A Thug to the Rescue

By Sweet_Caramel98

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Book 1 to my thug series More

Main Character
Chapter one
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Authors note
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Authors Note
Chapter 9
Charater Description
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Authors note
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Authors Note
Chapter 19
Character question
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Authors Note
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Authors Note
Chapter 30
Authors Note

Chapter 23

371 10 0
By Sweet_Caramel98

Kandy POV

I wake up wit my hands n legs tied to a chair. I couldn't see nun but a small light dhat was very dem hangin from dha ceilin

Unknown: well well well look who finally woke up

Me: who are yhu n wea am I

Unknown: ( walks towards me) awee my sweet Kandy yhu dnt need to kno those things ( he said rubbin my thigh )

Me: dnt fuckin touch me now wea am I

Unknown: ( laughs) bye Kandy

He said backin bac into dha darkness. n den flames started to surround

Me: help, some body help me , help, help

Mom: ( shakes me) Kandy Hunni wake up wake up

Me: omg ( feelin to make sure I'm ight )

Jas: did yhu have another dream

Me: ( tryna catch my breathe) yea I did but it was different dhis time

Mom: dream wat kind of dream

Me: wat time is it

Mom: 3:15 I was wakin yhu up so yhu can get ready for practice but yhu dnt need to go if yhur not ight

Me: nahh I'm fine mom thank yhu

Jas: yhu sure

Me: yes

Mom: ok we'll be downstairs if yhu need us

Me: ok

After dhat dey left out n I got up n took a shower. while I was in dea I couldn't help but think bout my dreams. fifteen minutes lata I got out n lotioned my body n did my hygiene stuff. after dhat I put on my practice cloths n grabbed my bag n phone n headed dwn stairs.

Neisha: can I catch a ride wit yhu to practice since Kj got dha car

Me: ion care, bye mom , bye jas

Mom&jas: bye

Me n neisha hopped in my car. it was quiet so I turen on my stereo n my song came on..........War Ready . it took us no time to get to dha gym to practice. wen we got dea everybody was dea already warmin up n stretching.

Neisha: so wat we practicing today

Me: competition routine n dha routine for Friday night

Neisha: ight I'll get dem ready while yhu stretch

Me: ight

After dhat she went n got dha girls in line n ready. while we was practicing two boys came in n one of dem grabbed a girl on dha squad name china to side. it was just dem auging for a few minutes n den he hit her. me n neisha quickly ran over

Neisha: excuse me but yhu need to leave

Boy1: hoe shut up n go bac to yo lil hoe squad

Neisha: excuse me but hoe yhu must got me confuses wit sum other trick cuz Ian no hoe

Boy2: man gonn dhis dnt concern yhu she owes us

Me: yhu puttin yhur hands on one of my squad members do concern me. wat do y'all want from her

Boy1: dhat dnt concern yhu but we'll leave ( he said wit a evil smirk)

Boy2: but wat bo.......( boy1 whispers something in his ear n den dey walk away wen dey walked away I damn never had a heart attack at wat I saw......... der black bandannas

Me: omg neisha ima need yhu to call off practice

Neisha: y wats wrong

Me: just do it ill explain lata ( after dhat neisha went n told everybody dhat practice was canceled)

China: thanks for standing up for me

Me: yhu are very welcome but ima need yhu to come wit me ok

China: I was just bout to ask yhu can I come wit yhu cuz I stay wit him

Me: yes Hunni n ima need yhu for sum thing to okay

She shook her head n we hopped in my car n headed to dha house.

Me: china how long yhu n dhat boy been Together

China: me n Jerome been together for two years

Me: how much do yhu kno bout him

China: if yhur talkin bout his gang life den ik everything

Neisha: has he ever hit yhu before

China: ( hung her head n sighed) yes plenty of times

Neisha: den y did yhu continue to stay wit him

China: two reasons 1 Ian have no where else to go cuz my mom n dad kicked me out n 2 he told me dhat if I ever left him he would kill me

Me: I'm sorry china but how a good girl like yhu come across a dude like him

China: well my parents would fight almost every night n I would take walks just to get out dha house n he pulled up aside dha road n ever since dhat day he gave me attention like I wanted. is he gonn come after me

Me: yes but I won't let him get yhu trust ( I said pullin up to dha house n gettin out dha car n walkin in everybody was in dha living room n I mean everybody)

Dad: lil girl wea dea hell yo cloths ATd

Me: dad it's my cheer sports bra n shorts

Dad: ok now we is yo cheer shirt n dha other half of dem shorts

Mom: Zeek leave dhat girl alone

China: Zeek as in KingZeek

Dad: yea how do yhu kno me

Me: daddy remmber wen yhu n Dj said y'all killed dha whole black gang off

Dad: yea we did

Me: no yhu didn't dea are still here

Dj: how yhu kno

China: cuz my ex is one n he came to our practice today n we was agurin n he hit me n den Kandy n neisha came over dea n den wen dea say Kandy dey left

Dad: wait wat do yhu mean wen dey say Kandy dey left

China: Ik all der plans n one of dem is to kill yhu n who ever Dj is

Dj: dhats me

China: well dey are out to kill y'all n dea are goin to kidnap Kandy n yhur wife n was goin to make dem there sex slaves

Me: ( whispers to myself) my dreams

Dad: wat was dhat

Jas: Kandy I think it's time yhu tell dem

Me: jas it's just a dream

Dj: yhu had another dream

Dad: dream wat dream

Me: I had another one earlier but ill tell y'all lata rite now we need to figure out wat we gonn do cuz I'm not Finna be nobody's sex slave n mom can we get sum on her face it look like its swollen

Mom: yea come wit me sweet heart ( mom said grabbin China's hand n goin to dha kitchen )

Me: ok dad wat we gonn do

Dad: ik just who to call

Dj&Me: who

Dad: yhur uncle Keith n his sons

Dj: ohh shit

Me: he'll no I beena knock chris ass out

Dad: y y'all act like dhat y'all fam

Me: we fam but not blood

Dad: now yhu kno me n yhur uncle been friends since forever n he like a brother to me so blood or not y'all still fam

Me: wateva I'll be up stairs takin a shower

After dhat I ran up dha stairs to my room n started my water. I stripped out my cloths n hopped in. Ten minutes lata I got out n lotioned my body n put on my bra n pantie set. I walked out to see Dre sittin on dha bed.

Dre: I like my view

Me: well yhur view is Finna be over once I put my shorts on

Dre: nahh get dressed we goin sum wea

Me: wea we goin

Dre: dnt worry bout dhat just put on sum cloths

Me: ight now get out so I can change

Dre: yhu askin or demanding

Me: demanding now get out

Dre: fine n dnt take all day either

After dhat he walked out n closed dha door. I walked to my closet to see wat to wear. I decide my white ripped high waisted shorts n a blue v-neck shirt my white n blue converse. My hair was already curly so I just put it in a curly ponytail. grabbed my phone n my purse n headed dwn stairs. I walk dwn stairs to see everybody in dha living room even my uncle Keith, J.W, mike, dha hoe Chris

Me: hey uncle Keith, hey J.W, hey Mike

Chris: so yo big head dnt see me

Me: I'm sorry my vision dnt see dha hoeish

UncleKeith: ok yhu two n hey baby girl how yhu doin

Me: I'm good but Wea Dre

Rosco: o yea he said meet him in dha car

Me: ight I'll be bac lata

Dad: wea y'all goin

Chris: to fuck

Me: kiss my ass chris everybody aint like yhu n ion kno he ain't tell me

Dad: ight be safe

Me: I'm always am ( I said walkin out dha house n hopped in Dre's car. he was already in dea so) wea are we goin

Dre: it's a supprise

I just nodded n got on ig. I wonder wassup wit him ATd first he was mad now he calm. wat he got up his sleeve. fifteen minutes lata we pulled up to a big park wea der wer trees n a pond. Dre got out dha car n came to my side n opened dha door for me n help me out. tf nigga wat chu up to. he grabbed my hand n intertwine our fingers n we started walkin towards dha lil pond. dha closer we got I could see a lil picnic blanket n a basket. Dre let go of my hand n sat dwn on dha blanket. I was still standing lookin confused.

Dre: come sit next to me ( he said pattin next to him n I did) Kandy I'm so sorry for not here wat yhu had to say n I'm sorry for acussin yhu of cheating. I was jus.........(I cut him off wit a kiss n straddled him)

Me: ik wat yhu been thru n ik it's hard for yhu to trust but I just want yhu to promise me dhat yhu will never shut me out like dhat again

Dre:( diggs in his pocket n pulls out a black velvet box) I promise. wit dhis promise ring i want yhu to promise me dhat no matter wat bullshit happens yhu will always be by my side n never leave me ( he said openin dha box dhat showed a diamond gold ring)

Me: I promise ( I said huggin him)

We pulled away n was jus staring at each other until he pulled me in for a kiss. It got more n more intense dha long out lips wer locked. he flipped us to wea I was on dha bottom n he was on top. it was so passionate I almost forgot we wer at a park. I broke away

Me: Dre we are at an public place

Dre: soooooo

Me: I'm not bout to fuck at no park especially since its still daylight

Dre: uggggghhhhh fine ( he said gettin off me)

Me: so wats in dha basket ( I asked sitin up)

Dre: sum fruit want sum

Me: yhu got sum melons n cantaloup

Dre: ( laughs) yea

Me: den yes I want sum

Dha rest of dha time we were feedin each other fruit n laughing n talkin. after bout an hour of dhat we started walkin dha lil trail dhat was around dha park n talkin.

Unknown POV

I see dha lil bitch n her fine ass boyfriend. ima bout to end this bitch n take her man. I pulled out my gun n drove by slowly n fired three times n speed off down dha road haha I got dhat hoe

Kandy POV

Me n Dre wer just walkin wen dhis all black van came n shot three times. I felt a sharp pain in my arm n I feel to dha ground.

Dre: Kandy can yhu here me Kandy baby say something

I couldn't speak or nun . my eyes started to get blurry n den I blacked out


I was at dha house chillin n laughing at dad n uncle Keith talkin bout dey old days. my phone started to vibrate n it was a call from Dre

Me: aye wassup

Dre: get to dha hospital kandy been shot

Me:( instantly get mad) TF HOW DHA HELL SHE GET SHOT (once I said shot everybody got quiet )

Dre: man we was walkin n car did a drive by n I got grazed but Kandy got shot

Me:ight wat hospital n did yhu see anybody in dha car

Dre: Mercy n nahh

Me:ight well be dea in a minute

I hung up n everybody was look at me worried

Dad: wat happen

Me: we need to get to dha Mercy hospital Kandy got shot ( wen I said dhat all dha boys got mad instantly n dha females started to cry )

Mom: wat bout Dre he got shot too

Me: he got grazed by dha bullet but hhe's fine now let's go

Wit dha everybody got in dha cars n headed to dha hospital. we ain't stunn no red lights we ran right thru dem. we finally got dea n we hopped out we walked in n saw Dre sitin dwn wit his head in his hands n a big ass bandaid on his forehead.

Me: aye any news on her yet ( I said walkin to Dre )

Dre: nahh dha only thing dey keep sayin is dha she' s in ICU n dhat dha doctor would be out in a minute

Me: dammit wat tf happen

Dre: we was walkin in dha park den next thing Ik dhis black van came by n shot three times dha first bullet grazed me n dha third one hit Kandy. I tried callin her name n tellin her to speak but she didn't n den her eyes closed

Me: dude it's ight it wasn't yhur fault n lil sis is goin to pull thru she too stubborn to die ( mom n everybody else came in)

Mom: O'God Dre is my baby girl ok

Dre: she's in dha ICU

Dad: wtf happen

Dre: we was walkin in dha park den next thing Ik dhis black van came by n shot three times dha first bullet grazed me n dha third one hit Kandy. I tried callin her name n tellin her to speak but she didn't n den her eyes closed

UncleKeith: did yhu see anybody or anything familiar or sum

Dre: no dha van had nothing on it n dha person was all covered up so I couldn't see nun except their eyes n dey had no color just black

Doctor: Family of Kandice Avant

We all got up n walked towards dha doctor

Mom: doctor is my baby girl gonn be okay ( she asked while dad warped his arms around her )

Doctor: sshe's ok dha bullet hit her in her arm n we was able to get it out. we are keepin her over night to make sure her blood doesn't drop n we are goin to prescribe her some pain medicine before she is release toma

Dad: ok thanks doctor

Me: can we see her

Doctor: yes yhu may she's in room 16A

We all walked dwn dha hall until we got to her room. we walked in to see her hittin dha remote on dha bed tryna get it to work wit her free arm

Me:( laughs) yhu need any help

Kandy: ( looks up n smile) DJ, MOMMI, DADDI, N JASSI I'm glad y'all are here

Mom: o Hunni are yhu okay are yhu feeling ight ( she said touching kandy's forehead n face)

Kandy: mom I'm fine but wea is Dre n y did yal bring dhat ( points to Chris) in my room y'all tryna have my blood pressure up

Chris: I love yo big head too

Me: Dre was just behind me but I'll go see wea he at ( I said walkin out dha door n den dha hall goin bac to dha wait room n dea he was in dha same seat wit his head in his hands) aye yo Dre she's fine she's more den fine she bac dea startin wit Chris ( I said while laughing a lil)

Dre: yhu sure she's ight I dnt wanna see her like dhat

Me: dude she's fine she's probably tryna stab Chris wit her iv (I said laughing)

Dre:(laughs) ight I'll go

Me: ight come on ( I said gettin up n walkin bac to kandys room we went in n I see Chris givin Kandy a hug dha hell hell must froze) tf I leave for two minutes n des two den cut dey beef

Chris: I can't mess wit her while she like dhis I'll be nice but wen she's all better it will return to normal

Me: ( laughs) ight well I think we should give Kandy n Dre sum time alone

Mom: I agree if y'all need us just call aim one of us, bye Hunni

Kandy: bye mom bye Dj bye daddy bye everybody else

Dad: bye baby girl

Me: bye sis love yhu

Everybody else: bye

After dhat everybody left Kandy's room n headed back to dha house cuz we had to drop dh females off n den we headed to dha trap.

Unknown POV

After I shot dha bitch I went to got tell ole dude dhat ion need him n his crew nomore. I got out n walked into dha trap house only to be greeted wit dha smell of weed

Me:wea he at ( I asked of dha guys )

Guy; In His office

I walked to his office n knocked on dha door n walked in to see him lettin another bitch give him head

Me: really Kiree

Kiree: yes really now wat chu want dnt yhu see I'm busy

Me:I came to tell yhu dhat ion need yhur help nomoe I got dha bitch

Kiree: wat wen

Me: just a few minutes ago I shot her whe her n her nigga...... scratch dhat my future nigga was walkin n I shot her

Kiree: is she dead

Me: ion kno she should

Kiree: so yhu dnt kno if she's dead or nahh

Me: I mean she should

Kiree: yhur stupid as hell, get tf out my office

Me: bu.....

Kiree: get out

I got up n left out dha room, wtf got into him kickin me out like dhat but Ian worried ion need him no way anyway I walked out dha front door head home .




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Love, be real, n stay true


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( first book) 2020๐Ÿ’•