Content To Be Claimed (Beauty...

By MissChi26

19.2K 457 29

"Typical," I muttered, still lost in my thoughts. "What is?" Warren asked without stopping. "That the only gu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Final Chapter
Author's Note
Bonus Chapter
Exciting news!!!
Author's Note

Chapter 39

210 6 0
By MissChi26

I scowled at the immaculate bathroom, standing mutinously in the doorway.

Warren had booked us into an annoyingly expensive hotel claiming he didn't want me to lack anything while he was gone.

He sounded like he was going off to war, I thought mulishly.

And so I found myself in an exclusive suite. It had two large rooms - one for me and one for Ash - with en-suite bathrooms. The rooms were connected by a huge lounge with a large flat screen and some of the most comfortable couches I'd ever seen. Warren had ignored all my protests and Ashley's chattering, insisting on seeing me situated before they left.

And now I was alone, wishing my boyfriend wasn't so over the top. Still, I was exhausted so I stepped into the bathroom and was soon in the glass shower stall enjoying a nice warm shower. Afterwards I debated a bit then ran a bubble bath. As I sank into the foamy sweetness, I threw my head back and sighed contentedly. Maybe having a crazy rich boyfriend wasn't so bad...

Except for missing him.

I scowled at the thought. I didn't know how long they'd be gone but I wasn't one of those clingy girls that needed her man near her at all times. Armed with this determination, I enjoyed my bath immensely.

I ordered room service and, wrapped up in the fluffy gown that swallowed me whole, I sank into the long couch and watched TV. When I finished my meal I yawned lazily. I hadn't gotten much sleep last night and the excitement of the day was finally fading, leaving me drained. Plus if I fell asleep, maybe I wouldn't miss Warren so bad.

I went to my room, shrugging out of the robe to pull on a long Tee and some shorts. I snuggled into the ridiculously comfortable bed and let myself drift lazily.

I didn't feel it at first.

When I did register what it was, I frowned. It was a tugging in the back of my mind like a thought I couldn't quite call back. Shrugging mentally, I ignored it and tried to fall asleep. It came again, this time insistent, and I frowned, groaning in frustration. What the hell was it?


Huh? I frowned, wondering if I was already dreaming. Was that a voice? My shoulder began to burn faintly and I jiggled it, shifting in bed to get comfortable.

Come to me.

Yes... To him...

I threw off my covers and slipped my feet to the carpet...

Then froze, gasping.

My fangs marks were throbbing violently now and I ran my fingers over them, panicking. That voice, those words in the back of my head... Was Vincent in my mind? The call was a thread in my head now, a chant I couldn't block out.

Come... Come... Come to me...

And I longed to go, to search for him, to run through the streets calling his name until I was with him...

Was this what Victor meant, that if Vincent came for me I wouldn't resist him? I curled my fists into the covers, desperately trying to fight this pull. It was overwhelming, driving me crazy.

I stood up almost without thinking, feeling as if I was being inexorably drawn to my death. My feet dragged on the carpet as I headed to the door. The chant was still ringing in my head and I felt my will weaken. I had to go... To him... I had to...

I stumbled and glanced down in annoyance, then felt myself freeze again. I'd dropped Warren's scarf at some point in my sleepy wandering before bed and now I was staring at it on the floor. Just the thought of Warren lessened the pull of the call in my head. Unthinking, I picked the scarf up. His scent wafted all around me, making me smile.

It was like waking up from a hazy dream. I realised just what I'd been about to do, to give in to, and ice washed through my veins. Vincent was drawing me to him. I wasn't safe in this hotel anymore. Warren.. Yes, if I kept my mind firmly on him, I could resist the pull.


I clutched the scarf to me like a lifeline and coaxed my body to back away from the door. My muscles screamed, the pull in my head doubling in strength. I whimpered and kept backing away until my feet hit a wall. I sank down against it, holding the scarf and staring at the door in acute fear. My fang marks were actually painful now.

Vincent is here. Vincent found me. Warren...

I whimpered in that corner, fear fracturing my thoughts, and stared at the door, awaiting my fate.

When the door finally opened, I couldn't move. My eyes only widened as I panicked, my heart slamming in my chest even as my body was locked in place.

"Belle, are -" Warren broke off, and I only stared dumbly as the joy in his face instantly died. "What is the matter?"

He was suddenly before me, cradling my face. I couldn't move, I really couldn't. I could barely think. I knew I was safe now, here with Warren, but I couldn't feel relief yet. I was having difficulty letting go of the numbing fear. He knelt in front of me, grabbing my hands. The scarf fell from my lifeless hands as he rubbed them. "Love, you're ice," he murmured.

In a blink we were on the bed. Warren had tucked me up against him, pulling the covers over me. It was only in all this warmth that I realised I'd been freezing. Slowly, I felt warmth seep into me. Warren whispered words I couldn't hear, and I curled tighter against him as I began to crave heat.

I heard him talking to Ashley but I couldn't follow the conversation. I just hid my face in his chest until he nudged me, pushing something into my hands. I wrapped my hands around the steaming cup and took a small sip. The hot chocolate was heaven on my tongue, and I felt as if I had finally made it past the fear.

I sat up, still in his arms, and let the covers slip off as I took more purposeful sips.

"That finally got through," Ashley laughed softly.

I looked up to find her sitting at the foot of the bed. I blinked, then sipped some more.

"Belle, look at me," Warren said softly.

I looked up and gave him a tiny smile. "Hi."

He closed his eyes in relief. "Hello, love. You've returned to me."

I gazed meekly into the cup. My voice was small as I said, "I didn't leave." He chuckled softly and I defended, "He called and called but I didn't go. I waited for you."

His laughter abruptly cut off and he tipped my face up. "Exactly who called, Belle?"


"He appeared?" Warren had gone tense, his whole body on the alert, and I saw Ashley spring to her feet, eyes glazing over.

"No," I shook my head then pointed at it. "Here. He called me to come to him."

Warren tilted his head, processing that. His eyes flickered to Ashley and he tipped his head. She disappeared. He turned back to me, turning me in his arms so I was facing him. "Tell me all, love."

I nodded and explained the situation as best as I could. When I was done, he bit back a snarl. "Had I known -"

"No, you needed to hunt." The cumulative warmth I'd received had revived me now. "You wouldn't have left if you'd known."

Warren gritted his teeth and growled something to himself.

I leaned against him, wrapping an arm around his waist. "Thank you. I didn't even realise how cold I was." He rubbed my back silently. "Did you have fun?"

"Annabelle, you spent the last three hours in terror and you ask me if I enjoyed my time without you?"

I breathed a laugh. "You're being silly. One has nothing to do with the other."

He sighed and gathered me up against him. "I attended to necessities." A pause. "Have you eaten?"

"Yeah." My stomach growled and I glanced at it in surprise. "But I'm hungry again." I checked the time. "Oh, it's night already."

"You did not rest at all?" he asked softly.

I shook my head again, then sat up. "Let's order something. You hungry?"

"I will share a meal with you," he said warmly.

"I'm not sharing anything," I protested, and he laughed.

"What would you like to eat?"

"Um, something with lots of meat in it. Steak, I think."

"Very well." As he picked up the phone to order, I heard muffled shouting coming from Ashley's room. Warren just rolled his eyes and placed an order for three.

"Hey, why do you smell gamey?"

He laughed and seemed to relax for the first time since he got here. "Well, I did hunt game. Would you like to join Ashley in the lounge while I rectify this situation?"


Warren took a short shower while Ash and I had dinner. The moment he stepped into the lounge, she declared that she wanted to explore the city and slipped out. Left alone, I sat next to Warren on the couch while he ate. He cleared up afterwards and sat next to me as we watched TV. Minutes later, I turned to him restlessly. "There's something I don't get."


"How did Ashley get here? You said she wasn't coming."

He looked away guiltily. "She foresaw one of my decisions and that it would end in disaster." He flung one arm over the couch now, turning to me fully. The TV was forgotten. "She appeared to spare me from committing a grievous error."

"Oh. And what's the waking ritual?"

He went tense, his eyes going completely blank. I blinked. Why had I asked that? Where did I hear it?

"How do you know of that?" His voice was low and urgent.

"Um, I don't know... I..." I floundered, then it clicked. "Wait. When I was zoning out, Ashley said something about you bringing me here during the waking ritual. It sounded like something dangerous." I looked up at him, happy with myself for catching that, but he was frowning.

He finally sighed, rubbing his forehead wearily. "Does nothing escape your notice?"

"What is it?"

He sighed again and turned away, dropping his head in his hands. "Please love, do not pursue this line of inquiry."

"Why?" I frowned now. He'd never refused to tell me something before. Just how bad was it?

"I find it needless to burden you with such knowledge." I opened my mouth to protest but he quickly placed a finger on my lips, silencing me. He slowly traced my bottom lip with his thumb, electrifying me, and watched the movement as he murmured, "I value your innocence. My world is at times quite terrifying and I desire to shield you from unnecessary torment." His pleading eyes flipped up to mine. "Please allow me that?"

I nodded slowly, still caught up in his spell. He leaned back against the couch, keeping a short distance between us as he continued to trace my lip. I kept my eyes on him and flicked my tongue out to lick the tip of his thumb.

He stilled.

His eyes took on a predatory quality, pinning me in place. The desire he didn't bother to mask made me gasp and a flood of heat pooled in my belly. "Annabelle, you do not want to tease me."

I remembered that tone from the plane last night. I bit my lip, absorbing the delicious shivers, and leaned closer to him mindlessly. "Why not?"

He growled and leaned in, quick as lightning, tugging my lip between his teeth. Electricity shot through my veins and I gasped. He took advantage, taking me in a drawn out, blistering kiss that plundered mercilessly. He clutched my hair, keeping me in place so I had no choice but to take the full brunt of his kisses. It felt like branding - red hot and utterly possessive.

I shifted closer to him, needing him in ways I didn't fully understand. I wrapped my arms around his neck, drawing him closer...

The sound of a phone ringing cut through the air. Warren stilled then threw his head back, eyes tightly shut and jaw clenched. As his phone continued to ring, he opened his eyes and focused them on me. They were burning brightly - so brightly I could have sworn they were lit up from within.

He suddenly growled and sprang up, turning away with his phone to his ear. "Speak."

I sat back, listening to my own heart pound as I swallowed. The leftover excitement flowing through my body had me blushing. Jeez, we almost... I almost... I touched my fingers to my lips as I watched his rigid back. He was speaking in low tones on the phone. His kisses had been bruising, rough...and I'd loved it. Even now, the memory was enough to make me hot again.

And I wanted to do it again. I wanted him to kiss me that way again, to take me further... I had never understood attraction like this before, the kind that brought out the primal side of you, but I realised that I wanted Warren like I had never wanted before. And blushed deeply.

Warren turned to me, clearly surprised. I guess he could still smell me blushing and wondered why. He hung up and stood gazing at me but made no move to me. When I reached for him, he shook his head.

"What's wrong?"

"Why do you tempt me so, Belle?"

I smiled slowly. "I do?"

"You are innocent, love, and yet you do not protest when I act inappropriately." He shook his head again, looking amused.

I knelt up on the couch, drawing closer to him. "Maybe I don't want to be innocent anymore."

His breath hitched and desired flared in his eyes again. Oh, wow... "Have you any idea what you are implying?"

"I'm yours, Warren. All yours."

He groaned and turned away. "No, never. You are human."

"So we can't... Not until I become like you?" I asked, frowning. Was there something I was lacking because I wasn't a shape shifter?

He spun round, staring at me incredulously. "Until? Is it a foregone conclusion in your mind?"

"Well, aren't you going to make me like Roger?"

The look on his face was priceless - he looked shell shocked. He ran his hands over his face then shoved them in his hair and sank into the couch behind him. When he dropped his head, I sat back and tucked my hair back.

"What in hell suggested that you?!" he hissed.

"I mean, I thought we... I..." I dropped my eyes, feeling my eyes sting. I hadn't realised that our relationship came with an expiry date. I turned away, fighting the tears back. "Sorry, I thought you wanted to be with me."

"Without question," he responded instantly.

"I want... Sorry. I guess I thought this would last."

"Why the blazes do you apologise?" he ground out. When I remained silent, he commanded, "Annabelle, face me."

I turned to him but wouldn't look at his face. High school relationships rarely ever last. What did I expect? A ring and a picket fence?

He stood and came to me, placing his finger on my chin to tip my face up. And his eyes softened when a tear slipped. He rubbed his thumb against my cheek, wiping the tear away. "Beautiful love, have I hurt you?"

"No, I was being silly," I choked out.

"You believe that I mean for us to be temporary," he stated, and must have seen it in my eyes. Sighing, he crouched, bringing his face level with mine. "I do not consider this to be a mere fling, my love. My heart, life and future are yours to dictate. And I may not possess all the answers as of now but I choose not to allow it to darken a moment I have with you." He took my hands now, looking earnestly into my eyes. "All I request is that you love me too. Even desiring that is inexcusably selfish. I cannot ask you to lay down anything more for me, especially not your nature."

"I'll grow older than you," I whispered.

His eyes tightened slightly but a beautiful smile graced his lips. "True, as you must. And when your desires inevitably change, I will cherish what I have been fortunate enough to share with you." He leaned in, captured my lips in a soft kiss. "I will not survive you, love. There will never be another."

"Then why can't I be with you forever? I want you, Warren! Just you! Don't make me have to choose someone else, it's not fair!"

"Will you force me to bear the guilt, then?" he countered, still patient. "Must I face eternity knowing I robbed you of what was fated for you due to my own selfishness? That I put you through excruciating pain for my own sake?"

I opened my mouth and closed it again. When he put it like that... I didn't care what I'd have to give up, what I'd have to deal with to be with him, but I didn't want to cause him any pain or guilt. Ever. And I'm sure he knew that. Dropping my eyes, I shook my head.

"The decision need not be made now, in any case. We have time to discover another solution. I only meant that if the worst were to happen I would not stand in your way." He kissed the crown of my head and murmured, "Besides, I hear older women are all the rage."

I gasped, blushing, and glared up at him as he laughed.

"Warren, help!" Ashley said breathlessly, battling shopping bags through the door. "I went a little overboard again."

"Inevitably," he muttered, rolling his eyes, and was instantly next to her grabbing the bags.

"Good, I made it in time," she beamed. "What were you guys up to?"

"Annabelle proposed marriage," Warren shrugged, heading to her room. "She desires my offspring with all haste."

Laughing, she followed behind him.

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