But Now We're Stressed Out

By lunaeclispe22

415K 24.9K 71.6K

Sanders Sides High School AU A popular jock with a passion for performing A friendly boy with a happy go luck... More

Character Descriptions
Welcome to Hell
Cookies, sprinkles, kittens, and a little bit of fake happiness
Where's my epic background music?
Logically Thinking
Help i think i'm gay
I got this bloody nose trying to defend your honor
Polar Opposites, but with some similarities
In which everything gets worse
Embarrasment and Anxiety
Prepare for embrace
The first time i belived
Making out in the forest
Time to panic and/or cry
Crying and cookies
Because he's my hero
When they make eye contact, you can see they have a history
You wont like me anymore
Some things aren't better left in the past
You will be found
Colder Weather
This is why i dont socialize
Knock knock, get the door, its depression
This go amazingly right (or horribly wrong)
The gay prince with an ego bigger than disney world
Hold my hand, you're going to be okay
The gayest of the gays
Snake Face
To cry or not to cry
Two bros, chillin' at a locker, five inches apart cause they are gay
There is no us, there never was
T for is trauma
The emo cult
Lady and the tramp
I can't think straight when it comes to you
Midnight Coffee Date
Emotions are for children
Accidental demon summoning
Solitude was the only logical solution
I'm not a piece of cake
Feliz CumpleaƱos a ti, feliz cumpleaƱos querido Logan
Lets have some fun in abusement park
I'll go down in history as the worlds biggest idiot
How was my innocent mind supposed to know that
Room B340
Living like we're renegades
There are easier ways to learn about death
You Died; would you like to start again?
Wiccans make great moms
Ice cream, tea, and crying
Ignorance or Innocene
Soft snow and sweater paws
You're a monster if you put the milk in before the cereal
Ice as cold as my heart
Maybe we can yeet out of this situation
Birthday smash
Wattpad made me change the name of this chapter so I wouldn't get sued
Eyeliner and emo tears
Mistletoe and Christmas Snow
Daddy chimed in go for the throat
It's a messed up world
Friend, please
Remember me
Making up for our childhood traumas
Snowstorms from hell
Frozen corpses are creepy
The ghost of you is never coming home
Going mute for the aesthetic
And they were roommates
Tripping on skies, sipping waterfalls
Play ring around the ambulance
You'll be a home for the broken
Ohana means family
Things are not what they seem
Goodbye my love
Things we lost in the fire
I will keep on waiting for your love
So sick and tired of all the needless beating
We only own our hells
Top ten idiots, number one and two will surprise you
An emotional support beehive
We are lonely lost souls
The most precious bean
Tonight will be the night that I fall for you over again
Nobody cares if you cry
You won't go lonely into this fight if you just hold me we will survive
Stuck between a nightmare and lost dreams
Say goodbye to the heart you break and all the cyanide you drank
Once we've both said our goodbyes
Lies and propaganda or deceit and falsehoods
Don't blame
Don't let fear keep us apart
My nonexistent heart was just broken
Setting fire to our insides for fun
Viva la depression
A single pale buttercup
Ability Aquired : Doubt
It's my mental breakdown and I get to choose the music
Mama we're all gonna die
Blood splattered on freshly fallen snow
Don't take your life away from me
The hardest part of this is leaving you
If being sexy was a crime, I'd be a law abiding citizen
It's a no from me
There needs to be an instruction manuel about life
There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin
Love is not a choice
Our old friend, Death
Oh, that's awkward
I may not live to see our glory
Everything is fine when your hand is resting next to mine
The rare fluff stumbling out of hiding
Tonight we are young
Champagne, Cocaine, Gasoline
I'm not as think as you drunk I am
Heckity heck, I crave death
Everybody sins, everybody lies
Awaiting my imminent death
For a moment, I forgot gravtiy existed
I am going to kill myself and it's your fault!
Hold still while I throw a chair at you
Last night I had the strangest dream
Confrontation scares me
Daddy issues to the max
This is everything I never wanted
My boyfriend or your boyfriend
Panic attacks at the disco
How to run from the mess you made
I could lie, say I like it like that
I came here to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now
They know that it's almost over
There comes you, to keep me safe from harm
A good day to die
High off anesthesia
Emotions? How about no
Happily ever after here we are
McDonalds and necromancy
Where do I go from here?
Sea salt and summer dreams
You make us better
You make us better (part 2)
I could be lonely with you
I could be lonely with you (part 2)
I could be lonely with you (part 3)
With you I'm always home
With you I'm always home (part 2)
With you I'm always home (part 3)
We'll be with you from dusk till dawn
We'll be with you from dusk till dawn (part 2)
We'll be with you from dusk till dawn (part 3)
Authors Note

Thomas the dank engine

2K 139 295
By lunaeclispe22

Okay...the first chapter of The Wretched and Divine has now been published

Please go read it

Sorry, Wattpad decided to delete all my progress on that book, so I only have the prologue right now

I might cry

And there's also a good four characters that I haven't been paying too much attention too

So it's time for a big of a change...

TRIGGER WARNINGS : talks about a lot with what happened to Quinn (rape, self harm, abuse)

Thomas POV
"Who knew there'd be so much arsenic in the gold mines," I recited my lines, trying my best to not look at my script.

I love performing but I never expected to get the part of the villain. Aida is a great musical but an extremely long one. Zozor is the villain, which I'm playing this year.

Sadly, I lost the lead to Roman King. Not surprising considering he's the best but I thought I might actually stand a chance since I'm a senior now.

It was starting to get a little chilly out. I decided to practice in the park but now, as the sun sets, I'm starting to regret my decision to practice here.

But then again, Talyn and Joan are too busy today to practice and hang out.  And I don't feel like bothering my parents by singing along at the top of my lungs to the songs. 

Sighing, I fell backwards onto the bench behind me.  I had to look at my lines to remember the next one.

I leaned back a bit and looked up to the sky. It was cloudy. I miss the sun but I guess this is okay. I looked at the trees across the soccer field.

But the harder I looked, I noticed a black lump of something sitting in one of the trees. I looked closer and I realized the lump was shaking.

Curious and confused, I got up off the bench. My anxiety said just leave it but I wanted to know what that is.

I walked to the base of the tree, holding my script in front of me tightly as if it could protect me.  I looked up there again.  

There was a person in a black sweater up there.

"Hello?" I called up to them. The person flinched but didn't respond. "I know you can hear me and I can see you up there."

"What do you want?" A soft voice said.

"Just wondering why someone's in a tree in the middle of winter," I answered.

"Sometimes people need a break and this is the best I have to escape without doing anything bad," The soft voice answered.

"What would be considering bad?" I asked, worried I already knew the answer.

"Why do you care?" The voice asked.

"Just worried," I replied.

The person turned around and then I could finally see their face. It was a boy but best not too assume what pronouns they might prefer.

They leaned their head against the trunk and looked down at me. They were pale but their face was blotchy and red from crying.  They had thick curly black hair and a few soft freckles.  They looked really skinny too. 

"My name's Thomas,"  I said.  "Whats you're name?"

"Quinn,"  They responded. 

"Mind me asking what pronouns you use?"  I asked.  "I just don't want to offend."

"He him,"  Quinn answered. 

"It's nice to meet you Quinn,"  I said.  "Why are you in the tree?"

"Well I wanted to be left alone,"  He said in an accusing manner.

"Sorry for bothering you," I told him, my anxiety spiking a bit.

"No no, it's fine," Quinn said quickly. "I'm sorry." He buried his face in his hand and it looked like he was trying not to start crying.

"Are you okay?"  I asked again. 

"N-No,"  He stuttered. 

"What happened?"  I asked.  "If you're comfortable talking about it."

"No, I don't want to bother you,"  Quinn told me. 

"It's okay,"  I said.  "Can you come down from the tree?"

"Can I jump?"  He asked, making my anxiety skyrocket. 

"Absolutely not, the fall would probably kill you,"  I told him sternly. 

"That's preferable,"  He mumbled but I still caught it. 

"Can you please climb down here?"  I asked.

We stayed still for a while. Just staring silently at each other. Finally, Quinn started climbing down the tree.

Once he got down to the ground, I got a better look at him. He's much smaller than me. He also looks freezing.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Why do you care?" He retorted, hugging his arms around himself.

"I'm an empathetic person and I'm worried about you," I answered.

"Why? I'm a complete stranger," Quinn said, narrowing his eyes in suspicion.

"Seeing someone crying in a tree and asking if they can jump and kill themself makes me worried about their wellbeing," I told him.

Quinn flushed a soft shade of red and looked at the ground in embarrassment. He looked ready to cry again.

"I'm sorry," He chocked out.

"Mind telling me why you were up there?" I asked.

"Everything's going wrong. I hate my life. I hate my dad. I hate myself. My boyfriends want to break up with me. I keep getting told to kill myself so why not just do it already," He ranted before realizing what he said. "I'm sorry."

"Okay, lets sit down," I said, sitting on the ground. Quinn sat down next to me. "I'm just gonna go ahead and disagree with a lot of that despite the fact I know nothing about you."

"You probably know more then you think," He mumbled.

"How?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"You know Deveroux Corotion," He asked.

"Yeah, the serial killer," I said.

"That's my Dad," He mumbled.

"Oh," Was all I could say. "Well that explains a lot then."

"Do you hate me now?"  He asked, his voice getting softer.

"No of course not,"  I told him.  "But rumors exist so can you tell me how involved you were?"

"The entire time he was killing people, he kept me locked in a closet in the basement.  Two fucking years.  He hurt me and hit me and even raped me and starved me.  It was horrible.  It gave me horrible PTSD and so many other problems and I hurt myself because of those problems.  The only reason I didn't get held back in school was because I studied my ass off during that summer in the hospital."  Quinn explained. 

"So you absolutely can't be held accountable for what your dad did,"  I said.  "I'm so sorry he did all that to you."

"Can I die now?" He asked.

"No," I told him. "Let's start with what's bothering you the most out of those things you listed...besides all the Dad stuff. What's the most painful?"

"My boyfriends," Quinn answered softly.

"As in plural?" I asked.

"Yeah, sorry, is that weird?" He mumbled.

"No, people can like who they want," I said. "Or how many they want. As long as it's consensual. I'm gay myself so don't worry."

"It's hard for me not to," He laughed a bit.

"Well what happened with them?" I asked.

"Evan and Damien are my boyfriends. Evan's been with me for about a year now. We've been each other's only friends for years. It's sadly funny we only know each other because my dad hurt him and then we met in the hospital. But we were happy together and then we met Damien when he moved here. The three of us were just friends for a while until we confessed to him. Then he joined the relationship about four ish months ago. We were all so happy together. And then Remus showed up. He moved back to town and he started getting feelings for the three of us. Evan and Damien were so quick to allow him into our relationship without talking it through with me at all. I wasn't comfortable with him in our relationship. He's four years older than us, he's a recovering druggie and he's extremely loud. A lot of things he does triggers my PTSD from my dad and I don't want him
in our relationship. So then Damien suggested an open relationship which is something I don't want at all. Then they said they all hated me and wanted me out of the relationship completely. That's was earlier this morning."

Quinn stopped talking and he was sobbing. When he started talking about Evan and Damien, he seemed happy. Now he's not.

"That's a lot," I mumbled. "And that freaking sucks."

"It does, doesn't it," He laughed despite the tears.

"Well I can say that you shouldn't kill yourself over a relationship," I advised.

"But there's so much more than just that," He argued.

"But life gets better. Yeah, your dad sucked and obviously he hurt you a lot. But this Evan and Damien seemed to make you happy. Relationships come and go and eventually you'll find someone else that makes you that happy," I did my best to help. "Do you have friends?"

"Yeah," Quinn answered but then seemed to realize something. "Oh god, Virgil must be so worried. I just ran away. Like I always do. I just run from my problems."

"Do you have your phone?" I asked.

"No, I just ran," He mumbled, breaking down again.

"You should probably go back to him,"  I suggested. 

"I know,"  He sighed.  "But I really don't want to deal with all of them.  Virgil probably got mad and argued with those three.  And then he probably freaked out when I wasn't there when he got home and now he's probably dragged everyone else into this mess."

"Don't blame yourself for having feelings,"  I told him.  "Do you want to be alone right now?"

"From all of them and their drama and my issues,"  Quinn answered.  "I don't mind talking to you."

"Do you want to rant more or a distraction?"  I asked. 

"Sorry for ranting so much,"  Quinn apologized, rubbing his face with his hands to get rid of his tears.  "A distraction from all this mess sounds nice."

"I'm guessing we go to the same school,"  I said.  "Senior class?"

"Yeah,"  He answered.  "I think we have honors English together."

"Yeah, you look kinda familiar now that I think about it,"  I said with a little laugh.  "So you know the school is doing Aida for the musical, right?"

"Yeah, Roman tried out for that,"  Quinn said. 

"You're friends with Roman?"  I asked, genuinely surprised.

"Kinda.  Remus is his brother and Virgil is his boyfriend,"  He answered. 

"Oh,"  I said.  "Anyways, as a distraction, mind helping me learn my lines?"  I held up my script towards him. 

"Sure,"  He mumbled while taking the script from me.  "Sorry in advance, I tend to stutter."

"I don't mind,"  I told him sincerely.  Then I hopped up and stood in front of him.  "Let's start with Act One Scene Three.  That's when my character, Zozor, is first introduced."

"Okay,"  Quinn mumbled while opening to that page. 

"I think this is the start of a very good friendship Quinn,"  I said with a smile.  "As long as you're okay with that?"

"I am,"  He smiled softly.  "I think we'll be good friends too Thomas."

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