hatred {editing}

By hemmosocial

52.1K 1.8K 559

How can a person hate someone so much? Well, let me tell you. One person; one person can fill you with so mu... More

[12] Reasons
[13] Betrayal
[14] Breakfast
[15] Unexpected
[16] Mia?
[17] Broken
[18] Blame
[19] Just Kidding
[20] Ice Skating
[21] Parties
[22] Penguins
[23] Webcam Secrets
[24] Promises
[25] Watch Your Back
[26] Liar
[27] Change
[28] Hit
[29] Friends Again and Crushes?
[30] This is the Beginning
[31] Thinking Out Loud
[32] Wisdom Teeth
[33] You Did What?!
[34] The End of The Queen's Reign
[35] Luke's Secret
[36] Heartbroken
[37] Mistakes
[38] Too Late
[39] New Looks
[40] I Love You
[41] Proposal
[42] No More Secrets
[43] East Sydney
[44] New Places, Old Faces
[45] The Love Doctor
[46] Happy Endings
[47] Not So Good News
[48] The Truth Comes Out
[49] She's Gone
[49.5] NEW STORY
[50] Is This The End? (pt.1)
[51] Is This The End? (pt.2)
To be continued...


1.4K 43 25
By hemmosocial

0.4 - Diners


"Are we even close to getting home?" I whined, "This is not the short way home. It feels like its been forever."

"Hunter, just shut up." Luke said, "I can't concentrate on the road if I keep hearing your complaining which by the way is so annoying."

I sighed and looked out the window. Maybe if I distracted myself from something other than Luke's obnoxious face or the fact that we are lost, maybe time will go by faster. But, I saw nothing. It was too dark to even see the trees outside.

So, I turned up the radio instead and found a channel where green day's song played. Which did happened to distract me long enough from the fact that we were lost. I knew Luke knew we were lost but, just didn't want to admit it.

"We're lost." I said, "I know you won't tell me but I know you know."

"Okay I won't tell you." He shrugged, focusing on the road. "We're not lost."

"Well then, now what?" I said, rolling my eyes, "I know that we are lost and you just don't want to admit it but, this is all your fault and we are never going to make it home tonight."

"My fault?" He said in annoyance, scrunching his eyes at me.

"Who's the one driving?" I sassed and Luke huffed, continuing to drive. "I win."

"Please just stop bothering me so I can drive." He said, "It's already dark, I don't need any other distractions."

"So I'm a distraction to you?" I questioned, "Do you even know where we are?"

"You just keep talking and never stop. Of course I know where we are. We're somewhere." Luke said, confidently. "But we're not in the middle of nowhere. I know that."

"Moron." I said, crossing my arms. "Just admit it."

"If you're so worried about where we are, why don't you just go on that maps app or something?" He said, pointing to my phone.

"No wifi, Hemmo." I said, shaking my phone, "We are in the middle of nowhere."

"Fine. Is there any service?" He asked.

"If there was service I would have called someone already." I said, rolling my eyes, "You are literally the most idiotic person ever."

"I'm sorry that you think you're such a smartass all the time. I was just asking a question and I don't need you to talk back to me all the time." He said, as we started moving slower and slower. Then, we eventually stopped. "Uh-oh."

"What do you mean 'uh-oh'?" I asked, "Why did we stop?"

"This is when you are an idiot. We have no more gas." Luke said, trying to turn on the engine but nothing was working.

"I am not the idiot here. You didn't get gas. This one deserves a slow clap." I said, clapping slowly, "Why do I even have to say it again? This is your fault."

"Please shut up." He said, ignoring me and walking out of the car to lift the hood of the car to see what was wrong. A puff of smoke came out of the car and Luke coughed at the smoke entering his lungs.

"It's frigging dark now, we have no cell service or wifi and we can't drive home." I said, walking out of the car, "Why shouldn't I be freaking out here?"

"Why don't you state the obvious?" Luke said, closing the hood and walking towards me, leaning against the side of the car, "This could actually be all your fault."

"And why is it all of a sudden my fault?!" I said in anger, "I didn't do anything."

"If I didn't have to bring you home, I would have been in any other situation than this." He exclaimed, "Anything would have been better than this."

"I would have been at home on Netflix!" I said, "Not that I do that all the time."

"Loner." Luke coughed, "At least I would have plans with other people other than myself."

"Unlike you, I don't have to always be with someone to have friends." I coughed, "Hemmo."

"I do have friends!" Luke said, crossing his arms.

"Who also happen to be my friends to but, let's stop bickering." I said, "We need to find a way to get home and right now we are just wasting time."

"Then, tell me. What are we supposed to do now if you think you are such a smartass?" Luke said.

"We could walk around and maybe we reach somewhere." I said, "If we start now than maybe we can find somewhere to sleep tonight."

"But, what about my car?!" Luke asked, flailing his arms.

"Who cares about that stupid piece of junk anyway, let's go." I commanded him and he shook his head.

"I'm not leaving my baby back here while we walk in the middle of nowhere." Luke said, seriously as he was hugging his car. "We could get even more lost."

"Okay...have fun with your 'baby' and I'l see ya later." I said walking away from Luke and walking down the lonely and dark road, not knowing where I was going but trying to do something so we weren't stuck here all night.

"Wait!" Luke said, after a couple of seconds.

I stopped, turning around to face him with a big grin. "Look who decides to come crawling back." I smirked, "Finally ready to leave your baby?"

"Shut up." Luke said, "Now, let's just go find something"


"I'm tired." I whined. After about two hours, we were still walking in the middle of nowhere and found nothing.

"What am I supposed to do about that?" Luke said, walking. "It's not like I can get a segway in one second so you don't have to walk. Although, I want to try one one day."

"Carry me then." I suggested, "Use your lanky arms for good use."

"No way." He said, shaking his head, "I am not going to carry you. Not now."

"Why not, why can't you-"

"Stop talking." He said, silencing me.

"And why is that?" I asked. But, he ignored me and started running? "Where are you going?! Hemmo!"

He kept running and running and I followed. Until he stopped in In front of an old diner. The lights were still open meaning that it could still be open for while longer.

We walked into the diner and it was surprisingly clean for its location. It was in the middle of nowhere. Who owned this place? But, I did wish they had one of these in town.

"There's a phone over there." I said, pointing to a small phone booth in the corner. Maybe if the phone was here, there might be service at least at that phone.

"I'll call." Luke said, walking over to the phone.

"No I'll call." I said, running to the phone. "I found it so I will call."

We both looked at each other and headed straight for the phone. Before I made it, Luke shoved me over and I got pushed into one of the waitresses carrying milkshakes, which ended up landing ontop of me.

"Sorry..." I said, looking for her name on her name tag, 'Miranda'. "Miranda." I stood up, whipped cream and the milkshake falling off of me and onto the ground.

Once I got up, I looked at her. She had bright blue hair and a nose piercing. If I didn't know better, I would think that she'd be a perfect match for Michael. She took out a rag from her back pocket and started to clean up the mess.

I glared at Luke who was still laughing at me. "I hate you." I snarled at him, "You don't even apologize for knocking me over. You're so rude."

He continued on laughing. "Nice whip cream hat where'd you get it forever 21?!"

"Ha ha ha. That was so orginal." I said, flicking some of the whipped cream at Luke which landed right on his nose. "Great. I have no extra clothes to change into. Hemmo, this is all your fault."

"What about that flannel I gave to you?" Luke said, flicking the whipped cream of his nose. I remembered that I still had his flannel from earlier this morning. I guess I never gave it back to him. "You can change into that until we get home."

"It's yours Luke." I said, pulling out the red and black flannel out of my backpack. "Even though I want to mess you up for making this mess. I don't want to get it dirty."

"Keep it." He said, "I think you need it more than I do. It does have your germs anyways."

"Well then." I said, "Miranda? Is there a place where I could get cleaned up?"

"Yeah." She said, "Right in the back. Follow me."

"I'll try to call, Hunter." Luke said, before going back to the phone booth.

"Right in here." Miranda said, pointing to a door which opened to a small room. I walked inside the room and began to change out of my sticky clothes and wash off the milkshake off of me. I walked out the door with my hair pulled up into a messy bun and wore Luke's flannel as a shirt-dress because it was big enough.

"You're really lucky to have a guy like him." Miranda said as I walked out.

"What do you mean?" I asked, "Do you think Luke and I are- Miranda you've got this all wrong, we absolutely hate each other. We're not even friends."

"I don't think so." She said, "I mean he gave you his shirt. He cares about you, despite your attitudes towards each other."

"Never in my lifetime will I like that asshole. He's an asshole to me all the time." I said, "No matter what he does or what he says, I will still hate him."

"Whatever you say." She said, "But, from what I see, he cares about you a lot. Now go back to your caring asshole."

"Ha Ha Ha." I said, smiling at her walking back to Luke.

"Damn, you look hot in my clothes, Hunter." He said, looking at me up and down.

"Shut up, did you call anyone?" I asked, "Is anyone going to come here to get us?"

"It was just a joke." He said and I looked at him, "And yes my mom said she'll pick us up."

"Great, when?" I asked, excited that we get to go home and that I could get away from Luke.

"About that..." He said, giving a long pause. "She said tomorrow because it's due to heavy rain and thunderstorms."

"Tomorrow?!" I said, "Screw the thunderstorms, I want to go home!"

"Look, calm down and put your anger issues aside. She is coming tomorrow morning." He said, "We need to find a place to stay for the night." We both stood there thinking about it for a second and then heard Miranda walking towards us.

"I kinda overheard your little dilemma and I might have an idea." Miranda said, "I live in a cabin not too far from there and your happy to stay there for the night."

"No that's fine-"

"Sure!" I interrupted Luke, "We'll be happy to stay for the night."

"Cool." Miranda said, "I'll just get my car ready and we'll be on our way." We nodded and Miranda went to the back of the shop.

As the door closed, Luke looked at me with beading eyes. "What is wrong with you?!" Luke yelled at me, "Who stays at a random stranger's house?!"

"She seems like a nice girl." I said, crossing my arms, "She's offering us to stay at her house for the night. What bad could happen?"

"She could be a murderer you know." He said, "Or something real bad. We don't know and I don't think we should stay at a stranger's house."

"Great use of words, Hemmo." I clapped slowly, "But, c'mon, you're always so dramatic. I think that she is trustworthy and we are going to stay at her house. Unless you want to sleep under a tree..."

"Fine." He said, "But, remember I told you so. If this doesn't end up well, I'm blaming it on you."


"I like your house." I said, looking up at the log cabin, "We are so lucky to be staying in such a nice house, right Hemmo?" He looked at me and faked a smile.

"Thanks." Miranda said as she opened the door, "It's not much but it's good enough for me. So you guys can sleep in that room. I'll see you guys tomorrow. If you need anything just holler. G'night." She pointed to the room in front of us.

Luke and I looked at each other. "But Miranda-" She gave him a smile and walked into her room.

I walked into the room, crossing my arms and Luke closed the door behind me. "My luck just doesn't stop today, doesn't it? I don't see why she would want us in the same room." I complained, "She knows and I told her that I hate you-" I turned to face him. "-and now I have to sleep beside you. That's weird."

"I don't see what's wrong with that." Luke said, lying down on the bed, "It's not like we're a couple or anything."

"Yeah, you're right." I said, "I guess I'm just overreacting...just don't look at me or breath on me. Especially don't put your leg over me like you did at Ashton's house."

"Look, I won't do anything." Luke said, "Let's just go to sleep and forget about this day."

I walked over to the bed and lied down. Why this was so weird? Was it that she thought it was weird because she hated him? However, what she didn't realize was that he was dying inside. But, it wasn't because of things that she'd understand.


"How'd you two end up here, anyways?" Mrs. Hemmings asked. The next morning, Mrs. Hemmings came as she said she would. I didn't actually think that she would find this place so quickly.

"This is actually funny because he was supposed to bring me home after school after he got us detention but we ended up stopping at the drug store because Luke needed to by some-"

"Chips! We went to buy chips!" Luke interrupted me. I looked at him and he glared at me. He was so going to owe me for this. "Then after, I thought that there was a shorter way to get home. So I went through there."

"Which ended up us taking the long way home." I added in, "It took us like 3 hours and we got lost."

"Then, my car...ran out of gas." He said, slowly because he knew his mom would be pissed about that. "Now, it's somewhere down this road."

"Then, we walked around and saw a diner down the road." I said, "After about half an hour of looking."

"I saw the diner." Luke butted in, "Anyways, there was a waitress there and she let us stay at her house."

"Even though Luke would have rather slept under a tree." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Well this won't be a problem anymore because Luke here won't get his car back without showing some more responsibility." Mrs. Hemmings said as Luke opened his mouth wide open. "You're grounded for a month. You will only be able to go to school and home. Nowhere else."

"But, mom.." Luke complained.

"Hehe. Momma's boy." I whispered to him and he glared at me, "Trust me. I'm gonna get it when I get home."


I really really really like how this book is going.

Vote and comment actively it would help me for future chapters!

Thanks for everything,


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