The Prince and The Pauper

By Millie_Astral

13.6K 415 445

Astral and his twin brother Black Mist are both princes overruling the Human World with their father, King Go... More

Prologue: The Disaster
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 9

414 16 40
By Millie_Astral

Yuma got into a clinical building to find something to clean and wrap the wounds with. The people around here had already exacuated, so that meant that no one would mind if he took some medical supplies.

He placed Astral on a couch in the waiting room and searched the pharmacy of the clinic. Leaving him there made him a tad nervous since there may be psycho killer furries waiting to attack, but he had to trust that it wouldn't happen. So far, as he strolled through the shelves, there were only medicines to cure headaches, coughs, stomach bugs, and all that. What could he use for wounds?

He remembered that his mother and Akari would use rubbing alcohol to clean the wounds. Sure, it stung like hell, but it worked to disinfect it. Maybe he should look for that as well as cotton balls to get the alcohol with and some bandages. Maybe even some medicine to relieve headaches.

Yuma found the supplies he needed and went back to the waiting room, and to his relief, Astral was still there. He removed the cape, headdress, and the other adornments and put the jewlery in his pocket while putting the cape in a pouch he found.

He first had to work on his face, for there was three huge gashes on his left cheek, most likely as a result of that cheetah lady. It was imperative that he got that out of the way.

He opened the new bottle after some struggling. He then opened the pack of cotton balls, dampened one in the alcohol, and carefully rubbed it on Astral's cheek. The prince hissed in pain when the stinging liquid hit, but Yuma just ignored it and kept going. Soon, those hisses became small whimpers.

Astral opened his eyes a few moments later. Yuma was almost done with him, and he was just now wrapping a bandage on his leg, where the deepest slices were. He was aware of the stinging everywhere now that the adrenaline had fallen sharply.

Yuma noticed this and smiled. "Hey, sleepyhead! I was wondering when you'd get up."

Astral tried to get up, but the pain was too much for him to handle.

"Just stay down," Yuma said, tying the last cloth in place. "We'll continue tomorrow."

"I cannot do that," Astral protested. "I need to get to Black Mist as soon as-"

"No can do," he interrupted. "We've been attacked, and I know you have enough sense to know that you've been badly injured and can't go on until you rest."

Astral huffed indignantly. "How dare you cut me off..." He crossed his arms and pouted.

Yuma laughed. "I hate to tell you, but you're not in your castle anymore." He picked the prince up again. "I found a good bed in one of the rooms. You sleep there tonight."

Astral nodded, blushing somewhat. He wondered why Yuma was carrying him like this. It was both disgraceful and embarrassing! Still, it felt oddly nice like this. Curious...

Yuma noticed the slight blush, but he decided not to say a thing. No need to destroy his pride even more! He just smiled slightly and went into an open room.

"Rest here," he said, laying Astral on the bed gently. "I'll be in a different room."

"Okay." Astral got comfortable on the bed while Yuma draped a blanket on him. It wasn't like his bed at home, but it would do for now.

"Good night," Yuma said, walking out the door.

Once out, he grabbed the medicine supplies and entered another room to tend to his leg.

~.Royal POV.~

Astral placed one hand on the pillow and rested his head against it. He wondered why the human boy would go out of his way to heal him first rather than tending to his own needs. Was it for the sole reason that he had more wounds? He noticed the nasty bite on his ankle. It could get infected.

Astral sighed. What was that he was feeling when Yuma picked him up to take him into this room. Everything that boy did was so confusing! Why did he carry him to the room? Why did he offer to fight with him? Why did he tend to his wounds first? Humans were confusing creatures.

He sang a small song to himself. It was a song he used to sing to his brother when they were young before they fell asleep. It was a soothing song, and he felt that he needed it tonight not only to go to sleep but also for the much needed calmness of it. Soon, he fell asleep.


The next morning, everything was sore. Astral woke up the same as he did when he woke up in the house. However, this morning started off much more violently.

Rumbles and quakes woke both boys up. Yuma rushed into the room Astral was staying to see the prince looking for his sword again. When Astral saw Yuma, he was flooded with relief that he was okay.

"Yuma, have you seen my sword?" he asked.

"I have it. We need to get somewhere safe!" he warned. "Somewhere underground."

"What is going on?" By now, the quakes were getting even stronger.

"Bombing!" Yuma took his hand and quickly led him somewhere that was relatively safe. However, that place was a hazard to Astral.

"We cannot stay here!" he exclaimed as the debris started raining down. "We need to go deeper underground!"

Yuma nodded. "I think this place has a basement. Come on!" He once again took his hand and rushed to a door.

"I thought you said we would go underground!" Astral was beginning to feel frustration toward the boy. How would this door be underground?

"Just wait." Yuma turned the knob and hauled the door open. It creaked and groaned due to years of unuse. Maybe it was rare that anyone went down here. "Come on!"

Astral followed him down, and the instant feeling of descending rushed into him. Was there a slope? Was this how humans survived natural disasters like tornadoes? By going underground, were they actually able to survive?

They stopped around the center. Yuma felt along the walls for a flashlight or matches or something to light the way back to the door. His fingerss wrapped around a cylinder, and he yanked it off the wall. With the click of a button, a bright beam danced along the floor.

"Wait here. I'll be right back." Without waiting for a response, Yuma walked off to shut the door.

Astral stayed behind like he was told. He didn't know why he did, but it seemed wrong to just go when Yuma was doing all he could to protect him. He wondered if he was getting attached to the boy. If he was, was it like brotherly love, or could it be more?

No, that wasn't possible. Astral remembered his father telling him that when he was king, he was to find a nice woman to marry. Not a boy.

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