Loki After Endgame: Cheating...

By EmmalinaP

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COMPLETED! Loki lets out a small chuckle, his eyes sparking with wild delight, "Of course we're bad for each... More

Chap 1: Time Heist
Chap 2: New Asgard
Chap 3: The Good Doctor
Chap 4: Little Witch
Chap 5: Girl On Fire
Chap 6: Fear The Trickster
Chap 7: Choke On Lies
Chap 8: Schemes Upon Schemes
Chap 9: God Of Mischief
Chap 10: Thor To The Rescue
Chap 11: Two Broken Brothers
Chap 12: The Lovers Quarrel
Chap 13: Sif & Asgard
Chap 14: Familiarity Breeds Contempt
Chap 15: The Unsuspecting Piglet
Chap 16: Drunken Shenanigans
Chap 17: Death Comes Swiftly
Chap 18: Nidavellir
Chap 19: The Fool & The Magician
Chap 20: Best Laid Plans
Chap 21: The Kree
Chap 22: Fight or Flight
Chap 23: Trapped in Shadows
Chap 24: Knowhere
Chap 25: Into The Dark
Chap 26: Starry-eyed Healing
Chap 27: The Raven's Tidings
Chap 28: Forever The Hermit
Chap 29: The Hidden Planet
Chap 30: The Coming Trials
Chap 31: Some Wheels Just Keep Turning
Chap 32: Vanaheim
Chap 33: The Goddess of Stories
Chap 34: The Horde of Fire Demons
Chap 35: Encounters With The All-Mothers
Chap 36: Alfheim
Chap 38: Dangerous Games of Love and War
Chap 39: The Masquerade
Chap 40: Ill-fated Lovers
Chap 41: All-Consuming Darkness
Chap 42: The Devil's Due
Chap 43: All Leads To Death
Chap 44: The End Of Everything
Acknowledgments & Sequel

Chap 37: Aelsa & Ljosalfgard

171 9 0
By EmmalinaP


As soon as I reappear inside the control room of our spaceship, I toss Nixx to the ground ignoring his frozen body as the Moon Elf thumps to the floor

"Done with the mission." I announce hastily, irritation burning inside my chest.

Sif's expression is pleased as her eyes examine the Moon elf at my feet, "So, what do you plan to do with him?"

"We'll present him to the Queen so that she can decide how to punish him."

"Very well." Sif replies with a hint of pride as she starts the engine of the ship. Distantly I hear the bedroom door slam shut and I know Loki has teleported back to his room. The red sun finally descends beneath horizon as we soar over the Sea of Sweet Tears and towards the capital of the Light Kingdom. A few stars begin to appear, twinkling in the night sky as we fly towards a gigantic glowing castle. Once we begin our descent, Sif expertly steers us beside the castle and maneuvers us into an empty field of orange and pink daisies.

Loki is uncharacteristically quiet as the four of us exit the spaceship and turn to face a castle so magnificent I find myself at a loss for words. The bright stars illuminate the roaming hills and mountain spires that surround the incredible castle that seems to be made entirely of crystal. It looms before us majestically, the moonlight reflecting off the blindingly white crystal so intense that the entire structure seems to glow as if made of magic. Crystal spires shoot up from the ground and merge into a giant twining tower that reaches up into the sky; the crystal twisting gracefully in every direction. Large white steps overlaid in red carpet lead up to an arched entrance that sparkles as if inlaid with diamonds. Soft, warm light pours out from behind the closed door and from the corner of my eye I spy a shadow watching us from a nearby window. 

"That way." Sif commands pointing to what seems to be nothing more than a small thatched grey cottage to the far right of the castle. "We need to sneak Nixx in through the secret entrance of the castle."

When I turn to grab the rope that binds Nixx, I find that Loki has already tossed him over his shoulder and is carrying him like a ragdoll.

"Haven't got all day." He mumbles dryly as Sif and I head down the hill towards the dark cottage. As we approach I notice that the small cottage windows and doors are all boarded up as if it's been abandoned. Once Sif reaches the green and brown cottage, she knocks on the boarded door six times. Instantly the door swings open with an eerie creek and there in the shadows stand two tall white-haired elves waiting for us within the empty building. The smaller elf holds two metal lanterns casting the cottage in layers of shadow, while the larger elf ushers us forwards, "This way, before anyone sees you." She whispers urgently, her voice thick with what vaguely resembles a Russian accent.

"Right away your majesty." Sif responds dutifully.

Once we're behind closed doors, inside a small windowless room the Queen lets out a loud breath, her eyes scrutinizing Nixx who's still bound by ropes as Loki heaves him to the ground. Nixx props himself up on his knees and glares at the Elf Queen with pure hatred and if his lips weren't still magically sealed, I'm sure he'd be spewing curses at her. Queen Aelsa stands taller than Loki as her eyes sweep over Nixx coolly, in the dim lighting she appears to be nothing close to obese, yet she has a full, curvy figure in the shape of a wide figure eight. She wears wide black slacks with a black expensive looking leather jacket and her thick curly white hair is pulled back into a taught braid. Her angled lips are painted dark burgundy and light blush contours her square jaw and forehead. The regal Queen's thick arched eyebrows and intelligent eyes suggest that she misses nothing, even as I suspect they also harbor many secrets.

"So, you decided to bring the old troublemaker to me." Her lips quirk into a pleased grin as she adds, "I trust no one saw you? The castle has been full of spies as of late."

"We were very careful." Loki replies charmingly, his lips curling into a smooth grin. "I enchanted an illusion of Nixx to make it look like he's still lounging in his estate. But it will only last for two days, so you'll have to find an excuse for his absence."

"Very good. And you squelched his rebellion and disbanded his army?"

"Indeed, I did my liege. I impersonated him and officially surrendered and resigned. But in order to quiet the Moon Elves I had to tell them you agreed to lift the tariffs and sanctions." Loki replies squaring his shoulders, clearly proud of his accomplishments.

   The Queen nods knowingly clasping her pale hands together decisively, "Yes I've already put that plan into motion. I was anticipating that you and Sif would do an excellent job. So, thank you Loki, I am very pleased with your results."

Satisfaction warms my chest, and though it irks me that Loki is taking all the credit, I don't care. I know I'm the one that figured out that bringing Nixx to her would work.

The Queen turns to the thin pale elf standing next to her, "Tell me Tirza, what should I do with the murderer and traitor?"

The slim white-haired elf regards Nixx thoughtfully, she's also dressed in all black as she regards Nixx slowly. Her stark white hair frames her round pink cheeks and two pointed ears that peak out behind thin braids. White freckles line her cheeks and her nose, contrasting her light skin and pink narrow lips. Her deep-set hazel eyes are both studious and kind as she chews at her lower lip hesitantly, "I don't think we should execute him." She replies in a similarly Russian sounding accent.

Queen Aelsa sighs tiredly, shaking her head, "My sweet Tirza. Always so good-natured and kindhearted to a fault."

Tirza's cheeks turn pink in response and her eyes dart away as she fights back a grin while smoothing the creases of her long black tunic.

"I suggest imprisoning him in the dungeons." I interject, confidently inserting myself into the conversation.

Queen Aelsa nods serenely as her eyes flick over the angry elf at her feet, "Yes, I was thinking just that." Then she turns her unwavering gaze back to the three of us, "Thank you for your quick and timely services, I am eternally grateful and honored to have the last remaining Asgardians willing to come to my aide."

"It was no trouble, dear Aelsa. And may I say, you haven't aged a day since I last laid eyes on your lovely face." Loki coos flirtatiously as he runs his hand through his silky dark hair.

The Queen waves him off demurely, swinging her inquisitive eyes towards me, "And who might you be?"

"Kamilla of Midgard."

"A pleasure to meet you Kamilla. I am Queen Aelsa Featherwine of the Alfheim Elves and I thank you for helping me secure peace in my realm."

I nod, "Of course. It was no big deal."

She gestures to the elf next to her "And this is Tirza Honeyshot, she works as my personal assistant and the court scribe.

Tirza smiles, her doe-eyes soft and kind, "Will you be staying the night then? We've prepared some guestroom suits in the castle for you."

"Oh, I'm not sure if we have the time..." I reply uncertainly, my eyes darting over to Loki, I know he's determined to get back to Klyntar as soon as possible.

"Nonsense," Loki cuts in smoothly, ignoring me. "We can certainly spare one night to stay in your lovely home."

"Fantastic, then we can properly thank you by having you join us for the Masquerade Ball and feast!" The Queen replies gleefully, her silver-green eyes sparkling in the moonlight, "I would love to have the three of you as my personal guests."

"It would be an honor." Sif replies, "Would you like me to escort the prisoner to the dungeon?"

The Queen's expression hardens briefly, then smooths, "Yes. Thank you Sif, please do so immediately."

Sif spurs into action; forcefully grabbing Nixx by the shoulder and dragging him down through a hidden latch on the floor of the cottage.

Before Sif disappears I call out, "So we officially passed the final test then?"

Sif glances over her shoulder her eyes lingering over Loki for a moment before replying, "You'll find out once we get back to Klyntar."

"Always unnecessary formalities." Loki mumbles under his breath so quietly that only I can hear. I roll my eyes. We passed, of course we did, I tell myself as The Queen begins speaking once more.

"Tirza my dear, while I wait for Sif to return, would you mind taking them to their guestrooms?"

Tirza smiles somewhat bashfully at her Queen, the dedication clear in her soft hazel eyes, "As you wish your highness."

Tirza passes the larger lantern to Aelsa and by the time she turns to face us, the flush on her cheeks has vanished. She gestures to the hatch Sif just climbed down, "I'm sure you're both quite exhausted. Allow me to take you through the secret underground tunnel to reach your rooms."

Loki and I follow Tirza down the hatch that leads into a dark tunnel and once the three of us have climbed in, I summon my magic-made fire to add to the light. The smell of damp earth fills my lungs as we walk down the long tunnel that eventually deposits us in front of a short spiral staircase. After we climb to the top, Tirza informs us that we're no longer underground but inside the basement of the castle. Then she leads us up several winding staircases as Loki and I continue to ignore each other. When we reach the fourth level of stairs, the lean elf unlocks a large brass door with a lion's mouth in place of a doorknob. The lean elf leads us through the door and down a long, arched hall decorated with hundreds of gold framed portraits of royal elves. We stroll down the hall, my eyes admiring the regal looking elves, each one of them wearing a crown and draped in more crystals and jewels than the last. Once we reach the end of the dimly lit hall, Tirza halts and gestures to the door, pulling the set of gold clinking keys from her pocket, "This is your room Loki, I do hope you enjoy your stay and find the room to your liking."

Rather than waiting for her to unlock the door, Loki uses his magic to unclick the lock, and silently slips into the room and shuts the door behind him soundlessly.

I give Tirza an apologetic smile and shrug, "Ignore him, he's just grumpy cause it's past his bedtime."

Tirza chuckles heartily, her pointed ears reddening, "It's quite alright I'm not really much of a conversationalist myself anyways." Then she leads me further down the hall, passing several other doorways. "The Queen always tells me that if I didn't spend so much of my time buried in a book, that I might get better at it. But I'm not worried. I'd rather spend my time learning." She pauses in front of a white door at the end of the hall and unlocks it for me, "Anyways, this is your room. I hope you like it." 

After thanking her politely, I enter the large guest room, my eyes catching on the blue patchwork wallpaper that reminds me of the time I visited Morocco on Earth. I don't even bother turning on the light as I strip off my armor and pull my pajamas from my bag. As I focus on the comforting presence of the four walls that protect me, I gulp down several swigs from my bottle of ale before climbing into the large king-sized bed lined with a dark wood headboard. But even after consuming enough ale to give me a dreamless sleep, horrifying images torment me through the night. 

I'm standing in a dark lush forest when I hand Hoder the bow and arrow that he doesn't know Loki has already enchanted. 

"Okay Kamilla, I trust you." Hoder grins at me warmly, his blue eyes twinkling with excitement. "If you say it's been blessed by the Norn Witches themselves, then it will be an honor to use it in the Asgardian games tonight!"

I smile demurely, "Nay it is an honor for the Norns to have you wield such a weapon in their honor. I look forward to watching you compete and win." 

The air around me is heavy and foreboding as it rustles the golden trees around me, when Hoder turns to leave. Fainty, I hear a dull buzzing in the distance like the sound of a ticking clock counting down to it's destruction. One of my own making.

The wind whooshes past me and pushes my curls into my eyes, seeming to whisper: Hurry, it's time. Death is coming!

The strange dream jumps forward and suddenly Loki and I are sitting in a giant arena in Nornheim watching Hoder fight Sif in hand to hand combat as the crowd roars in jubilation. When Hoder finally defeats her and advances to the next level Loki takes my hand and squeezes it excitedly, "At long last my love, we will finally have our perfect revenge."

I nod fiercely, hardening my heart against Hoder and his horrible twin brother Balder, "Yes. Finally they will pay for their crimes!"

Loki and I watch eagerly as Hoder strings up the cursed arrow I gave him and aims it at his partner in the competition. Somehow, I know that in order for the twins to advance to the next round, Balder must catch the bow when Hoder sends it hurtling at his chest. But I already know he can't.

Loki's wicked grin stretches from ear to ear, his teeth sparkling in the Winter sun the moment he hears the whoosh of Hoder loosing his arrow. And even though the brothers have practiced this feat a hundred times, there is no way either one of them could prepare for the supernatural speed of an arrow that's enchanted to impale its target. The crowd lets out a horrified shriek as the arrow hurtles through the air and tears through Balder's large hands, impaling him sharply through the chest. Balder lets out a surprised gasp as the arrow protrudes out his back. And Hoder lets out a bloodcurdling scream, immediately running to his brother's aide. As Balder begins to bleed out; the bow enchanted to quicken his bleeding, Hoder scoops up his trembling body and begins crying, his sobs echoing off the stone amphitheater.

Loki leans over to me excitedly, his words hushed as his cold fingers graze my exposed wrist, "Now we can place Hoder's elaborately written suicide note in his room." His normally bright eyes are dark and cold as he smiles wolfishly, "And before he can even think about pointing the finger at us, the heartbroken twin will conveniently commit suicide."

I wake up drenched in sweat, a scream itching to claw its way from my throat and I shudder; trembling in revulsion. I swipe at the sweat dripping off my forehead and take a deep breath, focusing on the feeling of the silky-smooth comforter twisted around me, while my hands reach for the body sized pillow at my side and squeeze repeatedly. Why do I feel like my mind is slipping into madness? It's like I'm always hovering on the brink, inching closer to insanity.

I inhale deeply, focusing on the scent of lilacs wafting from the vase to my right and squeeze my eyes shut. "I'm okay. I'm perfectly safe in Aelsa's castle. I haven't killed anyone." I shake my head and reopen my eyes, pushing the nightmare away. "It wasn't real. I would never do anything like that!" I listen to the sound of my uncertain voice reverberating off the wallpapered walls around me, then force myself to focus on what is real. Instinctively my eyes scan the room searching for five things I see around me, next to me is a gold speckled vase full of flowers resting on a curved oak nightstand. And next to the stand is a large oak dresser trimmed in silver with daisy's painted on the sides. Further inside, my room spreads into a lavish curtained sitting room with plush velvet blue sofas and a wide gilded mirror reflecting a large fireplace along the wall. And even though I still feel a bit hung over from the ale I drank before bed last night, my heart stills and I sigh, grateful to be distracted. Living in an elvish castle isn't so bad, I could get used to this level of comfort.

An abrupt knock on my door jerks me from my thoughts and I nearly jump from my skin. I curse myself inwardly for being so easily spooked and glance at the time on my phone, it's nearly 10:50. I can't believe I slept in so late. I pull off the covers and wrap myself in the red gossamer bathrobe that was set out for me. Once I open the door, a short and round dark red-skinned elf stands before me, dressed in a brown smock and carrying a silver tray. His short height catches me off guard and even though he clearly isn't a child, I'm certain he can't be more than four feet tall. His curious brown eyes sweep over me, peeking out from his messy red mane of curls. The elf raises the tray to my eyeline, "Your breakfast my lady." He announces politely in a high and lilting Irish sounding accent, his tiny button nose crinkling as he speaks.

"Thank you" I reply, surveying the assortment of golden cookies and honey, as the delightful smell of home baked goods fills my nostrils. My eyes catch on the large glass of thick purple sparkly liquid on the silver tray, "What's in the cup?"

The little elf peers at me quizzically, "Why, it's unicorn milk of course. Only the best for an honored guest from Asgard!"

"Oh, I'm not from Asgard." I interject, "I'm from Earth. Er- I mean Midgard."

The little elf's eyes narrow at me and he takes an uncertain step back. "Oh..." He falters. "We don't often get visitors from such a volatile world."

"It's not volat-" I begin, but then catch myself. He's not wrong, Earth gets more dangerous every day. The little elf takes another step back, wariness clouding his petite features.

"But I came with two people who are from Asgard." I clarify quickly. This seems to sooth the chubby elf and he nods thoughtfully, his dark red curls bouncing, "I've never seen anyone from Midgard before."

I smile genuinely, "Then it's an honor to be the first." Without giving him a chance to respond, I extend my hand to him, "My name's Kamilla, what's yours?"

He smiles sheepishly, "It's Felton Bramblet, but everyone just calls me Bramble."

I shake his hand tenderly, a conspiratorial grin on my face. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Bramble! What province of Alfheim do you come from?"

Bramble's shoulders loosen and his tiny eyes light up, "My whole family hales from the Spicelands. But I'm here as an apprentice to my third cousin, I'm training to be a castle chef."

"How wonderful, I heard that not only do the Spicelands grow delicious food, but they're home to the most talented chefs in the whole nine realms!"

Bramble nods vigorously, "Indeed we are!

I grin, "Then I suppose it's you that I have to thank for these delicious smelling cookies."

He drops his gaze, "Um, not exactly. Those were made by the head chef; I'm not allowed to do any actual cooking yet. I'm just an apprentice." He adds mournfully.

"Oh." I place my hand on his shoulder gently, empathizing with the frustration I'm sure he must feel. "It's never easy when people treat you like you're not good enough. But don't give up. I've no doubt that you'll make it to head chef eventually."

Bramble's cheeks flush and he smiles so deeply that it crinkles his eyes and I feel the pride radiating off him. "I hope so!" He replies as he fumbles with something in his pocket and pulls out a glittering purple envelope. "I almost forgot I'm supposed to give you this invitation."

He places the envelope in my free hand then adds, "I believe it's from Her Majesty."

I stuff it inside the pocket of my robe without looking at it. "Thank you Bramble."

He nods proudly, his tiny nose crinkling once more.

"And if these cookies smell anything like they taste, I'm sure I'll love them."

Bramble nods seemingly satisfied and turns to go.

"One last question," I add, "have you served the others breakfast yet?"

"Yes, an hour ago, only one was in her room. The other guest either was not there or did not answer the door."

  I nod, "Yes I'm sure he's already knee deep in some sort of mischief by now." I shrug dismissively, not like I care. "Well thank you anyway Bramble, you've been most helpful."

What an adorable little creature, I think amusedly as Bramble shuffles down the castle hall and disappears.

As soon as I shut the door behind me, my stomach growls loudly and I pop a golden cookie into my eager mouth. The complex flavor explodes in my mouth; a mixture of sweet and salty with a hint of lemon. As I dip the cookies in honey, feeding my ravenous appetite, my mind can't stop worrying over what Loki might be up to. I feel a pang of loneliness when I think of him scheming without me, but I force the pain away, reminding myself that I'm better off without him. I'd originally felt guilty for forcing him to turn over the Norn stone yesterday, but I was just so jealous and angry at him for pushing me away again, that I wasn't thinking straight. I know I should have apologized instead of rubbing it in his face afterwards, but after hearing what he really thought of me... I grit my teeth against the bitter pain...
Well, he's made it abundantly clear that I mean nothing to him. Rage threatens to overwhelm me when I think about how he took advantage of me after I admitted my feelings for him. Why did I fall for the villain? I should have known better!

I push aside my regrets and focus on the other thoughts that have been plaguing me with doubt. What if Loki and I were wrong? What if Nixx was telling the truth and he is innocent? Did we imprison the wrong man?

I pull the envelope from my pocket cringing at the obscene amount of glitter that's covering it. As soon I tear it open, three rainbow colored butterflies emerge fluttering before me. As they fly around the room, I peer into the envelope warry of any more surprises and pull out a small piece of purple parchment. An overwhelming smell of freshly spun cotton candy wafts off the paper as I read the flowery handwriting,

Her Majesty Queen Aelsa The Valiant

formally invites you to join her

and her Elvish Court for lunch in the Dining Hall at noon. 

I stuff the unnecessarily sweet-smelling paper back into my bathrobe pocket, this should be interesting. Alfheim is turning out to be much stranger than I anticipated.

Then another thought skips through my mind, what if Aelsa really did kill Nixx's daughter? Could she be playing us all?

One of the butterfly's hovers in front of my face and I swat it away, feeling annoyed. "Who the hell sends messages with butterflies in them? That's just overkill."

I half expect Loki to reply with a snarky comment but force myself to remember that he wants nothing to do with me. 

"I never should have gotten involved with a wretched human!" He'd insisted a vicious snarl on his lips. "You've been nothing but dead weight!" He'd accused, his expression wild. My heart shatters all over again as I remember the cold contempt in his eyes.

No. I'm not sharing anything with him. In fact, I clasp my hands together, hardening my heart, it's about time he shares something with me. Today is the day I steal those spells out from under his stupid nose. Then once I've made a copy, I'll just sneak it back when he's not looking. He thinks he can just use me and toss me aside with no consequences? Well, if there's one thing I've gotten good at in the last five years, it's planning a bloody vendetta.

I get dressed quickly, my anger and thirst for vengeance fueling my movements as I cast a spell to untangle my messy curls and pin them behind my ears. I throw on my silver enchanted armor and will it to turn into a long black shimmering pantsuit with a plunging neckline made of lace. I throw on some blood-red lipstick and heavy eyeliner until I'm satisfied with my reflection. If only looks could kill. I swear I'd make him bleed.

Once I'm finished brushing my teeth, I creep down the hall silently and pause in front of Loki's bedroom door. I cast out my magic to see if he's inside and when my suspicions are confirmed I enter the room casually, not letting myself wonder about what he might be up to. I search his room carefully aided by my magic, but unfortunately there is no sign of the scroll.

"Just as I thought," I groan quietly, "they're still on him." I crumple down onto his made-up bed, disappointment settling into my shoulders. Of course he wouldn't be stupid enough to leave it behind. My thoughts race, there's no way I'm going to get close enough to snag them. Unless, I'm not me.

I let out a wild grin. Of course! Sometimes the only upside to getting close to people, is finding out their weak spots. It's clear that Loki still has a soft spot for Sif, so all I have to do is exploit that and he'll be putty in my hands. A quiet voice warns me that this is a bad idea, that this is crossing a line I can't come back from, but I ignore it. Afterall, Loki's proven that he doesn't give a rat's ass about me, so why should I care?  I glance at the time on my phone, the light has dimmed due to the low battery, but I can still make out that it's already past 11:30. I smooth out the bed beneath me and remind myself to ask around for a converter so I can charge my phone. My newfound plan fills me with adrenaline as I scramble from Loki's room, careful not to leave any evidence that I was ever there. After ensuring I still look presentable, I wind my way down through the castle, gawking at the colorfully ornate stained glass lining the halls and grand staircase until I reach the first floor.

I follow the sound of clinking glasses and laughter, until I reach an illuminated hallway and spot Tirza waiting in the center. As I approach, she bows, making me feel suddenly warm and nervous. Tirza's white hair is pulled back in several braids with a circlet of colorful glass flowers woven among them. Her round lips are tinted pink and she's wearing a peach frilly blouse and wide tan trousers embroidered with pink roses.

"I trust you slept well." Tirza remarks kindly.

I nod, "Yes thank you, the room was quite a treat."

"Good. I've been waiting for you." She informs me, her dimples deepening as she smiles. "It's not every day, I get to introduce a Midgardian to Her Majesty's Elvish Court."

"What exactly does an Elvish Court consist of?" I ask, wary of what I've gotten myself into. Ive never been one for politics and diplomacy.

"The Court is made up of the Queen's most trusted advisors and representatives."

I gulp, I don't know the first thing about how to behave in front of a royal court. "And I'm going to meet them all right now?"

Her eyes flick over me and she shakes her head emphatically, "Yes. But don't worry, all you have to do is smile and nod. You're here as our guest. There's no pressure to be anything other than that."

I grimace, as appreciative as Aelsa was yesterday, I doubt a bunch of royals would want me in their court if they knew the amount of people I've slaughtered.

Tirza looks at me knowingly and squeezes my shoulder, "I promise I won't leave your side, just follow my lead."

When she moves to leave, I stop her. "Wait, how many royals are there? Am I expected to keep track of who is who?"

Immediately her cheeks flush bright red and she laughs self-consciously, her narrow hips swaying slightly. "My apologizes, Kamilla I should have explained better. First you will meet my father, Sir Ivory Honeyshot, he is also a Light elf and is the Queens advisor and second in command. Then you'll be introduced to the Representative of the Light Country and her seven Representatives from the surrounding provinces of Ljosalfgard. You know of the eight nations that makeup Alfheim, correct?"

I nod, "Yes Sif filled me in. So first I'll meet your father and then eight senators. Will I be meeting your mother as well?"

She pauses breifly her bright eyes downcast, "No, she died several moons back."

"Fuck. I'm sorry." I backpedal, "I didn't mean to pry."

"Don't trouble yourself, my friend. We light Elves do not hold grudges; we prefer to leave our sorrows behind us."

"Okay." I reply pushing away my nervousness, if I can handle both Dr Strange and Loki, I can handle a bunch of elves.

She links her arm in mine and gives me a reassuring squeeze. "Now, once we enter, custom dictates that you must first bow to Queen Aelsa before you are seated. Then after the official toast, lunch will be served and if you don't feel comfortable, you can simply eat in silence until you're dismissed."

"Sounds simple enough."

Tirza nods resolutely, her long golden earrings jingling with the movement, "Yes, there really is nothing to worry about, now Let's get going."

She leads me silently through the double doors and into the Dining Hall, and I find myself gaping as I take in the marvelous scene before me. Large stained-glass windows fill the room with bright light in every color, illuminating the high ceilings and the marbled floors of the enormous room. Gold mirrors and dressers covered in candles line the walls and in the center is a grand white table at least fifteen feet long. The table is piled high with goblets full of pink, purple and orange liquid and boasts a gigantic platter, overflowing with exotic looking fruit. Seated around the table talking excitedly, sit several elaborately dressed elves with skin and hair of almost every color.

"Introducing Lady Kamilla of Midgard, friend to Asgardians." Tirza announces her voice proud as she leads me to the table. Immediately the chattering ceases and everyone in the room looks up at me, their many expressions ranging from kindness, to curiosity, to outright suspicion. My eyes scan the crowd for a friendly face and when I spy Loki seated to the left of Queen Aelsa at the head of the table, my gut clenches in response. He looks more handsome than ever, his hair tied in a knot and wearing his favorite black suit, as he leans in his chair as if he hasn't a care in the world. Even though his posture suggests carelessness, his expression is guarded as he languidly lifts a goblet up to his mouth and drinks slowly next to a beautiful brunette with light blue fairy wings peaking out from behind a shimmering blue and pink gown. I ignore them both and bow formally to Queen Aelsa.

 "Thank you for your invitation Queen Aelsa, it is a privilege to be among your renowned Elvish Court."

"Oh, do stop that bowing, there's no need for formalities on a day like today!" Aelsa exclaims, waiving dismissively, her white sleeves fluttering around her, "You're my guest! Come, sit next to Tirza and enjoy some elf-made libations."

Aelsa gestures for me to sit in the empty chair next to Tirza, who's taken her place at the right side of Aelsa. I slip into the velvet chair as Tirza leans towards the Queen and whispers something in her ear, causing the Queen to nod in silent agreement. I make note of the fact that even after Tirza has stopped whispering, she doesn't angle her body away from the Queen, her body language suggesting intimate protectiveness. Then my eyes catch on the opulent crown that sits on the Queens head; a giant silver circlet twinkles in the light, so brightly I can nearly see my reflection. Its laden with large bright emeralds that reflect the brilliant green speckles inside her intense deep-set eyes. Her hair is whiter than it appeared yesterday in the moonlight and her curls are so voluminous and thick, that they rival even my own. Her flowing white gown is covered in lace and flounces, embroidered both with pearls and sparkling diamonds. Aelsa catches my eye, "Do you like it?" She asks genially, with an infectious grin.


"I've had it made in honor of today."

"What's so special about today?" I inquire, my eyes catching on a plate of what looks like giant blue and purple striped strawberries.

"Today is the Festival of Freedom. Our annual Celebration of Liberation from the Dark Elves!"

"Oh, is it June already?" Loki replies lazily, dragging his eyes away from the gorgeous brunette fairy, and to the Queen who sits beside him.

If Aelsa notices his bored tone, she doesn't show it. "It most certainly is, that's why we are celebrating with the Masquerade Ball tonight!"

"Of course, of course, The Liberation Ball." Loki's expression darkens for a moment, then smooths over calmly.

"That's why it's so fortuitous that you're here with us Loki and Kamilla. It was on this day, a few thousand years ago, that the Asgardians came to our aide and freed us from Malekith and our oppressors." The Queen takes Loki's hands in hers, adding earnestly, "It truly is an honor to have you here with us."

Loki smirks then brings her small pale hand to his lips and kisses it softly. For a faint moment I almost see his eyes dart in my direction, but then I blink and I'm not certain if it was just wishful thinking or if it was real.

"I do hope that means you will save a dance for me tonight at the Ball." Loki croons, laying on the charm so thick, I nearly vomit.

Aelsa smiles graciously, "It would be my privilege."

Out of the corner of my eye I notice Tirza's tight expression and I wonder if she's heard rumors of Loki's treachery, or if she's just protective of her Queen.

Loki grins smugly, as he puts down Alesa's hand and turns his attention back to the pink wine in his goblet.

"Now that you're here Kamilla, I would like to introduce you to my court." Aelsa announces her voice cutting above the noise of the table.

At the commanding tone of her voice the elves go silent, waiting patiently for their Queen to continue speaking.

"Lady Kamilla, may I introduce you to my second in command, chief advisor and the caption of the guard, Sir Ivory Honesyshot."

As my eyes take in the imposingly tall and pale elf, clothed in silver leather and wearing a large sword strapped to his waist, I notice he has the same straight white hair and hazel eyes as Tirza does. Tirza leans over and whispers in my ear, "That's my father."

The stern looking elf nods diplomatically, the heavy wrinkles around his eyes crinkling as his somber voice replies, "Tis a privilege indeed, my lady."

I nod, struggling to find the words that are both formal and polite. "And you as well, Sir Honeyshot."

The Queen gestures to the pale and white-haired elf seated next to him and continues, "And this is Senator Leon Milkmane, he represents the city of Ljosalfgard and all the Light elves who live within its borders." 

Leon smiles charismatically. His wide brown eyes light up as they land on me and I catch my breath, blown away by how strangely beautiful this elf is. He's dressed in brown leather that highlights his toned body and his long white hair is pulled away from his narrow eyes, accentuating his colored eyebrows, and earth-toned eyeshadow that give his eyes an unearthly appeal. He wears five earrings in each ear and his hands are covered in blindingly bright silver rings and bracelets. His eyes twinkle mischievously, and already I can tell that he's an unabashed flirt, used to getting what he wants from people.

"Charmed I'm sure, Kamilla. I look forward to getting to know you during your stay here."

My chest burns in revulsion, I can't stand overly flirtatious men. But, I decide to indulge him, hoping to make Loki jealous, as I resist the urge to glance in Loki's direction. "Then, I'm sure I'll see you on the dance floor." I reply flirtatiously.

His piercing eyes flit over me hungrily and I hold his gaze, matching his ferocity; implying that two can play this game.

"Next is the Representative of the Spicelands," Queen Aelsa carries on ignoring the sultry gaze Leon sends my way. "Senator Lucia Butterblossom."

An elf in a simple black velvet dress with dark red skin, brown freckles and tight auburn curls spooling out from her dainty head, smiles brightly in my direction. "The people of the Spicelands welcome you."

"Thank you very much." I respond primly, noting that she speaks in the same Irish sounding accent as Bramble.

"And seated at the end of the table is the Representative of the Holy Moon Island." Queen Aelsa gestures to a tall older woman with skin so pale, its tinged purple and blue. "I present to you, The High Priestess of all Elfdom, Luna Rae."

The fearsome looking woman is the only one at the table dressed more lavishly than the Queen. Luna sits regally, wearing a navy-blue satin dress embroidered with silver stars and crescent moons, her off-the-shoulder sleeves cascading elegantly to the floor. She wears heavy blue and black eyeshadow but has no eyebrows or eyelashes and I wonder briefly if the blue hair on her head a is actually a wig. On top of her unnaturally vibrant blue hair rests a silver tiara adorned with opals styled to look like moons glinting on a dark winter's night. Luna grins flatly and dips her head only slightly, both acknowledging me and implying that I'm beneath her. "We are truly blessed to have you here with us on such a holy and wonderous day."

I paste a smile on my face, already disliking the pretentious elf. "Pleasure is mine." I reply tightly.

"A moon priestess? She really takes this whole moon thing seriously." I mumble under my breath once Luna's attention is turned away from me.

Tirza leans into me, her breath less than a whisper. "Yes she does. Luna is the High Priestess of the Moon Temple, so she blesses the harvest and leads the monks and all elves who worship the Moon Goddess of Alfheim."

"She seems unnecessarily intense." I whisper back.

"She is. You do not want to ruffle her feathers, she holds a lot of sway over the people." Her words are low and rushed as The Queen gestures to the next senator, "Just be careful what you say to her."

"And Seated to the left of Luna is the Senator of the Ice Elf warriors, Elphane Juniper." Aelsa gestures to the blue skinned woman next to Luna. The tall muscular woman with thin white hair and piercing black eyes nods towards me cordially, "Tis a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine." I reply, my eyes roaming over her blue skin that looks so much like Loki's ice giant skin.

"And now let me present, Senator Coraline Aspen of the Airlands and a most excellent inventor if I do say so myself." The Queen continues regally as she beams with pride.

A petite woman with bright green neon hair smiles at me, her dark chocolate skin conrasting against her bright blue leather jacket. "The Queen exaggerates my greatness; I am nothing more than a humble servant." Then she adds "And it is a true honor to meet a representative from Midgard."

"Yes. Thank you." I reply distractedly as I notice the pretty brunette lean over to whisper in Loki's ear. I'm trying so hard to hear what has elicited a smug chuckle from Loki that I barely hear the Queen's next introduction.

"As Guardian of the Forest, I welcome you." A green skinned woman with long black hair and pink gilded eyes announces kindly, in a thick accent I can't place. My eyes sweep over the green frock made of leaves and cotton as long green vines climb over her arms and cling to her strong shoulders.

"Nice to meet you." I reply, then whisper to Tirza, "What was her name?"

"That's Aralina Ivy, she rules the Vale." Tirza whispers in my ear.

"And the Representative of the Sealands, Marina Kae." The Queen is pointing to a tan and ginger haired elf that smiles brightly; flashing perfectly white teeth. Suddenly I'm struck by her immense beauty and feel an urge of desire curling in my gut. Her long loose hair hangs in waves over delicate bare shoulders, and her bright blue eyes sparkle in a way that makes me feel both deliriously happy and terribly afraid. She's wearing a strapless dress made of netting and lined with seashells and coral. Glossy white pearls line her hair as she tosses it behind her shoulders.

"Pleasure to meet you Earth girl, my people have heard a lot about your kind." She drawls in a barely-there accent, her tone a subtle threat. "But I do hope none of the rumors are true." 

I swallow thickly, "Um.." I falter as my head begins to sway, so pretty... I need her... want her.

Suddenly I spot Loki's worried eyes flashing over me, then he snaps his fingers so quickly it's almost undetectable. I feel his familiar magic washing over me and immediately my mind stops swirling and my thoughts calm. Broken free of her spell, I'm no longer entranced by her beauty, nor do I feel the urge to follow her to the depths of the sea. I shake my head and clear my throat, trying to tamp down my anger, the last thing I need is Loki thinking he rescued me!
"Hello Marina." I snarl through clenched teeth. How dare she try to enchant me. The nerve!

Marina rolls her eyes so quickly that no one else seems to notice, as the Queen continues speaking. "And lastly, seated next to your friend Loki, is Princess Electra Luxe, my Senator from the renowned Pleasurelands."

Meanwhile, Tirza's eyes dart back and forth between Marina and I worriedly. "I'm so sorry, she shouldn't have... she knows better." She whispers to me in a jumbled rush.

I clench my fists as Marina and Electra give each other a knowing look. The beautiful brunette with  blue faerie wings next to Loki finally acknowledges me and smiles jovially, as if she's playing a game of cat and mouse. "Welcome Midgardian, I do hope your stay is quite pleasurable."

I nod, replying tightly, "Whatever."

"And now that you've all been formally introduced," The Queen adds, her voice both kind and authoritative, "I would like to remind everyone that they are expected to treat Kamilla with the utmost respect." Her gaze slides towards Marina and Electra, "Kamilla, Loki and Sif, who is otherwise engaged at the moment, are my esteemed guests of honor and will be treated as such, at the ball tonight."

The elves surrounding the table nod, each of them promising to obey the Queen's every command. And the Queen smiles, "Very well then, let us enjoy ourselves."

With her dismissal the elves once more resume their excited chatter as I sink back into my chair, biting the inside of my cheek.

"I'm sorry about that." Tirza states apologetically. "The Folk of the Sealands can be a bit devious, and they have unique abilities. I suppose in your world, you might call them sirens."

I wave off her concern, "Whatever. It's fine." I reply taking a sip from a silver goblet of orange liquid that's surprisingly both sweet and sour. I know I shouldn't take my anger out on Tirza so I take a deep calming breathe and ask, "So, all the senators are women except for one?" 

Tirza pops a yellow grape into her mouth swiftly and shrugs, "Yes, Aelsa felt that politics on Alfheim had been too long dominated by men, so for her entire reign she's strived to employ more females than men in her court."

I nod, making note of how informally Tirza just referred to the Queen, wondering just how close these two are.

"Let us make a toast to celebrate this fine day and remember our hard-won freedom!" The Queen announces jovially raising her golden goblet high in the air.

I pick up my goblet as everyone at the table follows her lead and join them when they slam their drinks together shouting, "Long Live Alfheim!"

After everyone one downs their wine, the Queen adds, "And now we begin our feast!"

Suddenly several pale white and red skinned elves shuffle forward, carrying large silver trays piled high with insane amounts of food. The elves pile the trays onto the table and without missing a beat the senators dig into the food. My eyes sweep over the colorful baked goods and steaming plates of meat as I push my mounting anger aside and focus on deciding what to try first. I go for the freshly baked green bread and a heaping spoonful of some sort of honey glazed meat-pie. Everything I try is delicious and goes down smooth, but it's so sweet I find that I can only eat a little bit. So I resort to observing quietly as the elves talk and laugh animatedly around me. I notice Luna is also watching quietly as Tirza's dad and Lucia talk to Leon about trade. And the Queen seems to focus both on entertaining her senators while also maintaining the peace. Marina and Electra continue to flirt with Loki as he downs several glasses of wine and picks listlessly at his food and I try to ignore the jealousy that curls in my gut and focus on my rage. I tune out all the noise around me and strain to listen to Loki's conversation with Electra, and consider casting a spell to amplify their voices but worry that Loki will sense me eavesdropping. I sigh, pushing the food around on my plate and try to push him from my mind. Tirza nudges me gently, "Is everything not to your liking?"

"No, no everything is delicious." I protest instantly pulling my eyes away from Loki to meet hers. Too late. She caught me.

"Tirza glances in the direction I was just staring, and I curse myself inwardly for getting caught.

Stupid, stupid! You shouldn't be giving him the time of day!

Tirza's expression softens and she squeezes my hand, giving me a heartfelt look, "I know what it's like to want what you can't have."

My gaze darts to the Queen and my eyes widen. She's in love with the Queen! "Oh!"

"No, that's not what I meant." Tirza protests, panic filling her eyes. "I just meant-"

"It's okay." I whisper, "I won't tell anyone."

She lets out an awkward laugh, "Well, it's not at what you think, honest."

"Okay." I say, not pushing the subject. "You wouldn't happen to know where Loki was this morning would you?" I ask unable to stop myself.

Her guarded expression softens, "Actually yes. He came to the Great Library to do some research."

"On what?"

"That he did not say, but since I was also there studying, I noticed that he was spending a lot of time in the history and mythology section."

"Of course," I mumble, "he was probably trying to find out more about Lady Death. He's always so unnecessarily secretive. What an idiot."

Tirza quirks her gaze towards me, slightly alarmed, "Wait, why is he so interested in Mother Death?"

"Let's just say we've had a recent encounter with Death and are sort of on the run from her."

Tirza's expression pales, "That is not someone you can outrun!" She replies grimly. "I've spent some time reading about the ancient beings known as Death and her counterpart Eternity, and all I know for certain is that they are not to be trifled with!" She pauses, her hazel eyes searching mine. "You don't mean to say that you've actually met her?"

I grimace, "Yup..."

Tirza gapes, even more horrified than before. "If she's found you once, then she can find you again. You cannot hide from her."

My eyes dart to Loki who's still hasn't touched his plate and continues to converse with both Electra and now the Queen. And even though I'm still mad at him, a small part of me still worries for him.

"We know," I reply in hushed tones, "that's why we're searching for the All-Black Necrosword."

"I've never heard of such a thing." She replies curiously, a thin white braid falling in front of her eyes. 

"It's supposed to be strong enough to kill a God."

"Interesting, our history books mention no such weapon."

I sigh, fiddling with my golden fork, "I'm not surprised, there was basically a giant coverup. Only Odin knew all the details."

"Ah, I see." She pauses, "We were sorry to hear of his death."

I nod, "You wouldn't happen to know of any other God killing weapons would you?"

Tirza sits quietly for a moment before responding, "Unfortunately there is nothing that comes to mind. I'm sorry I do wish I could be more helpful."

I shrug, "Yeah, thanks anyways."

"So, what's up with Leon?" I ask, changing the subject, "He's the only male senator, so he must be something special."

She rolls her eyes playfully, "Yes most people think so."

"He seems like someone who might've charmed his way onto the Queen's council."

Tirza laughs, then lowers her voice conspiratorially, "Well it is rumored that he slept his way to the top. Some people even speculate that he is Aelsa's lover, and that's why she keeps him on."

I raise my eyebrows, glancing down the table at Leon as he talks animatedly to Lucia Butterblossom.

"But don't believe everything you hear. He actually does an excellent job as Senator and the Light elves keep reelecting him into office. Plus, he's got a knack for disarming people with his charming demeanor and loosening their lips. Being able to charm the secrets from anyone makes him quite valuable to the Queen."

I'm about to ask just how trustworthy Queen Aelsa is when Leon taps me on the shoulder, as if we've summoned him just by speaking.

 His voice is both playful and inviting as he stands behind me expectantly, "Lady Kamilla you are awfully quiet this afternoon. Tell me, what does such a beautiful woman such as you think of our country and culture?"

"I like it very much, although I do wish I had someone to instruct me on the more intimate ways of elvish life." I answer flirtatiously, pitching my voice louder in the hopes of annoying Loki.

Leon's smile widens deviously, and his eyes flash with pleasure as he offers his muscularly toned arm, "Then by all means dearie... allow me to take you on your own personal tour."

I standup swiftly and link my arm in his, observing Loki from the corner of my eye. To my disappointment he shows no concern, but continues speaking with the Queen and Electra. Fine then! Since he really doesn't care about me, then there's nothing stopping me from entertaining Leon's advances and rubbing it in his stupid face! 

"Pardon me, Queen Aelsa," Leon announces, "but I request your leave from this fine lunch, Kamilla has requested a guided tour."

Queen Aelsa's regal white head snaps away from Loki and nods to us both, "Very well you are dismissed. But do take our other guest on your tour, much has changed in the last twenty years since Loki visited us." Her head swivels back to Loki, "And it would please me greatly if you saw the many improvements our inventors have made in Ljosalfgard since last you were here."

Loki's eyes are blank but he smiles smoothly, unfolding his long lean frame from the table, "Your wish is my command, my dear Queen Aelsa." 

The Queen nods majestically, her crown catching in the sunlight, then turns back to Leon authoritatively. "And Leon, please ensure that none of my guests are late to the Ball."

Leon bows gracefully his taught muscles rippling with the movement, "Of course your majesty."

"After you." Loki says from behind me, dipping his head in a gesture for Leon to lead the way.

Leon frowns slightly, his eyes narrowing as he sizes up Loki, then he smooths his features, "Very well, follow me."

Leon sweeps his long white hair behind his pointy ears and links my arm in his, before leading me out of the castle and down the main steps adorned with red shimmering carpet. His skin is warm and smooth against my arm, and I notice that he smells faintly of brown sugar. The bright sunlight illuminates the dark make-up around his eyes as the wind catches his white hair in the soft breeze like a gently floating feather. The timber of his voice is soft and lilting as he points out the colorfully painted shops and buildings in the surrounding hills.

"And.." He continues, "A lady as lovely as yourself must surely be interested in our world-renowned garden of glass. Perhaps you'd like your tour to start there? The Tulips are quite delicious this time of year!"

"Oh, I'm sure I'll love anything you want to show me." I reply suggestively, my eyes skipping over to Loki's strangely sullen expression as he walks behind us. Good, I've struck a nerve. Serves the bastard right!
Suddenly, I hear a voice calling from behind us and instinctively, I pivot on my heels, braced for trouble.

"Wait!" Coraline calls out, sprinting to catch up with us, her blue lacy pantsuit billowing in the wind. The three of us wait patiently for her to reach us and once she does, Coraline pauses in front of us to catch her breath.

"Since you're only here for one day, I'd like to take you up in my balloon. There's no better way to explore the Light Kingdom than in an elvish airship!"

Leon rolls his eyes playfully, "No need to crash our party Cora, I was just about to take them to taste the infamous candied gardens."

Loki smiles politely at Coraline, his eyes sparkling in amusement as if he'd like nothing more than to get in the way of Leon's plans. "That sounds wonderful, we'd love to accompany you Coraline."

"Is it safe?" I ask carefully, then clarify, not wanting to sound like a coward, "I've never been in one, but I've always wanted to try it."

Coraline beams, her dark skin shimmering in the afternoon light as she places one hand on her round hip. "Of course it is! I designed and built the airship myself. There's nothing safer in all of Alfheim."

"Yes, the airships are an excellent way to explore Ljosalfgard." Leon jumps in, "I myself, will personally guarantee your safety and enjoyment. There is nothing more miraculous than a view of the Light Kingdom from the skies." He turns towards me, his eyebrow quirking flirtatiously "Except for you of course, dearie."

I resist the impulse to groan at his shameless flirting and resolve to keep indulging him. I'll do whatever I must to prove to Loki I don't need him. "You certainly know how to charm a girl Leon." I tease.

From the corner of my eye I catch Loki grimacing, as satisfaction fills my chest. I give the Air Elf Senator a daring grin, "Okay Coraline, impress me."

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