Strings Attached

By realbadass

8.3K 302 157

Celeste Lucas Fischer was a brilliant and intelligent witch of her time. She had the same ambition as her bro... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chap 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 7

351 12 4
By realbadass

Celeste was chasing Gilbert around. Gilbert returned from his mission just a few minutes ago, and both of them decided that chasing each other would be a good idea.

"Alright I quit Gil! My legs are jello!" Celeste exclaimed as she stopped running and laughed.

"True true. When are your N.E.W.T.S. results coming in?" Gilbert asked as both of them plopped on the sofa.

"Probably today, but I really don't know." Celeste said as she conjured a butterfly wandless and non verbally.

"I am perfectly sure that Fawley will hire you at once." Gilbert said as he was amused how early his sister knew wandless non verbal magic.

"Now you are just bluffing." Celeste said, rolling her eyes. Their parents entered the room with two males behind them.

"Ah Theseus!" Gilbert exclaimed before standing up and went ahead to hug the male.

"It's nice to see you too Gilbert. We are not here at all." Albert joked before walking further into the sitting room.

"Dad, I see you everyday. But this auror here is always busy." Gilbert said, rolling his eyes, but took his best mate out in the backyard.

Celeste was blatantly staring at the other man. "Newt!" Celeste exclaimed before getting on her feets and rushed to hug the Reddish brown haired boy.

"Oof." Newt laughed as the icy blonde hugged him. "Finally you are back!" She exclaimed, her parents exchanging a smile before taking their place on the sofa.

"They will be staying with us for some time. Dora had some work in France, so we took them in for a time being. Theseus was all about having an apartment and he can live alone, but we shut his argument down." Albert said, removing his glasses to clean them.

"Do you mind if we head in the garden for a while? I need to catch up with him." Celeste said, a smile not leaving his face.

"Of course not. Just look out for your Owl. Your results are supposed to be arriving today." Stefanie said, giving the couple a smile.

"Merlin's pants! I knew it was coming today, but I am not ready!" Celeste exclaimed as they made it to the garden.

"Hey, it's gonna be ok. The thing I know is that you are gonna break the records of marks." Newt tried to reassure the blonde but it was too late.

She started to pace across the garden. "I know I totally failed at charms. Oh no, what am I supposed to do now?!" Celeste racked her head before she was stopped in her mid pacing.

"Celeste, it's going to be alright. And you are not going to fail. You are going to be fine." Newt said as he rested his hands on her shoulder.

"Yes, yes I will be fine. I will be fine. Why was I hyperventilating again?" Celeste asked, now feeling dumb.

"It's alright, we freak out and that's totally fine. So what did you do with your free time?" Newt asked as they started to stroll in the garden.

"Started to train with my brother. I know the concealing and disguising spell. I am actually trying to become an animagus." Celeste said as she looked at Newt.

"Animagus? Really?" Newt asked, a proud smile on his face.

"I am done with the first step. The Ministry knows that Of Course. But how was your vacation? Got some tension loose from your shoulder?" Celeste asked as they continued their stroll.

"Yes, it did the magic. Mum took us to see dragons. They were so majestic. I hope to get promoted to beast division. I really want to work with creatures." Newt said excitedly.

"They will, and the world will finally see the creatures from the point of view of Newton Artemis Fido Scamander." Celeste said, her face lit up with a smile.

Newt went ahead to say something but his expression turned into confusion. "Is that your owl?" Newt asked as he pointed at the sky.

A beautiful barn owl landed on Celeste's shoulder and gave out a hoot. "Oh Hey Felicity. How are ya girl?" Celeste said as she ruffled her feather and removed the letter from her beak.

As soon as the letter was taken away, Felicity took off and entered into bird shade made by Albert.

"Oh my Merlin. Here goes nothing." Celeste said, as she looked at Newt with wide eyes. Newt nodded his head with encouragement.

Celeste shakily opened the letter. Her eyes scanned the letter and her face immediately brightened up.

Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test Result of Celeste Albert Fischer.

Candidate name: Celeste Albert Fischer
Year: 1914


O- Outstanding
E- Exceed Expectations
A- Acceptable

P- Poor
D- Dreadful
T- Troll

Defense against Dark: O
Charms: O
Potions: O
Transfiguration: O
Herbology: O

Personal note by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore:

The candidate has acquired full marks in every subject, first time in Hogwarts history I might add, if not more than we could offer her. Her theory of human transfiguration is widely and happily accepted by Professor Rosemary. She is a bright student and is recommended for auror position by Headmaster Phineas Black himself.

Deputy Headmaster of Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry,

Albus Dumbledore.

Celeste looked at Newt with a bright smile. "I did amazing!" She exclaimed before engulfing the boy into a tight hug.

"Show me." Newt said before they pulled back. Celeste happily handed him the letter. Newt's face broke out into a big smile.

"See I told you, you will do amazing. You really broke so many records." Newt said, a smile on his face.

"I know right! Let's head inside, I have to tell this to Gil before he heads to ministry with Theseus." Celeste said excitedly before both of them headed inside.

After breaking the news to her family, Celeste was being talked about her career option, as Barn owl swooped in and landed before Celeste.

Celeste retrieved the letter, watching the owl fly away. "Who is it?" Gilbert asked as he looked at his sister turning over the envelope.

"It's from the ministry! Especially from the head of magical law and enforcement!" Celeste exclaimed as she opened the letter and read it loud for others in the room.

Dear Ms. Celeste Fischer,

         We are delighted to inform you that you are shortlisted for the job of an auror and hitwitch.

        It's on you what you will choose, that will be sorted out tomorrow morning. We haven't planned an interview because of your good grades and your amazing marks in practicals.

        And looking at your record setting marks, we decided to let you enter the auror training or hit witch training straight away.

Head of magical Law and enforcement,
Gerard Dawson

And that's how the dinner that night turned into absolute chaos. Newt not making much conversation, Celeste talking continuously to Gilbert and Theseus about the Auror job until Albert butted in and started to talk about being the hit witch.

"It would be a genuine surprise if Fawley didn't hand over my position to you." Theseus joked as everyone lounged around the sitting room, with Newt calling night early.

"Alright, too much of a career talk. I decided what I want to be." Celeste said as she stood up.

"And?" Theseus asked, genuinely interested in the girl's career.

"Hitwitch." Celeste said before turning on her heels and walked towards her room.

"Hand me 10 galleons son." She heard her father saying, making her giggle.

"So you decided?" Newt poked his head out of the room he was staying in, making Celeste jump a bit.

"Merlin's beard, Newt!" Celeste exclaimed and tried to calm down her heart rates.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." Newt said frantically only to be drowned by Celeste's laugh.

"It's alright Newt. Anyways, I did choose my career. You are talking to a future hitwitch." Celeste said grinning.

"Really? Hitwitch?" Newt asked, his eyes going wide.

"Yep, being auror sounds good, but I want to be hitwitch now. Dealing with dark stuff and all." Celeste answered looking at Newt.

Newt smiled warmly at her. Celeste walked upto him. "I forget to tell you something." Celeste said, tilting her head up a bit, because Newt was taller than her.

"Hmm?" He hummed, confused look on his face. "I love you." Celeste said smiling, making Newt chuckle.

"And I l-love you too. Merlin, how far have we come." Newt said, resting his forehead against Celeste's.

"Is Mr. Scamander going all sentimental over me?" Celeste joked before pressing her lips over his, taking him by surprise like it always does.

"I might think so. Miss Fisher brings the best out of me." Newt said before he pressed his lips to hers again.

"Good night Newt." Celeste said pulling away and tried to go to her room, but Newt tugged on her sleeves.

"I..c..can I ask you to stay with me tonight? I totally understand if you say no." Newt said, hurriedly, expression frantic.

"Is Mr. Newton Shy Scamander asking me to stay the night with him?" Celeste asked, a smirk on her lips.

"Oh on the contrary, good night." Newt said, cheeks flushing red, but Celeste shook her head.

"Nuh uh, I am not letting this offer go." Celeste giggled before entering the guest room.

"Always told mum to change the colour of this room. But nope, she is obsessed with the blush pink colour." Celeste said as she sat on the leather chair in the room.

Newt was clearly nervous and really didn't know what took over him into asking her to stay the night.

"Newt, standing over the door frame looks extremely weir- you are nervous!" Celeste exclaimed, making Newt blush more.

"Maybe... It's not like I ask every woman to stay the night with me, is it?" Newt asked, tilting his head to the right side a bit.

"Aww is Newton getting sassy with me?" Celeste giggled as she watched Newt sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Probably. Nothing Is certain, is it?" Newt asked, now a smile on his face.

"Eye opening question Newton. So... if you get promoted to the beast division, you get to work with all sorts of creatures and beasts?" Celeste asked as she thought something.

"Yes, but that depends if they ever promote from elf liaison to Beast division." Newt said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"And they will, I am sure of it. Because ministry will be missing out on the real talent if they don't, and they will promote you in no time." Celeste said, grinning.

"You are awfully optimistic." Newt chuckled, watching Celeste with a small private smile.

"Learn from the best." Celeste said before letting out a happy sigh. "I can't believe I am going to achieve my dream!" Celeste exclaimed happily.

"And I am proud of you, I may not be good with words, because you and I both know that I suck with words, but you are really gonna be the greatest hitwitch." Newt said, his cheeks getting pinkish.

"And you don't have to say anything. Your actions speak louder than your words." Celeste said grinning, and a moment later stifled a yawn.

"Oops, too much of mum's treacle tart." Celeste said, standing up from her seat and stretching a bit.

"I will take the sofa, you can take the bed." Newt offered, and Celeste just rolled her eyes.

"Nuh huh, I am not doing that. Ya know couches are the most uncomfortable place to sleep on except maybe the floor. I don't mind sharing the space." Celeste said, teasingly and getting the reaction almost immediately.

Newt blushed furiously, biting his bottom lip. "You don't?" Newt asked, as if he thought she was joking.

"Why would I? And we really should go to bed. I have to show up at the ministry at 9 in the morning, and I have to be sharp at my job." Celeste said now sliding on to her side of bed and got under the cover.

Newt was still standing, trying to process what was happening. "You gonna stand there the whole night?" Celeste asked, an amused smile on her lips.

"Uh..sorry, just wrapping my head around this." Newt said, shaking his head, amused by Celeste.

Next morning, Celeste found herself rushing around the house, quite frankly, freaking out.

"Alright see you guys in the evening!" Celeste exclaimed, her parents chuckling amused.

She wore her red leather jacket and grabbed her black man hat before dashing out of the house.

Newt was called in early for some sort of meeting, so were Theseus and Gilbert.

As soon as Celeste reached the ministry, she walked upto department of magical law and enforcement.

The Ministry was bustling with witches and wizards, more than usual. It was weird for Celeste, but she kept walking for her job interview or whatever the head of the department said.

"Miss Fischer, head in. Mr Dawson is already waiting for you." The man in black coat said with a grunt.

"Thank you." Celeste thanked the man before entering the office.

The office was everything Celeste imagined it to be. Grayish brick designs, with pine wood furniture and portraits of former heads of the department.

"Ah Miss Fischer, have a seat." Mr. Dawson said from behind the desk.

His features were warm and welcoming, and his smile vanished her tension a bit.

"Good morning Mr. Dawson." Celeste said as she extended her hand for the hand shake.

"Good morning to you too Miss Fischer. Finally got to meet the best student Hogwarts has produced." Mr. Dawson said smiling.

"Well thank you Mr. Dawson." Celeste said politely before Mr. Dawson opened her file and his eyes scanned over the documents, his eyes sparkling with happiness.

"There is absolutely no double thinking in this matter Miss. Fischer. But I do want you to consider the job of hitwitch. There hasn't been one for a decade. People join the auror department, but less considers the job of hit witch or hit wizard." Mr. Dawson said, giving her one searching look.

"I am sure I will take that offer Mr. Dawson. I would like to start my training as a hitwitch." Celeste said, her posture radiated confidence.

"That's good, that's really good. I will ask Auror Rose to show you your uniform." Mr. Dawson said before a lady entered the office.

"You summoned me sir?" She asked from where she was standing.

"Ah yes I did. Will you show Miss Fischer here to the hitwitch department? Mr. Potter must be there early, he might be able to give her a tour." Mr. Dawson said, and Celeste was pretty shocked to hear the name of her ex housemate.

"Yes of course. Miss Fischer, if you will follow me." Rose said politely, and Celeste nodded her head and stood  up.

She followed her out of the office towards the hitwitch or hitwizard department.

There were only 10 hit wizards in the ministry, Celeste becoming the first hitwitch in a decade of no hit witches.

"You know the training is going to be rough for you." Rose decided to make a conversation.

"I do have a knack for adventure auror Rose." Celeste said politely.

"Are you in any way related to Gilbert Fischer?" Rose asked, curious about her.

"He is my brother, Auror rose." Celeste answered as took a turn by an office.

"Hmm..I possibly couldn't have pointed that out. You look nothing like Gilbert." Rose said, looking over at Celeste from her shoulder.

"I look like my great grandma." Celeste said before they came to a halt before a black wood door.

"And here is our stop. I hope our path crosses again." Rose said before vanishing around the corner.

Celeste gulped visibly before pushing the door and entered the dimly lit room.

"Ah that must be rooki- Celeste!" The black haired man exclaimed at the sight of Celeste.

"I am surprised to see you here Potter." Celeste said, grinning.

"Well I am double surprised to see you here. I thought you wanted to be an auror, just like your father and your brother." Charlus said, a smile on his face.

"Yes, but there was a change in the plan. Nobody has arrived for the training?" Celeste asked, confused.

"They are on a mission in France. Some dark magic discovery. I was told to stay back, as I had to assist Joseph with training a rookie if she decides to join. But the rookie happens to be you! You will be a hitwitch in no time, mark my words." Charlus said, clapping his hand behind her back.

"Will see about that, but my uniform?" Celeste asked as she looked around the department.

It was different from most of the departments. It was behind a door, unlike other departments.

It was dimly lit and there were suits of armor in every corner. There were portraits of former hit witches and hit wizards.

There are 11 different stations in the department, probably for working in peace and changing into their outfits.

"The station by the end is yours. Get ready quickly, our training time starts in 20 minutes." Charlus said. Celeste nodded her head and began to walk towards her station before Charlus called.

"It's good to have you as a workmate now." Charlus said, smiling genuinely.

"Same goes here." Celeste said smiling before disappearing in her station.

There was a charcoal black woolen cloak, with a deep red colour vest and a black shirt. It was accompanied by charcoal black slacks and a black man hat.

"Nice choice of uniform." Celeste said before shrugging off her red leather coat. She stepped into the changing room, and discarded her clothes.

She picked up the black shirt, opened buttons and slipped her right hand first into sleeves followed by the left hand into the left sleeve.

She buttoned up her shirt. She picked up her deep red vest and fastened over her upper body.

She slipped into her slacks and tucked her shirt under the slacks. It's really happening. The only thought rushed in her head as she shrugged on her long woolen coat and tipped the hat over head.

She slipped her wand into the holster hidden beneath her sleeves.

She wore her ministry given Black faux leather boots. She tied up the lace and now she was a hitwitch.

A smile swept on her face as she walked out of her station and joined Charlus and an older looking man.

"Ah the woman of the talks. Miss Fischer, I am Joseph Timber. Leader of this squad. I have heard great things about you, from the head of the department and from Charlus over here." Joseph said as he extended his hand to be shaken.

Celeste shook his hand politely and gave him a good natured smile. "I sure hope that I live up to their words." Celeste said confidentially.

"And there is no doubt in that. But the training is going to be hard. You will be blind folded, your hearing will be temporarily taken away, and you are going to deal with unforgivable curse, except killing curse." Joseph explained as he walked them into the training room.

"It's gonna take me three years to complete the training, right?" Celeste asked as they braced up for the training.

"Depends on how fast you catch up with the course. You will learn to deal with the darkest magic of magical history. You will learn to disguise yourself in the given environment." Joseph said as he waved his wand and all sorts of equipment materialized in the room.

"How hitwitch training differs from Auror's training?" Celeste asked, intrigued.

"Auror have to learn more discretion, learning to track down and investigate a crime scene. Hit witches or wizards on the other hand solely deal with dark magic. They do not investigate the scene or try to find a trace of the criminal. They are summoned by aurors or minister of magic when in dire need." Joseph said as he pointed towards one of the pictures.

"We can be hired for the muggle prime minister, or as a security for minister of magic. But we do track down dark wizards, which are out of auror's pay grade and field range." Joseph said, looking at Celeste.

"So you mean, dealing with riots in case a war broke out in both the wizarding and muggle world but also with tracking of dark wizards?" Celeste asked as she slipped her wand from her holster into her palms.

"Exactly, you catch up fast. Starting of this training is with seeing how good your reflexes are. Then we will take up how well you can deal under pressure. Then taking away your instincts and see how well you roll with it." Joseph said, nodding his head.

"Wow, that sounds...intense." Celeste said, whistling making Joseph chuckle. "That's why nobody actually takes this offer. They run for the hills when they hear that they will solely deal with dark incidents." Joseph said and their training began.

And hours of training later, Celeste walked out of the ministry in her uniform to her home.

Her limbs were aching with the training. Jumping away from a red spell, deflecting the yellow spell and hours and hours later, her body was giving hell to her.

She knocked on the door of the house. Gilbert was the one who opened the door. His eyes brightened up at the sight of his sister.

"Aye, the uniform!" Gilbert exclaimed as Celeste entered the house and removed her boots by the threshold of the house.

"Uh huh, but training was draining. Seriously man, my reflexes need sharpening, lots of sharpening." Celeste said as she entered the sitting room where everyone was sitting chatting.

"Ah, the hitwitch has arrived." Albert said, his eyes sparkling with happiness.

"The one and only." Celeste said proudly, removing her hat and placing it on the hat rack in the sitting room.

"So, one day, you will be our superior? Dang sis." Gilbert said with a grin.

"Me? Superior? I thought Aurors were superior?" Celeste asked  eyebrows scrunched and sat on one of the sofa.

"You thought wrong. Mr. Dawson is not an auror, but a hitwizard." Theseus offered, sipping on wine. She nodded, her mouth formed an 'O'.

"Where is Newt?" Celeste asked almost immediately, not noticing the reddish brown haired boy.

"Where do you think? In his room. Went to bed early. Apparently he has some urgent business tomorrow. He seemed excited." Gilbert said, handing her a wine glass.

"Thanks, I desperately needed a drink." Celeste said as she took the glass in her hand.

Theseus and Gilbert asked her all sorts of questions, and night slipped away. Celeste yawned loudly as she walked towards her room.

"Celeste, is that you?" Newt asked, poking his head out of his room. He looked like he just woke up from his sleep.

"Oh yeah. Gil told me that you went to bed early." Celeste said as she looked at him, a smile on her face.

"Ah yeah I did. Too much excitement for a day. that your uniform?" Newt asked, finally noticing the change of her clothes.

"Oh this? Yes, it is my uniform." Celeste said almost excitingly.

"Looks good on you. And I guess your optimism worked wonders today. I got promoted to the beast division." Newt said, smiling shyly.

"Really?" Celeste asked, eyes brightening up. "Yes really. Tomorrow is my first job at the ministry as a beast division employee." Newt said, and Celeste could say that it is just the start of something great for him.

"Oh Newt, I am so happy for you." Celeste said as she walked in front of him and pulled him in a hug.

"Your optimism is always appreciated. I don't think I would have made it till here without your support." Newt said as he buried his nose in her hair and wrapped his hands around her waist.

"Nonsense. Even without me, you would have gotten the job. I appreciate the credit, but it goes for you too." Celeste murmured into his chest.

"And I- when will you be free tomorrow?" Newt asked, still wrapped in the hug.

"7 pm. One hour give or take. Why though?" Celeste asked, knotting her eyebrows together and lifted her head to look at him.

"How does dinner sound? I know we haven't been out together, just us, for a while." Newt asked.

"Sounds amazing. And now if you don't mind, I need to get out of these clothes. As much as I love them, I need to take a bath." Celeste as she pulled away from the hug.

"And I will go back to bed. But, really, I am proud of you." Newt said, smiling at her. Celeste gave him a last smile before she walked to her room.

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