My Two Life's

By auggiethedickman

263 13 6

My last words were the most memorable, "I can't handle it anymore" Then a shot rings through the air... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 3

28 2 0
By auggiethedickman

"Two years!?" I whisper this but I was trying to yell it my throat just couldn't take it. I then ask "Can someone get me a drink please?" My Mom and Dad leave together.

When my parents return with my water I am relieved. When I drink it my throat feels ten times better. Then the doctor comes in and tells my parents to go talk to him in the hallway.

My parents come back in. My Mom says "The doctor says that they just need to run a couple tests over night to make sure that your okay then you can come home."

"That's great!" I respond. After that everyone leaves. The doctors come in and tell me that they are going put me to sleep.

• • •

I wake up to a cold sweat, because of the dream I had. I had a dream about a girl named Sara and she was running away from something but I couldn't see what, but that was it must some random girl running away. I don't know why I was in a cold sweat though.

The doctors are gone and no one's in the room except for me. I look at the clock it's three a.m. but I am wide awake. I stay awake for about three more hours then I fall asleep at six a.m., it was hopeless to sleep because I only got like thirty minutes of sleep and no dreams. My parents were in the room and had a wheelchair probably because I am still weak. So my Dad helps me out of bed and into the wheelchair. He pushes me through the hallways we are silent the whole time, we are all too tired to talk. My Dad helps me into the car. I ask when the car starts "Why did you guys come this early?"

My Dad says "We really wanted you home with us so we decided to come pick you up early!" He said with a little less enthusiasm as usual probably because he's still tired, like my mom and me. When we get home my dad carries me to bed because I fell to sleep on the ride home.

• • •

I stay home from school because it was Friday. After the weekend I went back to school, probably because my parents were starting to get  annoyed of me.

My dad drives me to school. When I get out of the car he yell to me, "HAVE A GOOD DAY HONEY! HAVE FUN! OH AND REMEMBER DON'T DO ANYTHING I WOULDN'T DO!"

I blush and I yell back, "SHUT UP DAD!" But he was already gone. I turn and everyone was looking at me.

Then my best friend Hannah runs up to me and tackles me into a hug yelling "CARE BEAR!" That's what she's called me since eighth grade. Then I realize oh my god I'm a senior now! I always felt like one before though because I was one of the smartest people in school but now I guess I'm at the same learning level as everyone else.

I yell back " HANNAH BANANA!" She glared at my nick name for her but quickly recovered. I look at her blue eyes and notice that she looked different from when I last saw her which was two years ago. So I look at her and say "Oh my god you have changed so much did you grow like a foot when I was in a coma?" She didn't look like she grew a foot but she did grow because she was now taller then me she has red hair and a whole bunch of freckles on her face.

She then replied "No I only grew a couple inches... Oh my God! I'm taller then you now!" Then she helps me up and we start walking into the school.

We head to the bathroom mirrors because she wanted to check and make sure she didn't mess her hair up when she tackled me.

I look in the mirror looking at my features. I have grey eyes and brown hair. I look older than when I last looked at myself which was two years ago.

Hannah tugged at my shoulder and said "Hey we all know that you think you are beautiful and that you're obsessed with yourself now let's go."

"I am not obsessed with myself." I respond blushing a little bit. I start thinking of Alex my boyfriend that was driving the car when the car hit us. I skim my eyes through the hallway and I finnaly see him a smile crept up my face but it almost immediately dissapeared when I saw his arm around a different girl, to be specific Racheal my old friend. I always knew she had a crush on him but she always told me that I deserved Alex, obviously she changed her mind. I pull Hannah moving faster towards the office.

"Hey be careful, you know I bruise easy!" Hannah said while trying to get my hand off her wrist.

We enter the office. I approach the office and walk towards the girl at the desk. She was new so I didn't know who she was. "Hey can I have my schedule and locker number?" I ask.

"Sure. What's your name?" she asks.

"Cara, Williams"

"Here you go" she hands me my schedule and at the top of the paper is my locker number. "Didn't you just get back from the hospital? Weren't you in a coma for two years?" she asks when I was about to leave.

"Yeah, why?" I ask

"Well why are you back in school, and coming back as a senior when you were a sophmore two years ago?"

I knew someone was going to ask some time. "I was ahead in school before. I was also one of the smartest people in the school. I just didn't want to skip any grades."

"Oh. Okay."

I leave the office and Hannah helps me find my locker and my class we had the same first period. When we entered first period and found a seat she took my schedule and looked at it. "Damn, we only have first period together. Well at least we have one class together."

I look around the class room and see this one kid and my eyes just stuck to his green eyes. Oh they are beautiful. He turns around and a smile is on his face. I turn my head away when the teacher walks into the room.

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