Book of Ruel

By DarlinVanDijk

118K 2.4K 361

some stories about Ruel, since I can never get him out of my head. check out my tumblr, that's where I post t... More

Welcome to my Book
Pregnancy Prank
I Just Need You
Tour Bus Cuddles
Just Friends
Not Ready *
Not Ready Pt. 2 *
Phone Call
Wrong About You
Hickey Prank
Thrift Shop
Don't Talk To Her Like That
Baby You're Drunk
Christmas Photos
Always Been You
It'll Be Okay
Valentine's Disaster
Spill the tea
Im so sorry lmao A/N
Quarantine Vibes
Stars in the Sky
Secrets & Rainy Days
Good Girl
After Care
Letter to anon.
After Care: Soft Version
Black Lives Matter.
Smile Please
Feeling Blue
Baby Lotion
Late Night Swim

What About Me?

3.2K 74 8
By DarlinVanDijk

I sit in the Van Dijk living room, laughing along with my favorite girls as we have yet another girls night filled with junk food and endless conversation, one of many held over the past two weeks. I lean my head against Sylvie as I listen to Kate tell another story about what it was like for her growing up, truly intrigued by some of the things that she's seen and gone through. I heard shuffling coming from the staircase, causing me to turn my head and see my beautiful boy make his way towards me. He slowly drags himself to me, wrapping his arms around my neck and shoulders from the back of the couch. I lean into him and tilt my head up to see his face, watching as he looks down at me with a little frown.

"When're you coming to bed? It's already 12:30 love" he mumbles out, a little bit of a whine to his voice. I let out a small laugh before reaching up to caress his cheek, smiling at the way he adorably leans into my hand, knowing he's been a little off lately.

"I know but we're just talking and watching some movies, why don't you head to bed without me and I'll join you in a little bit?" I question, watching him roll his eyes a little before nodding his head and planting a kiss on my forehead. The girls watch him silently, all trying to not laugh at how clingy and grumpy he gets when he's tired.

"Goodnight baby, goodnight mom, and goodnight fuckers" Ruel mutters out, causing Coco and Sylvie to let out matching scoffs all while holding smirks on their faces, loving when their brother doesn't get his way. He glares at them before making his way back upstairs and into his bedroom. I turn back to them and restart the conversations we were having with each other.

Time passed with more shared laughs and snacks, before we all slowly started to get tired from our night of bonding since it was already nearing 2. We all hugged and said our goodnight before heading to our respective rooms, mine being Ruels. I softly open the door and step in, trying not to wake him, only to see him laying there with his phone screen lighting up the dark space. I shuffle my way to his closet and slip off my clothes, trading them for one of his shirts, slowly making my way back to his bed.

I climb into the bed and turn to face him, laying on my side as he lays flat on his back scrolling through Instagram. He stays silent as he scrolls through his phone, making no moves to cuddle me like he usually would. I reach my hand out and place it against his cheek, waiting to see if I'll get a reaction from him. He lets out a quiet hum, lightly turning his head to press a kiss to the center of my palm before leaning his face back into it.

Feeling sleepy I softly rub my eyes before scooting a little down on the bed, pushing my head underneath his arm that was resting over his chest as he held his phone with the other arm. I can see him look down at me, as I let the arm rest on top of me, curling my body into his as much as I can. He rests his hand in my hair, softly coming through it before pressing a small kiss to the crown of my head, still scrolling through his socials. I fall asleep to the quiet whisper of "I love you" from him, feeling the way his arms tighten around me as he finally puts his phone away and holds me.

I wake up to sunlight beaming in through the curtains, watching as it lights up Ruels bare skin, making him glow gold. I let out a sigh of pure content, running my fingers through his hair, feeling him grip me tighter as he slowly woke up. He squints his eyes open, watching me for a few seconds before fully shifting onto his back and pulling me on top of him. I let out a laugh as he does so, resting my hands against his shoulders, my face above his. He leans up and presses a light kiss on my lips before laying back down and giving me a lazy grin.

"You look really pretty right now, you always look stunning, but for some reason this light is making you absolutely breathtaking darlin" he sleepily states, giving me the boyish grin that he knows makes my heart stop. I feel my face heat up at his compliment before pressing a kiss to his nose, having not had a soft moment like this with him in the last two weeks. He just watches me for a few more seconds with nothing but love in his eyes, which I know is completely reciprocated in mine. Our peaceful silence is broken when his door gets thrown open, Coco standing in the threshold with a giant grin on her face.

"Hey beauty and the beast, don't forget about our plans today babes, so ready for this spa day! We're taking off in 30 since it's already 10:30" she all but shrieks out, skipping out of the room and closing the door behind her. I feel Ruel tense up underneath me when he hears her statement. I sit up and straddle his abdomen, looking down at him with a frown, wondering why he looks so upset. He avoids eye contact and instead just shifts his hands to rest softly on my thighs, completely shifting back into the touchy and distant attitude he's held with me the past few days.

"What's wrong bubs? You seem to be a little moody lately" I softly question, knowing he struggles a bit when getting put on the spot. He frowns even more, slightly gripping my things and rubbing his thumbs across them. I wait with a soft look on my face, giving him time to open up so that he can do so while not feeling rushed.

"You're going out with my sisters and mom again?" He mutters, the frown still placed onto his face, slightly deepening as he questions me. Feeling perplexed I tilt my head to the side, wondering what that has to do with anything.

"Yeah, we wanted to have a girls spa day, just to relax and have fun together" I state, watching as his frown deepens. He lets out a slight scoff, setting me next to him on the bed so that I'm no longer on him, before getting up and heading to the closet, completely ignoring the hand that I reach out to grab his. I watch him with a now matching frown, hurt by his passive aggression with me. I sit there silently as he changes, waiting for him to say something. He turns back to me and walks over, filling me with hope, before going straight past me to his phone to disconnect it from the charger. He proceeds to walk to the door before I call out to him, completely freezing him in his tracks.

"What's going on with you?" I softly mumble, watching as he turns back to me and makes his way over. He leans down and presses a soft but barely there kiss to my head before walking back to the door, pausing and turning to tell me something.

"Nothing's going on, have fun with the girls. Love you." He states in a blank tone, shutting the door before I can even reply to him. I sit there in silence with watery eyes, wondering what's made him so distant with me. I shrug it off, deciding I'm not going to let his attitude ruin my day, and change into my comfy spa outfit. I head downstairs seeing the girls waiting for me, completely walking past Ruel, who's sitting at the counter eating. They watch the way his eyes follow my every move and the way I ignore him with confused glances, causing me to shrug at them.

"Ready to go ladies? It's time to partyyy" I sing out throwing my hands up as they all get over what just happened and cheer with me. We double check to make sure we all have our phones and stuff on us, before deciding to leave. As we're leaving, we call out to Ralph so he knows we're taking off, and then the atmosphere shifts once the attention is put on Ruel. He stands there eating, looking up when he feels their gazes on him, he gives a small wave as they tell him bye. They watch silently as I say nothing to him, giving him the choice to either say something or keep being a dick.

"Love you, be safe." He mutters in a clipped tone, heading towards the living room where Ralph is, not giving me the usual kiss and hug he always does when I leave. I roll my eyes at his snotty behavior before turning to the door, completely disregarding what he said, watching as the girls and Ruel, who hasn't entered the living room yet, stare at me in slight shock. Having never seen me not reply to his "i love you" before. I make it partially out the door, stopping to turn around for one second, not being able to do it.

"I love you too." I quietly state, watching him nod his head before joining his dad. We all walk out to the car and get in, sitting in a slightly tense atmosphere. Them being confused but not wanting to question it in fear of ruining the mood, and me just being hurt by the attitude of the boy I love.

"Is everything okay? What was that about?" Coco softly questions as we start to head to the spa, with music softly playing on the radio. I sit there silently for a second, trying to think of what to say about the situation.

"I honestly don't know. He's been weird the past like week but today he's just been an ass to me. He's being super clipped and passive with me, when I've done nothing" I rant out, completely frustrated that I can't figure out what's going on in his mind. They all sit there pondering what could be going on with him, but all come up blank, having never seen him act this way with me.

"Honestly fuck that, today we are going to enjoy ourselves, no boy is going to ruin our day" Coco shouts with a fist in the air, causing all of us to laugh at her wild attitude. We get to the spa, check in, and head to the changing rooms, and putting on what they tell us to. We all go into the sauna, just relaxing and letting all of the stress leave our bodies, before rinsing off and heading to the rooms we have assigned. Coco and I head into a room, while Kate and Sylvie head into another, getting ready for the massages we have scheduled.

As we lay down and get massaged, Coco turns her head to face me with the same perplexed look she had earlier. She asks me about the situation and I tell her everything I can think of that's happened the last two weeks that have been off, more so the last couple days that have been really off. She nods and listens, adding things every now and then as we try to brainstorm a solution or reason for everything. We head out of the room once we're done and go straight to the mani/pedi area, showing the workers what we'd like, before sitting in the seats adjacent to Sylvie and Kate. We talk as we get our nails done, laughing and completely relaxing. As time goes by and they finish our nails, they lead us into the final area which makes Coco shout with glee.

"Free food!" She shouts, walking over to the trays set up for us, turning to us with stars practically filling her eyes. We all sit down and enjoy the complimentary food and champagne, before finally heading back to change and leave. As we take off, we decide to make a pit stop at some of the local shops, since Kate said she saw the absolute prettiest dress that she wanted me to try on. We hang around for a bit before deciding to head back to their house, seeing as it was already getting a little dark outside. I check my phone as we near the house, seeing it flash 5:15 at me, filling me with hope that he's gotten his attitude together since we've been apart the whole day.

We walk in and head to the living room, watching as Ruel looks up and decides to depart and head up into his room. The rest of the family watches me in silence, as I turn and give them a soft sad smile, before telling them I'm going to head up after him. They all nod and let me leave, watching as I walk upstairs with my head turned down. I enter the room to see the bathroom door shut and the sound of light humming fill the air. I close the door and sit at the edge of the bed, waiting for him to come out.

He finally comes out of the bathroom and freezes upon seeing me, giving me a blank stare before turning to head back out the door. I let out a scoff, completely pissed that he's being so childish, watching as his body tenses up at the sound. He slowly spins around and watches me with slightly guarded eyes.

"Do you have something to say" he questions in a low tone, staring me straight in the eyes with a look I couldn't quite decipher. I stare at him incredulously, not believing that those are the words he chooses to say.

"Are you fucking with me right now?" I snap out, crossing my arms over my chest to stop my hands from shaking, not wanting him to know how bothered I am. He rolls his eyes and opens the door to leave, causing my eyes to well up at the fact that he's not even going to try and talk to me, and at the fact that we've never fought before.

"Ruel why are you mad at me... if I did something wrong you can tell me." I mumble out to him insecurely, playing with the promise ring on my finger, feeling unsure on if he'll reply or just leave. I hear him sigh before he makes his way over to stand in front of me, standing in between my legs. He tilts my head up with two of his fingers, looking sad as he sees the tears that fill my eyes, knowing they were put there by his actions. He gives me a soft look before leaning down to lift me up, causing my to bury my head in the crook of his neck, and wrap my legs around his waist. He moves to put us on the bed, with him leaning against the headboard, while I lay against him, still wrapped around him.

"I'm not mad at you, I'm just hurt. I feel like all you've done the past couple weeks is hangout with them and then only spend time with me real late at night, which doesn't count since we're asleep. I just feel sad that you've rejected all the times I've hinted at spending time together to just continuously be with them. I don't want to be clingy, but I'm tired and just need you, especially since tour just ended and it took a lot out of me to be on the road for so long and give as much of myself as I could to make my fans happy night after night. Like you give everyone else so much attention... but what about me?" He rants out with his voice cracking, rubbing his hands tiredly down his face, as I sit up on his lap, giving him a heartbroken look.

"No, Ruel I love you so much, I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I just got caught up in all the plans they were making, that I didn't even think about how you felt. You needed me and I wasn't there for you. I didn't see any of your hints and advances, I made you feel alone." I softly cry out, now seeing how it all made sense, how it actually was all me. He gives me a soft smile before leaning in to give me a kiss, pulling away to wipe to tears off my face.

"No crying baby, it's not your fault. I should have been straight up with you and told you what I wanted, not just have expected you to know, and I definitely shouldn't have been such a dick to you. You're perfect and deserve all the love and respect in the world, I'm sorry for hurting your feelings bubba" he whisper into my ear and he hugs me, I squeeze him against me, letting him lay me down against the bed, situating himself on top of me so that his head rests against my chest. I softly comb my fingers through his hair, smiling as he grabs my other hand and presses a kiss to it, trying to communicate the mutual love we have for one another.

"I love you." He whispers, looking up at me in complete adoration. I cup his face with my palm before giving him a little grin. Watching the way he leans into my palm and stares at me as if he was seeing the sun for the first time, in complete and utter awe. Leaving me breathless for a few seconds before I can reply to him.

"I love you too bubs, I'm happy we got over this and we're able to be back on track, I hated fighting with you" I say watching him nod his head in complete agreement before laying back down, leaving us in a peaceful silence, filled with mutual love and understanding. I start to think about how I can avoid this problem in the future, before I let out a laugh realizing that Coco is the main reason I was busy lately since she made all the plans, then seeing Ruel lift his head to stare at me with a questioning look. I laugh even more as I look at his face, knowing how mad he's going to be when I tell him why I can't stop laughing.

"I can't believe your headass got jealous of your own mom and sisters, like you got jealous over Coco fucking loser" I all but choke out, finally thinking about it fully, watching him glare at me. He grabs my waist and pulls my body down the bed, hovering over the top of me as tears stream down my face.

"Are you fucking done yet?" He groans out, watching as I literally roll side to side, not able to breathe from laughing at him. He pins my arms above me head and stares into my eyes, watching as I sober up, before staring at him for a second too long and getting set off again.

"That's it babygirl. sorry not sorry asshole" he grumbles out as he lets go of my hands to place them on my waist, relentlessly tickling me as I cry out and yell for him to stop or I'll pee on him and the bed. Downstairs the rest of the Van Dijks sit around on the couches, all smiling and chuckling at the sounds of laughter and shouting coming from us, glad we were able to move on from the bump in the road we had faced.

He finally stops tickling me, laying flat on the bed with me against him, head on his chest and hands entwined, listening to his steady heartbeat and slow breathing. I smile softly as I think about how only his dumbass would get so jealous of his family and start a fight, rather than just talk to me about it. Feeling the smile against his chest he looks down at me, causing me to tilt my head up with puckered lips, wanting a kiss after all the torture he put me through. He laughs and gives me a light peck before pulling away, causing me to let out a whine. He smirks before leaning down and connecting our lips fully, in a slow but love filled kiss. Before the mini makeout session can last too long, I pull away from him, watching a smile form on his swollen red lips, before laying back down against him. Completely letting him cage me in his arms against his chest, bringing me the most peace I've felt all day, in the arms of my love.

He might be an idiot, but there's no other tall jealous boy that I'd want to spend my life with.

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