Divine Warriors - Irene the M...

By AspireNight

2.2K 77 6

The past of Minecraft Diaries by Aphmau is hidden under secrets. From the fated encounter of a divine goddess... More

Scene 1: Born (POV: Irene)
Mini Scene 1: The Fury
Mini Scene 2: The Wanderer
Mini Scene 3: The Protector
Scene 3: First Encounter(POV: Irene + Shad)
Scene 4: Starry Night (POV: Irene)
Scene 5: New Connections (POV: Irene + Shad)
Scene 6: Birth of the Legends (POV: Irene)
Scene 7: Esmund's Confession (POV: Esmund)
Scene 8: Fight for her Love (POV: Shad)
Scene 9: Thrown Away (POV: Shad)
Scene 10: Neverending Life (POV: Irene)
Scene 11: Irene's Emotion (POV: Irene)
Scene 12: Irene's Dimension (POV: Irene)
Scene 13: The Witch (POV: Irene)
Scene 14: A Meeting That Decides the Future (POV: Irene + Esmund)
Scene 15:Shad's Fury (POV: Shad)
Mini Scene 4: Warm Aura (POV: Irene)

Scene 2: Road to Scaleswind (POV: Irene)

148 3 0
By AspireNight

2 Days Later

The boats had been destroyed.

We had to follow the river almost opposite of the direction of Bright Port because we couldn't sail across the small sea that separated us.

But it just meant more opportunities for me to explore, and more time for me to spend with Enki.

We walked during the day, and set up camp during the night. The weather was cold, and we kept warm with heavy blankets.

Through freezing winds, we never lost hope.

Enki pointed ahead. "Bright Port should be that way if we loop around a little to the left, I think."

His voice was tired, losing some of its normal charisma.

One of the villagers called out, "What do you mean, you think? We need you to know for sure! What if we have been walking in circles for two whole days!"

My eyes opened wide as I saw the villager walked up to Enki, his hands bared.

He struck out at Enki, but in a flash, Enki caught his hand with his own sturdy grip. The two men stared each other down.

"Stop." My voice rang out, echoing and drowning out the river and mutters of the crowd. Enki turned to face me, his emerald eyes narrowing.

"There will be no fighting on this hard journey," I began, but suddenly something else caught my attention.

There was a small dip ahead of us, and I could see the tips of ocean waves.

Ocean meant... "BRIGHT PORT!" Someone else called out excitedly.

The fight forgotten, everyone grabbed their things and started running for the top of the hill. I was at the front of the group, my legs shivering from the cold, yet still sprinting.

I reached the cliff edge and looked down, expecting to see a magnificent village floating in the middle of water.

After all, I had seen it in my head, when I had first arrived in this world.

A village grander than Phoenix Drop. Dolphins scattering around the waves. A wooden port leading up to stone stairs, guards surrounding it.

I had seen the image so clear somewhere, and now I thought I would see it again.

But instead I saw a flat piece of land. A beautiful piece of land.

Autumn welcomed a colorful array of sunset colors into the leaves of the trees. The river was peaceful and running gently.

My black hair waved in the wind as a stared over the cliff. A mix of feelings overwhelmed me.

"Where is... Bright Port?" someone croaked out.

My mind started swirling and my head ached. Trying to bear the pain, I squeezed my eyes shut.

Then church bells sounded and I jerked my head up to look at the land in front of me.

Towering walls filled the place that was once empty land, elaborate designs marked on the edge of them.

The land was full of healthy prosperous people and buildings. Everywhere I looked, there was life.

Yet the village wasn't the Bright Port I had seen in my memories.

It was a new town. New life. New structures.

Suddenly, a snake jumped out at me, its fangs bared and sharp. With a shriek I whipped out my sword instinctively and cut the snake in half.

Its broken body collapsed to the ground. Sparks flew into the air.

Yet a single brown scale floated up into the sky, carried by the rushing wind.

I reached my hand out to grab the scale, but it flew out of reach before I could even brush it. I tried to call out for it.

Then I heard the bells again. Large church bells. The town disappeared in a flash, and my world went black.

1 Day Later

A warm light filled my surroundings.

"Lady Irene. You're awake." I heard a young girl's gentle voice.

"Yuna..." I said quietly. Somehow I knew the name of this girl, even though I had never met her before in my life.

I pushed away the sheets and stood up, feeling the cold settle into my body again.

"Where are we?" I asked quietly. "Where is Enki?"

Yuna tilted her head. "You suddenly passed out, so your followers set up camp between the mountains around this place. Enki is out somewhere."

I thought about the grand buildings I saw. Were they all a dream?

But my mind refused to believe that. It felt real, just like when I had seen Bright Port in my memories.

Yuna continued to speak in her light voice. "You said something before you passed out. You said, 'scaleswind'."

"Scaleswind," I repeated. The word felt strangely comfortable on my tongue.

But before I could say more, Yuna started to walk away.

Her bare feet barely crunched the grass underneath the tent as she exited, her footsteps strangely light, her dress swinging low to the ground.

Suddenly the tent flaps fluttered open again and I saw Enki's green luminescent eyes as he walked through.

"Irene." His white hair was ruffled.

Before he could continue I broke in. "I want to stay here Enki." The words flew from my mouth before I even processed what I said.

But Enki only nodded. "I suppose you want to found a town in this clearing. Called Scaleswind perhaps?"

"How did you know?"

"The goddess Yunalesca visited me last night when I was sleeping. She told me of your desires."

The goddess...

I stared at Enki trying to establish how he felt about this. His piercing gaze revealed nothing.

"So what is your first step?" He finally asked.

My mind had already planned it out.

"A gate. We are going to build a grand gate, one that tells the world that we are Scaleswind."

2 Months Later

Scaleswind prospered. News about a goddess who could heal the land flew around the world, and many villagers from other villages came to live here.

The beautiful horizon shined today, peering down at the streets that were unusually empty. Beautiful indeed.

Yet it was sad. Sad because I knew that I had abandoned my duty in order to create this village.

I was now a lord, rich with comfort and little politics. It didn't seem right to how I achieved this status.

But I could still redeem myself.

I could leave my wealth behind and travel again to make the world prosper like Scaleswind has.

Enki walked up and sat down next to me. Like always, I felt like he could sense my thoughts. "It's time, isn't it?"

I can't join you Irene. I have to go back to the Warrior Tribe and check how they are doing."

I nodded because I saw this coming.

"Enki, come find me again some day, okay?"

"Yes, I will."

My time of freedom was over. Expectations overrode my desires.

Yet maybe overtime, my desires would be my expectations: saving this world's people from themselves.

Enki, a keeper of wisdom, motivated me to take that path.

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