White Room

By mizzgabs

7.7K 154 15

What happens when you wake up in a White Room? The whole having choices in your life fly out of the window? W... More

White Room
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 12

273 6 3
By mizzgabs

After another 10 minutes i had eaten my musscles which tasted delicious. I sat there starring at him as he finished his meal and wiped around his mouth with a napkin.

"Teach me how to dance Alexia, teach me how to dance." Ronan said before getting up and walked towards me, i got up out of my seat as he took hold of my hand as we walked towards an empty part of the room. He put one hand on my back and held the other as we stood so close i could hear his breath.

"Take one step back with your left foot, keep your right foot there." I said before we did our first move.

"Like this?" He said now moving one pase forward with his right foot.

"Perfect." I whispered. We danced for a little while longer before i felt something hard hit the back of my ankle and i fell flat on my face.

I felt a sharp pain rush through my knee. "Ow." I tryed getting up. "Oh my God! Im so sorry, my clumsness!" Ronan said sympathetically before helping me back up.

I looked down at my right knee which bled alot. I had a massive gash in my knee.

"Here let me help you." He picked my up bridal style before taking me out of the room.

He carried me down the corridor. I realised where i was going. His bedroom.

Ronan P.O.V

I took her to my room, while her knee carried on bleeding. She was still beautiful even though she lay helpless in my arms.

I took her into my room, placing her down on the sofa. "Stay there." I commanded. I walked into the kitchen and put a bag of peas in a cloth before bringing it back out.

I placed it on her head which she wasnt expecting. She lay there helpless while she starred at me.

"Trust me." i said while kneeling down infront of her.

I began sucking on her wound, until it was clean. She pushed me away getting up and asked me what i was doing.

Alexia's P.O.V

I couldnt believe what i he just did. He? He just. Im not going to even say it.

"What did you think you were doing?" i shouted, making sure he knew i wasnt happy.

"I-Im sorry." he mumbled.

"No thats not good enough." i shouted before running to the door, before i could even open the door he had pinned me against it.

He held my wrists to the wall and legs pinned mine back.

"Dont you like me?" He questioned. "Whats there not to like?" He whispered into my ear. I screamed, loud. Making him hold his hand over my mouth.

"Sssh its ok. Your safe. With me." He whispered kissing my neck. I began to cry, the only emotion i could allow out.

"All i want- is for you - to love me- i want to-touch every part of you- to smell you- to kiss you- to be you- i want you- no one else- just you- you are Ronan- the winner of this game. Love me forever." He said between kisses on my neck. I whimpered.

"Dont you see? You belong with me." He whispered in my ear. He began to stroke my face, with his gentle hand. His soft touch. He smelt so good, yet so bad.

"Please Alexia."

I just managed to wiggle out of his strength of his legs and kicked him in his manhood. He squeeled out in pain as i managed to escape to the other end of the room. I looked round for escape but the door was it and he was standing next to it.

"You think you can get away?" He said locking the door.

"Sweetheart, my god im not stupid." He started to walk towards me.

What have i done? Whats going to happen next?

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