Islamic Pearls of Inspiration

By scienci

83.5K 6.4K 430

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Islamic pearls of Inspirations is a combination of... More

✨Islamic Pearls of Inspiration✨
✨Forgiveness of Allah✨
✨Ease after hardship✨
✨Strong Person✨
✨Islamic Pearls of Inspiration✨
✨Salatul layl/Tahajjud/The Night Prayer✨
✨How to Overcome Jealousy and Envy✨
✨Deed That Guarantees You Paradise✨
✨Beautiful Plan✨
✨Don't Say Ma sha Allah to Prevent Evil Eye Instead Say....✨
✨Islamic Pearls of Inspiration✨
✨Take Benefit of Five before Five✨
✨Tawakkul (put your trust in Allah)✨
✨Help of Allah✨
✨Goodly Loan✨
✨Two Pleasures for the Fasting Person✨
✨Fasting While Travelling✨
✨Compulsion and Paradise✨
✨The Gates of Paradise✨
✨Fasting and Establishing Prayers on the Night of Decree✨
✨Islamic Pearls of Inspiration✨
✨All Glory is to Allah and all Praise to Him✨
✨Fasting on the Day of Arafah✨
✨The Prophet's( peace be upon him) Last Sermon✨
✨Charitable Acts✨
✨Haughty's Humiliation✨
✨How to avoid Arrogance✨
✨No disaster strikes except✨
✨Powerful Zikr✨
✨Recite Surah Kahf on Friday✨
✨Be grateful✨
✨Seek Refuge from...✨
✨As you think of Him✨
Night Routine 🌙
✨Pieces of your Life✨
✨Beautiful Du'a Noor✨
✨The Power of In Sha Allah ✨
✨When you are the Closest to Allah...✨
✨Recite this Surah for....✨
✨Make Dua✨
✨When You Supplicate For...✨
✨If You are Afflicted in Anyway...✨
✨Perhaps ✨
✨Do Not Wish To Be Like Anyone Except ✨
✨When Allah Loves a Person✨
✨When He loves you....✨
✨Seeking Refuge from these 3 things✨
✨Refuge From Debt✨
✨Something Very Beneficial ✨
✨Dua of the prophet(peace & blessings be upon him) ✨
✨Forbearance ✨
✨When in Doubt✨
✨Did Not Find a Better...✨
✨2 Scales✨
✨Don't Judge✨
✨Those Guaranteed a House in Paradise✨
✨Ask for...✨
✨Paradise Makes Dua for You✨
✨Speak Good Words✨
✨Never Underestimate ✨
✨It's Easy✨
✨Accustom Yourselves ✨
when leaving your house
✨"Mind your business"✨
✨If you Want Allah's help ✨
✨Seeking Protection From the Evil Eye✨
SubhanAllah wa Bihamdihi
6 More Days of Fasting
✨Unfolding a 🌹Rose✨
✨Leaving Something ✨
Covering Up Sins of Others
Good Character
✨When you feel discouraged✨
🤲 Dua and Fasting 🤲
🤲 Make Dua Part 2 🤲
99 Names of Allah
🤲Make Dua Part 3 🤲
⭐Not Created in Vain⭐
Dhul-Hijjah 🌙
Odd Numbered Nights of Ramadan🌙

🌑Feeling Empty🌑

149 18 2
By scienci

If you feel empty, you're not alone. It feels like there's a void inside of you and no matter what you do, you can't fill it. Happiness is temporary. It comes in bursts and leaves you feeling empty again. No success lasts. It sometimes feels like this feeling will never leave you. That you'll never feel fulfilled or content. No words can justify the misery and abyss that comes with this agonizing feeling.

I felt this way too. I wondered "WHY?" It's such a distinct feeling. It's not like sadness where you know what's making you sad. It's different. You don't know what's causing the void. I was keeping up with my prayers, so, I didn't understand. I thought praying and remembering Allah was suppose to bring me peace. I thought about the times when I felt so content regardless of what was going on in my life.

Through this reflection and a podcast, I finally recoginzed the cause. Actually, scratch that. I finally accepted the cause because I knew what it was all along deep inside of me. I had been praying half-heartedly. I was praying but not establishing my prayers. Rushing through them and letting life distract me. I was remembering Allah but not connecting with him. My Emaan/faith wasn't as strong as it was when I used to pray whole-heartedly. The void in my heart was growing.

There was only one way to fill it, through the remembrance of Allah and by  establishing my prayers. Whole-heartedly.

This is easier said than done. I still struggle with it but I've told myself to start by praying one Salah with my full concentration. I hope one day I'll be able to achieve the same fulfillment and peace I felt few years ago;ameen.

If you've also had a similar experience to mine, I want to tell you not to feel ashamed of it. Faith/Emaan is something that fluctuates. Sometimes, you'll feel like it's high and you're doing great. Other times, it's low and you're left with this hollow feeling. You pray because you have to but not because you want to. It feels awful to even admit this to yourself. But, it's okay. The most important thing is that you're trying to find this feeling and connection with Allah back. That you crave it back. Keep striving! Start with praying one prayer in the day or week with full concentration and no distraction. You can do it!

🌕May Allah give us the ability to truly remember him and establish our prayers. Ameen. 🌕

Also, I've added the link to the podcast I listened to.

🤲"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find peace."🤲 13:28

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