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❝Forgive me if I am scaring you, bunny boy. But, I wanted to warn you that this craving I have for you is get... Daha Fazla

Ayo Ladies and Gentleman
CHARACTERS (& Thanks♡)
i'm ok : )
𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐍, 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟑〖 𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚔𝚘𝚘𝚔 〗
addressing something serious.
"What is DID?" + Explaining Taehyung's alters
First Friend [Taehyung]

On The Edge 〖 Jungkook 〗

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𝔡𝔞𝔱𝔢 𝔭𝔲𝔟𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔥𝔢𝔡: 2/2/2020

𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱: 3343



"I don't know, Minnie....he's just being kind of weird.." Jungkook says.

"What do you mean weird? Like how weird?" Minnie replies.

"He just keeps coming to my house randomly in the middle of the night.."


"Yeah, and he won't leave even if I tell him to."

"Have you told your dad?"

"No, are you kidding?? He would kill me if he find out I had a boyfriend.."

"Oh...yeah, I forgot about that...well, have you tried talking to Taeyong about it? Maybe tell him it's weirding you out?"

a/n if I write Taehyung on accident, SORRY their names are so close 😬

"I have tried, but he just gets upset if I tell him he can't keep coming over. I don't know what to do."

"Well, I mean...you can always break up with him if you want to."

"I can't."

"What do you mean you can't? You can do whatever you want to do."

"It's not that easy, Minnie...."

"What. are you scared to, or something?"

".....I don't even know anymore."

"Talking about me?"

Jungkook jumps after feeling an arm drape around his shoulder and he glances over, coming face to face with his boyfriend.

speaking of the devil.. Minnie thinks.

"Oh...T-Taeyong. Hi." Jungkook says, forcing a smile.

"Hey." Taeyong replies, planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Hey Taeyong." Minnie says, to which Taeyong replies with a tilt of his head. "And no, we weren't talking about you." She says.

"Aw. Well...did you miss me at least?" Taeyong says in a peppy tone, sitting close to Jungkook - his arm still draped around his shoulder.

"Mhm.." Jungkook says, his body tense.

"Hmm....I don't believe you." Taeyong says with a frown. "Say it with more enthusiasm."

"I did....really." Jungkook says. "After you left last night, it was lonely." He says, prompting Minnie to raise her eyebrow in question.

Taeyong reaches over and tucks a tuft of Jungkook's wavy hair behind his ear, giving him a smile. "Aw...I missed you too. Did you dream about me last night after I left?" He says and Jungkook nods.

"Tell me about it." Taeyong says and Jungkook looks left to right, his mind racing to make up something as quickly as he could, but thankfully, Minnie butts in - distracting him.

"Did you guys know that 95 percent of dreams are forgotten after waking up? Isn't that crazy?" She says.

"Jungkook wouldn't forget about it if he dreamed about me. Right 'kook?" Taeyong says, looking over at the younger.

"Um..." Jungkook fiddles nervously with his fingers. "It really wasn't that interesting, to be honest." He says, not knowing what else to say.

"I don't care, I like to hear about them regardless. So, quit stalling and tell me."

"Taeyong...you're making him uncomfortable." Minnie says, prompting Taeyong to raise his brow.

"Are you uncomfortable, Jungkook?"

"No, I...I just..." Jungkook says, trying to think of the right words.

"'Cause you know you can tell me anything. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable around me."

"I know..." Jungkook says. "I'm sorry, it's just.. I'm still not used to this.."

"Used to what?"

"You know...us.."

"I completely understand." Taeyong says, slipping his hand into Jungkook's. "But you don't have to be shy. Maybe it's 'cause Minnie is here. You can tell me about the dream later on when it's just us, mmkay?" He says, interlacing his fingers with Jungkook's.

"Later...? You're coming tonight again...?" Jungkook asks.

"Of course. I love to see that cute face of yours." He says, giving the younger a kiss on the nose, earning a deep blush from him.

"But...my dad. I'm really worried he's gonna find out, Taeyong...last time he almost caught you."

"Does it look like I care?" Taeyong says.


"I don't give a crap what that idiot thinks. He can't rule your life, Jungkook."

"......you don't know him like I do." Jungkook says in almost a whisper.

"Hey! Students aren't allowed to show public affection, and that includes holding hands!" A teacher says, prompting the boys to look over at him. He walks over and motions for them to stand up, to which they do. "You three shouldn't even be over here. Let's go, let's go." He says, pushing them along to a more populated area of the school.

After the teacher leaves, Taeyong rolls his eyes and just grabs Jungkook's hand again when he wasn't looking. "Guy's just mad cause he's single." He says, leaning over to kiss the younger's cheek.

"Maybe we shouldn't so we don't get into any more trouble." Jungkook says. "I don't know what I'd do if they called my dad telling him they saw me holding hands with you..."

"Ugh...sometimes you're really whimpy Jungkook." Taeyong lets out a sigh. "Fine...but you owe me a lot of kisses tonight, then." He says and Jungkook nods his head.

Jungkook squeezes back on Taeyong's hand and he looks over at Minnie, who was just giving him a look of pity, shaking her head.

. . . . . . . .

Jungkook's House | 12am

The room was dark as Jungkook sat on the edge of his bed, nervously awaiting the inevitable tap on his window that was sure to take place any minute now. His heart rate was beating abnormally fast and his fingers were visibly shaky. Unlike the first night his boyfriend snuck over to his house, he wasn't eagerly awaiting the arrival of him, no, not this time - instead, he was dreading it.

There was always that risk that his father would one night catch the two, and this sapped any ounce of excitement he had left from his body. Now, he just feels the same sickening feeling in his stomach, a feeling he was oh-so familiar with - a feeling he hated more than anything in the world. He wished he could be happy seeing Taeyong, but deep down he knew he would never be, and this was only becoming more and more apparent as the days went by. Even though they had only been dating for a few weeks now, the stress Jungkook has endured has made it feel like a lifetime.

*tap tap* Jungkook's heart skips a beat and he jumps off of the bed. He knew he had to let the teen in quickly, as he didn't want any nosy neighbor spotting him and ratting him out to his father. Being extra cautious and quiet, Jungkook unlatches the window and carefully slides it up.

"Be careful." Jungkook whispers, taking Taeyong's hand and giving him support as he crawled through the window.

"It's cold as heck out there." Taeyong whispers back, stepping down onto the ground.

As Jungkook was attempting close the window as quietly as he could, Taeyong comes up behind him and wraps his arms around him. "Warm me up." He says with a giggle, nuzzling his face into the back of Jungkook's neck.

Jungkook's body tenses up as Taeyong squeezes his torso and he attempts to move his head away from Taeyong's face. "Shh.." He says. "My dad just barely went to sleep.."

"Don't shoosh me." Taeyong says with a smile, lifting Jungkook up from behind - earning a little squeak from the younger.

"You're squishing me, Taeyong..!" He whisper-yells.

"Fine, I'll let you go." Taeyong says, plopping Jungkook down onto the bed.

As Jungkook was propping himself up onto his elbows, Taeyong lifts the bottom of the comforter up and he lunges inside of it.

"You're being so noisy..!" Jungkook says with a panicked voice, but Taeyong ignores him and starts crawling up to him under the blanket - eventually popping his head out of it.

Face to face, Jungkook looks up at Taeyong who was practically laying on top of him now - his eyes nervously darted to and from his bedroom door. Taeyong reaches his hand up and touches the side of Jungkook's face and he tilts his head to the side, moving his face towards him. "Geez Jungkook, your eyes look like you just saw the physical embodiment of death. Calm down - he's not going to hear us."

"How do you know?" Jungkook says, his eyebrows pulled inwards.

"You said your dad was an alcoholic, right? He's probably passed out." He says, leaning down to give a kiss on the younger's lips.

"He doesn't drink on work nights. Now please, I can't breath." Jungkook says, attempting to push Taeyong off of him before his lips could meet his, but to no avail. Taeyong wasn't particularly heavy, but being the weakling he was, Jungkook stood no chance against the stubborn teen.

"But you're keeping me warm." Taeyong says with a frown, but by the look on Jungkook's flustered face, he got the hint and he finally slides off of him, plopping down beside him. He lays his hand on Jungkook's stomach and he props himself up with his elbow.

Jungkook wipes the sweat that was forming on his head and he sheepishly looks over at Taeyong, who was mere inches away from his face.

"I feel like I'm being smothered." Jungkook says.

"I'm not even on top of you anymore."

"I know...I don't know why, but I just do." He says, sitting up.

Taeyong sits up along with the younger and he puts his hand on his back. "You don't feel smothered, Jungkook." He says, earning a look of question of him. "Your hormones are just racing. Being so close to me, it's making you feel warm. It's normal."

"No...I don't think that's it..." Jungkook says, fiddling with his fingers.

"It is. I can tell. You are always flustered around me, but that's okay. It takes time to open up, I understand that."

"I'm sorry I'm always so nervous. I just....don't know how to act. I've never been in a relationship before."

"Just be yourself." Taeyong says, reaching around and taking Jungkook's face in his hand. "I can teach you everything you need to know. When I asked you out, I knew you were a little more immature, but I don't mind." He kisses Jungkook's still lips.

After a few seconds of awkward "kissing" later, Jungkook pulls his face away and his gaze lands on his hands in his lap. "I always just humiliate myself when you kiss me."

"Everything takes practice. That's why I'm starting you off slow." Taeyong says, pulling his face back to look at him, to which he plants his lips on his for a second time.

"Mm-stop.." Jungkook says, pushing the teen away.

"What's wrong? I thought when you liked when I kissed you. Where are those cute red cheeks of yours?"

"Only on the cheek...or the nose.."

"Jungkook, you have to work with me here. What if we get married? We can't seal our love for each other with a kiss on the nose."

"...Married??" Jungkook says a little louder than he should. "We've only been together for 3 weeks, Taeyong. Why are you thinking about marriage already?" He says, his voice laced with shock and disbelief.

"Jungkook," Taeyong says, taking Jungkook's hand in his. "I had a dream about you exactly the first week that we've been together...in it, we were getting married - and you can't tell me that was just a coincidence. I've thought about it a lot since then, and-"

"We just barely turned 16 Taeyong...even if I did want to get married too, it wouldn't be for a really long time.."

"Not really. Only two more years and we could move out on our own."

"Taeyong you're...you're creeping me out.." Jungkook says quietly, feeling guilty the moment he saw the hurt look in Taeyong's eyes.

"So you don't ever wanna marry me then?"

"I don't know...we don't even know each other that well.."

"I've been trying to get to know you but you are fighting me every step of the way."

"I'm not purposely doing it...I really do like you, Taeyong, you make me feel special, but I just-"

"Is that not good enough?"

"It is. But-"

"Then why aren't you making me feel special too? You make me feel like a pervert when I try and kiss you - something of which we should feel comfortable doing by now."

"I didn't know I was making you feel that way...I'm sorry."

"Maybe you can try again? For me?"

Hesitant, Jungkook sits there for a couple seconds, going back and fourth in his mind. He looks back up at Taeyong after a few seconds, nodding his head. "Alright...just a little, though...and you can't make fun of me."

"I would never." Taeyong squeezes Jungkook's hand. "This time, you kiss me first."

a/n: I'm gonna give a big fat warning before anyone goes fourth - I have said it before and I will say it again, THERE ARE NO EXPLICIT NONCONSENSUAL SEX SCENES. SO DONT GET SPOOKED WHEN READING ON. just warning ya'll so no one sends me angry messages.

Jungkook looks down Taeyong's lips and relunctantly, he leans forward a bit. It takes him a few moments of just hovering in front of him, but eventually he forces his own lips to meet the older's. The two sit there awkwardly for a short while, giving small kisses to each other until Taeyong reaches around and places his hand on the back of Jungkook's neck, pulling him in for one deep, long kiss.

Digging his nails into the bed underneath him, Jungkook opens his eyes after the kiss goes on for much longer than he antipcated. He did his best to try and kiss back, but his lips just felt like they were being smooshed by Taeyong's to the point he felt like he couldn't even attempt to do anything.

"Taeyom-"He says, but it was too muffled against Taeyong's lips. He attempts to pull away, but to his surprise, the older wouldn't budge , and even more to his panic, he had started to be guided down onto the bed by him.

"Wait-" Jungkooks manages to get out of the corner of his mouth, but Taeyong was far too engaged in the kiss to pay him any attention.

At this point, Taeyong had thrown  his leg over Jungkook, practically blocking him down as he goes from laying beside him, to straddling him once again. "You're doing good." He says through the kiss. "Keep up."

"No." Jungkook says, pushing him away by his chest - his lips slightly puffy and red. "This is too much for me." He adds, attempting to sit up, but Taeyong just sits atop of him, not moving.

"Why? You were doing great. Come on, just a little longer...it's so nice to kiss you." Taeyong says, leaning down for another kiss. Jungkook attempts to hold him away by putting his hand on his chest yet again, but Taeyong grabs it and forcefully starts guiding his arm down onto the bed.

"That's enough..!" Jungkook says a little louder, but was muffled by Taeyong's lips yet again.

Having had enough, Jungkook uses all his might to force Taeyong's mouth off of him and he shouts, "I SAID STOP!" - earning a look of shock from the wide-eyed older.

Immediately, Jungkook's eyes widen too and he gasps, realizing what he had just done - surely, he woke his dad. And surely, this meant his life was about to be over.

"Get off!" He whisper yells, frantically hurrying the panicked Taeyong who had quickly got off of him and was already planning his course of action.

As Taeyong was scrambling off the bed, Jungkook quickly fixes his bedding and he lays down, trying to look as normal as possible - besides the fact that every ounce of color in his face had since vanished. As the bedroom door flies open and hits the wall behind it, Taeyong just barely manages to scoot the rest of his body under Jungkook's bed - trying to remain as quiet and still as possible.

"What the hell is going on in here?!" Jungkook's father says, wielding a bat in his hand - frantically look side to side for intruders.

Jungkook lowers his comforter from his face and he peeks his eyes over the top of it, looking at the silhouette of his father who was standing in the light of his doorway. "W-what is it..?" He says.

"What do you mean "what is it?" I just heard you screaming in here. Now, who's in here?!" He says, and Jungkook watches anxiously as he storms around his room - tearing open the closet and bathroom door.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Jungkook says, sitting up in his bed. "M-maybe it was Kyu screaming in his sleep again." He says nervously.

"You think I'm an idiot?" His father replies, turning to face him. Jungkook holds in his breath as he starts taking steps towards him. "You think I don't know the difference between a 14 year old and a 2 year old's scream?"

"I don't know, dad.." Jungkook says, swallowing his saliva as he looks up at his father that was towering over the side of his bed. "Maybe I was talking in my sleep, but I don't know...no one's in here, so I don't know what else it could have been."

His father looks side to side, scouring the room with suspicious eyes, then looks back down at Jungkook. "You better not be lying to me, Jungkook."

"I'm not. I promise." He says quietly and his father pulls his blanket down, looking him over closely. Jungkook holds his breath after his chin is grabbed - wincing as his father moves his face side to side, looking over his neck for any suspicious marks.

"Hmm.." The elder says, letting go of Jungkook's face. "Well then...get your ass back to sleep. I have work tomorrow and I don't want to be woken up again, do you understand? If you wake me up again, sleep talking or not, I'm not gonna be happy." He says, and Jungkook nods. Taking one last glance around the room, Jungkook's father steps out into the hall and shuts the door behind him.

Several minutes of gut wrenching silence later, Taeyong quietly crawls out from under the bed after he deems it safe and clear and stands up, glancing over at Jungkook with guilt-ridden eyes.

"Jungkook..." He whispers.

"Just leave." Jungkook says, facing away from the teen with the blanket pulled up around his face.


Jungkook rips the blanket off of him and he looks over his shoulder - his eyes full of anger. "You almost got us both killed..!" He whispers-yells once again. "I told you to stop and you wouldn't listen."

"It was just a kiss, 'kook...I never meant for it to go any farther than that. You acted like I was trying to force myself onto you or something.."

"You were forcing yourself onto me..! Even if you didn't plan on going any farther, you should have stopped when I told you to."

"I just...I just loved kissing you. I didn't mean to make things weird for you."

"I told you to leave, Taeyong."

"I need to know if you forgive me...please, Jungkook or I'm never going to sleep tonight."

"I don't care. All I want you to do is get out..." Jungkook scrambles out of bed and starts pushing Taehyong by the chest towards the window. "And I never want to see you again."


"You heard me, now leave." He says, pointing towards the window.

"You don't mean it, Jungkook..."

"Yes, I do. And if you come back, I'll call my dad back in here and tell him you're an intruder."

"You're just mad, you'll forgive me, I know you will." Taeyong says as Jungkook opens up the window.

"Out. Now." Jungkook says, pointing out of it.

"You can't avoid me Jungkook. We'll see each other at school after you blow off all this steam-" He goes to say, but was cut off mid-sentence when Jungkook pushes him towards the window - his back bumping against the sill.

"Fine, I'll go." Taeyong says, hunching down and crawling back out the window. He goes to turn around to say something else after getting out onto the roof, but Jungkook closes and locks the window before he was able to - yanking the curtains shut in his face.


will be working on a continuation of last chapter soon (probs tomorrow or tuesday I hope), so no you wont have to wait for months after this chapter for another. just really felt like writing another history part for Jungkook, and i felt like this was the best time to do it, since it's already part 15 and i want to make more of these before the story ends to give the characters more of a background (plus I have mentioned his ex in the past and I needed to get their past out so the story makes sense later). it's not all gonna be of Jungkook, taehyung will get some and maybe minnie&jungkook will get one too :) and p.s. despite this chapter lookin really sketchy, its actually not all that meets the eye. and I'll say it, taeyong WAS NOT going to go any farther than a kiss right now despite how it looked, so he meant what he said. he was just way too into the kiss being a hormonal and a bit unstable of a teenager, and of course Kookie was a bit freaked out. like I said, dont wanna get angry messages from people who immediately think the worst.

also, here's a tag to sort of break up the tension from this chapter.

thanks for tagging me, notchutae !

1.Do you care about what others think of you?

Of course, it's human nature. Almost every person on this planet seeks acceptance from their peers, and even strangers. Though, I am trying to learn that I can't and won't please everyone that I ever come across - there will always be someone in this world who doesn't like me or the things I do. And that's alright because I'm gonna focus more on the people who DO. And I will try to never let someone else's opinions of me determine my actions, and this goes with everything.

2.Middle name?

Nichole. 🤢

3.favorite sport?

I like watching ice skating and those Russian slapping tournaments where they see who can endure the hardest slap. But as for playing sports? I've said it before and I'll say it again, Ill just stick to wii sports and mario tennis.

4.best friend?

on wattpad it's 444JoJo444 and my new bestie Harumi_Kyojin ^u^

5.someone you couldnt live without?

my mom

6.favorite name/nickname that others call you?

my nickname was Brian Avacodo - that was pretty nice.

7.are you more cute or sexy?

Uh, how about neither? I guess if I had to choose, maybe I would lean more towards cute because I am exactly 0% sexy. 🤠

8.what are your preferred pronouns?

"It." Or "she". "She" works too.

9.Have I ever been asked out?

(side note I thought this said ASHED out and I was sitting here for a good minute trying to figure out what that meant)

Yes, though not a lot. I think people are intimidated by me cause I do have a resting bitch face that makes me look like I hate everyone. But yeah, I've been asked out a few times - none of which I have accepted. THE PEOPLE WHO I WANTED TO ASK ME OUT THOUGH DIDN'T, INCLUDING MY CURRENT CRUSH AND IM SOOOOO SAD. I LIKE YOUR SMILE GROCERY BOY AND I SEE YOU LOOKING AT ME, ASK ME OUT ALREADY

10.Do you believe in true love/soulmates.

yes because me and grocery boy are destined to be soulmates I can feel it. but no seriously, yes I do. When you get to the point you can fart in front of someone and not have to worry about them seeing your morning hair and drooled on face, yeah I would imagine that would be true love.

11.top three pet peeves

when someone chews with their mouth open, when people get mad at you for something they did wrong, when someone eats my snacks without asking.

12.do you consider yourself an emotional person?

oh hell yeah. when something is important to me, such as a topic, I will have to spend my time writing a full ass, dramatic essay about it. And when I am writing a sad scene or romantic scene, I usually try and make it as dramatic and emotional as possible. though, in real life I do have a hard time showing my emotions. I'm definitely one to hold my emotions (particularly sadness) in, partly because my mom has bipolar and I dont want her to be worried about anything since she already has enough on her own plate. You can say I'm just used to it.

13.words you say often?

"OMG" I say "OMG" like every two seconds online. even irl I'm always like OH MY GOD. And holy crap is another. As well as fucc but I really need to stop that.

14.Picture of myself?

If you really wanna see what i look like, i do have an Instagram @ jungkookatoo . there is only one gross pic of me because ya girl doesnt like taking photos often.

15.your favorite picture of another person.

I dont want to put any photos of my real life favorite people because I dont have their permission and I dont want them to hate my guts, so I'll put my current fav character: V from DMC 5. My boi is so fancy and I love him 🥺 he dances and conducts in the face of demons and death. I strive to be like him 😔✊

16.Favorite hobby?

Writing, video games and drawing.

17.role model?

I don't really have a role model. but if I had to choose, my mom. ronald McDonald is also pretty great. if he can go out looking like THAT, daaaamn bois got some of that sweet SWEET confidence 👏

18.Who is the best person you personally know?

My mom and my best friend Alex. theyve been thru some CRAP and is still keeping their head held high. I wish I could be like them.


GROCERY BOOOOOY. HES AT MY STORE AND HES GOT THE CUTEST SMILE IN THE WORLD 🥺 I even dreamt about him out of nowhere (which sounds creepy) but it was a sweet one where he gave me a slice of Pizza 🤧 I've never been crushing this hard on someone in 6 years BUT I DONT EVEN KNOW HIS NAME. just by the way he acts, I can tell hes a huge sweetie AND I WANNA GET TO KNOW HIM 🥺 but we both are shyyyyyyyyy

tag 28 people

uhhhh like I've said before I dont know that many people. so I'm just gonna tag a few people


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