Loki After Endgame: Cheating...

By EmmalinaP

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COMPLETED! Loki lets out a small chuckle, his eyes sparking with wild delight, "Of course we're bad for each... More

Chap 1: Time Heist
Chap 2: New Asgard
Chap 3: The Good Doctor
Chap 4: Little Witch
Chap 5: Girl On Fire
Chap 6: Fear The Trickster
Chap 7: Choke On Lies
Chap 8: Schemes Upon Schemes
Chap 9: God Of Mischief
Chap 10: Thor To The Rescue
Chap 11: Two Broken Brothers
Chap 12: The Lovers Quarrel
Chap 13: Sif & Asgard
Chap 14: Familiarity Breeds Contempt
Chap 15: The Unsuspecting Piglet
Chap 16: Drunken Shenanigans
Chap 17: Death Comes Swiftly
Chap 18: Nidavellir
Chap 19: The Fool & The Magician
Chap 20: Best Laid Plans
Chap 21: The Kree
Chap 22: Fight or Flight
Chap 23: Trapped in Shadows
Chap 24: Knowhere
Chap 25: Into The Dark
Chap 26: Starry-eyed Healing
Chap 27: The Raven's Tidings
Chap 28: Forever The Hermit
Chap 29: The Hidden Planet
Chap 30: The Coming Trials
Chap 31: Some Wheels Just Keep Turning
Chap 32: Vanaheim
Chap 33: The Goddess of Stories
Chap 34: The Horde of Fire Demons
Chap 35: Encounters With The All-Mothers
Chap 37: Aelsa & Ljosalfgard
Chap 38: Dangerous Games of Love and War
Chap 39: The Masquerade
Chap 40: Ill-fated Lovers
Chap 41: All-Consuming Darkness
Chap 42: The Devil's Due
Chap 43: All Leads To Death
Chap 44: The End Of Everything
Acknowledgments & Sequel

Chap 36: Alfheim

153 8 1
By EmmalinaP


After the glimmer of my mother's consciousness has finished answering my questions, I emerge from the bathroom to find that Kamilla is no longer in the bedroom. Glad to be rid of her presence, I stretch my sore limbs out on my bed ignoring my grumbling stomach while I fiddle with my favorite dagger. Reflexively, I pinch the bridge of my nose, feeling the familiar dullness of a headache coming on. I'm still furious that my apprentice betrayed me, but I can't stop myself from turning some of that anger towards myself. I've been unforgivably careless, letting myself actually get attached to the awful girl.

Stupid! Utterly idiotic! I reproach myself inwardly, my self-hatred resurfacing. How brainless can I be? Befriending a human? Letting my walls down for my own apprentice? It's both dangerous and futile! As if she can ever understand someone like me. I was doing fine on my own before she showed up! I always do better when I'm on my own. My shoulders sink suddenly heavy, I've had to.

I've had to grow accustomed to always being left behind. Because no one ever sticks around! Not after they see me for the monster I truly am. I let out a heavy groan, I'm everything that I hate and no matter how hard I try, I can not outrun my own disgust.

I squeeze my eyes shut and focus on the bright lines of light darting across the inside of my eyelids. Spidery veins of what look like lightening weave and clash in the darkness. Twining, surging, spreading out like sharp blades slicing through the darkness. Always spreading, always clawing for more; a ferocious need deep inside me, desperate to escape. My limbs tighten as the churning in my gut builds, Let me out! It demands from within. Let me out!

I snap my eyes open and push the darkness down deep, forever locking it away. Never.

I let out a low growl, No. I will not let you out.

As my mind flits back down its familiar path, my thoughts grow heavy with despair, I am alone in the universe. Utterly alone. I've no home, no kingdom, no destiny. Why then am I even alive? Why did that foolish Little Witch even bring me back? So, I can wander aimlessly from one disaster to the next? Hounded at my heels by Death herself? I sigh, hating how lost and alone I feel. At least I have my birthright, the throne of Jontunheim is within my grasp. But do I even want it?

And yet, who am I without a crown?


I leap to my feet, stifling my sorrows with steely determination. I can't afford to lose myself, not when I have a mission to complete and the Necrosword to find.

"Ikol go tell me what those obnoxious girls are up to." I command under my breath, as I run my hands through my hair.

Yes, my imminence. Ikol replies in my mind.

A moment later I hear Sif and Kamilla's current conversation playing in my head.

"Damn. This ale Ro made goes down smooth! I feel lighter already!" I hear Kamilla exclaim exuberantly.

"Good." Sif replies, "I'm glad it's helping take your mind off Loki's foul play."

My foul play? I think in surprise, how dare she? That Little Witch is the one who turned me in!

"Loki who? That name means nothing to me." Kamilla retorts with an uncontrollable giggle that suggests she's consumed far too much booze.

Sif barks out a laugh, "That's the spirit!" Then she adds her tone more serious, "I did warn you not to trust him."

Kamilla sighs, "Yes, and you were right, I've let him toy with me for too long. But that's over now."

"I assure you it's for the best." Sif replies solemnly.

"Anyways," Kamilla drawls, clearly trying to change the subject. "I can't believe we're going to a planet full of elves! I didn't even know elves were actually real. I'm pretty damn excited!"

"Yes, Alfheim is quite intriguing." Sif replies matter-of-factly, "Nothing like Asgard of course, but still, the realm of elves has its merits."

"Like what?"

"Well let's see, there are fantastical elvish inventions, secret markets held only on a full moon, wild unicorns and mushrooms the size of trees. There is a river that flows full of champagne and cities surrounded by hundreds of gardens with flowers that make music. They have fruit orchards the size of oceans, although their cuisine is far too sweet for my taste. But they also have candy farmers, enchanted forests and mermaid lagoons; it's essentially an elvish paradise, if you like that sort of thing."

"That sounds like something from a story book. "Kamilla replies in awe, after stifling a hiccup.

"I'm sure its legends have inspired many of Earth's stories." Sif pauses, "Although it's the elves themselves that make it such a strange and fantastical place."

"What are they like?"

"They're a lot of fun, if a bit unruly. There are eight different types of elves all separated into eight different nations. And they are a kind and peaceful race, nothing like the vicious dark elves, known for hostile takeovers. The Spice Elves, from the Spicelands in the south, are short red-skinned elves that are known for their fine cuisine and candy making. That's where the natural champagne springs come from, and don't bother asking me how that's possible I don't know." Sif pauses thoughtfully, before adding, "But I suppose the soil is infused with sugar because everything they grow is sweet and most of their land is dedicated to farming. The Airlands are nestled in the northern valleys just above the border, and they are mostly known for their fantastical inventions. There is never a day without innovation and imagination in the bustling cities of the Airlands. They boast excellent builders and are known throughout the nine realms for their impressive flying machines. Most of the Air elves have dark brown skin, contrasted by hair that grows in such vibrant hues, it looks like neon bright cotton-candy. And further north, across the Coal-black Sea are the Icelands, where the Ice Elves live in perpetual winter. Although they tend to be peaceful hermits in nature, they are a race of powerful blue-skinned warriors expertly trained since birth. The Light kingdom went to war with them three hundred years ago and has held a fragile alliance with them ever since. To the east of the Airlands lies a lush tropical continent bordered by four large oceans. This is the home of the Pleasure Elves and it boasts the most beautiful jungles, known for their lavish and luxurious parties that last for weeks. They are a fickle people, tricksters by nature and the only elves that are double jointed and have wings. Then to the East across the sea lies the Sealands, home of the Sea Elves; elvish mermaid hybrids known for their craftmanship and musical abilities. They live near the Hummingbird Bay by the Sea of Sweet Tears, and their nation is separated in the south by a huge enchanted forest that leads to a country known simply as The Vale. The Vale is a very mystical place full of nymph-like elves with green skin who have the ability to commune with nature. They raise unicorns, flying horses and other mythical creatures, preferring the harmony of nature to city life. And seated to the North-East of the Sealands is The Light Kingdom the most important of them all, if only because it's the seat of Elvish power. Queen Aelsa rules from the country's capital Ljosalfgard, reigning over not just the Light Elves but all the elves in Alfheim."

I frown, already losing interest in the conversation. Blah, blah, blah... who cares? Go back to the part where you were talking about me!

Sif pauses, "And lastly, in an island all by themselves is the Holy Moon Island, home to the extremely devout Moon Elves known for brewing firefly wine and colorful mushroom gardens."

"Wow, that sounds unreal." Kamila murmurs in awe, her voice sluggish.

She's clearly trying to drown herself with ale, what a waste. I think to myself, slightly bitter that she got to Ro's ale before I could.

"Of course, the only place we're going is first to the Moon country and secondly to Ljosalfgard to meet with Queen Aelsa."

"That's the girl Thor stole a lock of hair from, right?" Kamilla inquires.

"Indeed it is." Sif replies bitterly and I bite my lip to keep from smirking.

So she's still mad about losing her hair is she? Well good. It serves her right!

"Queen Aelsa is quite formidable." Sif continues "She campaigned to be elected Queen at twelve and lost, but then she tried again at twenty two and won. All the nations sent champions from their home country and Aelsa outsmarted and outfought them all. Every ten years any elf Lord or Lady is granted the right to challenge her leadership and become leaders of the Fey in her stead. But for the last 200 years she has defeated every would-be usurper. And while they have been at peace during Aelsa's reign, the alliance of the eight nations has been quite fragile since Asgard was destroyed."

"The Queen sounds totally badass, I hope I get to meet her." Kamilla exclaims slurring her words heavily.

"You will, sooner than you think. In fact, we are nearing the portal that cuts us across the Milky Way to her realm. We should arrive within a few hours."

"Cool, cool, cool. I think I'll lay down and relax for a little while. This ale is making me way too tipsy."

"Yes, you should get some rest."

"Enough Ikol." I hiss quietly, "I grow weary of their inane conversations."

My apologies master. My raven chirps back and immediately Kamilla and Sif's voices fade away. I'm not sure why I was snooping, perhaps I was hoping to overhear some sort of gossip, but that was futile. I could care less about the elves and although I do find some of them to be rather entertaining, I'm much more interested in the famous Library of the Fey. I'm hoping to do some digging through their archives and am rather keen on finding out if they know anything about Death. I twirl my dagger between my fingers enjoying the cool smoothness of the metal blade that I never go anywhere without. Perhaps I'll get lucky and uncover some elvish forged trinkets that might come in handy later. I pull out the scroll from my pocket and read over the various spells contained within, but my mind keeps snagging over the instructions for two of the more dangerous spells and I wonder if my mother can explain them to me.

"Hello mother, we really have to stop meeting like this." I tease flipping the thin compact mirror open in my eager palm.

"Hello, my darling. I've missed you." She replies steadily, the sound of her comforting voice a balm to my battered soul. I let out a contented sigh, "And I you mother."

"What's on your mind, dearest?"

"Why did you hide this scroll of spells away from me?"

"Oh my child." Frigga pauses looking ashamed, her hazel eyes flicking away from me, "I always planned on teaching you those spells when you proved yourself ready. I knew the time would come someday and that you'd be able to handle it eventually."

"Very well." I reply tightly, refusing to dwell on it. "I'm ready now."

Frigga's round lips quirk into an amused and gentle grin, "Yes I suppose you must be."

"Tell me how I can master them."

"Patience my boy. Patience and practice."

I wave her words away, "Yes, yes, I figured as much. But some of these spells are written like a recipe with no purpose. I've been reading over each of them, but I'm still not certain what some of them accomplish."

"Well, the first spell allows you to grant temporary magical abilities to those who can not or have not wielded magic."

"Yes, I've already used that one quite succesfully." I remark cutting her off. "And the second spell will allow me to animate objects with life. The third spell can mend any broken object, including restoring missing limbs. And it's quite obvious that the fourth spell will grant me the ability to speak any language and that the fifth is a scrying spell. Also the sixth is clearly a transmutation spell, but the rest of the spells, well I'm not sure what theyr'e for."

Frigga nods, her tone softening, "I see, well the other spells are the main reason this scroll was hidden away. They serve a much darker purpose. They are hexes and curses designed to either torment your enemies or destroy them in various excruciatingly painful ways. Those hexes use blood magic and are traditionally forbidden; they're only to be used with the utmost care and only when absolutely necessary."

"I assure you mother, it is quite necessary."

Frigga nods, her eyes glinting earnestly, "Then I will walk you through it. But remember these hexes require the shedding of your own blood and cannot be undone. You must be sure."

I nod resolutely, "I always am."

After Frigga's finished explaining the details and purposes of the various hexes, we spend the rest of the time reminiscing over the various happy memories that her consciousness has retained. And when I finally snap the mirror closed two hours later, I feel happier and lighter than I've felt in a long time.

Suddenly Sif's voice rings out over the loudspeaker, "We will be landing on Alfheim within the hour, so prepare yourself Loki."

I place the compact mirror in my jacket pocket, ensuring its safety before I stride from my bedroom to the front of the ship. Sif's long limber figure is seated at the cockpit as usual, her alert eyes scanning the monitor while Kamilla sits up from the mattress beneath the window to my right. Kamilla's brown hair is ruffled as she rubs the sleep away from her eyes with a quiet yawn. "Alright I'm up." Kamilla announces tiredly, seemingly less inebriated than before.

"Pray tell, what exactly is our mission here?" I inquire briskly, pointedly ignoring Kamilla.

Sif doesn't look away from the silver sleek monitor on the dashboard as she replies, "Queen Aelsa has requested our aide in an attempt to prevent impending civil war."

"Yes I'm quite aware." I retort sarcasm dripping off every syllable, as I watch Kamilla from the corner of my eye strap on her enchanted armor and will it to mold into a skin-tight leather uniform. When her eyes swing towards mine, I glance away, still bitter over her annoying betrayal.

"It's essential that this mission remain secret." Sif continues sternly.

"Yes, of course. Cross my lips, swear no lies." I retort, repeating a phrase I once heard on Earth. But when Kamilla raises a perplexed eyebrow at me, I instantly worry that I've said it wrong.

"So, we'll be going undercover once we get to Moon Island?" Kamilla pipes in as she pulls her wild mane into a topknot and climbs smoothly to her feet.

Sif nods, "That's right Kamilla, you two will work as assassins and end the Moon Elves rebellion. Since Asgard fell, unrest and fear have been building for the last five years, culminating in chaos. And most recently, the Supreme Lord Nixx Lucius of the Moon Elves has begun stoking those fears by rallying against Queen Aelsa and calling for an all out war."

"Aren't the elves allowed to challenge Aelsa's leadership?" I quip, remembering my many lessons on Alfheim politics.

"Yes, but only every ten years and Aelsa still has four years left in her term, before the challenge. But Nixx has ignored all her diplomatic attempts and will only be gratified with a war that cedes him the throne. The Queen wants to avoid war at all costs and has even levied tariffs and halted all exports to the Moon Island, but to no avail. So, since the Asgardian military is not around to step in, the duty falls to you both."

"Yeah okay, no pressure then." Kamilla mumbles as she arches her slender back in a long stretch.

"Queen Aelsa cannot publicly make a move against Nixx, but she is afraid that he has become unhinged and has reasons to believe that he recently murdered his own daughter."

Kamilla pauses, gaping in horror, "That's terrible."

"So, we are to kill him quietly." I reply to Sif, ignoring Kamilla's sentiment. "That should be easy enough."

Sif glares at me, "Not so fast trickster. There is a catch, the Queen specifically stated that you are to prevent war without shedding a single drop of elvish blood."

"So, how to get away with murder within the framework of a riddle." I grin deviously, the gears in my mind churning, "How delightful."

Sif rolls her eyes and turns to Kamilla, "Remember, in order to successfully pass this challenge, you must work together to get into the city, find Nixx, prevent his rebellion and then return to the ship. Then I'll take you to see the Queen herself, and she will determine whether your efforts are deemed acceptable or not."

Kamilla nods solemnly, "Okay."

Sif pushes her silky brown hair behind her ears gracefully before gesturing to the map on the monitor. "We are going to land on a tiny uninhabited dessert isle, several miles away from Moon Island so we won't be seen."

"And do we know what this elf looks like?" I inquire briskly, eager to get this mission over with.

Sif responds by punching some buttons on the monitor and pulling up a small image displaying a pale and imposing elf with short hair as blue as midnight, and translucent purple and bluish skin. His thick navy-blue eyebrows are furrowed over silver upturned eyes, and his jaw is hardened in steely determination.

"So, he's the leader of the Moon elves?" Kamilla inquires as she takes a seat, then adds, "He looks like a dick with a stick up his ass."

I bite my lip to keep from chuckling, She always did have a way with words. "Are you going to tell us where exactly we can find him?"

"I don't know his exact location, but I'm sure a detective such as yourself won't hesitate to find out." Sif retorts with an eyeroll.

"Have no doubt of that." I hiss haughtily, "As you know from experience, I can be quite compelling."

Sif grimaces, her expression sour as she angles her toned body away from mine, "Buckle up and prepare for landing." She barks, my words clearly needling beneath her tough exterior

As the ship approaches a large blue planet that I've visited many times, Sif navigates the ship low to escape their notice as we soar over the Sea of Sweet Tears and aim for a tiny island covered in black sand. When we finally land I stroll from the ship confidently, summoning my magical sword to my side and savoring the refreshing sea breeze as it whips at my hair wildly. While Kamilla disembarks the ship behind me, my eyes linger over the beautiful sparkling ocean that sprawls out around us, its cobalt blue waters shimmering in heady swirls.

"Best of luck assassins." Sif calls out before sealing the metal door to my ship behind her.

Kamilla pivots toward me, her expression laced with poison, seemingly unmoved by the landscapes' beauty. "The sooner we figure out how to do this, the sooner we can get this over with. I'd prefer to spend as little time around you as possible." She hisses spitefully, clearly resenting this mission as much as I.

"I've already got a plan." I reply coolly. Although what I really want to say is: get over yourself! I haven't the patience for your relentless whining!
I mean honestly... I really don't see why it should be my problem that she can't control her own fickle feelings.

"Of course you do," She replies tightly, "care to share with the class, dickwad?"

I choose to ignore her incessant taunting as I pull the scroll from my pocket, my eyes sweeping over the spell that will most certainly kill Nixx without spilling his blood.

"Right." She hisses bitterly, her lips turned up in a snarl, "I know better than to ask you to share anything."

"Good." I reply icily, ignoring her sharp tone, "Then do what you promised and be my dutiful apprentice. I require nothing more than that."

When Kamilla goes completely quiet, I take the opportunity to congratulate myself for finally silencing her. Fully satisfied, I stuff the scroll back inside my jacket and turn to Kamilla, suddenly caught off guard when I notice the look of pain on her stricken face. I grimace inwardly, hating myself for being so cruel and calloused. Quick, say something cool and catty, to show that you're above it all.

"That's better, my pet. Now do try and stay out of my way. I've a challenge to win."

She curses under her breath as I wave my hand with a dramatic flourish summoning a large wooden paddle boat from thin air. Then after a quick inspection, I climb into the boat and wait for her to follow, holding my head high as if I could care less whether she joins me.

Kamilla clambers in and seats herself across from me, refusing to meet my gaze while I glamour myself to resemble an elf. The glamour gives me light blue and purple translucent pale skin, while also transforming my locks to navy blue, and replacing my clothing with traditional Elvish garb. After ensuring that my disguise makes me look exactly like a Moon Elf, I gesture for Kamilla to follow suit.

"Make sure your glamour holds and that you keep your head down." I instruct; my voice sounding harsher than I'd planned.

Kamilla glowers in response, mumbling to herself as she casts her glamour, attending to every detail carefully. After inspecting her Moon Elf disguise, I enchant the wooden boat to glide speedily over the water as the first sun sinks below the horizon and the second red tinted sun remains in the middle of the sky. The water glimmers beneath us as the boat speeds along silently, and I take a moment to enjoy the beauty that surrounds me. Alfheim always was a marvelous and enchanting place. If only the elves weren't such bumbling buffoons. My eyes flicker over Kamilla who's gazing into the sea, her eyes distant and heavy. And even though I swore I wouldn't care, I can't help but wonder what she's thinking about as I watch her sad reflection twinkle in the shimmering ocean waves. For a brief moment I feel a distant pang of guilt tinged with longing, perhaps I've been too hard on her.

"It's called the Sea of Sweet Tears." I announce trying to ease the tension. "The water here is so sweet you can actually drink it. It's actually considered quite a delicacy in some realms."

But my attempt at diplomacy falls flat as Kamilla remains silent, refusing to acknowledge me. Stung by her response, I cross my arms over my chest.

Well that's what I get for trying!

My eyes scan the horizon, in the distance all I can see is a small outcrop of slate rock jutting up above the ocean waves with several boats anchored around it. There's a steep stone staircase perched in the very center leading upwards into the cloudy sky. High in the horizon, the floating Moon Island hovers, it's only connection to the ground the long stone staircase. Thick white clouds obstruct most of the floating island above, but even though it's so high up, I can see just enough to teleport myself to the top. I glance at the red sun; the dying star is in its last few life cycles. And with only a short window before this smaller sun sets, we haven't a moment to lose. As the salty-sweet breeze nips at my skin, I worry that Kamilla will betray me once again. The Little Witch better not slow me down! I could care less if she hates me. She just better not screw this up.

Once we finally reach the rocky shore, we disembark the boat, and after ensuring that no elves are around, I vanish it with a flick of my wrist. In all my visits to Alfheim, I've never set foot on Moon Island; disliking their religious fervor and obsession with the moon goddess. The pathetic elves actually attribute their fictional Moon Goddess with the creation of the floating Island. But since this elf is the Supreme Leader over all the Moon Elves, then it stands to reason that he'll be living in the largest and most heavily guarded mansion we can find. I tip my head back scanning the horizon, my eyes catching on a huge building up in the clouds, looming high above the rest of the island. Elves are always so predictable.

I gesture to the stairs that winds upwards. "This way, follow me."

Kamilla crosses her arms over her chest defiantly, refusing to move an inch. "Hell no. Not before you tell me what the plan is."

"Just trust me Little Witch, I know what I'm doing." I reply testily.

"I'm not moving until you tell me."

I groan, "This is not the time to make a stand Little Witch. The only thing I need from you, is total obedience."

She levels her fierce gaze at me, refusing to back down. "Not happening." She hisses, enunciating her words in a threat.

"Fine." I snap, trying not to lose my patience, "See the building above us peeking out from between the clouds? I'm pretty sure that's where Nixx lives, we need to get close enough so that I can safely teleport us inside. Then I'll kill him and glamour myself to take his place so I can formally announce the surrender of the Moon Elves and disband his army. Does that answer your question?"

Kamilla relaxes her posture and nods, defiance still sparking violently in her eyes. "It'll do for now."

Absolutely maddening! "Fantastic." I mutter as I spin around clenching my jaw and climbing up the stairs two steps at a time without waiting for her to catch up. Satisfied that no elves are around, I teleport myself to the top of the staircase, at the base and entrance to the floating island. Without turning around, I sense Kamila follow suit as she teleports behind me. The stairs open up to a wide bustling city among the clouds brimming with elves and silver domed buildings, but I take the path leading away from the city center and towards a large stony archway, manned by a couple elvish soldiers who's armor glints in the evening sun. Mist and clouds surround us and the second island perched high above us, slightly obscuring the large cobblestone staircase connecting the two. Since we look exactly like all the other Moon elves, the soldiers pay us no heed as we pass under the archway and begin our ascent up the second staircase. Kamilla and I keep an even pace as we dodge the soldiers in black shining armor, their various units traveling in unison up and down the stairway. Once we reach the top of the stairs, the mist clears and a large golden domed building sprawls before us, surrounded by hundreds of smaller floating islands with even smaller domed buildings connected by various stairways and bridges. I turn back to the main building in front on me, the one I could just barely make out from the ground. Its ornately carved from smooth grey slate, engraved with golden flecked stars and silver opals shaped like moons. Large regal columns line the entrance and various gold and silver statues adorn the opulent structure. Pale blue haired elves travel in and out of the temple dressed in shimmering robes of gossamer and silk. My eyes catch on the elvish inscription engraved in the building that reads:

Temple of the Moon Goddess.

I deflate slightly, I'd assumed this was the home of Nixx. And l do hate being wrong.

"It's behind this building, smartass." Kamilla announces sauntering beside me, "Look." She adds pointing further into the horizon.

Irritated, my eyes follow her finger and land on a similar but much larger building up on a hill seated behind the temple, a large landscaped courtyard separating the two. I yank Kamilla's hand and drag her behind one of the marble pillars, ensuring that we're hidden from sight and teleport us there. We reappear next to the side of the giant five-story building; its white and gold smooth walls glimmering in the sun as I cast another spell to obscure us from anyone looking our way. Then I swing my attention to my apprentice, "Keep an eye out for me, I'm going to astral project myself inside the building so I can find out where Nixx is."

I sit down in the manicured lawn cross legged, and begin the process of astral projecting. After searching every level, I finally recognize Nixx, seated in what I presume to be his office on the fourth floor. I draw back into my body and snap open my eyes.

"He's alone and vulnerable. On the fourth floor." I announce leaping back to my feet.

Kamilla responds with a nod of focused determination as I reach for her soft hand once more.

"Let's get this over with." She commands, her expression cinched tight.

Immediately I teleport us into his large office, the spell that obscures us from sight still clinging to us as we vanish. We reappear inside a large office darkened by cherry wood panels that line the floors and walls, in a room lit by tall curling lanterns. I withdraw my trusty dagger and leap over the dark wooden desk to get to the stout blue-haired elf dressed in all black. As I land behind him without a sound, I waive away my invisibility and place one hand over his mouth and push my blade into his neck sharply.

"Hello Nixx," I hiss viciously. "We've been looking for you. It would seem your day of reckoning has finally arrived."

Nixx jolts forward in alarm, his hard voice muffled against my hand as he tries in vain to escape my iron grasp.

"Don't even try to fight me, little elf." I whisper into his ear slyly. "You already know you're no match for an Asgardian."

At the mention of the race that once swore an oath to protect the elves of Alfheim, Nixx stills, breathing heavily, before spewing garbled curses against my palm. Kamilla saunters to the door of his office and casts a spell to lock it from the inside and then teleports next to me adding, "You get one chance to plead your case murderer, so make it quick."

Slowly I loosen my hand from his mouth, allowing him to reply, yet ready to clamp back down should he try to scream.

"I have gold and silver." The elf replies calmly, void of emotion, as if this isn't the first time his life has been threatened. "I'll double whatever Queen Aelsa is paying you."

"We don't want your fucking money!" Kamilla spits, her eyes brimming in disgust as she leers over the elf. "I want to know why you would murder your own flesh and blood!"

The elf's eyes widen, "I... I didn't!" Nixx protests vehemently his voice trembling with anger. "It was Aelsa! She's the reason for what happened to my daughter! She must be removed from the throne at any cost! She must be deposed and punished for her crimes!"

Kamilla stills, her eyes questioning as she debates whether or not to believe him.

Rolling my eyes at her gullibility, I enchant Nixx so that he's frozen in place, temporarily unable to speak or move. "That was going nowhere fast."

I step back from Nixx to admonish the Little Witch, "You can't believe the pleas of a dead man. He'll say anything to convince you to spare him."

Then I turn back to Nixx and flash my teeth in a vicious snarl, "Now we kill him without shedding a single drop of blood." I hiss menacingly as Nixx's eyes widen in fear, "Fortunately for us, my mother left behind a very potent curse that will cause his insides to boil from the inside out. The hex should kill him swiftly and cause his blood to coagulate and harden, so as to avoid spilling." I grin wickedly enjoying my good fortune a single tear rolls down Nixx's frozen face. "It's quite lucky for us that I'm a master sorcerer." I gloat triumphantly.

"Wait!" Kamilla protests, her slender hand grasping my wrist tightly. "I don't think we are supposed to kill him."

"Don't be daft of course we are."

"No we're not!" She insists stubbornly. And before I can stop her, Kamilla's hands are moving faster than I've ever seen them; casting some sort of binding spell over the Moon Elf.

Suddenly sparkling red hot lines appear over Nixx's frozen mouth and I smell the scent of burning flesh as red magic etches into his lips weaving in a vivid crisscross pattern. A moment later his lips are sewed tightly shut by Kamilla's magic spell.

"There." She quips, proudly, "Now he can't cause any more trouble. He'll never speak again, unless we want him to."

"How clever." I remark dryly.

Kamilla crosses her arms stubbornly, seemingly not sensing my sarcasm, "It's a spell of my own invention. It came in handy when I wanted to silence the pleas of child molesters before I dropped them off in prison."

I roll my eyes, "Fascinating." Then my eyes flick back to the frozen elf. "If we can't kill him, I'll just hide him away in some forgotten cave, never to be seen or heard from again."

"Or we bring him to Aelsa and let her decide what to do with him." My apprentice counters with a steely glint in her eye.

I falter, that's... actually not a bad idea.
"Hmm." I respond slowly, not wanting her to know how much I like the idea. "I suppose then there would be no way we can lose. If Aelsa decides to execute him, his blood will be on her hands, not ours. We'll beat her at her own game.'

"Exactly." Kamilla echoes, the ghost of a smile playing on her tender pink lips. A flicker of admiration runs through me, perhaps she's not such a bad apprentice after all.

I puff out my chest and glamour myself to mirror Nixx exactly, then pluck the signet ring from his still frozen hand. Then I grab a quill and some ink and begin to write the Moon elves official surrender, disbanding his army and announcing that the Queen and he have agreed to terms of peace. Then I smooth out my jacket and press the button on his desk that looks like an intercom. Once it clicks on, I hear the high-pitched and upbeat voice of a female elf coming from the other end.

"Yes Mr. Lucius, did you need something?"

With my magic making my voice identical to Nixx's, I reply, "Yes. I would like you to summon all my troops and commanders to my courtyard, I've an emergency announcement to make."

"Very well, I'll send for them right away." The female elf replies.

I click off the intercom with a smug grin, then strengthen the enchantment keeping Nixx frozen and turn back to Kamilla. "Now Little Witch, I want you to teleport him down to the docks and wait for me there. I am going to make Nixx's resignation official."

Kamilla's brows furrow, clearly not liking my orders, but to her credit she does not fight back. The Little Witch links her arm to Nixx's frozen body and immediately teleports from sight. After riffling through most of the papers on his desk, I create an illusion of Nixx seated at his desk that should last for at least a few days. Then I exit his office and saunter across the floor to the large balcony overlooking the courtyard.

I take a deep breath of fresh air, watching patiently as nearly a thousand blue-haired soldiers' stream in, filling the courtyard and spilling over onto the lawn. I stand regally my head held high, mimicking Nixx's commanding attitude, and once all the soldiers have arrived and a large crowd has gathered, I begin my announcement by putting up a hand to silence the murmuring crowd.

"I have news of the rebellion!" I pause for dramatic affect enjoying their undying attention.

"I have been communicating with Aelsa and she has agreed to hear our demands and we have been able to broker peace. In exchange for my resignation tomorrow, I have agreed to disband our army and am officially revoking my calls for war. Instead of war, I have chosen to surrender in good faith that the Queen will not hold our actions against us."

At this, a cry roars through the crowd as the elves begin to mutter their dissent. I cast a quick hypnotizing spell meant to lull them all into submission onto as many soldiers and commanders as I'm able. Once I continue speaking, my words are honey-sweet and dripping with compulsion, "The Queen has agreed to replenish our supplies and agreed to lift all tariffs so that our old life may resume. It is my utmost desire that in our surrender we elves do everything we can to create lasting peace between our nations. Anyone found guilty of plotting against her shall immediately be imprisoned for their treachery." I stop to let the threat sink in, "In order to form a more prosperous nation we must work with all of elf-kind in order to protect Alfheim from other-worldly threats." As my eyes search over the hypnotized crowd, the knot in my stomach loosens; I'm feeling quite pleased now that I once again have a kingdom to command. As many of the soldiers in the crowd nod in agreement, my relief surges, the hypnosis is clearly working.

"I expect you all to enforce my orders, and now I shall retire to my study. That will be all for today." I add dismissively as I turn from the balcony and stroll back inside. Then in a blink of an eye, I teleport to the spot Kamilla's supposed to meet me, feeling exquisitely untouchable and gloriously in charge.

Once I reappear at the dock by the sea to find Kamilla waiting with Nixx at her side, a victorious grin spreads over my face. Elves are so weak-minded and easy to control. This wasn't even a challenge! Such dull creatures.

Kamilla's back faces me as her narrow leather-clad form leans forward to taste the sweet sea water I told her about earlier. Nimbly she dips her hand into the waters as if in awe, and lifts it slowly to her curious mouth. My eyes roam over her slender curves greedily and suddenly the taste of her lips emerges, unbidden on my tongue. Desire loosens my resentful thoughts, and I feel my body ache for hers. I know I should be madder about her betrayal, but I find myself rationalizing her actions away. Afterall, I was the one who chose to remove her from the blood-oath so she could have her freewill back. If anything, I'm the one to blame for her acting out. I sigh softly, maybe, just maybe, if Thor can manage to forgive me time and time again, then perhaps I can offer the same grace to my apprentice. She's saved my life twice and even offered to take my place should Death find us before we reach the Necrosword. She should at least be rewarded for that. I continue to watch her graceful movements silhouetted by the red sun as it begins its descent and casts the sky in a hazy orange glow. And I have to admit that although the Little Witch isn't as capable as I, I still appreciate her cunning and vivacity. Plus, it's been ever so long since I've had someone on my team, someone who continues to root for me. She's no Thor to be sure, but she does come in handy more often than I'd like to admit. And it doesn't take a genius to see that we make an excellent team.

I approach Kamilla silently, ignoring the frozen Nixx and place a gentle hand on her shoulder attempting to ease the tension filled gulf that's been widening between us, "How do you like it?"

At my touch she leaps forward in surprise, seemingly not expecting me to return so swiftly.

"Damn it Loki!" She snaps, clearly annoyed, "Don't sneak up on me! I've had enough of your pointless shenanigans."

I put my hand up in protest, "I apologize, but it's time to get back to the ship."

The warm feeling that was rising in my chest sinks instantly, as Kamilla flattens her expression, yanks at Nixx's body and immediately teleports away. No longer feeling like the King I briefly was, my shoulders slump and after a heavy moment of silence, I teleport myself to the ship as well, resentment and despair slowing me down.

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