Loki After Endgame: Cheating...

Av EmmalinaP

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COMPLETED! Loki lets out a small chuckle, his eyes sparking with wild delight, "Of course we're bad for each... Mer

Chap 1: Time Heist
Chap 2: New Asgard
Chap 3: The Good Doctor
Chap 4: Little Witch
Chap 5: Girl On Fire
Chap 6: Fear The Trickster
Chap 7: Choke On Lies
Chap 8: Schemes Upon Schemes
Chap 9: God Of Mischief
Chap 10: Thor To The Rescue
Chap 11: Two Broken Brothers
Chap 12: The Lovers Quarrel
Chap 13: Sif & Asgard
Chap 14: Familiarity Breeds Contempt
Chap 15: The Unsuspecting Piglet
Chap 16: Drunken Shenanigans
Chap 17: Death Comes Swiftly
Chap 18: Nidavellir
Chap 19: The Fool & The Magician
Chap 20: Best Laid Plans
Chap 21: The Kree
Chap 22: Fight or Flight
Chap 23: Trapped in Shadows
Chap 24: Knowhere
Chap 25: Into The Dark
Chap 26: Starry-eyed Healing
Chap 27: The Raven's Tidings
Chap 28: Forever The Hermit
Chap 29: The Hidden Planet
Chap 30: The Coming Trials
Chap 31: Some Wheels Just Keep Turning
Chap 32: Vanaheim
Chap 33: The Goddess of Stories
Chap 34: The Horde of Fire Demons
Chap 35: Encounters With The All-Mothers
Chap 36: Alfheim
Chap 37: Aelsa & Ljosalfgard
Chap 39: The Masquerade
Chap 40: Ill-fated Lovers
Chap 41: All-Consuming Darkness
Chap 42: The Devil's Due
Chap 43: All Leads To Death
Chap 44: The End Of Everything
Acknowledgments & Sequel

Chap 38: Dangerous Games of Love and War

140 9 2
Av EmmalinaP


The warm sunshine illuminates the bronze metal welded around the gigantic airship in front of me. The intricate craftsmanship that welds the balloon together reminds me of a steampunk styled blimp I've read about in fictional books back home. The large torpedo-shaped balloon has a shimmering bronze balcony circling around its base, held taught by pulleys and various mechanical gadgets. And the broad balcony is lined by a heavy metal railing to prevent passengers from falling out and is overflowing with several velvet cushions and luxurious victorian style sofas. Coraline ushers Loki onto her enormous airship as they continue conversing about the mechanical intricacies of achieving flight, as I stare on in complete awe. Having only just gotten used to seeing spaceships, I'm struck by the ingenuity and the brilliance of Coraline's incredible invention. The airship is easily a hundred times bigger than any blimp that ever took flight on Earth and much more technologically advanced. Leon winks at me playfully when he notices my hesitation, then smoothly links his arm with mine and leads me onto the polished bronze platform that glimmers in the noonday sun. Once we're settled in, I watch on in amazement as Coraline slips into the pilot's cabin and begins to pull various switches causing the engine to whir to life as we smoothly lift off the ground. I'm seated next to Loki and Leon on a purple velvet chaise next to the railing as Coraline enthusiastically pilots the ship higher and higher, gliding slowly over large fields of orange and pink daisies. The cobalt blue sky is dotted with see-through cotton clouds and the two sun's beam delicious rays of warm light that soak into my skin. I close my eyes and let their warmth sooth me, bringing back long forgotten memories of a childhood spent climbing ancient trees, wading warm rivers and long lazy days spent basking in the summer sun. And even though I'm under an entirely different sun this time, two to be exact, the whistling breeze and glorious rays of sunshine remind me of a simpler time.

"How do you like the view of our city from the sky?" Leon's husky voice slips into my ear, as he leans over me, stirring me from my reverie.

"It's breathtaking." I reply honestly, my eyes sweeping over the vivid colors and sparkling castle spires made of crystal beside us.

"It's all so beautiful." I add, turning to face Leon who's standing disturbingly close to me.

"Yes it is." He responds staring directly at me. I turn away from him, trying not to let the compliment annoy me. Why can't Loki ever be this direct?

But when I turn back to meet Leon's gaze, his eyes seem to burn with such passion that I'm caught off guard by their intensity and instinctively leap to my feet.

Without missing a beat Loki is standing at my side, his imposing figure leaning over me protectively. "Are you getting seasick Kamilla?"

His voice is chillingly calm, but even though the tone of his voice suggests he doesn't really care, something in his expression is pinched and I wonder if he just doesn't like the idea of Leon getting too close to me. As if he has any say in the matter!

I'm about to tell him it's none of his damn business, when he continues speaking, clasping his long fingers behind his back firmly and gazing out into the horizon. "Riding a in a glorified hot air balloon, is a lot different than a spaceship. It might take a bit getting used to."

Indignation and fury burn their way up my gut but before I can reply to Loki, Leon cuts in, "Well if she can handle a spaceship, she'll be quite alright." Leon's piercing eyes sweep over Loki, as if he's trying to decipher something perplexing, then he adds. "Cora won't drive any faster than this, so you needn't be worried Asgardian. In fact, based on my experience with spaceships, this vestibule is much safer than any spacecraft."

Loki's expression falls flat, and I weasel myself away from him, closer to Leon.

"Piss off Loki!"I snap.
Feeling surprised by the intensity of my sudden outburst, I add, "Don't concern yourself with my well-being, Loki. I don't need a babyitter."

Then I smile demurely and face Leon, "You've been on a spaceship? How fascinating, tell me all about it."

I resist the impulse to grin as Leon's eyes flicker provocatively with amusement.

I've got him hook, line and sinker. With a cherry on top.

As Leon begins to regale me with stories of traveling to Nornheim and Vanaheim I swear I can feel the heat of Loki's glare burning behind me. Still, Loki says nothing as he silently slinks away. As Leon continues to talk animatedly, I watch Loki seat himself on a red cushioned bench several feet away from us and stare off into the clouds and reach for something in his pocket. For a brief moment his shoulders appear slumped, but then he straightens out and cavalierly props up his feet in front of him and begins twirling his dagger between his fingers carelessly.

I feel my insides crackle with fury and coal-stoked fire ignites within in me. I clench my fists to resist the impulse to throw something at him. Of course he doesn't care. I shouldn't have expected him to!

I move to lean against the railing and face the bright blue sky and Leon does the same; resting his arms against the bronze railing. As we soar above the center of town, the artfully designed shops and twirling structures filling the marketplace, flash and glimmer in the sunlight. The streets are bustling with activity, but from this distance the people look like tiny dots darting across a winding maze of hurried streets.

"It sounds like you've had a lot of adventures." I remark, once Leon's finished his story.

Leon winks at me and tosses his long mane behind his elegantly composed shoulders, "Oh that's not even the half of it."

"Then tell me something else." I reply, letting my eyes drag over him slowly in a challenge, "Something a bit more intimate."

Leon grins his, eyes wild with burning amusement. "What would you like to know, dearie?"

I pretend to consider the question, blinking innocently and biting at my lower lip. "Tell me, is there a Mistress Milkmane in your life?"

Leon leans closer to me his eyes flashing with intrigue, "No not at all. Should there be?"

I return his wild gaze with a facetious smile of my own, "Maybe." I rake my eyes over him suggestively, "Or maybe you just prefer your freedom."

The pale white-haired elf cocks his head to the side, studying me with a new level of intensity. "Perhaps I do. Or perhaps I just like to keep my options open."

I roll my eyes, teasing lightly, "How very chivalrous."

He chuckles softly, his handsome smile reaching his eyes, and although the smile seems genuine, there is a hint of darkness and cunning nestled within them that makes me wary.

"I do aim to please." He replies before pointing to the horizon ahead of us, "Those are the famous gardens I was going to take you to. Some are made of glass and the others are candy gardens."

Huge glass structures catch my eye, reflecting ample sunlight as we soar closer. Glass bends in every direction sprawling out over hundreds of feet, reflecting a kaleidoscope of colors that shimmer in the sunshine. Thick vegetation surrounds the intricate glass sculptures, and flowers in every color cover the manicured grounds. Winding trails lead through the gardens and into what appear to be a giant maze, guarded by ivy covered walls and a fountain nestled in the center. As we soar over the maze, we approach an entirely different garden, one lined with rose covered trellises and tall fruit trees at full bloom, boasting pink and orange colored leaves. The large fruits and flowers glimmer in the sunlight, perfectly smooth as if they too are made of glass.

"These are the famous candy gardens where everything is edible." Leon instructs me, a gleam in his eye. "If we have the time, I'll take you there yourself. He quirks his eyebrows suggestively, "The tree berries are so potent, some say they taste just like being in love."

I turn away to roll my eyes at his obnoxious flirting, then let my eyes sweep over the purple and green bushes trying to take it all in. The gardens contain so much color and beauty, all I can do is drink in their ethereal beauty as we fly over them. As we soar past the gardens and towards a dark lush forest, satisfaction simmers in my blood, even if Leon is a bit over the top, I'm quite pleased that he's flirting with me in front of Loki. And after the way Loki's treated me, there's nothing more I want than to make him suffer and remind Loki that I don't need him.

And yet... I don't feel as triumphant as I thought I would. Something has been needling at me since we captured Nixx. For all the Moon elf's faults, I still don't believe that he killed his own daughter. I saw the mixture of fear and righteous anger swirling in his eyes as he blamed Aelsa for his daughter's death. How can we even be certain that it wasn't in fact Aelsa who killed her? I sigh, the only thing I know is for certain is that those were not the guilt-ridden eyes of a murderer.

I angle my body towards Leon's and paste on a coquettish smile in an attempt to find some answers. "You know, I have been hearing some strange rumors about the Moon Elves."

Leon's thick dark eyebrows shoot upwards and I'm certain I've caught him off guard.

"Nothing bad about me, I hope." He teases, playing it off as a joke.

"No." I counter, "But I heard the leader of the Moon elves claimed that Aelsa killed his only daughter."

He tosses his long white hair behind his shoulders dramatically and waves away my concern. "Poppycock and twiddlesticks. That's nothing more than nasty rumors, I assure you. Besides, it was Nixx himself that killed his daughter."

"But how can you be sure?" I prod, "What if Queen Aelsa was somehow involved in her death?"

Leon freezes and his eyes flash at me briefly, suggesting a severity I didn't know he could possess. Then he smooths out his features, "Since you're new to Alfheim, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt." He gives me a pitying look as he leans his back against the railing. "Most people know better than to blaspheme our High Queen, but I suppose it might ease your mind to know that Queen Aelsa would never hurt a fly. She has neither the motive nor the need to harm Aeltri Lucius, may the Moon Goddess rest her soul." He kisses his first finger and flicks it to the sky, so quickly and thoughtlessly, it's as if he's made the gesture a hundred times.

When he notices my expression he shrugs, "That, dearie, is what we elves do in remembrance of the dead."

"Fascinating." I nod eagerly, hoping to steer him back to the topic at hand.

"Anyways, you'll be happy to know that the mad tyrant Nixx is of little concern, he's stepped down from his position and has retracted his claims of war."

"Then I'm glad peace can resume." I reply pretending I know nothing about the fact that Nixx is currently hidden away in the castle dungeon.

His eyes scan the horizon ahead of us and he shakes his head wearily, "Although I often suspect that he wasn't working alone and my intricate network of spies point to their being a traitor on the council."

"Ah yes, that would be the High Priestess. She most certainly had a hand in Nixx's tiny little rebellion." Loki interjects striding close to us, his words full of swagger and making no effort to hide the fact that he's been eavesdropping on our conversation.

"Eavesdrop much?" I murmur sarcastically, as Leon's eyes flash in surprise and his normally light voice is suddenly heavy with suspicion, "How did you know that?"

"Oh please, it's obvious." Loki replies smoothly, rolling his eyes at Leon's intense stare. "Besides I overheard some Moon elves whispering about it while exploring the market this morning."

This seems to mollify Leon, as his shoulders relax and he turns to survey the horizon, his voice barely above a whisper. "Unfortunately, Loki is right."

Then he shakes off his worry and turns to face me, his eyes jovial once more. "But let's move on to more exciting things. Afterall, we Light Elves prefer to live and let live. And I did promise you a wonderful tour."

"That you did." I reply placing my hand on his arm and giving him a wide indulging smile, pointedly ignoring Loki's presence.

Leon points a long-bejeweled finger ahead of us, "We're reaching the Rainbowed Waterfall. Elves come from everywhere to see the largest waterfall in all of Alfheim. It's over four thousand feet tall and is always surrounded by several rainbows no matter the season."

Loki turns his back to us and strides to the control room, his hands in his pockets as he shuffles away quietly. As the forest begins to thin out, a large roaring waterfall spreads out below us; rivaling the size of the Niagara Falls. It's surrounded by five beautiful rainbows and has two gigantic drops that lead into a large sparkling lake at the very bottom. The sound of rushing waters fills my ears as the highest peak of the waterfall drops down into a small pool that churns and roils quickly gathering into a second waterfall even longer than the one before. Several elves swim in the small pool between the two falls, but from this height I can barely even make them out. Leon sidles closer to me and leans close, heat radiating off him. "The pool in the middle is a common spot for lovers to go skinny dipping. There's nothing quite like it. You know..." He pauses his eyes flicking over me as he leans closer. His lips are so close they graze my ear softly as he whispers, "if you stayed a bit longer I could take you there and show you things no human has ever seen."

Suddenly Coraline steps out of the control room, the noise interrupting the charged moment between us.

"It should be all smooth sailing from here." She announces.

Leon drops my hand and turns to Coraline, puling away from me slightly. "I expected nothing less from you Cora."

Coraline's short bright green hair whips against her chin in the wind as she grins appreciatively. Her blue leather jacket with sharp metal studs' rustles in the wind as she gestures to Loki and I, "How do you like your flight so far?"

"Quite adequate." Loki replies tightly, as I gush, "This airship is incredible. I can't believe you built this yourself!"

Coraline waves me away, her fierce eyes both intelligent and humble. "It's no biggie. Just something I dreamt up one afternoon a few hundred years ago."

"Cool. I've never met an inventor before."

Coraline shrugs her petite body emulating warmth, "Some call me an inventor, engineer, builder, imagineer, senator, story-spinner, pirate, treasure hunter, but I don't usually call myself those things. I'm just an elf with too many dreams and not enough lifetimes to spare."

I smile, already liking her. "A treasure hunter? You mean there's treasure buried somewhere around here?"

Her dark eyes twinkle in the sunlight, "Oh yes. A lot of it."

"Yes, yes, we've all had our treasure hunting phase." Loki cuts in, turning to face the three of us with a flourish. "I myself discovered Blackbeard's treasure back on Earth many centuries ago."

"That's not the story I heard." Coraline quips back pointing her sharp chin up in a challenge. "I heard it was Balder the brave and his twin who found it."

Loki clenches his jaw but keeps his voice calm, "Nonsense, they only laid claim to what I'd already spent countless hours tracking down. It was I who found it, not those bumbling twins."

Coraline seems impressed, her eyes flicking over him as if seeing him for the first time, "Well, well, then I see you're a man of culture as well. It is nice to have another treasure hunter aboard the Starfall Express."

"Oh please." I snort, placing my hands on my hips. "Everyone knows Loki tells tall tales. Don't buy it for a second!"

"Of course you wouldn't Little Witch." Loki hisses, as he turns his back on me. Then he nods to Coraline and asks charmingly, "Would you like to hear about how I faced down Blackbeard?"

Coraline grins, "Sure. I do love to accumulate fantastical stories."

Loki takes Coraline by the arm and guides her away from us, the sound of his enthusiastic voice fading away as they stroll along the railing of the airship.

I dig my nails into my palms, feeling outmaneuvered once again. When my gaze flicks back to Leon behind me, I notice he's regarding me carefully, as if he's just discovered something and is tucking it away for safekeeping. Then his gaze smooths over and he gestures to the horizon.

"We're about to reach the cherry-wine vineyards and lavender hot springs. They're quite famous."

My eyes scan the horizon, but rather than focusing on what their seeing, the only thing I notice is the all-too familiar deafening roar in my ears and the overwhelming feeling of my heart sinking in my chest.

"This has been wonderful, but I should get back. I'd like plenty of time to get ready for the masquerade this evening."

"Are you sure?" Leon asks, his eyes sparkling as if holding a juicy secret he's eager to tell. "We were just getting to know each other."

"Yes unfortunately, I should get going." I reply wearily, suddenly lacking the strength to play this game much longer.

He nods in understanding. "Okay, I'll have Cora turn the ship around."

"No need." I quip squaring my shoulders in determination, "I can just teleport myself back to the castle."

Leon brings my hand to his lips and kisses it without taking his luminous eyes off mine. "Then I bid you farewell, dearie. And I do hope to see you later tonight."

I'm so out of sorts, that I want to squirm out of his grasp, but I make a show of being flattered, just in case Loki is watching. Then I say my goodbyes to Leon and Coraline, ignoring Loki as if he doesn't exist, before teleporting myself to my guestroom. Once my feet materialize on my marbled bedroom floor I let out a long breath and steady myself. No more playing games! Now is the time for action and vengeance!

I summon my boxing gloves and punching bag and take my anger out on them for half an hour, until I've sufficiently vented my rage. Then I rinse off my sweat and change into clean clothes and tidy my curls in the mirror and head down the hall, bolstered by the scheme I've concocted as I run over the loose ends. If I'm going to be impersonating Sif to deceive Loki, I need to make sure I can mimic her gestures perfectly. I make my way to Sif's guestroom and knock lightly on her door.

"Come in" Sif's distracted voice calls from inside.

"So, what was so important that you skipped dinner with the Queen and her merry elves." I tease as I stride inside, my eyes scanning her suite-sized room.

Sif's hair hangs loosely around her make-up free face and she wears black leather pants with a surprisingly casual red cotton t-shirt. She's standing in front of a ginormous wooden closet full of frilly clothing with several gowns strewn out on the bed behind her. Her lips are puled taught as she replies tightly, "I had an important errand to do."

"Oh come on Sif, don't be like that." I sigh dramatically, "You can tell me. Besides, it wouldn't be the first time I've heard a secret today." I tease lightheartedly as I plop down on her bed, sinking into the plush purple blanket and cushy white pillows.

Her lips pull into a frown, as she continues to sift through the colorful gowns hanging in the closet. I watch her carefully making note of the graceful certainty of her movements as she searches, noting the way she holds herself, the expression on her face and the quick flicks of her dainty wrists. It shouldn't be too hard to emulate her.

"I won't tell Loki if that's what you're worried about." I add placatingly, certain that I'll be able to mirror her movements later tonight.

Sif spins on her heel to face me, leveling a stern gaze. "As if you could keep anything from him." She retorts, her eyes narrowed as if she's staring directly into my soul.

"What?!" I snap, "What are you implying? There are plenty of things I don't tell him!"

Sif places her hands on her toned hips and shakes her head, the hint of a scowl playing at her mouth. "Silly girl. Don't make promises you can't keep."

"You don't know what you're talking about! SO, GO TO HELL!" I roar, my frustration burning so fiercely, I fear my insides might catch fire and burn me alive.

Her body stiffens slightly, and I immediately regret my outburst. "I'm so sorry, I don't know where that even came from. It just.. it just slipped out! I didn't mean it." I sigh, "I don't mean to be so defensive, its just been an emotionally draining day."

She turns her back to me and focuses once again on the closet, ignoring me, so I take a calming breath and reign in my guilt and indignation.

"I'm not his lackey, if that's what you think. I'm my own person."

Sif glances at me over her shoulder, her intense eyes scrutinizing me as if she finds me suddenly amusing.

"Indeed, it seems that you are. So perhaps it's time you start acting like it and stop looking over your shoulder desperate for his approval."

Sif's words hit me like a ton of bricks and I falter, "I'm not- I mean I don't... I'm not trying-" I pause, instinctively wrapping the purple blanket tightly around me. I let out a low groan, and accept defeat,"Is it that obvious?"

Sif finally turns her attention away from her closet and glides over to the bed placing her slender body next to mine. "Yes. But don't beat yourself up about it. He has that effect on a lot of women. He toys with them, only to discard them later."

I grit my teeth, hating the truth of her words as I think about the steady supply of women Loki surrounded himself with inside Thor's memories. "You're right, I need to get over this stupid crush, it's ruining everything."

Sif folds her hands silently and nods, giving me room to speak. "I just thought things were different, I thought because we were friends first, it might actually work out." I clench my fists, anger erasing the sharp pain in my chest. "But I was wrong."

Sif stares at her hands seemingly far away as she replies gently, "Don't blame yourself, everyone falls for someone who will never love them back at some point in their life."

"You mean Thor?" I guess eager to change the subject. Sif's blue eyes are so unbearably sad, that she doesn't have to say a word, I already know her answer. "I'm sure he loves you, in his own way." I insist. "He's just too burdened by sadness and loss to realize it."

Sif nods grimly, fiddling with the lacey edge of a black pillow. "Perhaps. He has lost everything he ever loved."

"Exactly. How can anyone go on after that? If that had happened to anyone else, I don't think they could've survived it. But somehow Thor persists. Somehow he carries on and refuses to let his sorrows drown him." I unwrap myself from the blanket and add, "Just give him time. I'm certain he'll realize what was right in front of him all along."

Sif lets out a long, slow sigh, "He needs more than time. He needs to heal. That's why I was searching the market all afternoon. I went to the potion makers in the Vale and bought a magical elixir for him."

Sif's nimble hands pull out a small glass bottle from her pocket and she holds it out to me. Red shimmering juice sloshes inside the corked bottle as I turn it over in my hands.

"What does it do?" I ask feeling the dull thrum of magic simmering inside the bottle and hand it back to her, not wanting to be tempted by its magical pull.

Sif tucks it carefully back into her pocket. "This potion will make him forget his deepest sorrows and erase his pain." She shrugs sadly, "With this potion I can give him the only gift that matters. The ability to wash away all the losses he has endured." She pauses for a moment, her expression far away. "Perhaps he can finally be whole again."

"Oh Sif." I exclaim gently wrapping my arms around her thin body, desperate to soothe the fragile ache inside her. Her shoulders stiffen at first, but as I hold her in my arms, she softens and leans into me, letting out a sad sigh.

"Everything is going to be okay." I murmur as I gently run my fingers through her silky long hair. "You don't always have to be the strong one, you know."

Sif stifles a sob and shudders, burying her face in my arm. "Everything's just gotten worse since his mother died... and, and all I want is to make things right for him." She chokes out the words, her voice strained with what I assume is years of pent-up pain.

"I know and I understand." I reply mimicking the words my therapist one spoke to me when I was in a similar state. Emphasize and reflect she told me, let others know that you share in their pain.

A single hot tear rolls down her tender face and soaks into my shirt. I give her a reassuring squeeze as I hold her tightly, my skin tingling against the unusual closeness of human contact.

"It's okay to let it out." I add placatingly. I continue to stroke her hair with my free hand, noticing that she smells like coconuts, roses and all-too familiar heartbreak. And all I can do is hold her and focus on her pain, rather than my own. After few minutes Sif's silent tears have ceased and she sniffles softly as if she's finally emptied herself out. I plant a big soft kiss on her slender damp cheek and pull away to look her in the eye. When our eyes meet, her mouth widens in surprise and her bright blue eyes seem to dance as they bore into mine.

"Don't be sad. Everything is going to be okay." I say trying to sound much more certain than I feel. "You're going to be alright."

Sif nods wordlessly, her cheeks flushed, then she swipes at her nose, a hesitant smile playing at her lips. She's looking at me with such exposed emotion, that I'm not really sure how to act around her.

"Alright." I say pulling myself away from her and standing to my feet. "Let's get you ready for the masquerade. You and I deserve a night of fun. No more tears. Let's not let the Odinson brothers ruin our night."

Immediately the uncertainty and sadness vanish from her eyes and she smooths her hair behind her ears. "You're right. Time to move forward." She gives me a grateful half-smile and shrugs. "Thanks for listening."

"Of course." I say, "You're not in this alone. I of all people know how you feel."

Her eyes linger over me, the long held tension in her shoulders melting away as she exhales, her controlled demeanor returning. "Now I just need to find something to wear that doesn't make me look like a fucking clown."

I bark out a laugh. "Right... Let's see what we can find and I'll alter it with my magic."

Sif and I spent the next few hours trying on different dresses as I alter and glamour them with my magic. Then once we've finally settled on a gown and have fixed each other's hair into gravity defying updos, a soft knock sounds at the door.

Sif opens the door to find Bramble waiting with two large boxes in his hands. His button nose is turned up as he hands her a teal colored box, "The Queen has sent you a gift for tonight Lady Sif."

Then when he notices me, his grins brightly, his brown eyes crinkling at the corners. "And she sends a gift for you as well Lady Kamilla." He presents the second teal box to me carefully as if afraid to break it.

I squeeze around Sif to receive the box and give Bramble a genuine smile, "Nice to see you again my friend."

His pudgy hands fall to his sides and he pick at the seams on his smock as he shifts on his feet. "I- uh, I made you something." He mutters nervously as he pulls something from the satchel at his side. Bramble reveals a small green bag tied with frilly ribbons. His eyes are downcast, as he stutters, "I um, I made them myself when the head Chef wasn't looking. They're for you."

He passes them to me, his eyes eager. "I hope you like them. They're cookies of my own invention."

Immediately I open the bag, inhaling the pungent aroma of sugar and spices and pop one into my mouth. The cookie is so soft it melts into my mouth, the flavors a dizzying swirl of sweetened alcohol and zesty spices. The fragrant cookie culminates in an explosion of flavor all in their perfect balance. If heaven had a flavor, it would probably taste like this.

I pass the bag behind me so Sif can try one. "These are amazing Bramble! You really are a talented chef!"

His cheeks and pointed ears redden as he clasps his hands behind his back. "The secret ingredients are rum soaked dates and a blend of summertime spices."

I nod. "You should bake more often!"

He shrugs shyly, "I'll try." Then without another word he turns on his heels and scrambles down the hall quickly.

"Thank you!" I call out after him as I shut the door.

When I turn around, I'm surprised to find that Sif has eaten almost the entire bag of cookies and is wiping a few crumbs from her red dress.

"What?" She ask with a crooked grin when she catches me gaping at her, "I skipped lunch!"

I throw my head back and laugh. "Oh Sif, you really are full of surprises."

While she's distracted by the cookies, I open the teal boxes sent to us by Queen Aelsa and find two hand embroidered masks tucked inside each one. The first mask is an artful blend of dark pinks and purples lined with glittering lace and a large blood red rose on the side. A small note sits in the bottom of the box, it reads:

Kamilla, thank you for all you have done for me.

I hope you enjoy your time at our Festival of Liberation.

Sincerely, Queen Aelsa.

The second mask is covered in black and white lines with curling black feathers protruding from both corners. A similar note sits beneath the mask addressed to Sif. I hand her the mask, "This should match your red dress perfectly."

Her delicate fingers pluck the mask from my hand and once she tries it on she gives me a dramatic spin. Immediately she transforms from a slender soldier in a strapless velvet red gown, to a mysterious woman who hides in the shadows, harboring centuries of secrets. The black and white mask accentuates her fierce eyes, while her braided updo draws attention to her long-arched neck and exposed barren shoulders. Her cheeks are rosy and her movements gentle as she moves, looking every bit of the Goddess I assume she is.

"You look damn sexy. Every man will be drooling over you tonight."

Sif smiles crookedly, and spins back to face the mirror. "Good. It's about time I had a decent lay." She remarks caustically.

My jaw gapes, I've never heard Sif talk like that and when her eyes catch mine, her irises are dancing with mirth and excitement.

I burst out laughing, "I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't that!"

She gestures to me, her smile brightening up the room. "Try yours on."

I smooth out my velvet burgundy dress that hugs my slim curves and straighten my gossamer sleeves that trail down to the floor, matching the purple sash that accentuates my waist. Then I put on the mask and step towards the mirror, the pink and purple aren't quite the right shade to match my dress, so I cast a spell to alter them slightly. I examine the way my curls are piled on top of my head and cascade down my left shoulder, ensuring nothing is out of place. Then I put on some dark red lipstick while ensuring that my mask does not smudge my mascara or eyeliner. I look stunning and even though I know I should be proud, familiar fear prods at my mind. Beauty is just another tool in my arsenal, I remind myself carefully.

"How do I look?"

"Like a fire ready to burn." Sif responds ferociously, her lips quirked in a wild smile.

I let out a laugh, enjoying this new side of her. "What do you think about Leon? Should I make a move? He's pretty hot."

Sif's gaze slides to me and she arches her eyebrows, looking dumbfounded.

"What?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "You haven't figured it out yet?"

"Well, I realize he's a player and that he goes way overboard when it comes to flirting, but I thought he might be a nice little distraction tonight."

She leans close to me, her expression serious. "Kamilla he's gay." She shrugs, "He just flirts with everyone so he can get them to spill their secrets."

"Yeah but-" I pause. That rotten scoundrel played me like a fool!

"I guess I can see that."

She gives me a look of pity and lowers her voice conspiratorially, "Leon's spent decades meticulously crafting his reputation so that people would think he's bisexual, rather than gay. That way he has the freedom to seduce whomever he wants in exchange for information and secrets. It's the reason he's so successful in court. But believe me when I say, he is not remotely interested in women."

I shake my head feeling stupid, "Righto. I'll just have to find someone else to torment Loki with."

Sif chuckles, "That shouldn't be too hard, Loki spends most of his time envying others."

Then her expression softens, "But don't make it about him. Try to have some fun tonight."

I nod distractedly, "Of course. We should get going, I don't want to be late to the masquerade."

Sif quickly swipes on some pink matte lipstick and we leave the room together. As we stroll down the hall my eyes flick over the elf portraits on the walls, my thoughts are racing, but I quiet them by carefully plotting my next steps. I plan to spend a few hours having fun tonight and then depending on whether Loki or Sif turn in for the night soonest, I'll transform myself to look like Sif and seductively lead Loki back to his rooms. I'll taunt and tease him as Sif, getting him as drunk as possible by enchanting his wine and when he finally dozes off I'll steal his spells and spend the night learning and memorizing each one so that I can return the scroll before morning. He'll wake up with a splitting headache, barely remembering the night before and be none the wiser. I roll my shoulders back feeling confident as Sif leads me down the stairs and through a long corridor I've never seen.

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