her brain, 'heh, no wonder why her face is red.' "You wanna go hang out somewhere?" Izuku proposed which surprised the blushing teen. "Sure, I'd love that," Momo replied eyeing her father for approval, her father only nods in return, completely trusting her daughter to the strongest man on earth. 


Izuku and Momo walk down the road to Musutafu central park, engaging in small talk, the two are getting closer for sure. Momo never really had trustworthy or close friends as many befriend her just because she came from a rich family, so this is definitely something new. Izuku suddenly stops in his track, surprising momo as he tells her to stay and wait for him, which she agreed to, slightly confused. Izuku then runs towards a small ice-cream shop and came back with two Ice-cream cornets a few seconds later, handing the blueberry ice-cream one to Momo which she gladly accepted.

 "How did you know I love Blueberry Ice-cream?" Momo asked surprised. "Oh, eh, I have my ways hehe.." Izuku replied putting a hand behind his neck, making momo even more confused. "What do you me-" 'BOOM!' Their conversation was interrupted by a huge explosion, coming from a nearby bank. Izuku immediately saw two guys inside the bank with his eye quirk, robbing it for money and holding the people inside hostage. He looks around and fails to spot any heroes in the area, so he and momo decide to step in and help.

"Hey you two, stop what you're doing and put your hands up," Izuku shouts, much to the surprise of the two robbing the bank. "And why would we do that you little piece of shit." One of them said, he had a weird-looking outfit with rips all over it, making him look like he's drunk. The two bank robbers laugh at the green-haired angel and the ponytail girl behind him, "And who's this? Your girlfriend?" The other taller and more buffed dude said, the other guy then suddenly spoke out, "Anyways, you're in our way." Immediately after he said that the two teens felt extremely nauseous with a severe headache out of nowhere, Momo fell to the ground feeling extremely sick as Izuku struggles to stay standing, 'The hell is his quirk? From the symptoms, it's safe to assume it's an emitter type quirk that plays with people's balance.' Izuku thought to himself as he looks to momo who's on the ground with a hand to the left side of her head. "N-number one, y-yes she's my g-girlfriend, and n-number two, you've messed with the wrong people," Izuku claims as he raises his right-hand and aims it towards the two lawbreakers,        "H-Heavy Assault: S-Super Fusion," Izuku mumbles as a blue orb manifests from the center of his palms followed by a huge blue beam of energy shooting out from his palm, the energy stops flowing after a few seconds to reveal two unconscious villains stuck to the wall behind them. The effect of the villain's quirk suddenly vanished as Izuku neals down beside Momo, lifting her head up with his right-wing with his left-wing covering her like a blanket. "How're you feeling," Izuku says with a calming voice, "I-I'm oka-" Momo suddenly stops speaking as her face erupts into a deep blush. Izuku confused looked down and suddenly realizes that most of his shirt was blown off by the overkill attack he used out of anger and blushes the same color of red, "W-well I guess you'll have to make me new clothes." Izuku says jokingly as he places a hand on her forehead to remove her headache. "Mind also creating some handcuffs?" "Sure."

The area was then surrounded by police vehicles as the same officer from the beach incident came out from the crowd of civilians surrounding Izuku and Momo, "Deja vu am I right?" Izuku says underneath his breath. "It's you too again huh? Mind explaining the situation?" The officer said, inspecting the area around them. 

After a while of explanation, a huge group of reporters swarms in on Izuku And Momo ad began, once again, bombarding them with questions. "Ah, okay, well, I did what needed to be done and helped those who needed it, Now if you'll excuse me, I have a date," Izuku said as he held momo up Bridal style and flew up into the air, creating a huge shock wave in the process. 

Izuku lands not far from the scene on an empty rooftop and places Momo back on her feet, "So, you're my boyfriend now I'm guessing?" Momo suddenly teased as Izuku's face turned red. "I-I M-Mean O-Only if Y-You w-want t-t-to b-be But I-I D-Don't m-min-d If y-yo-" "O-of course!" Momo said, cutting Izuku off, "I mean we are betrothed already as well, so..." She suddenly leans in and kisses Izuku on the cheek which completely paralyzed him with a tomato face. "Y-you said we still have an unfinished d-date, so I guess we should carry on?" 

"Uh-O-Y-yeah... L-let's go." 


I swear there are so many mistakes in there but I kind of rushed it as I have an up coming School event I had to get ready for, next update probably in a few days. Thanks so much for 1.2k reads, See you in next chapter, "The Battle Training." 

Auf Wiedersehen!

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