
De violenttulips

266K 11K 10.1K

After the war, Harry Potter becomes a talented Senior Auror with a penchant for injury in defense of his coll... Mai multe

1 | Mourning & Moving Forward
2 | St. Mungos Meeting
3 | Coffee & Confusion
4 | We've Got to Stop Meeting Like This
5 | She's Smart Enough to Figure it Out--Are You?
6 | Who'll Be Your Hero When Your Hero is Broken?
7 | You're in Love With Him
8 | Everybody Hurts
10 | Inevitable
11 | Back to Reality
12 | Into the Dark
13 | Mine.
14 | Three Little Words
15 | Two Letters & A Package
16 | It All Falls Apart
17 | Apart
18 | Azkaban
19 | Fiendfyre
20 | He's a Fighter
21 | For you. For me. For us.
22 | Perfect
Author's Note

9 | Healing & Hope

12.5K 487 535
De violenttulips

Weekly Quidditch matches became a regular thing for them in the following months. And, as promised, Harry did take him shopping in Muggle London, and Salazar help him, Draco couldn't help buying a few things. And then a few more. He didn't like admitting that Harry was right, but the Muggle clothes he'd purchased were damned comfortable.

Soon, they were spending massive amounts of their free time together.

Harry's mental health improved rapidly. He'd stopped shutting everyone out and was being effectively healed by spending time with Ron and Hermione, which, in turn, was helping them heal as well. He also spent a large amount of time with his godchildren, Teddy and Rosie.

He moved apartments, started going for runs in the morning again to keep up his endurance in preparation for his return to work, and started smiling and laughing freely again.

He still saw his Mind Healer weekly, still had the occasional nightmare or panic attack, but overall he was feeling significantly better.

Harry also knew his tenuous friendship with Draco had evolved. They were truly friends now, and the sight of the two of them around Wizarding Britain, while still the cause of whispers and speculation, was no longer considered news. They went out to eat, shopped for new brooms together, Draco dragged Harry to Madam Malkins for new robes, and even cajoled him into getting an expensive haircut that somehow made his messy hair look somewhat stylish. Harry pretended he didn't care, but secretly, he was pleased.

While their friendship was still platonic, Harry couldn't deny the feelings he had for his new close friend. He didn't know how Draco felt about him, however, so he kept his feelings to himself even though it was starting to feel like torture.


One evening, about a month before his leave of absence at the ministry was due to end, they met on the Harpies practice field once more.

"You ready?" Harry teased.

Draco grinned. "As long as you're ready to lose."

Harry laughed. "I guess we'll see. But you know, I was the youngest Hogwarts Seeker in a century—"

"Yeah, yeah. Save it for the pitch," Draco drawled, rolling his eyes.

They walked onto the field, eyes shining with excitement. "Alright, Potter. Here goes." Draco grinned, opening a small box and releasing the Snitch.

Harry smiled back, mounting his new broom.

The gold ball fluttered into the air and whizzed away.

Harry glanced at his watch. "Let's give it a minute before—"

"Nope." Draco took off.

"Hey!" Harry jumped on his broom and followed him, laughing with wild abandon. He relished the feeling of the wind on his face and the thrill of competition.

Three hours later it was starting to get too dark to see the Snitch. Harry dove to catch it one last time, then jumped nimbly off his broom and collapsed on the grass, sprawling on his back and holding the golden ball in the air. Draco landed next to him and dismounted gracefully.

"What are you doing?"

Harry smiled and patted the grass next to him. "Come and see."

Draco raised an eyebrow. "Let me put the Snitch away."

Harry handed it to him with a grin. "That doesn't count as a catch, you know. We're still 4-3."

Draco chuckled, "Alright, alright. You beat me. No need to get a swollen head." He tucked the Snitch into it's designated space and buckled it in, then closed the box and put it in his pocket.

He walked over to Harry and extended a hand, "Need help up?"

Harry shook his head and patted the grass again. "You need to see this."

Draco shrugged and sat down beside him, gingerly stretching his legs out and laying down with his arms behind his head. "Wow."

The sun had gone down now, and the stars were unbelievably bright.

Harry turned his head to look at him. "Incredible, isn't it?"

Draco's mouth was parted slightly, his eyes wide with wonder. Harry felt the overwhelming urge to lean over and kiss him, but he pushed it away.

"You're named after a constellation, right?"


"Can you see it right now?"


"Show me."

Draco pointed out the stars that made up his namesake. "It's a dragon."

"A dragon, huh," Harry teased, "You're sure it's not something else? I don't know—Maybe a peacock?"

Draco shoved his arm playfully. "It's a dragon, you prat!"

Harry chuckled and sat up. "Okay, okay. Hey, you want a drink before you head home? I have Butterbeer. And I could show you my new place?"

Draco was surprised, but pleased, by the invitation. "Sure."

Despite all the time they'd been spending together, they hadn't been to one another's flats since they'd gone to lunch four and a half months earlier.

Harry held out a hand. "I can Apparate us there."

Draco took it and they whirled away, landing in a semi-dark hallway in front of a door labeled "Number 10."

Harry let go of Draco and waved his hand to remove his Wards, then pulled out his keys and manually unlocked and opened the door.

"Come on in."

Harry's new flat was modest, but clean and comfortable. The decor was minimal. White walls, with a few paintings strategically placed. Draco noted that none of them moved. Muggle artwork. The only moving photos were in frames on the fireplace mantle.

There was a large kitchen to his left, and a comfortable living area to his right. Draco could see Harry's bedroom through the open door. It was also tidy, his bed neatly made.

In a corner next to a window sat a large potted tree. In it, a brown spotted owl was watching them closely. Draco jumped when she suddenly flew to Harry's shoulder. He stroked her head affectionately as she nuzzled his cheek and nipped at his ear. "Henrietta," Harry smiled, "You're ready for a hunt? Yeah?"

Draco watched him walk over to the window and open it. The owl took off, quickly fading into the distance.

Watching Harry interact with something so gently—so lovingly—left Draco speechless. He couldn't help wondering what it would feel like to be loved by Harry Potter. 


Draco shook his head, recovering quickly. He raised an eyebrow. "Henrietta?"

Harry smiled. "Yeah, I let Ginny name her when I got her, but I suppose it suits her." Harry paused. "So, Butterbeer?"

Draco shrugged. "Sure."

"I'll grab them. Make yourself comfortable."

Draco walked over to the sofa and sat down on the edge, taking the opportunity to examine the photos on the nearby mantle more closely.

Draco recognized most of the people in them. In one frame, a man who looked remarkably like Harry smiled and laughed beside a beautiful woman with auburn hair and striking green eyes. Harry's parents. Another frame contained the entire Weasley family in front of the pyramids. Ron looked about thirteen in that one. Beside that photo was more recent photo of Ron and Hermione looking extremely happy while holding a wriggling and giggling toddler with flaming orange curls. A smaller frame beside that one held a familiar, and slightly mischievous, face with turquoise hair. Draco's cousin, Teddy. The next photo was of Hagrid holding a small wild animal and grinning excitedly through his beard. The last photo, resting near a pot of Floo powder, was of Harry's parents again, along with Remus Lupin and Sirius Black. All of Harry's favorite people lined up in a row. The sight was endearing.

Draco was distracted by a large black rectangle on the wall. A Muggle... Tele-something? Draco had heard of it, but never seen one. Glancing at the kitchen again, Draco noticed several other large shiny things that he didn't recognize. Muggle appliances?

Harry pressed a drink into his hand and sat down next to him on the couch. "So, what do you think?"

"About what?"

"My new place!" Harry grinned.

"Oh." Draco turned to face him. "It's brilliant. But uh, why is there so much Muggle stuff?"

"Oh, it's a Muggle flat. The appliances and everything were included. I think I'm the only wizard in this part of town." At saying this, Harry looked nervous.

But Draco understood. "For privacy?"

"Yeah, I liked my place in London, but it was hard to get any time alone when I went outside. It was nice to be so close to the Wizarding world, and I loved walking to the Auror Academy, but people would follow me, wanting to thank me, get my autograph, ask questions—It was exhausting. And then there were the memories there of my psychotic wanker of an ex..." Harry shook his head as if trying to clear it, "it was just time for a fresh start."

"I get it. That's why I sold Malfoy Manor and left the country for five years."

Harry smiled, "how was your time in America?"

"Tea's absolute rubbish over there," Draco supplied, "but I enjoyed it. The anonymity, especially."

"Date anyone?"

Now there was an unexpected question. "Er, yeah, my roommate set me up with his boyfriend's mate. An American second string professional Quidditch player. We dated for a few months, but it didn't last. He was a complete idiot. Great in the sack, though."

Harry burst out laughing. "No wonder you dated him for so long." Harry's eyes were teasing, but there was something else there that Draco couldn't quite place— a flash of anger? Jealousy, perhaps? Ridiculous, he told himself, that can't possibly be right.

"He had other good qualities... I just can't think of any right now." Draco blushed. Time to change the subject.

Draco cleared his throat. "So, do you use any of the Muggle stuff in here?"

"Some of it. Magic is brilliant, but I don't think wizards give Muggles enough credit."

"I thought Muggle appliances didn't work around magic?" Draco asked. Harry had been watching him closely, looking for a sneer of disgust or anger, anything that resembled the Draco he used to know at school. Instead, he only saw confusion and curiosity.

"Hermione," Harry answered with a smile. "Some of them still don't work, but getting Muggle things to work around magic is sort of a pet project of hers." 

"I see. What does a television do?"

"I'll show you sometime, if you like," Harry smiled.

"I guess that'd be alright. Wait, didn't you also have a house? From your godfather?"

"Yeah, I sold it about a year ago."

"You never wanted to live there?"

"No, I didn't have good memories there.  I just wanted to be rid of it."

"Why did you wait so long to sell it?"

Harry sighed. "Well, I had this house elf..."

"You had a house elf?"

"Came with the house. Anyway, he hated me, but then I gave him something that had belonged to Sirius's brother, Regulus. After that he changed completely, decided he loved me. Anyway, Kreacher—"

"Oh, I remember him. I remember when he came to see Bellatrix," Draco whispered.

Harry nodded, glancing down at the drink in his hand.

"I'm sorry, about Sirius. I didn't understand him at the time, but now I really wish I'd known him."

Harry closed his eyes against the onslaught of painful memories surrounding Sirius's death. "Thanks. I think he would have liked the new you." Harry tugged at the sleeve of his leather jacket, "This was his."

"It suits you," Draco murmured.

They sat silently for a minute before Harry continued. "Well, Kreacher, he'd lived in that house his whole life. I knew it would be really difficult for him to move, but I didn't want to live there, so I rented the flat in London. I visited often, though. Kreacher taught me how to cook using magic." Harry smiled, lost in memories for a moment.

"Anyway, he died about a year and a half ago, and I decided it was time. The house needed quite a bit of work before I could sell it, too. Kreacher and I had cleaned it up pretty well, but there were permanent sticking charms that required professional help to remove."

Draco stared at Harry. He found the way Harry talked about his house elf extremely attractive. He'd never been comfortable with his father's treatment of their house elves, he much preferred the relationship Harry had described.

They sat in silence for a few minutes.

"I like that," Draco said finally.


"The way you treated your elf. With respect and dignity. It's nice."

Harry took another swig of Butterbeer. Draco found his steady gaze slightly unnerving.

"I like your new apartment, too. It feels bright, and open, and... welcoming."

"Did Draco Malfoy just compliment me? Twice?" Harry feigned shock, his eyes sparkling behind his glasses. His expression almost looked flirtatious. Draco shook his head, dismissing that thought.

"Don't get used to it," he groused.

Harry smiled. "Right. I've been talking about myself a lot. Tell me about what you've been doing these last few years."

Whether it was the warmth of the Butterbeer in his stomach, or just the friendly way that Harry listened, facing him with one arm resting on the back of the sofa, watching him and nodding along, Draco found himself talking surprisingly openly with Harry.

He told him about going back to Hogwarts. As Harry had suspected, that last year had not been easy for Draco.

He told him about his decision to change, to alter his life and his beliefs and take a different course than the one that had been laid out for him. Harry was reminded once again of Sirius, who had also veered from his family expectations.

He told him about his French roommate, Andrè, and more about his graduate work in the United States, and how much he enjoyed creating new potions, and his new job at St. Mungo's.

Two hours later, Draco was spent. He finished his Butterbeer and turned to face Harry. "Sorry, I've been talking for a long time."

Harry smiled. "It's okay. I like listening to you talk... Getting to know you better, I mean." Harry glanced at his watch. "It's getting late though. Nearly midnight."

"Really?" Draco yawned. "I'd better get home."


They sat there for a moment, just looking at each other.

"See you Monday?"

"Yes. Want to meet for lunch during my break?" Draco asked.

Harry smiled. "Yeah, just owl me when you're ready to go. I'm going to go see Teddy in the morning, but after that I'm completely free."

Harry showed Draco to the door, waving as he Apparated away. Once he was gone, Harry shut the door and leaned against it, pressing his forehead against the cool, solid metal.

He took a shaky breath, trying to tame the jealous monster in his chest. Draco joking about his ex being good in bed made Harry want to punch something.

Was that what he wanted? To be sleeping with Draco Malfoy? Harry let out a groan of frustration. The answer was a resounding 'yes,' and he knew it.

He knew how attracted he was to him: Draco's poised presence and svelte body, his bright blonde hair always perfectly coiffed, his angular face and clear grey eyes, glittering with intelligence and wit...

And it wasn't just his looks. Draco had actively worked to become a better person in the past few years. He was kind. He was polite even in the face of the suspicion and discrimination Harry had witnessed when they shopped together. He made Harry laugh with his quick wit and drawling sarcasm. Draco saw right past the "Savior" persona and instead saw Harry for who he was... Just Harry.

Harry wanted to kiss him. Had had to actively stop himself from just doing it when they were together.

He wanted to push Draco up against a wall and snog the sense out of him, and then he wanted to— Harry stopped himself before his thoughts could get out of hand. He didn't know how Draco felt about him. They were just friends, after all. But there had been times when Harry had looked at Draco and thought that maybe... Maybe Draco wanted him, too.

Oh Merlin, I need to talk to Ron and Hermione.


Harry got his chance the next evening at one of Molly's Weasley Family Dinners. He walked in and was greeted by a cacophony of "hellos" from the various Weasleys.

He made his way through the house, hugging and greeting everyone as he passed.

He waved to Ginny and Dean, who were snuggling on the sofa, a glittering engagement ring on her left hand. He clapped Bill on the shoulder, and kissed Fleur on the cheek. George teased him about his new haircut, and Molly told him he was too thin and ordered him to eat more. Finally, outside in the garden behind the house with their young daughter, he found his two best friends.

"Harry! Hi!" Hermione hugged him tightly, then let him go. "You look good. I like your hair."

Ron was tossing his daughter in the air, who was screamed with delight each time. He set her down and hugged Harry, too. "Good to see you, mate."

"Uncle Harry!" Rose threw herself into his arms and he hugged her tightly.

"How are you, little monster?"

"I not monster, I Rose!"

Harry grinned. "Of course you are."

"Rosie, why don't you go find Victoire? I think Bill and Fleur just arrived." Hermione suggested.

"I saw your cousin on my way in," Harry confirmed.

"Yes!" Rose leapt from his arms and took off into the house.

"You seem like you want to talk," Hermione murmured, "is everything okay?"

The three of them sat down on the back steps, and his friends looked at him expectantly.

"Yes, er, I just—" Harry paused, "Well, you know I've just been spending a lot of time with Draco lately, and—"

Ron and Hermione were watching him, wide-eyed, with nearly opposite expressions on their faces; Ron looked nervous, while Hermione was clearly thrilled.

"Go on," Hermione urged him gently.

"I... Well, I—"

"Out with it already, Harry!"

"Ron!" Hermione playfully smacked his shoulder.

"What? I can't take the suspense!"

"Okay, um," Harry spoke quickly, just trying to get the words out. "I think I have feelings for him, but I don't know if he reciprocates, and I don't know if I should tell him how I feel or not. I don't want to ruin our friendship, but I really like him... Help?" Harry finished in a whisper.

Ron looked as if he'd been hit upside the head. "You like him? You're telling us that you want to date Malfoy? Merlin, and I thought friendship was bad."

Harry nodded.

Hermione shot Ron a sharp look. "Don't tease, Ronald. It's not exactly a surprise, is it? You two were fixated on each other the entire time we were at Hogwarts—"

Harry started to protest, but she cut him off.

"Yes, I know, you hated each other. But there's a fine line between love and hate, and it's not surprising that now—as adults—you would cross it. It was inevitable, really."

She gave Harry an appraising look. "My question is, why would you ever think that he doesn't feel the same for you?"

Harry shrugged, "A few months ago, when you sent him to come get me, I was drunk and I sort of... Came onto him. He let me for a moment, but then he told me to stop. So I thought..."

Ron pulled a disgusted face, and Hermione smacked him on the arm again.

"Oh, Harry," she sighed, "Draco didn't ask you to stop because he doesn't like you. He stopped you because you were drunk. Anyone with eyes can see that he's infatuated with you."


"Even I can see it, mate," Ron groaned. "Does this mean we have to start calling him Draco now?"

Harry chuckled, and Hermione smiled sweetly at her husband. "I imagine it does, Sweetheart. I think we'll be seeing a lot more of him soon."

Ron grimaced.

Hermione stood up and patted Harry's shoulder. "Tell him how you feel, Harry."

"Are we done talking about Malfoy? Can we go see if dinner is ready? I'm starving."

Harry shook his head, amused, as he followed them into the house. Well, that went about as well as it could have.

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