
By violenttulips

266K 11K 10.1K

After the war, Harry Potter becomes a talented Senior Auror with a penchant for injury in defense of his coll... More

1 | Mourning & Moving Forward
2 | St. Mungos Meeting
3 | Coffee & Confusion
4 | We've Got to Stop Meeting Like This
5 | She's Smart Enough to Figure it Out--Are You?
6 | Who'll Be Your Hero When Your Hero is Broken?
7 | You're in Love With Him
8 | Everybody Hurts
9 | Healing & Hope
10 | Inevitable
12 | Into the Dark
13 | Mine.
14 | Three Little Words
15 | Two Letters & A Package
16 | It All Falls Apart
17 | Apart
18 | Azkaban
19 | Fiendfyre
20 | He's a Fighter
21 | For you. For me. For us.
22 | Perfect
Author's Note

11 | Back to Reality

11.8K 440 234
By violenttulips

They were both gently awoken by the alarm from Draco's Tempus Charm the next morning.

"I don't want to go," Draco whined, pulling Harry closer. Harry kissed his cheek and wrapped his arms around him.

"I know,  but we can't stay in this perfect little bubble forever," Harry murmured, wordlessly summoning his glasses and putting them on.

"Can't we? It's such a nice bubble..."

Harry sighed, lightly tracing patterns over Draco bare back with his fingertips.

"Well, for one thing, I have to give a speech at that Ministry Gala tomorrow night. And I'm supposed to bring a date..."

Draco jerked fully awake. "You what?"

"Come with me," Harry grinned, "please?"

"I don't—we don't—why didn't you ask me sooner? I need to buy new dress robes! And you definitely need new dress robes, and—stop laughing, Potter, you complete arse!"

Harry leaned forward and kissed him. "Sorry, I meant to ask sooner. I've been a bit distracted the past few days, you know. Would you like to go shopping for new dress robes tonight?"

Draco scowled at him and turned away. "Yes."

"Come back here," Harry pulled at his arm. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you."

Draco shot him an indignant look and climbed out of bed, tugging his arm out of Harry's grip. "I'm not upset, I was just taken by surprise."

Harry rolled his eyes and got up, too. He walked over to his closet and pulled out a pair of sweatpants, a long-sleeve t-shirt, and his running shoes. Draco watched him dress, eyes roaming his body appreciatively.

Harry looked up and smirked. "You should probably get ready for work, Healer Malfoy."

"You want to get rid of me so badly?"

"You know I don't, but I do know you like your job..."

Draco sighed. "Alright, alright. What are you going to do today?"

"Go for a long run, do some boxing— With gloves!" Harry added in response to the look of disapproval on Draco's face. "Erm. After that I was thinking of going to the market for some fresh ingredients to make dinner... And after my boyfriend and I eat it, I thought I'd take him shopping for new dress robes and let him pick out some for me. And then I thought we'd come back here, or go to his place, and I'd shag him senseless." Harry shrugged, shooting Draco a mischievous grin.

"Being a bit presumptuous there, aren't we, Potter?" Draco walked over to him, and ran a hand down his chest.

Harry kissed him again. "Maybe just a bit. You want some breakfast before you go?"

"No time," Draco muttered, kissing him back.

Harry grabbed a muggle baseball cap from his closet and spelled his glasses into sunglasses. "Incognito run," he whispered conspiratorially, making Draco laugh.

"You look like a bloody tourist."

"Exactly!" Harry kissed him again. "Better go, or you'll be late."


"Draco!" Dorothy Hewitt called out when she saw him, drawing the eyes and disapproving stares of everyone else in the staff room. She pulled him aside, glaring right back at them. "Ugh, this isn't a bloody library! There aren't even patients on this floor."

He simply raised an eyebrow, shooting her an amused smirk.

"Come on, let's go to your office, I want to know everything," she said with a grin, dragging him by the arm.

"Don't you have patients to be attending to?" He asked drily.

"The others can manage for a bit. I'm taking a short break to talk to Healer Malfoy!" She hollered to Healer Thomas, who was also having a brief rest, sipping tea in a nearby armchair. The old Healer nodded without looking up, waving a hand dismissively.

Draco let himself be dragged to his office, grinning like a madman.

Some of the expressions on the faces of his coworkers were less than friendly, some were even hateful as they looked at him, but he didn't really notice.

Somehow, telling Dottie about his new relationship made it feel all the more real, and he felt a growing ball of warmth in his chest as he spoke, leaving out the sordid details, but instead telling her of their many conversations, and how Harry made him feel, and how it was all even better than he'd ever imagined.

She listened closely, smiling brightly at him, thinking to herself that she'd never seen the polite and serious and ever-professional Healer looking quite like this: He looked so happy he was practically glowing.

Draco coughed when he finished, feeling very soppy.

Dottie stood and hugged him. "I'm so happy for you. And for Harry. And don't worry about that stupid article, or what anyone says— You two are perfect."

Draco shot her a look, and the light in his eyes dimmed slightly. "What have people been...?"

"Some people are angry. I'm sorry, Draco. But Harry is— Well, you know who he is. And there's speculation that you could have been inspired by his vile ex-boyfriend, because it's hard for them to believe that you and he could ever overcome the past and— It's stupid, Draco. Forget it, it doesn't matter."

"What? How dare they—I took an oath when I became a Healer! I would never hurt himhurt anyone—"

"I know, Draco. I know."

He sighed, suddenly feeling very tired. "I told him I'd go to that Ministry Ball with him tomorrow. What if...?"

"It'll be fine." She touched his arm. "You just focus on Harry and ignore the rest, yeah? They're just jealous you snagged our handsome Savior."

He smiled weakly, his chest suddenly feeling unbearably tight, all warmth gone.

"I'm sorry Draco, I didn't mean to—"

"It's fine, Dottie. I'd better get down to the fourth floor. The Longbottoms will be waiting, and you know how Augusta gets."

"Oh, that I do. Best of luck. And Draco? Please, please forget what I said."

He nodded, holding the door open for her, "Of course. Thanks, Hewitt. You're a good friend."

"I know," she said with a small smile before walking away, mentally cursing herself for her big mouth. She hated that she'd wiped the smile right off her friend's face, even if her words had been true.


The next evening, everyone in the ballroom entryway hushed momentarily when Harry and Draco entered walking arm in arm, then broke out into hushed chatter.

"Merlin, look at Harry!" Hermione whispered loudly to Ron. They had been speaking politely with some of her friends from work at the Ministry, but quickly excused themselves to make their way toward Harry and Draco.

Her outburst was justified, their best friend looked different.

Harry was wearing fitted new charcoal-grey dress robes that showed off his muscular figure, along with the brightest smile they had ever seen, his eyes shining behind his glasses. His black hair had been freshly cut in the same fashion as before, short and stylish.

Beside him, Draco stood as his equal, head held high. His buttery blond hair, perfectly coiffed as always, shone like a beacon under the bright lights. His pale skin was in bright contrast with his own well-fitted navy blue dress robes.

As Draco stiffened slightly, Harry leaned over, whispering in his ear and wrapping a protective arm around his waist as they walked further into the room.

The gathered media had noticed their entrance and rushed at them.

"Mr. Potter! Mr. Potter! A word, Mr. Potter?"

Harry turned to face the throng of reporters who had swarmed them, looking calmer than he usually did when he was mobbed with questions and flashing lights from the cameras.

"Is it true that you and Draco Malfoy are in a relationship?"

Harry raised a dark brow. "Obviously," he drawled in his best impression of Snape back in the day. Draco sniggered, slipping a hand into Harry's.

"It's well-known that you hated each other at Hogwarts. What changed?"

Harry shrugged. "We grew up. We got to know each other beyond inter-house rivalries, became friends, and then we realized that we both wanted to become... More."

"How do you feel about Rita Skeeter's new book coming out in December?"

"I—" Harry faltered, his gaze dropping as he felt his face heat. He knew he should have expected that question, but it caught him off guard all the same.

"You mean the book coauthored by the vile git who used a love potion to drug and take advantage of Harry for four months? He's not thrilled about it," Draco snapped.

"How do we know that isn't exactly what you're doing?" A brave reporter asked, glaring back at him.

Harry stiffened as he looked up, his eyes and expression suddenly ice-cold. "He isn't."

The reporter recoiled slightly, clearly unnerved by the furious look on his face.

The bulb in every nearby camera burst, making everyone in the area jump.

Draco placed a soothing hand on his boyfriend's arm. "Harry."

Harry took a deep breath, calming his magic before it could get out of hand.

In spite of all this, the Newswitch who had accused Draco seemed to summon her resolve. She stepped forward again and held out a small box containing six tiny vials of potion.

"Care to prove it? I bought these at 'Better Brews' this morning. They're still sealed, and they have tamper-evident seals so I can assure you they're safe. They're Love Potion antidotes, including the antidote for Amortentia. Everyone knows you have the potions skill to make it."

Draco stared at her, mouth dropping open. "How dare you? I would never—"

Harry snatched the box from her and downed the vials quickly, one right after another, as if they were shots of alcohol. The group of reporters, and Draco, all stared him in shock.

Harry's face paled and he doubled over, his stomach turning as all of the potions hit it at once. The box of empty vials dropped to the floor, shattering glass at Harry's feet. Someone vanished the mess with a muttered Scourgify!

Draco was livid. "What the hell, Harry? You were meant to have taken those one at a time! Drinking multiple potions at once is dangerous!"

His voice softened as he watched Harry sway, uneasy on his feet. "Luckily, the ingredients in Love Potion antidotes are all pretty similar. You'll be fine. Just give it a minute, the nausea should subside."

Harry nodded, closing his eyes.

"Damn your Gryffindor bravado, it's a wonder you've survived this long."

Harry laughed, then let out a groan of pain, turning and burying his face in Draco's shoulder. "You're right, that was stupid."

Draco wrapped his arms around him and looked over Harry's head at the gathered media crowd, his expression disdainful.

Harry straightened fully as the discomfort finally faded away. He turned to Draco and kissed his cheek. "Thank you."

His gaze traveled over the group of newswizards and witches. "Satisfied?"

Draco's accuser nodded, looking sheepish.

Let me be very clear," Harry said coldly, "I'm dating Draco because I want to, not because I'm being tricked somehow. He's a good person, and I won't stand for—"

"He's a bloody Death Eater!" Someone exclaimed.

"No!" Harry all but shouted, "He was a Death Eater. And he was forced to become a Death Eater at sixteen-bloody-years-old, under the threat of his parents being murdered. He was just a kid! A terrified kid who loved his parents. Would you have done any differently, under the circumstance?"

"Well, I—"

"I wouldn't have, I can promise you that," Harry spat.

Draco placed a hand on his arm once more. "Harry, it's okay, let's just go find our table."

Hermione finally broke through the gathered crowd, pulling Ron behind her.

"I think that's enough questions for today. Please disperse." Her eyes flashed dangerously and she drew her wand. The reporters all quickly backed away, leaving a path for them. "Harry, Draco. Let's go find our table in the ballroom."

Harry nodded, glaring daggers at the entire group of reporters before allowing Draco and Hermione to pull him away.

They quickly found their places and sat down together. The other nameplates at their table indicated that they would be joined by the Minister Kingsley Shacklebolt, Harry's boss Gawain Robards, and his wife, Margaret.

"I'm so sorry," Hermione sympathized as they took their seats.

Harry nodded mutely, jaw clenched. He was still fighting to keep both his temper and his magic under control.

"Dottie warned me that she'd heard rumors—That some people were upset about our relationship. I had hoped they were exaggerated. Clearly not."

Ron shook his head. "If I can be okay with you dating Harry, I would think everyone else should be able to as well. They're not the ones who have to spend Christmases with you, are they?"

"Are you?" Draco asked quietly, glancing over at the man seated beside him, "okay with it?"

"I'm getting there, mate." Ron smiled, shrugging awkwardly. "We're calling before coming through the Floo in future though. I don't want to see anything like...that...ever again."

"Fine by me. You know what, Weasley? You're alright."

Harry watched this interaction with an amused smile, while Hermione fought tears.

"I'm so proud of you two!"

Draco and Ron both looked horrified, and barely spoke to one another for the rest of the evening.


A loud voice, magically amplified by a Sonorus Charm, asked everyone to find their seats, as dinner would soon be served.

"Hullo, Potter." A gruff voice greeted him.

Robards helped his wife into her seat between Kingsley and Hermione, then dropped into the seat bedside Harry.

"How are you, sir?"

"Fine, fine. I hate these events, though. You ready to get back to work in a few weeks?"

Harry nodded as the empty plates filled with food in front of them. "I'm looking forward to it."

"You're fully recovered?"

Harry smiled. "Yes, sir, better than ever."

Robards glanced at Draco and gave the blond a rare smile, lighting his weathered face for a moment. "I can see that. Listen, how would you feel about coming back a few weeks early? I could really use your help on that case you were working before you left."

Harry's eyes widened in horror. "That case is still—"

He glanced up at Hermione, a jolt of fear racing through him.

Robards nodded, lowering his voice. "We've been quietly putting families with Muggleborns under the Fidelius Charm, one at a time, but there's just too many of them. It's stayed out of the press, but I can't keep it that way much longer. It's just not safe, they need to know. Nearly the entire department is working on this now, but I'd really like you to head up the case again, if you're willing."

"I—Yes. Of course. I can be back Monday. I didn't realize—"

"Potter. You were unwell, you needed time. But if you're ready to come back, we need you."


Robards nodded curtly and turned away, joining his wife and Kingsley in another, much lighter conversation.

Harry glanced over at Draco beside him, knowing he had heard everything, and gave his hand a squeeze.

Draco stared down at his plate, pushing his food around with his fork.

The rest of the night was uneventful. Harry's speech went smoothly— It was almost effortless after years of practice. Then he and Draco danced and chatted with Ron and Hermione until it was time to leave.

Overall, it was a lovely evening, but Draco was somber and strangely quiet, forcing smiles and small talk only when necessary. It made Harry nervous.

That night when they crawled into Harry's bed to go to sleep, he pulled him close and ran his fingers through his hair.

"What's wrong, Draco?"

"Nothing. I'm fine."

"You're not." Harry tipped his chin up and forced him to meet his gaze. "You've been on edge since my conversation with Robards."

Draco sighed. "I know about your case, Harry."

Harry's eyes widened.

"There have been rumors at St. Mungo's about mysterious attacks on Muggleborns and explosions involving contained Fiendfyre. I've been researching in my free time, actually. Trying to come up with something to counter it that we could give people for protection. But I haven't finished, and I—I didn't realize that you going back to work would give me so much anxiety."

Harry smiled, pressing a soft kiss against his lips. "I understand. I have to, though. I have to end this. The NDE's are—" Harry paused, his voice suddenly hoarse with raw emotion, "—they're killing entire families, Draco. Children. I need to stop them."

Draco sighed, looking into Harry's eyes; They were blazing with determination. "I know, Harry. Just... Be careful."

Harry pulled him close and kissed his forehead. "I'll be fine, Draco." He drifted off quickly, the hand stroking Draco's hair stilling and dropping softly onto the pillow.

Draco fought down the rising panic in his chest. Less than a week ago, Harry had confided in him that he wanted to change careers. And Draco had secretly hoped that he would. But, Draco mused, Harry was too much of a Gryffindor to leave when people were in danger and he believed he could save them. He was selfless to a fault; A bloody hero.

Draco took a deep, shuddering breath and fell into a restless sleep.

This time, he would be the one to wake in the night, trembling and gasping for breath after a horrific nightmare.

Harry slept through it, and Draco was grateful. He curled against him and pressed his cheek to Harry's chest, feeling it rise and fall with each steady breath. He drifted off listening to the comforting sound of Harry's heart beating.

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