Safe and sound

By Galaxybluefire

17.4K 498 215

Will is depressed and is abused by his father. He doesn't really talk to anyone in school. The only time he i... More

Chapter two
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Capter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter one

1.9K 41 15
By Galaxybluefire

^------- kiinqtonq everybody!! He is just so cute!!!

-=+=- kiinqtonq's POV -=+=-

I looked in the mirror, applying the cover up. Does he have to leave bruises in visible places? I sighed, covering up as much as possible. It looks like there's nothing there. My eyes widen, hearing pounding footsteps coming upstairs. No no no! He is suppose to be sleep! "Get out here now!" He boomed. I slowly made my way out to the hallway. "Yes father." I whispered. He grabbed me by my collar, pulling me deathly close to his face. "You better get your ass down there and get me some food." He spat at me. I shrunk back, nodding my head quickly. My father smiled at the fact that I feared him. He threw me at the wall. With that, he slunk back in his room most likely to get more beer. I ran downstairs to the kitchen. I scrunched up my nose, disgusted at the sight. There was piles of trash littering the place. Everywhere, there was empty bottles and cigarette buds scattered around. The sink was filled, practically overloaded. I sighed, I can't clean because at night is when father is most aggressive so I have to stay out of the way. If he doesn't see me, he will most likely forget about me. I opened the fridge, sighing. There was only a couple eggs left. Looks like I won't eat again. Well that doesn't matter, I could stand to skip a few meals and loose some weight. I grabbed one of the only clean pans and hurriedly cooked it. I went upstairs and creaked my fathers door open. "Is my food done fag?" He growled. I nodded, handing him the plate. He shoved the food into his mouth. I made my way out. He is such a fucking pig. I growled in annoyance at seeing the time. Looks like I missed the bus. Guess I have to walk again.
~~~~ magical time skip to school ~~~~
I leaned against the wall. I made it just in time, but I had to run. I made my way to Maths. I walked in, looking down. I made a beeline to my seat, trying to ignore the looks from my classmates. I pulled my knees to my chest, trying to breath. It's very suffocating when you have the whole class judging your every movement.

"Okay class, there is gonna be a new student today!" Our teacher Mrs. Matthews said cheekily. "I will send one of you guys to show him around! So the rest of you can go back to talking." The room instantly irrupted in voices. Mrs. Matthews walked over to me. "Will, I'm going to send you down to show our new student around okay?" She asked. My eyes widened. Why me?! Great, there is gonna be another person to hate me! I literally only have a few friends, and they are my coworkers. "This could be your chance to make a good friend." She said, looking down at me with pity. I flinched, hating pity the most. "I have friends..." I muttered, doubting that she heard me. I gathered my stuff, heading to the office.

"Excuse me?" I asked the desk lady. "Can I help you?" She said rudely. "I-I'm here fo-for the new student." I said moving my sweater so that it would cover me more. She rolled her eyes but yelled, "Jordan, get over here." Some boy headed over our way. He had a green and brown striped sweater on. He had light brown hair that looked soft, and cute brown eyes. He wore a smirk. Great, just fucking great! I am horrible around good looking people. They HATE ugly things like me. "Yeah?" He asked, leaning against the desk eyeing me in curiousity. "I came her t-to show you around." I practically whispered. I wasn't sure if he heard me, but he nodded so he must have. "Okay cool." He said. He grabbed his back and headed out. "Where to first?" Jordan asked. This is too much pressure! I will probably screw this up somehow. I probably won't show him everywhere and he'll be lost and- I was interrupted from my thoughts when he coughed gaining my attention. I looked at him curiously. "I said, where to first?" I blushed, realizing that I got caught up in my head. "O-oh um let me see your schedule." I mumbled. He handed me a folded up paper. Okay let's see
1. Maths
2. Art
3. Biology
4. French
5. Lunch
6. Computers
7. Civics
Okay, so we have 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7 together. "First is Civics." I say, keeping my head down. I handed him his schedule. On the way, I showed him art, lunch, and computers. I point at room 230. "This is c-civics." I mutter. He nodded, looking bored, it's fine, I'm a boring person. We head up to the second floor. The first room was biology, which was right across from the staircases. We turned into one of the hallways. At the end of it was French. And lastly, a couple doors back from French was Maths. "There you go." I say, heading back into the room.

The teacher smiled up at me, but it faded when she saw how pale I was. Yeah, I was pale. I was freaking terrified. She smiled sympathetically. I internally rolled my eyes and went to my seat. "So you must be Jordan!" Mrs. Matthews beamed. "Call me bayani." He said, smiling wide. She nodded. "Alright bayani! You can take a seat next to will!" I groaned inwardly. I know she is trying to be helpful, but I rather that she doesn't. He heads over and smiles to the girl across from him, completely ignoring me. I didn't care, that's what I expected to happen. The teacher frowned a bit, realizing that her plan had failed. She sighed and went back to teaching. I wasn't really paying attention. I put my head down and went to sleep.

Okay so guys! I need help with a title for the story!! I'm not sure what to call it, any suggestions?

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