The Redemption

By user70513038

6.7K 216 136

It's been roughly two months now since Lloyd, Mari, Alya, Nino and Ari have returned from Ninjago and all of... More

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294 12 5
By user70513038

I was surrounded by darkness. Then an evil cackle broke the silence. "Who's there?" I asked into the abyss.

"US" Several voices said

Then out of the darkness I saw five figures only for one to shoot at me. The figures revealed themselves to be: Pythor, Lord Garmadon (The evil half), The Overlord, Chen, and Morro. Pythor wrapped his body around my legs and torso after Chen had taken my powers away. I could barely breath as Morro wrapped his cold hands around my neck. "So much for your light being bright enough" The Overlord said before firing a wave of darkness at me along with my father's evil side.

I jolted awake just before it could hit me. I was breathing hard and sweating bullets. "I thought I was over that dream" I mumbled crawling out of bed to get ready for the day.

    It was the day after the whole Syren shtick and my night was anything but restful. "You okay Lloyd?" Gong asked

"Yeah had that dream again" I said

"I thought you were over it months ago." Gong said

"So did I. Frightingale and Problamatic must have really thrown me for a loop" I muttered as my phone went off.

Frightningale was the pop singer Clara Nightengale, she actually has some talent unlike that hack XY. Blame that one on Chloe and being so petty and selfish. Anyway you had to sing, dance or rhyme to escape her powers or else you'd be frozen into a pink plastic manaquin. Problamatic was Penny, Jagged Stones manager who's boss and even Jagged had pushed things a bit to far and well let's just say that several secrets have been shown the light, not the secret ID's though just everything else.

After the last akuma Ladybug told me both as Lloyd and as Drakon to take a break since I was looking half dead during Reverser who was a creative writer by the name of Marc. Yeah seeing Ladybug as a clutz and Chatte as a scardie cat was not fun. Not to mention that my reversal reverted me back into a stupid arrogant snot nosed kid I mean come on first it was Mystic then Reverser give me a break.

I quickly got dressed and headed for school later today Alya, Ari, Nino, Mari, and I were going to go to a festival here in Paris. I was looking forward to it, but apart of me seemed hesitant I'd be fifth wheeling since Mari was the one to invite Ari in a dating sort of manner and Nino and Alya were already going out so yup fifth wheel in this venture.

School passed by quickly enough I managed to catch Nino before he left. "Hey Nino" I said

"Dude what up?" Nino asked

"It's about tonight" I told him

"Whoa you aren't backing out are you?" Nino questioned me

"What no. Nino it's just that you have Alya. Ari and Mari have been getting closer everyday since Problamatic and well...." I started to say

"Gotcha dude you don't want to feel like an extra wheel I get it man here why don't you try this" Nino said taking my phone and pulling up an app.

"A app is suppose to help me?" I asked starting to get really worried

The app was called Cupid's arrow it was a blind dating app according to the description you put in your data and it would give you options on who you wanted to date whether it be across the sea via text or local in person. And it didn't matter the gender it could be a boy or girl. "Dude just give it a shot" Nino said pressing install on my screen

"Fine" I said rolling my eyes taking my phone from Nino's hand.

Once it was installed I got started I created a username fěicuìlóng and filled out everything that was nessecarry for me to start. I then hit submit I instantly got five matches one was in Paris, two in Ninjago, and the other two in some city called Gotham. Oh boy.

"Dude chat with the peep here in Paris" Nino urged me as we walked to Alya's house.

I sighed looking at her location it was Julika's boat house so that meant that it was one of two people one Luka or two Julika it could also be Rose but hey. I pressed the chat button for KKRM.

Fěicuì lóng




Fěicuì lóng

-Yeah I've never done this before


-wait Lloyd it's me Julika

Fěicuì lóng

-Hey Julika


-don't tell me let me guess Nino?

Fěicuì lóng

-Was it that obvious?



Fěicuì lóng

-Anyway I was going to ask if you'd like to go to the festival with Alya, Nino, Mari, Ari, and I if your not to busy?


-I'm not let me guess don't like extra wheeling

Fěicuì lóng



-I know that feeling get it all the time when I got with Rose to chaperone her dates with Prince Ali whenever he's in town.

Fěicuì lóng

-yikes. So is that a no?


-No that's a yes dummy besides who knows what will happen and I for one don't want to miss it.

Fěicuì lóng

- so a friend date I'll pick you up on our way there be ready by sunset.


-sure see you then

I closed the app. "Why did I have a feeling you knew that was going to happen" I asked Nino

"Dude you and Julika are so much alike it's kinda hard not to try and get you two together" Nino responded

"Was that Nino talking or Alya?" I dead-panned

"A little of both" Nino admitted bashfully

I let out a loose laugh as we entered the apartment complex that Alya lived in. Nino and Alya started playing DDR while we waited for it to get dark. Then Alya's sister Nora a.k.a. Anansi the pro boxer/wrestler came into the house. Two weeks ago she came to my father's dojo here in Paris and not only did father wipe the floor with her but so did I mainly because she was overly persistant. "What are you all doing here so late don't you have school tomorrow?" Nora asked

"We are waiting for it to get dark. Tonight is the World cup fireworks show and we are going to watch from the Paste le Concord Ferris wheel" Alya said Nora spit out the milk she was downing.

"Oh on Baggguette, Cap boy, Miss model, and Lloyd can go but you are staying here. It's way to dangerous." Nora said

"You can't do that" Mari said

"We aren't going without Alya" Nino said

"Look I appreciate you worrying about me and all but I'm not a little girl anymore. Besides mom and dad are totally cool with it" Alya said

Nora clicked her tongue in disappointment. "There have been way to many akumatized peeps in Paris these last few weeks look at how many times you've been in direct danger" Nora said

True: Pharoh, Prime Queen, Belfanna. "And don't forget when you went to Ninjago you were smack dab in the middle of the entire conflict heck if Lloyd hadn't stopped Morro whenever he got close to you you'd also be in the departed realm." Nora said

"Please leave me out of this" I muttered

"Lloyd did what he had to to protect us sis or don't you remember Lloyd put himself between us and Morro so that way we could get out of there despite the fact that he'd get possessed" Alya retorted

I grabbed a pillow and buried my head into it really wanting to vanish right about then. "So you are staying home safe and sound period" Nora said slamming her fist on the counter.

"That is so ridiculous the twins were akumatized right here at home" Alya shouted

True the Sapotis. "Well that wouldn't have happened on my watch nobody messes with my family" Nora growled

"Okay everybody calm down and take a deep breath let's not cause any more akumas today." I said

But I was ignored. "You mean like the other day at the square" Alya dead-panned

"What happened?" Ari asked

"Nora thought that a guy in a bannanna costume that was handing out fliers was an akuma that wanted to turn Alya into a bannanna Zombie. " Mari explained

"How was I suppose to know? What if some akumatized villain stops the Ferris wheel cause he couldn't pay his fare? Once you flyweights can actually defend yourselves like me...." Nora started

"Ahem I remember someone, only two weeks ago losing twice when she barged into Garmadon's Dojo demanding a match" I said raising an eyebrow at her.

"Fine like Lloyd and I then we can talk about you going" Nora said

"But sis I'm training under Garmadon and I still have this"Alya said bringing out the deepstone dagger from the whole Morro incedent.

"You still have that?" Mari asked

"That is what you're concerned about I'm over here still wondering how she got it through customs"I said

"Plus I nabbed this from Lloyd's room yesterday" Alya said pulling out one of my katana's to be specific it was the katana that I'd retrieved from Chen's island the scabbard was made out of white jade decorated with blue snow flakes. The blade it self was called Kōri no fuku ge which in Japanese meant Vengance of the Ice and there was a good reason for that anyone cut by the blade would be turned into an eternal ice statue meanwhile in the ice that person would atone for their sins only to be released once they had atoned.

"Okay did you just grab at random or did mean to take that one?" I asked

"I chose based on what would do the most damage" Alya said

"Alya" I sighed before explaining the blade and it's origin to her

"Next time take the sword of sanctuary of your going to take a weapon from my room." I sighed taking the blade from her.

This then lead to Nora and Nino arm wrestling one another we managed to go once Nino won without to much trouble. On our way there we picked up Julika  she was dressed in her usual fashion which was a relief.

Nino, Alya, Ari and Mari took the car before the two of us. In the next car was just Julika and I. "This is nice" Julika said

"True the last time we hung out was just before Princess Fregrance" I smiled just as the fireworks started up.

"This is amazing" Julika smiled

"Yup" I grinned

At that moment the Ferris wheel jolted to a stop. I looked at the the various parts before seeing another villain only problem is this time I can't help out. But I could give assistiance. but before I could do anything the Ferris wheel took off and made it's way to the Seine. "Great" I muttered

Between tow Lions I created a wall of ice to stop the wheel from entering the river. "Thank you Lloyd" Julika smiled

I got the two of us down with ease and helped everyone else get out with Julika's help. "Lloyd you're suppose to be taking a break" Ladybug scolded me when she landed next to me

"I was on a date till that akuma sent the Ferris wheel rolling so I had to step in and help since I was on the ride to protect everyone including my date" I retorted as I was emptying a car of it's passengers

"Oh whoops" Ladybug weirdly smiled.

Mari sometimes I swear. "Look you go take care of that akuma I'll handle things here" I told Ladybug and Chatte who'd just arrived.

"But" Ladybug said

"Go" I ordered

Ladybug and Chatte took off. After about twenty minutes I got everyone evacuated from the Ferris wheel. "Go" Julika siad

"What?" I questioned her

"Go you're needed by them to help out and Lloyd thanks for the date, but we should just remain friends" Julika said

"You sure" I asked

Julika nodded her head before pushing me to go after Chatte and Ladybug. When I got there I saw the situation and ran to Master Fu's place Chatte was in danger of losing her miraculous and I needed to get the turtle from Master Fu before it was to late.

I got to master Fu's place and asked for Wayzz. "Why can you not join?" Fu asked

"One because I need a break" groaned Gong who was looking half dead

"And Two Ladybug would hang me out to dry if I did anything." I added

Fu nodded, "You both have been working hard so this is understandable"

He gave me Wayzz before wishing me good luck. I ran back to the scene and gave Wayzz to Nino "I'll bring it back to you" Nino said before running off

After twenty minutes Carapace was introduced to the world. I waited for a few for Carapace to appear. "Had to lose Ladybug she thought that I was with Hawkmoth and atemptted to take my miraculous."Nino told me as he handed Wayzz and the turtle bracelet back to me.

"You could have told her that Drakon gave you this Miraculous while he was gone just in case neither he or Lloyd were unable to make it" I told him

"I was trying to tell her but she wasn't listening" Nino sighed

"Welcome to what I have to deal with whenever I have to work with them" I sighed

We stood in silence for ten minutes as I put the miraculous in my pocket with Gong. "So howdid it go with Julika?" Nino asked

I paused before answering him. "We believe it would be for the best if we remained just friends, Nino. We are to very different people with very extreme lives she's a musician that lives in a city plagued by Akumas. I'm a direct descendant of a man who created an entire country in a few weeks maybe a few days. "I said

Nino contemplated this while we walked back to Alya and Nora who was our most recent akuma.  "Well there are others who matched you right?" Nino asked

"Yes" I said

"Well where are they from?"

"Two from Gotham which is a major city not far off the Hudson with their own superhero group called the Bat Family Containing Batman, Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, and Robin. Then another two from Ninjago"

"So you want to go with your homeland or America?" Nino said

"Not Ninjago if anything once it come into light who I am they'll up and change on me no matter who I decide to go with so someone that doesn't know me should be good I suppose" I said looking at the two choices

One was hackerextrodinaire and the other was silentflame. "But I'll need time to mull it over" I told Nino.

"Alright dude take your time" Nino said as we walked up to everyone.

"So Ice Rink next week" Alya suggested

"Maybe" I said

I then saw Ari kissing Mari. Yeah turns out that Gabriel was having her gunning for me for the same reason Yeah was not going for that shindig ever. I looked over both profiles once I got into my room. Silentflame didn't seem like my type in the least the profile said that that Silentflame was very quiet and if I was to see anyone blind date or not I like to at least communicate with them. At that moment I got a chat request from hackerextrodinaire. Why not?

I opened the chat.



Fěicuì lóng



-look I'm only doing this because my brothers and friends say I need a life outside of school and computers

Fěicuì lóng

-So you turn to chatting online with a complete stranger that is many hours ahead of you as a potential outside life?


-Says the guy who's doing the same thing

Fěicuì lóng

-I would say Touche, but I actually have a life mind you that it mainly involves helping my family in our bakery and time with friends. But they all want me to expand my horizons beyond co-workers and my high school friends.


-Wow what brought that along?

Fěicuì lóng

-let's just say that my current parents aren't my actual parents and I came from a really abusive past before ending up here in Paris


-Ouch. I can feel for you my brothers are actually my step-brothers that my foster father took in I'm the third child to join there is a grand total of four of us.

Fěicuì lóng

-want to talk about how we both got into these situations?



We then spent the next thirty minutes talking about how we ended up in the positstions we are now in.


-Wait so after your father died and publically disowning you your brothers and mother try to get you to come back to live with them. Wow that's messed up and makes what happened to me seem like a cakewalk.

Fěicuì lóng

-meh depends on your perspective really. But after that it took me a while to open back up again currently I only really have three friends that I feel comfortable around hence....



At that very moment the Akuma alarms went off.

Fěicuì lóng

-got to go Akuma alarm is going off got to see if my parents are okay.


-Akuma Alarm

Fěicuì lóng

-I'll explain next time for now got to get parents to safety

I then closed my phone. "Let's go Lloyd. The sooner we are done the sooner you can talk to your friend" Gong said

"Gong let's roar" I said transforming then running off to the akuma cause after that last one I'm ignoring Ladybug's order to take a break. Hey I'm feeling a bit rebelious and it felt great.

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