Strings Attached

De realbadass

8.4K 304 157

Celeste Lucas Fischer was a brilliant and intelligent witch of her time. She had the same ambition as her bro... Mai multe

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chap 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 1

942 29 31
De realbadass

Celeste walked through the corridors in the morning attending the breakfast. Her icy blonde hair put up loose braids, and well clean gryffindor robes were bellowing behind her as her pace was extremely fast, yet it looked like she was walking.

Her reputation in school was of the brightest and most intelligent witch of her age. Being the brightest witch, it came as a shock when she found herself in detention, for pranking students.

Celeste entered the great hall, and it was buzzing with life as tomorrow was a match between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

Celeste was a chaser for the Gryffindor team, and she was extremely talented at that.

She slipped on a seat beside her best mate, Helena Black, who was drinking her tea and talking to Cecalia Eddard.

"Sup?" Celeste asked as she filled her cup with tea and took a toast from a plate.

"Nothing. So what's your agenda today?" Helena asked as she turned her face to look at Celeste.

"Oh nothing much. Just attend classes and attend practice. I am not looking for trouble today." Celeste said as she took a bite from her toast and sipped on her tea.

"Celeste, and not getting into trouble? Is the end of the world near?" Helena dramatically looked around for the sign of damages, making Celeste roll her eyes.

"Shut up Ena, or you will find yourself in a sticky situation." Celeste smirked as she sipped on her tea.

"Nevermind that, are you ready for the potions test? Professor Fydoria will give me detention if I get one more D in his tests." Helena groaned as she ate her sausage.

"I told you yesterday to go through the potions. Your mistake that you didn't. Let the professor give you the detention, then maybe you can learn something from it." Celeste retorted as she finished her tea.

"Oh please, you sound like my mother." Helena huffed as she completed her sausage and took her bag and stood up, Celeste following the suit.

"Your mother told me to keep an eye on you. So I am doing what I am being told." Celeste shrugged and smirked as her best friend rolled her eyes as they exited the great hall and walked towards their first class, that was charms.

"Good thing that first class is with Hufflepuffs. I am not ready to face Slytherins." Helena said, heaving a sigh of relief.

"Will you stop being judgemental, Ena? Except for the group of 12 git Slytherins, others are good." Celeste chided as they took stairs to charms class.

"Yeah yeah dear mother." Helena said, rolling her eyes and changed the topic entirely.

The classes were as usual for Celeste. Answering the questions and taking down notes.

Celeste found herself happily walking on the grassy field after her intense quidditch practice.

Her shoes were clutched in her hands. She stepped towards one tree near a forbidden forest which she discovered while taking a stroll last year, and she met bowtruckles.

As soon as she reached the tree, she was greeted by the sound of multiple chirps sounding from the woods, and a few heads peaked out.

"Hello there. How are you all today?" Celeste asked as she extended her arm towards the tree, and one of the bowtruckle climbed on the hand of Celeste, and walked up to her shoulders and settled there.

"Ahh Ricky, how are you?" Celeste asked as she gazed at the bowtruckle over her shoulder.

The bowtruckle clicked his woody hands and chirped. "That's good. You should always be happy." Celeste said as she looked over other bowtruckles who chirped happily at the sight of friendly humans they are accustomed to see.

Someone's footsteps started near Celeste, which made her turn around, and saw a hufflepuff approaching the tree where she was standing.

The boy stopped mid track as his eyes gazed at the girl standing near the tree he found last year.

He froze in panic, thinking he had done something wrong.

But his eyes watched as a bowtruckle peaked his head out of the hair of the girl, and chirped.

"Oh hello there." The girl spoke up, making Newt panick more.

"Umm...I will come by later." He spoke up and was about to turn back and walk away, but Celeste had different plans.

"Oh rubbish. You can stay. I guess you know about bowtruckles then?" Celeste asked as Ricky landed on her open palm.

"Y..yes I do. I found them last year after a quidditch match. I thought they only appeared when I was around, but I guess I was wrong." Newt said as he shuffled on his feets nervously.

"I thought the same. I am Celeste Fischer." Celeste introduced herself as she sat on a boulder that was near the tree.

Newt did the same as he walked towards a boulder and sat on it.

"The famous Celeste Fischer? Sister of renowned auror Gilbert Fischer?" Newt asked, remembering that his brother had mentioned that name quite a few times and had seen the man come to their house for dinner.

"Yeah, I hope you aren't disappointed." Celeste said with a chuckle. "Well not exactly. I am Newt Scamander. It's just, I have heard a lot about you and your brother." Newt said, nervously.

"Ah, good things only I hope." Celeste said with a chuckle. "Well my house just goes on and on about your chasing ability and your pranks. So it's hard to tune out their conversation." Newt said hastily, making Celeste give him a sweet smile.

"Hey, it's fine. It doesn't matter what one thinks about me. I am quite happy with the small group of friends I have." Celeste said, trying to assure the boy that he hasn't offended her.

"Anyways, Isn't Theseus Scamander your brother?" Celeste continued as a bowtruckle landed on her shoulder. "Yes. He is an auror like my father." Newt said, shrugging his shoulders.

"And there is no way you want to be an auror?" Celeste asked, her focus was on the bowtruckle who made it to her head.

"Not parents think that a Magizoologist is a waste of time. I want to be one though." Newt said, looking at the girl for the first time to gauge her reaction, and to his surprise, her eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Really?! That's amazing. I learned much about them from my brother. It sounds like an interesting profession that one can pursue if they want to. I love creatures as well." Celeste said, a bright smile on her face.

"You want to be a magizoologist too?" He asked, his face breaking out into a small smile, looking away. "Hmmm...I am not sure. I want to be an auror like my father and brother. They inspire me to bring justice. But I also want to help these vulnerable creatures. So we will see where this takes me." Celeste said, softly stroking the leaves of another bowtruckle that sat in her hand.

"That sounds complicated choice." Newt said, his eyes settled on a bowtruckle that made its way towards Newt. "Maybe O.W.L.S year can help me with that." Celeste said, a wind ruffling her white blonde hair.

"Your hair colour is so interesting. I have never seen someone's hair as white as yours." Newt said, and his face morphed into horror as he registered that he was being rude, atleast to him.

"I ask the same question to my parents. They are brunettes for one. So it's kind of weird to have a drastic change in colour from them. But they say it's a genetic problem. My eyes are also extremely different from theirs." Celeste said, shrugging her shoulders.

"I didn't mean to be rude about it. I just.. I was curious." Newt said, his eyes casted to the ground, guilt evident in his posture.

"Hey, it wasn't rude. It was genuine curiosity. I have a worse comment on my hair colour than your genuine curiosity." Celeste said, trying to reassure the boy.

Celeste distracted him with a talk about hippogriffs and it worked wonders and as the boy talked about them animatedly and Celeste liked how passionate he was about the creatures.

"Merlin's beard, it's time for dinner. We should head back." Celeste said as she looked at the orangish pink sky.

"Yeah, time just flew away." Newt agreed as he too looked at the sky before standing up.

Bowtruckles tucked away in trees long time ago, and they just walked together toward the huge castle.

As they walked on the grassy land, there was big smile settled on their faces, and Newt had a sense of being understood and not being an outsider.

He talked about all kind creatures he has studied about, and Celeste would listen to him without complaining. There was a spark inside her eyes that sparkle wherever she learned about new creatures.

They soon reached the great halls that were buzzing with gossip and talks.

"It was really nice to talk to you, Newt. You are really a great person." Celeste said as they halted in front of large doors.

"It was nice talking to you too. I never met someone who loves to hear about creatures." Newt said as he shyly looked up to meet Celeste's gaze.

"Friends?" Celeste asked as she extended her right hand, smiling brightly.

"Fr-friends." Newt shook her hand, a shy smile on his face. Celeste gave him a last smile before they both walked inside and went towards their house tables.

Celeste sat beside Helena, who had a smirk on her face, which made Celeste make a funny face at her.

"What?" Celeste asked as she took some food on her plate.

"You came to great halls with Scamander." Helena said, still smirking.

"Yes. What about it?" Celeste asked as she looked at Helena with both of her eyebrows raised.

"He doesn't 'hang out' with people. He goes by forbidden forest to hang out with god knows who." Helena said, air quoting 'hang out'.

"Well he goes to see bowtruckles. And he is sweet." Celeste said as she took off her chicken.

"Uh huh, you are finding him sweet? He doesn't even speak, unless it's about creatures." Helena spoke up, now grinning at her best friend.

"Ena, not all people are experts in talking to people. He finds it difficult, and I don't blame him." Celeste said, rolling her eyes at her best friend.

"Uh huh sure..." Helena trailed away in her statement, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Oh shut up, will you? Concentrate on your food. You have to study potions after this." Celeste warned as she chewed her food.

"Alright alright, no need to get defensive." Helena grumbled as she cut her steak and put one piece in her mouth.

Celeste engaged herself in quidditch talk with Paul Greyson, who had many tips for the young chaser.

Midnight arrived very soon, marking the desertion of the common room, except Celeste and Helena.

"Done. Finally! Professor Fydoria won't insult me for not having a decent essay. If he has, I am going to chuck it in his face." Helena exclaimed as she stretched her limbs.

"Haha, funny. You will be expelled." Celeste said as she was already done with the homework.

"Oh right. I don't want my wand snapped." Helena corrected herself as she shook her head and gathered her things and stood up.

"Coming?" Helena asked as she nodded towards their dormitory.

"No, you go ahead. I will be in the dormitory in a few minutes." Celeste assured Helena, who shrugged her shoulders and turned on her heels and climbed the stairs.

Celeste sat near the fireplace and stared at the cracking fire. She brought her knees closer to her chest as she leaned at the support of a couch near the fireplace.

She rewinded the series of events that happened that day, a smile on her lips as she watched the fire crackle.

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