Loki After Endgame: Cheating...

By EmmalinaP

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COMPLETED! Loki lets out a small chuckle, his eyes sparking with wild delight, "Of course we're bad for each... More

Chap 1: Time Heist
Chap 2: New Asgard
Chap 3: The Good Doctor
Chap 4: Little Witch
Chap 5: Girl On Fire
Chap 6: Fear The Trickster
Chap 7: Choke On Lies
Chap 8: Schemes Upon Schemes
Chap 9: God Of Mischief
Chap 10: Thor To The Rescue
Chap 11: Two Broken Brothers
Chap 12: The Lovers Quarrel
Chap 13: Sif & Asgard
Chap 14: Familiarity Breeds Contempt
Chap 15: The Unsuspecting Piglet
Chap 16: Drunken Shenanigans
Chap 17: Death Comes Swiftly
Chap 18: Nidavellir
Chap 19: The Fool & The Magician
Chap 20: Best Laid Plans
Chap 21: The Kree
Chap 22: Fight or Flight
Chap 23: Trapped in Shadows
Chap 24: Knowhere
Chap 25: Into The Dark
Chap 26: Starry-eyed Healing
Chap 27: The Raven's Tidings
Chap 28: Forever The Hermit
Chap 29: The Hidden Planet
Chap 30: The Coming Trials
Chap 31: Some Wheels Just Keep Turning
Chap 32: Vanaheim
Chap 33: The Goddess of Stories
Chap 34: The Horde of Fire Demons
Chap 36: Alfheim
Chap 37: Aelsa & Ljosalfgard
Chap 38: Dangerous Games of Love and War
Chap 39: The Masquerade
Chap 40: Ill-fated Lovers
Chap 41: All-Consuming Darkness
Chap 42: The Devil's Due
Chap 43: All Leads To Death
Chap 44: The End Of Everything
Acknowledgments & Sequel

Chap 35: Encounters With The All-Mothers

197 7 3
By EmmalinaP


After I've taunted Sif mercilessly enough that my irritation has faded, I move to the kitchen drinking coffee and pretending to eat, avoiding both women as we soar over Vanaheim. I still don't have words to explain exactly what I'm feeling towards Kamilla; all I know for certain is that the allure of wanting something I can't have is gone. Half of me burns with disgust, while the other half leaps with joy. She wants me! She sees me for what I am and yet she still wants me. I don't know what to make of it. I shrug it off, it doesn't matter. I'm better than this. I don't need her. Or anyone for that matter. I've always been and always will be better off alone.
But the guilt thats been needling at me rears its ugly head, all this time I've been planning on giving her life in exchange for mine when Death finally shows up. And even though she seemed okay with that, I can't shake the mounting guilt. Either way one of us is doomed and I need to stop lulling myself into complacency, as if there's a world where we can ever find happiness together.

I focus my thoughts on self-preservation. I was hoping to keep my resurrection a secret, but even if I glamour myself in a disguise I'm certain the loathsome Sif will expose me. And I know Idunna the All-Mother will instantly recognize me in my female form. My mind drifts back to the time when I ran away from home to live as a woman with Amora the Enchantress. It was a particularly dull day, when she and I decided to steal from Idunna's forbidden tree of golden apples. Odin had appointed Idunna to be the official guardian of the healing apples on Asgard. She of course, threatened to slay anyone who dare steal the magically healing fruit from her. Amora and I had no need of healing, but we were desperately bored and in need of a challenge. Fortunately for us, Fandral's young daughter Kelda was cursed with sickness and needed healing. But Odin wouldn't grant her a magically healing apple, as she was only half Asgardian and therefore not a citizen. Amora and I promised Fandral that in exchange for his most prized possession, we'd steal an apple for him. So, while I distracted Idunna by claiming to be a lost maiden, Amora used her magic to pluck two golden apples from the ancient tree and we disappeared. She kept one for herself and gave the other to Fandral and he was unsurprisingly elated, until we named our price. We demanded Fandral's twelve prized horses which were known throughout the realms for their beauty and strength in exchange for the magic apple. He'd bred and raised the horses by hand since birth and true to form, he never missed an opportunity to brag about their pointless superiority. To my delight and with no shortage of grumbling and bitterness, Fandral handed over all twelve of his precious horses. So Amora and I rode his horses right in front of him taunting Fandral all the while, content to rub his nose in his loss as much as possible. But wretched Idunna, as dull and humorless as ever, alerted my father to our scheme and Odin publicly shamed me in front of everyone. He insisted I give Fandral back all his horses and ordered Amora to return the uneaten apple. My father banished her to Earth and forbade me from spending time with her, but to his deep displeasure, that only served to strengthen my resolve. I continued to sneak away from home and cause mischief with Amora on Earth as often as I could. I chuckle at the memory, Amora and I did have some fabulous adventures back then. We were so good together; It's a shame it all went wrong...

I feel the ship decelerate as we near the All-mother's Vanir tribe and Sif's voice calls out over the loudspeaker, "Landing in five, best snap out of your brooding and get ready!"

I scoff, I'm not brooding!

Kamilla glides into the kitchen her dark hair swinging in a tight braid still damp with droplets of water. She's changed into her enchanted armor and is spinning a dagger between her tiny fingers. Her normally bright eyes are hooded and she glowers the moment she sees me. She doesn't bother to spare me a second glance as she points her nose in the air and struts past me.

Guilt needles me as I put on my golden horns, I suppose I do have a tendency to sabotage all my relationships, perhaps I shouldn't have driven her away...

As we continue our descent, I don't bother to wait for the two thorns in my side to get ready, I'm the first one off the ship the moment we touch the ground.

Once outside, a chilling breeze slices through my blue leather jacket and cape, as my eyes roam over the green rolling valleys and bright cobalt sky before me. In the center of the wide valley are several brown and black tents with over a hundred armor-clad people bustling about. As I watch them, my eyes catch on the blackened dead fire demons strewn throughout the camp. Hundreds of pieces of the demon's corpses are littered through the valley as the people work in unison to remove the disembodied limbs and dump them in an enormous bonfire.

I'm about to summon Ikol to search the perimeter for my dear old aunt and her insufferable companions when a man and a woman come striding to us. The dark-skinned man is dressed in the traditional brown and red armor of the Vanir, the metal of his chainmail reflecting the evening sunshine. And the short but broad man wears a large fur pelt of what appears to be a wolf-lion hybrid as a cape, obscuring his dark face with shadows and fur. The metal plates of his armor shift against each other noiselessly as he pushes his way through the moving crowd. A few steps behind him is a lanky fair-skinned woman mirroring his movements, her black wispy hair catching in the wind behind her. Her high cheek bones are painted rosy pink and her angled eyes are alert, yet soft. Her thin arms are painted in ornate crisscrossing patterns, the red and black contrasting starkly against her pale skin. She wears a combination of silver chainmail and a black fur vest over thick grey leggings. And on her head sits a headdress made of silver chains with beads dangling over her forehead, complemented by a matching set of glittering pearls wrapped around her delicate throat. Several feathers protrude from the back of her head and flutter in the breeze as she draws closer. From what I know of Vanir's customs, I'd guess she's wearing the ceremonial wedding headdress of her tribe. As they near us, Sif strides past Kamilla and I, approaching the woman as if they've already met.

"Sif!" The Asian woman shouts excitedly, "It's so good to see you!"

Sif wraps the petite woman with toned arms in a tight hug, "Selene! It's been far too long!"

"After the decimation, we weren't sure what happened to you!" Selene exclaims.

"I was gone, but now I'm back, thanks to Thor and his Avengers." Sif pauses her eyes darting to the man at Selene's side, "And who might this be?"

"I'm so sorry, where are my manners?!" Selene replies seeming flustered as she addresses Kamilla and I.

"My name is Selene Bloodroot and this is my husband Ro!" She turns back to Sif, "We were in the middle of our wedding ceremony last night when the Fire Demons invaded and cut our celebrations short." Ro nods in agreement but says nothing, his eyes fixed on me. Selene beams at the three of us filled with pride, as she delicately links her arm with Ro's. The man remains silent as he caresses her arm, careful not to mar her markings while regarding me warily. His stare grows so intense, I'm slightly unnerved, but I shrug it off.

"Cat got your tongue?" I taunt haughtily, as Ro's eyes continue to stare daggers at me.

"He's not much of a talker." Selene adds cheerfully, ignoring my attempt to ruffle their feathers. "But he's a powerful warrior, an impressive wizard and an excellent lover!"

"Selene!!" Ro balks, clearly mortified.

Selene tips her head back and laughs cheerfully, "What? It's true! I just want everyone to know how wonderful you are!"

"It's an honor to meet you Ro. Congratulations and I'm sorry that your wedding was interrupted." Sif replies gently, earning a relieved and grateful smile from Ro.

Selene waves Sif away, "Nah, we made quick work of those slimy devils. Besides we were able to finish our ceremony and celebration this afternoon."

"Congratulations then, and it's nice to meet you both." Kamilla proclaims, speaking for the first time.

Selene grins, her countenance glowing brightly, "Thank you. I still can't believe I'm a wife now!" She exclaims while squeezing Ro's arm so tenderly his cheeks flush.

Kamilla regards them wistfully, her eyes wide and I roll my eyes, "Enough with these mindless pleasantries, peasants. I've places to be and things to do."

"Oh, shut up already Loki." Kamilla hisses so quietly, that only I can hear her.

"Right of course. Follow us, we'll lead you to the All-Mothers." Selene replies, neither acknowledging my facetious tone, nor Kamilla's outburst.

"So, who are these All-Mothers, are they like the Goddesses of the Vanir?" Inquires Kamilla, while we follow Selene and Ro back the way they came.

I groan and do my best to drone out their inane conversations. Ikol, I whisper in my mind, scour the area and ensure that all the fire demons are truly dead. I don't want any surprise guests.

"Not exactly," Selene responds as we wind our way between several large round tents. "The All-Mothers are the three Goddesses of Asgard, Vanaheim and Midgard working in unity to protect their realms and promote peace. Originally, it was led by Frigga, but after she died her sister Gullveig took her place." Selene informs her matter-of-factly.

"So, she's Thor and Loki's aunt?"

"Leave it to Aunt Gully, to worm her way to power." I announce coyly.

Sif shoots me a hard look, meant to be a warning, but I just bat my eyashes and act shocked, as if I couldn't hurt a fly.

But Selene doesn't seem to notice our exchange as she replies, "Indeed and also the mother of Hoder, Balder and Hermodia. The other two are Gaea, the Goddess of Midgard, and Idunna the protector of the golden apples and guardian of Vanaheim. And, she's also my mother."

This draws my attention; I didn't even know the old broad had a daughter.

"And what are they like?" Probes Kamilla.

"Well, my mother is an exceptional and unrivaled warrior; she's never been defeated in battle. That's why Odin named her guardian of the golden apples, but to her regret the tree was destroyed when Asgard was."

"Oh, sorry to hear that." Kamilla replies, while glaring at me from the corner of her eye.

"Losing Asgard was truly a devastating tragedy." Sif adds mournfully.

"Yes, we spent a whole week in silence, to mourn the loss when we found out." Replies Selene solemnly.

"What about Gaea?" Kamilla probes, "Did she like, create the Earth?"

"No, Gaea is not the creator of Midgard, but she is the embodiment of life, growth and renewal. And when she's on her home planet, she can even control nature, grant healing and absorb spirits."

"Woah, that's amazing."

I roll my eyes at the Little Witch's naivety.

Selene nods, "And Gullveig is a fierce and cunning warrior and sorcerer equaled in power only by her late sister Frigga."

"Here we are." Selene pauses as we approach a black yurt several feet taller than the rest of the tents. "The All-Mothers are waiting for you inside."

When we reach the black yurt lined with delicate white markings, our two guides gesture for us to enter. Ro glares at me out from under the animal head he wears as a hood. Ymir's bones, obsessive much?! Doesn't he have anyone else to glare it? He's practically snarling at me, baring his teeth... wait are those... are those fangs in his mouth?!

Sif and Kamilla don't seem to notice Ro or two his fangs as they pepper Selene with more questions. So I slip into the tent eager to escape his scrutinizing gaze, only to find myself on the receiving end of six pairs of intense eyes. By the Norns, will the indignities never end!?

Gullveig, Gaea and Idunna are wide eyed when I come strolling in, but then their surprise turns to narrowing suspicion and they glare at me suspiciously.

Clearly, they haven't gotten the memo that I'm one of the good guys now, I mean honestly.

Idunna looks just as I remember, her long white hair flowing down to her knees, contrasting both her brown skin and the glittering gold dress that hugs her narrow body. Her square jaw is upturned as if in a perpetual smirk, but her angled brown eyes roam over me uncertainly, as if she thinks I'm trying to deceive her. Which is a safe bet, because of course I am.

Next to her is Gaea, whom I only met once as a child, she wears a band of gemstones over her thick brows, but the jewel tones seem muted in comparison to her strikingly dark and velvety skin. Her thick black curls are piled high on her head, so long they spill onto her shoulders and trail down her flower embroidered gown. They sit next to each other on a red leather chaise near a glowing campfire, while my aunt remains upright leaning on her elaborately carved wooden staff. She seems older than when I saw her at my mother's funeral; thin wrinkles have formed around her arched brows and hazel eyes. Gullveig's lips are pulled taught and her bright orange hair is pulled hack in several braids, peeking out from under her silver-scaled helmet. Her armor shimmers in the firelight and a gigantic sword dangles at her waist while she stares at me as if looks could kill.

Suddenly I notice my own sword is glowing light red, sensing magic. Oh, this just got very interesting. It would seem one of them was just using a Norn stone. The red color fades away while my eyes dart around the room searching for where the magic was coming from. When I find nothing, I assume it's with Gullveig herself. As Kamilla and Sif enter the tent, the All-Mothers nod to them both, then continue eyeing me carefully. I assume Gaea's still mad at me for trying to invade her planet all those years ago and that Idunna still resents me for stealing her apples. But try as I might, I can't conceive of a reason why my own aunt is wary of me. It's not like she knows about the time I banished Odin and impersonated him.

"Why so dour, ladies?" I croon confidently. "Didn't you know I was coming? We've defeated the rest of your Fire Demons." I chuckle as I glance around leisurely, my tone facetious. "You're welcome by the way. I assume there are bountiful rewards and hearty thanksgivings waiting for us somewhere around here..."

My aunt sighs, "Oh Loki, as conceited and troublesome as always. We suspected you wouldn't stay dead. I don't know how you've done it or what devils you've made a deal with to come back to the land of the living, but I'm sure it was both foolhardy and reckless."

I grin deviously, folding my hands behind my back. "A sorcerer never reveals his secrets."

"That would be my doing," Kamilla replies sheepishly, "I went back in time."

My aunt's eyes flash, "Meddling in time has dangerous consequences, with certain time authorities you do not want to meet." She warns without breaking my gaze.

I smirk, "Oh, I'm not the least bit worried."

My aunt exhales and shakes her head, still leaning on her staff. "Nevertheless we are still grateful for your part in aiding us."

"Well if this is what being thankful looks like, perhaps I aught to go back to being a villain."

Gaea frowns while Idunna scoffs, and I relish the feeling of watching them squirm.

My aunt simply shakes her head in dismay, before swinging her unflinching gaze to Sif. "Thank you for acting so quickly Sif. When we contacted you last, we were being overrun by hundreds of fire demons. And as you can see, we were able to fight them off and protect our tribe. But many of them fled and returned to the abandoned castle, where we suspected they made their base. So thank you for risking your lives and infiltrating their lair."

"The agents of the Cosmo's are at your service All-Mothers." Sif replies clamping her fist to her chest and bowing her head slightly.

I resist the urge to gag.

Idunna gestures to Kamilla, "I assume you are also an agent of the Cosmo's?"

"Ah nope. I'm just Kamilla, a regular human sorcerer, along for the ride." Kamilla clears her throat, "And can I just say, it is a total honor meeting you all, but especially you Gaea. I can't believe I'm standing in front of Earth's actual Goddess!"

Gaea smiles kindly, her brown eyes crinkling, "The pleasure is all mine daughter of Earth, thank you for destroying our foe. The three of you have done well."

"Actually," I clarify. "Sif didn't do anything, it was mostly me who rid you of your little infestation." I pause, but notice Kamilla glaring at me so I add, "with a bit of help from my apprentice."

 Gaea's eyebrows raise and her demeaning expression changes as if she's seeing me in a new light. She tilts her head thoughtfully, "Then it appears we have you to thank. You have our unyielding gratitude. Now tell me, did you discover what the demons were doing so far from their homeland?"

I square my shoulders proudly, "They were looking for the Norn stones obviously. And once they found them, they planned to wipe out the Vanir and control the planet." I shake my head, feeling wonderfully superior. "It's certainly not the most original plan."

"And we took the map they were using to plan their invasion." Kamilla adds proudly, as she pulls the map from her pocket and hands it to Gullveig.

"But did you find the missing stone? The one that was stolen from us?" Gullveig probes while her eyes scan the map.

"You mean the one you first stole from the Norn Queen? Tsk, tsk, shame on you ladies. Taking something that doesn't belong to you? How very unlike you." I croon in disapproval.

"And for your information, no. We didn't find it." I lie smoothly, like I would be stupid enough to hand it over to my-stick-in-the-mud aunt!

Kamilla's purple eyes slide over to me and she smirks coyly, "Actually, yes. We did find it. Loki has it with him right now."

Suddenly, it's as if the ground has dropped beneath me and my stomach sinks to the floor. I hurl an accusatory look at Kamilla. Wretched girl! Why is she giving away the only leverage I have? Impudent fool!

"Always a lying tongue, as usual." Idunna chastises, clicking her tongue in disapproval.

"How dare you!" Sif growls, while my eyes dart daggers in Kamilla's direction. If only looks really could kill.

"Fine, I have it." I concede. "I'll just give it back, then." Or will I?

My eyes dart between the three of them, with the stones power I could probably take them down. Unless...no, that would be unwise. Not when I'm completely surrounded by a tribe of their warriors. Besides, I've had enough killing for one day. I'll just have to return for the stone another time. With an exaggerated wave of my hand I retrieve the stone and toss it to my aunt. Without missing a beat, her muscular arm snakes out and snatches it from the air. I let out a disappointed hiss as the Norn stone's magic recedes from my body. No more super strength and enhanced magical abilities. It was rather nice while it lasted.

I glare angrily at Kamilla from the corner of my eye, only to see that her expression has gone pale, as if she suddenly regrets her actions. Good!

"Perhaps we should put this mongrel in chains before he stabs us in the back." Sif spits, fuming with disgust.

"No. There's no need to punish him Sif." Instructs my aunt, "He surrendered it without a fight, so he's done his part."

"And what of the second stone?" I ask, changing the subject tactfully. "The Fire Demons said they hadn't found it yet."

"We still have that one. We've been guarding it day and night since the other stone was stolen." Idunna replies. Ha, some guardian she is! Can't even keep track of a few measly apples.

"Ah, of course you are." I mutter sarcastically. Stupid, stupid girl! What has she done?!

"Does it give you super strength like the other one?" Kamila interupts.

"No, this one allows us to send urgent messages across the realms." Idunna informs us.

"That's how we were able to reach the protectors of the Cosmos and ask for aide." Chimes in Gaea.

The coast is clear Master. Ikol chirps in my mind. All the Fire Demons are indeed dead.

Very well, you may return to your void. I whisper in my mind.

"Do you suppose more fire demons will invade from Musspelfheim?" Sif probes.

"No." My aunt shakes her head firmly, "We've been negotiating with Queen Sindr. She claims that a small faction of the demons went rogue, leaving her realm without her permission a few weeks ago."

"But can you really trust her? What if they decide to invade in earnest? What if her actual army show up here?" Sif counters worriedly.

Idunna shakes her head, "Queen Sindr has no desire to invade our lands and we are on the verge of negotiating a thousand-year long ceasefire and truce."

"Oh please. Like you can trust anything a Fire Demon says." I mutter, anger churning inside me.

Sif nods seemingly satisfied, "Very well then. We will be on our way, but if there's anything else you need, the Agents of the Cosmo's are only a call away."

"There is something," Interrupts Gaea, "something for you, Loki."

"Consider it a reward for your services." Adds my Aunt, nodding at me in approval.

"It's from your mother." Gaea continues, her voice unbearably soft.

I freeze, "My mother? But she's d-" I stutter unable to say the word.

"Aye." My aunt nods sadly, "but the morning before her death she sent this to us and requested we give it to you the next time we met."

"When we heard you'd also died, we weren't sure what to do. But we kept it anyways, just in case you decided to make a comeback." Idunna adds a knowing look in her thin dark eyes.

Gaea summons me closer and hands me a tiny compact mirror covered in gold shimmering swirls. I'm about to open it, when Idunna continues, "It contains an enchanted message from your mother before she died."

I shift my stance, feeling suddenly uneasy, "So you've all listened to it then?"

My aunt's voice grows mournful, as she shakes her head. "No the message will only activate in response to your touch. Your mother was truly a masterful witch. None but you can open it."

I gulp down the lump in my throat and straighten my spine. Obviously, they already tried and failed. I open my mouth to respond but for the first time, I'm speechless. She left a message intended just for me?

"And Loki, If you prove you can be trusted, we may have a few missions that require the kind of trickery and cunning you possess."

"Oh, I doubt-"

Idunna cuts me off and I clench my jaw tightly, trying to leep my rage from spilling over.

"No need to decide now Loki, think it over and get back to us when you're ready to prove we can trust you."

Seemingly done with us, Idunna calls out to her daughter, "Selene send your brother Tyr in here next; I'd like to have a word with him."

"Thank you and farewell lady Sif and lady Kamilla." My aunt announces. "And Loki, do try and stay out of trouble."

"Yes, yes, of course." I mumble while I leave the tent, my eyes roaming over the compact mirror in my hand. Something only I can open? From my mother? On the day she died?

Selene and Ro wait for us outside while Sif and Kamilla stream out behind me. Ro shakes his head at me disappointment, "I suspected you had the Norn Stone."

I hold my high head up high and scoff, "Eavesdropping on us, were you?"

Ro stiffens but Selene takes his hand in hers, "You are all welcome to stay and join our feast if you like. We would love to show our gratitude."

Sif pauses, "Perhaps we could spare a moment for some good food."

"No, we've got to get back to the ship and get to Alfheim." I snap. "We'd rather not waste what valuable time we have with the likes of you two."

"Sorry, it's just we've kind of got a whole thing going right now. It doesn't really leave much time for socializing." Kamilla adds apologetically.

"Then take this." Ro implores, his voice clear and assertive as he hands Sif a large blue bottle. "It will bring harmony to your spirit and peace to your souls. It's the best drink in all of Vanir."

"Oh, I very much doubt that." I mutter, rolling my eyes.

"It really is!" Pipes in Selene, "He brews the ale himself!"

Sif takes the big bottle in her hands graciously, "Thank you Lady and Lord Bloodroot. You honor us truly. I hope we meet again soon."

Selene nods, "I would hope so!"

Once they've finished their goodbyes and we've returned to the ship, Sif levels an accusing gaze at me. "So, you thought you'd keep the stone for yourself, did you? You really haven't changed. Still the same old Loki, always breaking the rules with no thought for anyone else."

I scoff and puff out my chest. "Your task never specified anything about the stones. The way I see it, I've broken no stipulations."

I stroll away and ignore her, making it clear that she's not worth my time. I hold my head high, even though I feel like I'm carrying a million pound weight on my shoulders.

I search out Kamilla in the bedroom, refusing to let her escape my wrath. "You insolent child!" I roar once I've shut the bedroom door behind me. "What in the Hel were you thinking? You were supposed to be on my side and yet completely betrayed me!"

"Oops did I? Because you only told me not to tell Sif." She counters triumphantly, her hands planted on her slim hips.

"All you had to do was trust me, you insufferable wench!"

"Well, maybe I would have, if you weren't such an ass earlier!"

I clench my fists, my nails biting into my skin, "I never should have gotten involved with a wretched human! You've been nothing but dead weight!"

"Don't worry, that's a mistake that won't happen again!" She roars, her violet eyes shimmering with fury.

My emotions are boiling out of control and I can't stand the way she's looking at me so I growl, "Maybe I should just snap that little neck of yours and be done with you!"

Kamilla eyes narrow as she throws her head back and laughs wickedly. "Try it then, I dare you!"

My shoulders slump. I can't stand this, I can't bare to look at her.

"Well, now you've taken all the fun out of it." I hiss.

I stomp off to get some privacy in the bathroom and slam the door behind me, feeling so furious I'm beginning to sweat. I lean against the steel door and let out a pent-up breath, exhaustion over taking me. Ikol was right after all, humans are only capable of betrayal. He knew she would betray me eventually. I do my best to ignore the deep seated self-hatred her disgust has reignited inside me. This is all her fault! How can I ever trust her after she completely sold me out? She ruined everything by doing something so incredibly stupid!

Something so... well, something I would have done in a misguided attempt to get back at Thor.

Reproach tinges my thoughts and a growl climbs up my throat; I should have known better! I should have seen this coming! Ikol was right, everyone eventually betrays me!
It was stupid of me to get close to her! To think of her as a friend I could count on. And it was reckless to think we could be anything more than the poisonous snakes we are!
I grit my teeth, that is a mistake I won't make twice.

I tamp down my anger and pull the compact mirror from my pocket. As soon as I try to open it, bright white magic bursts out and then fades away quickly.

"Hello, my son, I've missed you. I hope this recorded message finds you well." The soft and silky sweet voice of my mother rings out loud and clear as the image of her gentle face shimmers faintly in the compact mirror.

My chest swells and I breathe deeply, relief lifting me from my familiar darkness as my mother's comforting voice washes over me.

"I'm sure you have many questions Loki, but fear not, I can explain everything. When your brother traveled back from the future to speak with me, he suggested that I hadn't much time left. Now, don't blame yourself my darling, or him for my demise. I've made peace with it. Still, my greatest regret is not getting to speak with you one last time as I did with Thor. As of now, you are still locked in the dungeons, but I dare not meet with you and influence what is now your past. My only hope is that this enchanted message finds it way to you in the future, once you've escaped your father's prison. I realize that in these last few moments of my life, there is still so much I want to say to you my precious, darling boy."

My mother sighs, her voice turning unbearably mournful, "I am afraid there are many things your father and I kept from you. You were always so fragile, so out of place and eager to fit in, that I did not want to add to your pain. Nevertheless, I will always feel deep regret for not being the one to tell you the truth of your parentage. Yes, your father adopted you from Jotunheim in the hopes of forging a political alliance, but that is not the only reason he saved you. Hearing your tiny frightened cries as a babe, awoke the long-buried compassion within him and he was captivated by you. But old age has made him stubborn and he cannot bring himself to admit how much he loved you then and loves you still." She pauses, her soft hazel eyes shimmering in the glass, "I do hope that in time you will forgive your father. After all he never lied to you, he raised you to be a King with every intention of making you one. Not of Asgard, as I'm sure you hoped for, but of Jotunheim. He planned to marry you to the Giantess Angerboda, the future heir of Jotunheim. Your father often dreamt of you and your brother ruling from the twin thrones of Asgard and Jotunheim together, uniting the realms in peace. But he feared you weren't prepared for the throne and he held back from telling you, waiting for you to prove yourself ready." Frigga sighs wearily, "But I know not if that time will ever come, he can be impossible to please and does not forgive easily. I just hope that one day, when you're ready and Laufey is no longer king, you will join your betrothed Angerboda and take your rightful place as King."

She pauses and the sadness fades from her sky blue eyes, "Now, to explain the magic I've enchanted into this mirror. I have poured almost all my magic inside this looking glass so that a part of me, think of it as an echo, will remain inside it. You can ask me all kinds of questions and the flickers of my consciousness will respond. My desire is that even after I'm gone, I can still be here for you and answer any of the burning questions I'm sure you have. Ask me anything, there is still so much I've yet to tell you."

So Odin really did mean for me to rule? Stunned I set the compact mirror on the bathroom counter. I'm not sure what to make of this, but marrying me off to be King over what? A bunch of barbarians in the middle of a frozen wasteland? I shake my head feeling disgusted, as if I'd want to ever set foot on that hel-hole ever again!

But even for all the distaste of my fathers scheming, I'm quite thrilled to have something of my mothers, even if it is only a glimmer of her. My guarded heart soars and my eyes grow misty. I can't believe she spent her last moments alive enchanting this for me. My own secret way to commune with her, meant for me alone and not Thor. This is the greatest gift I've ever received; to have a small piece of her that I can carry with me everywhere I go. It's almost as good as having her alive again... Almost.

I snap open the mirror curiously, "Hello again mother, darling."

"Hello, my sweet child." My mother's voice coos gently; I savor the warmth that spreads through my body.
"I have many questions to come, but first tell me, who exactly is this Angerboda and where might I find her?"

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