North American Secrets

By LuciiPL22

51K 1.1K 1K

The Nations like to think of the "New World", or North America, as childish, young, inexperienced even. What... More

Basics of the book.
That Voice
This Book
Pain pt.2
Before Colonization.
What it takes to be a god
Playing with Fire
How could we let this happen?
New Talk

The first of many

4.8K 113 184
By LuciiPL22

And with that she disappeared in cloud of light and smoke.

"Well then..." Germany started earning everyone's attention, "who's going to start?"


"I will." A French man announced. He stood up and grabbed the book opening it to the first page.

He only responded with a look of confusion.

England, who was next to him, looked over France's shoulder, "What kind of bloody language is this?!"

"Just slide it over."

The book traveled across the table to America. He pick it up and covered his mouth silently laughing, a sign that he could read it.

His siblings peered at the book too and laughed.

"What does it say?" Russia asked.

"Nothing..." Canada laughed.

It was a message from their mother. She had requested for Maria to use her 'trick-shot-arrow-move' every time someone insulted them. It was more of an inside joke between them when they were younger.

This one time Maria had been aiming at a target on a tree. Somehow when she let go the arrow warped in such an ungodly way and almost skinned Diego who was at another tree far to the left.

Alfred passed the book back opened to the first entry.

France received it clearing his throat began,

All of North America knows magic. Some very strong magic...

"You can do magic?!" England exclaimed, "how come I've never known?!"

"What kind of Magic?" Italy asked ignoring the Brit's fit.

"We can use elemental magic including water, ice, fire, earth, light, wind..." Mathew started.

"We know ancient Native American magic like voodoo. We can also talk to sprits and animals." Diego continued.

"AND we can turn into any animal or mythical creature we desire." Maria added.

"Can we see some of it?" Prussia asked, a gleam in his eye.

"Maybe later." Alfred replied, "let's just continue.

England took the book and glanced at it before reading. He seemed to only read the first sentence before he...fainted....

Shock overcame the room. Freaking out over the unconscious nation.

France woke him use using a secret 'tactic' and offered if someone else were to read, to which Spain volunteered.

"Okay then..." he started.

All of North America has personified Provinces or states. They are their children all raised from infancy. America has 50 states and one capital. Canada has 13 provinces. North and South Mexico have 32 combined.

They love their children dearly and would do anything for them. They give their children the love that they only wish they had...


Everyone stared at the quadruplets with wide eyes.

"You can raise children?" China asked.

"Yep!" Alfred responded, despite the rather rude question.

Spain showed an expression of sadness at the last part, when the book all of a sudden shone a bright light and blinded everyone. When the Nations opened their eyes they noticed they were in a white void of a room.

Native America had reappeared.

"Sorry for the confusion," she apologized, "like I said before, you will view North America's memories. When an entry has a memory attached you will be transported into this realm to experience them."

And with that she had disappeared again.

The memory began. It showed a young America cradling what looked like a young girl.

"DC..." Alfred whispered.

It was almost like a montage showing America growing up with more children joining his family.

A cute scene came on when America was teaching a young boy how to aim an arrow.

Another showing him bandaging a girl's knee sealing it with a kiss.

Then the next showed Canada.

He was reading a story to a toddler on his lap and even more young children huddled around the book. Some already asleep, while others were dozing off.

Another showed about 5-7 children playing in the snow with him and tackling their father.

And soon after that, the whole group of 13 having a snowball fight

Next was Maria and Diego.

Maria was making flower crowns with some girls.

Diego was playing soccer with some older looking children in the back.

Maria was then surprised when a young toddler approached her crowning her with a sloppily made flower crown. She accepted and rewarded the girl with a crown she had made. Smiling at each other they hugged.

The last memory showed a pool scene.

North America was engaged in a chicken fight. Alfred was on Mathew while Maria was on Diego.

At the edge of the pool there was a crowd of children cheering their favorable twins. Not too far was a small stand where older states and provinces were betting the winners.

Alfred caught Maria off guard by producing a snowball with magic and throwing it at her face.

The two collapsed into the water. Cheers were heard all around.

What they didn't know is that while Alfred and Mathieu were boasting and cheering, Diego dove underwater and grabbed Mathieu's ankles causing the duo to collapse.

All four sibling resurfaced and laughed at each other.

Smiles are all around.

Laughter was contagious.

They looked like a truly happy family.

The memory faded away returning everyone back to the meeting room.

The siblings were sadly smiling at the memories shown. They already missed their kids.

"They are so cute!" Hungary yelled.

Agreements were heard among the room. The room felt a little more cheery.

On the other hand France, Spain, and England felt horrible.

They never did that with their kids. Rarely enjoyed time with them. Ignored them. Left on trips without them. And look what happened. They don't call them Papa, Papi, even Dad anymore.

"I feel like one more entry and then we can stop for Lunch." Germany said.

China was next. He was passed the book and reopened it to the next entry.

Contrary to popular belief. America can cook, not just food but really good food, considered above 5-star even. His dishes have been described as heavenly by anyone who has tried it.

Many think his country is known for its fatty and processed foods, but a major part, even most, of his population despises fast food. Many of his people are eating healthy and sharing new recipes to live a truly healthy and happy life.

Alfred has also come home many times to see that his food has been stolen by his siblings.

"True!" Mathieu said.

"I don't believe it!" China scoffed crossing his arms.

"Then let Alfie cook for lunch!" Maria suggested, "then you can judge his cooking."

They were hesitant, but judging on how confident Maria looked:


"Well then that settles it." Germany looked over at America, "do you mind cooking lunch for us?"

"Not a problem!" Alfred beamed. "I always cook for the states so cooking for this large of a group shouldn't be a problem!"

"Let's have break until lunch is served." Germany dismissed everyone.

Some nations were curious and followed the New World to the kitchen. This included China, England, and Italy. Sooner or later some other countries joined to watch the American cook.

Alfred immediately went for a pen and paper. Mathieu, Diego, and Maria sat on the kitchen island's stools while Alfred faced them from the other side, leaning against the counter facing the blank paper.

"What do we want to make?" He asked looking up at his siblings.

"Your mashed potatoes for sure!"

"Oh gumbo!"

"And chili!"

"Don't forget some vegetables!"

"How about some corn bread?"

The three siblings kept listing off dish after dish. Alfred was taking it all down. The nations watching were surprised at the array of dishes Alfred knew.

"And I think that's a perfect lunch!" He sat up satisfied with the list.

Alfred immediately went to work. His siblings helped gather ingredients, but he was doing most of the work.

All the clattering and the strengthening scent of food drew a rather large crowd, curious as to what's was happening. Next thing you know NA had a whole audience watching them cook.

In all honesty the four siblings looked to be having so much fun. They were happily talking and joking, ignoring the judgmental stares.

"Hey Matt, mind turning off the stove for me?" Alfred called over his shoulder.

"I'm... busy..." Mathieu replied.

"I'll do it!" Maria offered.


"Hey Matt-" Alfred turned around to his brother, "and what do you think you're doing?"

"...nothing...?" He hesitantly answered.

He had his arm up ready to pour a bottle of maple syrup in the mac and cheese.

"We don't want syrup in the cheese okay?"



"To add least add some flavor?"

"You can make some pancakes if you want..."


Mathieu ran off to the previously turned off stove and pulled out many ingredients presumably for the pancakes.

He then had a mischievous grin.

"Oh Alfie~" he mused.

"Hm?" Alfred hadn't looked over his shoulder. He was rolling some dough.

"I have some flowers for you!"

Maria and Diego held in laughter knowing what was coming next.

"Oh how nice- wait flowers?" Alfred finally turned around met with a handful of flour on his face.

Alfred became a coughing fit.

He then smirked evilly.

He grabbed his own jar of flour and threw a handful to Mathieu.

The only thing is that it didn't hit Mattie, it hit some sort of... shield? It must be their magic, mostly everyone thought.

The flower dispersed spilling on Maria and Diego who were beside Mathieu.

"Maska!" She yelled.

Alfred put his hands up in defense. "Don't blame me blame Mattie!" He pointed over to Canada. " He's using magic!"

"You guys are so dead!" Diego laughed grabbing his own helping of flour.

Honestly at this point the four siblings had forgotten that they were cooking It's not like they cared though. This was war.

Everyone spectating was laughing at the encounter anyways.

Alfred jumped over the counter away from Diego. Diego then proceeded to chase him around the room.

It was interrupted by a 'ding'.

"Foods ready!" Maria exclaimed.

"You're lucky hermano..." Diego playfully glared at Alfred, trying his best to look intimidating.

Everyone cleaned off the flour.

Alfred just smiled back and walked away to prepare the dining room.

~Time Skip~

The dining room was all set up as the nations seated themselves.

Carts of delicious looking and smelling food were rolled in.

Individual dishes were passed around, people took servings of what they desired to eat.

Finally everyone had a couple dishes on their plates hesitantly waiting for the first Nation to take a bite.

"It doesn't look nearly as good as my food." China scoffed.

"How are you sure this is safe to eat?" France warily asked.

"Jeez, just try it already!" Maria yelled.

They slowly brought a utensil to their mouths and ate.

"It's..." someone started.

"Actually good!" Another finished.

"It's delicious!"

The room erupted into a happy chatter. Compliments we're going around over the clinking of plates and metal.

America crossed his arms in satisfaction.

But deep down, he knew the mood wouldn't last.

~Another Time Skip~

Everything was cleaned up and everyone found themselves back in their meeting room seats.

Germany reached for the book and opened it to where they left off.

America can understand all languages.

Germany looked up with a 'wow, pretty cool!' look towards Alfred and continued.

It's because he's known as the world's "Mixing pot". His citizens are made up of so many races and ethnicities and are so diverse that he just knows how to speak any language.

He is also fluent in, along with his other siblings, all Native American languages that are or were present in their population.

Maria and Diego are fluent in languages their ancient civilizations had used like the Aztecs.

"Impressive..." Germany finished.

Alfred sheepishly chuckled.

"Do you know Polish?" Poland jumped from his seat.


„Czy ty rozumiesz mnie?"

„Tak, ja ci rozumie."

„Mów po mnie: król Karol kolorował kolorowe koraliki z królewną Karoliną ."

„król Karol kolorował kolorowe koraliki z królewną Karoliną ."

"That's, like, so cool!" Poland exclaimed.

-do you understand me?
-repeat after me: [crazy tongue twister I know...]
-[repeated tongue twister])

"Ve~ I want to try next!"

"Me too!"

"Me three!"

Many nations one at a time tested their language on America.

"Wait so that means you understand everything we say?" England questioned

Alfred knew where this was going, "yes..."

"So then all the-" China began, but stopped. Everyone knew what he was going to say.

The insults.

Everyone in the room had at least participating in one gossip section about North America. Even those closest to them.

Maybe even if it just was a mutter under their breath, everyone has done it.

"I'm sor-"

"Nope save it!" Diego interrupted. Almost everyone had begun to apologize.

It's too late anyway.

Just like Alfred predicted, the happy and peaceful mood was gone.

Mathieu looked over at the book. They had barely made any progress. Only a fraction of a fraction was completed. He was hoping there were some entries that book would never possess.


I feel like it's moving so slow!

Idk that might be just me.

Thanks for reading!

_~•*LUCII OUT*•~_

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