Ghost Stories (A Sanscest Sto...

By carelesscreativity

402K 20.8K 19.4K

Nightmare, go to school, they said. Nightmare, it will be FUN, they said. What a load of crap. Nightmare isn... More

A Little Fall of Rain
A New Challenger
A Bad Joke
A Cold Knight
A Small Talk
A Shining Soul
A Way Out
A Personal Hell
A Crazy Sight
A Death Wish
A Good Morning
A Warm Welcome
A New Family
A Cautious Start
A Careless Whisper
A Friendly Visitor
A Fellow Brother
A Bit of Mercy
A Soft Light
A Hidden Look
A Little Mistake
A Stranger Scene
A Certain Intensity
A Dose of Anxiety
A Perfect Picture
A Painful Truth
A Tiny Heart
A Sad Tale
A True Friend
A Vague Question
A Slim Chance
A Heated Blast
A Lovely Duet
A Careful Move
A Lingering Touch
A Sense of Victory
A Strange Face
A Poor Plan
A Serious Turn
A Mini Mixup
A Bodily Regret
A Dangerous Mood
A Shimmering Still
A Slow Sunrise
A Love Spark
A Typical Morning
A Normal School
A Digital Deal
A Hated Idea
A Lesser Thrill
A Family Issue
A Hot Flash
A Speck of Ice
A Colorful Reveal
A Somber Intruder
A Tasteless Temperature
A Tested Connection
A Familial Gathering
A Spiteful Envy
A Tilted Crown
A Beast Released
A Lurking Low
A Courtesy Call
A Garbled Message
A Crisis Code
A Sixth Contender
A Scarlet Scorn
A Future Murder
A Road Not Taken
A Stone Soldier
A Recent Kill
A Horrible Creature
A Bitter Breeze
A Data Exchange
A Black Dreamcatcher
A Deadly Disconnect
A Heartless Art
A Missing Link
A Tender Toll
A Blood Contract
A Silly Flower
A Fragmented Flock
A Silver Scratch
A Steady Bump
A Tired Dragon
A Pulse Of Joy
A Glorious Arrival
A White Night

A Naïve Conduit

3.7K 214 79
By carelesscreativity

Cross already knew this skeleton. Well, not really, but he knew enough about him. He gave Nightmare's tentacle a squeeze before getting up. Chara had already vanished up the stairs, meaning they could sense something important.

Cross moved over to the stairs and started up as he heard Ink introducing Error to the others. He emerged into the second floor and climbed the staircase once again to the third. He stopped. Dream shut his bedroom door softly, shaking and wide-eyed.

Cross immediately called Chara to him and his eyes became the targets once again, plunging the world into their vision. Oh shit. Dream's spirit was loosely attached to his body. It was attached by its wrists and legs, but other than that, the spirit was completely loose.

Cross furrowed his brow and blinked, expelling the human's vision. He came fully up the stairs and spoke. "Dream." Immediately, the other whipped his head up and gulped.

"C-C-Cross... I-I-" He was cut off as Cross spoke, moving over to him.

"You are not well." Cross stated firmly. Dream blinked in what seemed to be shock.


Dream was shaken. How had Cross known?? He'd JUST woken up like this. He stumbled and Cross caught him. Cross seemed to study him with a perplexed look as Dream apologized. "Dream." He spoke in that formal, serious tone.

Dream looked up, a bit startled. Cross tipped his head as he helped Dream stand up straight. "I... think you may be a medium."

Without hesitation, Dream furrowed his brow. "No, I'm a small." He replied, his mind having immediately gone to clothing sizes. Cross blinked and for the first time, Dream saw an expression of surprise on the other's usually stoic face. Then, his face heated up as he heard something.

Cross was laughing. Softly, but clearly trying to control himself. Genuine laughter. He'd heard Cross laugh before, but never because of something that HE had done. Dream blushed and sputtered. "Wh-Why the amusement??"

Cross managed to steady himself and gave a sigh. "I do not speak of clothing. I am saying that you are a medium for SPIRITS." At the word, Dream's eyes widened. He stared at Cross.

"I..." He was unable to even form a sentence.


Cross could tell he'd taken the other by surprise. He watched as Dream sputtered to get out a response. Finally, Dream gulped. "Spirits? They... they are just myth..."

Cross furrowed his brow. "Don't lie to me. I know you are aware of Horror's spirit, Lust." At the name, Dream was unable to conceal his gasp of recognition and he covered his mouth. "And..." Cross' tone darkened. "That Summoning Game you played in the graveyard."


Immediately, Dream was taken back. "You... how did you know about that...?? Did Nightmare tell you??" Dream was shaken. He couldn't feel his positive aura anymore. Nor Nightmare's negative aura from downstairs.

There was only one thing in the air and it was the creeping chill that seemed to swamp the room from Cross. Cross chuckled, but he no longer sounded amused. "Nightmare didn't NEED to tell me. I was there."

Dream furrowed his brow. "It was YOU who reminded him of my story, wasn't it? A great soldier, died in battle, cursed to share half of a SOUL." Cross' voice had taken on an echoing thrum and Dream's breath caught in his throat.

"I... don't... believe you..." Dream whispered shakily, keeping his gaze fixed solely on the ground. He didn't dare raise his head to meet Cross' burning gaze.

"Then look at me." The phrase shocked Dream and he whipped his head up. Cross gave him a haunting grin.

His shape seemed to change and he became older, blood spattering his clothes and an assortment of metal weapons jutting out from every point on his body. Next to him, chains spread from his hips, ankles, and wrists, stretching toward Dream.

Dream shrieked as a human materialized in front of him. White skinned and white haired, but with black eyes that twitched. They snarled at him, crouched on all fours just in front of him.

"Do you still doubt me?" Cross' voice was was soft but knowing. Dream quickly shook his head. One blink and Cross was back to normal, the feral human nowhere to be seen. Dream was shaking.

"Y-You're the White N-Night?" Dream whispered out. Cross gave an almost empty nod, seeming used to hearing a fearful tone when people said that name. Dream immediately inhaled. "What do you want with my brother?!? Please don't hurt him!!"

Cross seemed taken back. Then, he gave a grin. "Your brother and I are SOULmates. Just as you and Killer are." Cross stated. "I went through the painful and troubling process of bringing myself back to life for him. I can promise I am not here to hurt him."

At that, Dream relaxed a bit, but his worry was still clear in his face. Cross tipped his head. "I admire that your care for your brother is so strong, you seemed almost immediately willing to compromise with an old spirit like myself." Cross sounded amused and Dream nodded instantly.

"O-Of course!!! I love my brother and I don't want any harm to come to him!!" Dream exclaimed. Cross met his eyes with a softened gleam.

"I can say the same thing." Cross murmured quietly. Dream blinked. He straightened up, feeling a bit safer about Nightmare. He jumped as Cross spoke. "But that isn't my concern. Right now, you're in danger of leaving your own body. Your spirit is loose..."

Dream didn't know why, but that phrase alone shook him. He felt a chill up his spine. Cross tipped his head. "That means more than one ghost has used your body previously." Dream blinked and paled in place. "Tell me your thoughts."

"I... I only allowed Lust to use my body once... I... don't recall any other spirits..." Dream said shakily. He knew Color hadn't possessed him. Cross stared at him.

"That's no good... Spirits are able to easily control you without you even noticing..." Cross murmured. Dream felt scared. He couldn't even control this?? He stared at Cross and Cross seemed to see the dismay in his eyes.


"I-I..." Dream almost broke down in tears right there on the spot. Cross reached out and put a hand on his shoulder. Dream's restraint seemed to finally snap. Golden tears started down his face. "This is awful... Cross, what if I hurt someone??"

His voice was shaking and high-pitched with fear. Cross sighed and pulled the other to him, allowing Dream to cry against him. He didn't like having close contact like this with anyone except Nightmare, but Dream was hurting.

He actually felt some sympathy for Dream. "I'll help you control it, okay? It can be a useful and powerful ability once you know how to use it." Dream continued to cry and Cross sighed. "I will make sure you don't hurt anyone, okay?"

Dream blinked and looked up at him with watering, golden eyes. "You can?" He asked in a trembling voice, finally pulling away from the other. He hiccuped, rubbing his eyes.

Cross scoffed. "I am one of the most powerful spirits of this time. One of the strongest soldiers of my time. I can go face-to-face to other spirits, Dream." Cross said, raising a brow. Dream gulped and rubbed his arm.

Cross sighed. "You're scared of hurting Killer?" He asked. Dream blushed before looking down and nodding, more quiet golden tears running down his face. Now that Dream had started crying, Chara even seemed to show some sympathy for the golden skeleton.

Chara had backed off until they were behind Cross. They distracted themselves by staring out another window at the snow, which had started back up.

Cross shook his head. "There will always be a risk, Dream. We work with what we know." He shrugged and started to move back. "Now, please control yourself."

He blinked as Dream suddenly cracked a soft, weak giggle. "Dream?"

The other looked up, seemed a bit proud of himself through his tears. "THAT'S why you speak like that!" Cross was taken back for a moment and Dream gave another tearful giggle. "You speak so formal and serious, but now it makes sense because you're a soldier from before us!"

He seemed proud of himself for finally figuring it. Cross blinked before allowing a soft scoff. He turned back. "Are you going to join everyone downstairs? There's a new guest."

Dream blinked at the mention of a new guest and blinked, wiping his eyes. "Oh." He said, surprised. Cross chuckled, knowing how poorly Dream reacted to surprise guests.

All of a sudden, from the staircase, they heard footsteps. A small shape appeared and they both blinked at Blue.

He was grinning cheek to cheek, but also looked like he'd been crying. "Dream! Dream! You gotta come quick!" He said, seeming both breathless and excited.

He seemed to notice Cross and gave a small, spooked jump. "C-Cross!" Cross smiled. He genuinely enjoyed the small skeleton's presence.


Blue called Dream and his attention snapped back to Blue. Dream was concerned. He gripped the front of his T-Shirt, his brow furrowed.

"Where and why?" Dream asked quickly. "Is someone hurt??" Blue bounced excitedly.

"Living room! Dream!" The other's next words shocked Dream to his SOUL. "Error's back!"

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