Returning Home.

By EzmareldaPassionPop

72.9K 2.8K 35

Ameila Baxter has been through hell, her husband died, she had to retire from the Navy and has moved back hom... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 12

2K 80 2
By EzmareldaPassionPop

The night was in full swing and everyone seemed to be having a great time. After I had been hugged and kissed by nearly everyone that I had not seen for so long that I started to find that the overload of names was blurring into one thought.

Where was Xavier.

I stumble as I got off my stool and started to wander around, looking around the bar and remembering where the exit gate was that lifted up to allow you access behind the bar.

Knuckles is behind the bar in his usually spot, cleaning glasses and chatting with some of the guys who are are sitting near him.
"Knuckles, have you seen Xavier?" I asked as I came up to the bar opening.
"Out the back I think." He replied as he shifted his head towards the back office door.

I lifted the bar bench and walked through to the office. The door was shut but when I tried the door knob it was unlocked so I pushed it open and waltzed into the room.

I could smell his cologne before I could see him.
"Jesus Xavier, you think you would have at least come out and wished me —- holy heck, agh, sorry." I said as I took in the sight of Xavier and quickly turned to duck out the door.

I quickly exited from behind the bar and found Mae sitting at the high tables near the windows.
"I think I'm about ready to head home." I said
"Me too honey, I'm beat." Mae replies as she gets up and we make our way towards all the people.
We said our goodbyes and Knuckles offered to drop us home.

I went to my room, stripping off and dumping my clothes in a pile so thatI could head into the bathroom. I stare at myself in the mirror as I pull all the bobby pins out of my hair, reaching over to turn the shower on. As I'm staring at myself, the mirror starts to steam up and I realise that I probably should jump into the shower. I enjoy the feeling of the water run over me. The buzz from the night had died down and I just kept going over the image that I saw when I went into that office.

Xavier was sitting in the office chair with his legs wide apart and his dick out of his pants and in his hand. There was a girl, probably one of the clubs scuppers, in front of him who was bending down onto her knees and it looked like she was about to go down on him.

I shivered at the thought of what I saw and then I started to get mad at myself. Why am I so upset about this, I hate him, what he does in his life is none of my business.

I flicked off the shower and dried myself while looking back in the mirror. I'd never really looked at myself since the funeral, I'm so glad that Annie had cut my hair, I could not even remember the last time I had my hair cut.

I wrapped the towel around me and headed to my room, closing my door as I headed towards the closet. Out of the corner of my eye I catch a slight movement. Quickly taking in my surroundings, my mind searches for a weapon.

The movement came closer, so I went with my instincts and lunge at the person, putting my whole body into knocking them to the floor. I pinned them to the ground by sitting on their body and holding their arms above their head.

"You picked the wrong fucking room to break into buddy. What the fuck are you doing in my room." I growled.

"Lia, it's me." I hear a familiar gravely voice hiss.
I move so that I can look at his face and realised it was him, Xavier. I let go of his arms but I don't get off him.
"You didn't answer my question, what are you doing in my room?" I ask again.

"I had to see you, I had to explain what you saw." Xavier says.
"You don't have to explain anything to me Xavier, what you do is your business. It's got nothing to do with me." I reply as I try to get up off o him.

Xavier lets out a breath and swears. "Lia, why do you always make these things so hard. It's all to do with you."

I look at his face, waiting for the catch. "You have 2 minutes to explain it to me." I reply while I adjust myself to straddle his stomach.

He places his hands on my thighs and shuffles me down him while he adjusts himself.

"I love you." He says. I feel like my eyes could possibly not roll any further back into my head.
"What the fuck Xavier, no you don't, don't give me that lame excuse." I say as I go to get up. He grabs my thighs and holds me in place.
"Xavier, let go of me." I growl.

"No! You need to listen to me. You got your chance to have a say, now it is mine." He says.
I huff as I cross my arms across my chest.

"I've always loved you. The day you left I felt like I had broken in two. I know I was a jerk to you but it was the only way that I knew to get your attention. I was a stupid boy who put his status before his heart. I know that you may never forgive me for all the torment that I caused you but I'll try and prove to you every day that I love you." He said.

I just stare at him, my mind switches back to only a few hours ago when I saw him at the clubhouse s I feel my thoughts cloud over. "Was this revelation before or after you got a blow job?"

He looks taken back but then stares at me straight in the eyes and says "It never happened. I saw you on the monitors from the office when I heard Mia yelling at Ryker and you looked absolutely stunning, like instant hard on stunning. I was hesitant to come out and say hello cause I was afraid of how you would react and I didn't want to ruin your night but you looked so good that I had this massive hard on and I needed to get rid of it."

"So you got one of the scuppers to come and help you out?" I shot back.

"No, I was helping myself out, while looking at you. I was so close that I must had closed my eyes as I didn't even realise that she had come into the room. I only saw her when you came in and made a noise. As soon as you left, I yelled at her to leave and never return to our club. Her name is Cherry and she has been hounding me for months but I've never been interested in her." He replies.

I keep track of his eye movements, looking for that shift that will prove to me that he is lying but he never breaks eye contact with me. I shift to move but he holds me to him tighter.

"Feel that Lia, it's because of you. It's all for you." He says as he grinds his hips up to me. I can feel his erection that is pressing through his pants underneath me and I start to feel uncomfortable. I can't do this, I can't let him in, I need to keep these walls up. I keep telling myself in my head but then I feel him lift himself up onto his hands so that we are now face to face.

"Please Amelia, all I ask is that you give me a chance. I promise that I will try and make it up to you everyday for everything that I did to you." He says it with so much emotion as he places his hand on the side of my cheek and runs his thumb across my bottom lip.

I just stare at him, seeing this distress in his eyes. I wonder if he thinks he is about to loose this battle.

I react on emotion and lean forward, whilst grabbing his face and smash my lips into his. I don't know if it is because of him or because of the lack of a human touch that I have missed for so long.

He reacts instantly and he moves his hand around to the back of my neck while his other hand starts to wander underneath my towel to grab my arse.

He licks my bottom lip and slides his tongue over the slit of my mouth like he is trying to find a way in. I give him an opening, which he takes and slips his tongue into my mouth. I move my hands from his face to his shoulders and then to his chest. I can feel that he is only wearing his cut so I slide my hands down to the zipper and unzip it.

He releases his hands from me and quickly takes his cut off without breaking our kiss. He then sneaks both of his hands into my towel and grabs my arse to pull me closer to him.

"Hang onto me." He says in a husky voice as he gets up off the floor and takes me with him. He moves us over to the bed while he kicks his boots off. He places a knee on the bed and lays me down on my back whilst never breaking our kiss while he hovers over me.

He then breaks away from my mouth and starts to kiss me across my jaw line and down my neck. He finds a soft section under my ear and nips at my skin. I let out a moan that causes him to suck in a breath.

"OMG Amelia, if you keep that up I won't be able to control myself." He growls out.

I know I am going to regret this but it's been so long and I can feel the heat building in the pit of my stomach. His hands are running over all my parts that are still covered by the towel and I can sense that he is getting frustrated with the towel as he keeps going either up to my neck or to my legs so that he can get some skin contact.

In the heat of this moment I say "Then don't."

He stops and looks me over with his sparkling green eyes as if understanding what I am saying. He moves his head down to where I have tucked the end of the towel in, above my left breast, and uses his mouth to undo the tuck.

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