By writerchick88

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What would happen if Charlotte Flair debuted in the Attitude Era where women were merely over looked and unde... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 24

252 7 0
By writerchick88

"What do you dream about?" Charlotte nestled her head in the crook of Hunter's neck and attempted to relax.

"What do you mean? Like in general?" Hunter slid his hands down to stroke the small of her back as she rested on top of him. It felt good to have him hold her.

"Like at night and before you wake in the morning."

"Mostly things I can't remember. Dreams are really tricky that way, but the ones I do remember are about work. Sometimes it's my family and my past, but mostly they're about you."

She sighed into the quiet room. "I used to dream about work, you, and just what I wanted for our future." She stopped after that and left the air stale and awkward.

He'd gathered her tightly in his arms and spoke into the dark room. "And now?"

"I'm afraid. I see him in my sleep and sometimes when you're out cold I'm just awake, staring at the ceiling."

"I'm not out. I feel you awake and it keeps me up as well. I can't sleep when you're unsettled."

"You don't ever say anything."

"You don't need me to. When you're like that the best thing I can do is just be there with you. Sometimes it's not what you say but what you do. Any time you think I'm sleeping and you feel me grip you tighter and pull you closer it's because I could feel you needing me. When I hear your uneven breathing I make sure to run my fingers down your back, I've learned that soothes you. I kiss your head when I glance down and see that faraway look in your eyes. I know these things might not mean much—"

"They mean everything." She was quick to let him know how much she valued all the gestures he made that actually meant the world to her. He was always so attentive and caring.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For being so much trouble. I'm sure you've never dated anyone with as much baggage as me."

"We all have our things, but don't apologize for any of this. You protected yourself the best way you knew how. And you're worth it."

"I could have stopped. I hit him too many times. I'd been in the gym training almost every day, I knew what I was capable of. I can pick you up, I should have known I was swinging too hard."

"And you also knew what he was capable of. You saw a man—the man that abused you—coming at you and you reacted. He had a knife on me, you saved my life."

He ran his hand over the scar on her neck and she realized he'd figured it out. "How long have you known?"

"I think I always knew from the moment I saw it, but I wanted to let you come to me in your own time. I pushed hard enough as is."

"It didn't really hurt," she supplied. "The shock that he'd actually done it hurt more than anything. I'd never had anyone pull a knife on me before."

"You went through so much. I'm just glad you're still here. I don't know what my world would look like without you in it. Every day I get to spend with you just reminds me how perfect my life is now and how easily it could disappear."

"What if they—I mean I did kill him."

Hunter sat up and pulled her with him. Carefully sweeping the blonde strands from her face, he allowed a smile to inhabit his lips. "You're not going anywhere. They'd have to take me with you. I'm never letting you go."

Tears wet her cheeks. "It may not be up to you."

"No police or judge would take you in for what you did. I know you feel horrible, you're probably one of the best people in the world for caring, but he would have done something to you. He wouldn't have stopped."

"So that makes it better?"

"It's going to hurt because of who you are and how big your heart is, but maybe it is better. You had moved on, you were living your life the best you could and he showed up. He was going to keep terrorizing you—it was never going to end."

"So I killed him."

"But you didn't set out to kill anyone. You are the innocent in this—you're the victim."

Charlotte knew he was right, but her heart was having a hard time catching up with her head. She'd cared for Mickey at one point, she'd shared his bed and allowed him to reach intimate parts of her. He'd treated her like a nuisance, but she'd cared for him at a stage in her life. She didn't wish him any ill will—no matter how bad he'd treated her.

"Hunter, I don't want you to think—because I don't—you're..."

"You cared for him, you'd never be with someone you didn't, but it's nothing like us. I know that. When I look into your eyes I see so many things, and I know you've never opened up the way you do with me. I don't question anything between us anymore."

"You did before?"

"Of course I did. So did you. We questioned it because we weren't used to this feeling. We weren't prepared to admit we'd found it."

"Forever." She nodded.

"Forever," he agreed. "And I know you felt it as much as I did, but I also know why you didn't say anything. As well as you can read me, I can also read you. But know that you can tell me anything."

"Okay." She nodded. "I'm still mad at you."

"You have a right to be. If you never truly got over it I'd understand. I know now that not telling you I was married made you go against everything you believe in by sleeping with me. I just—it was one of those moments where I couldn't breathe. I was completely paralyzed thinking about you falling for someone else."

"Not for that. I understand why you did it. And I wasn't falling—I entertained the thought, but ultimately I knew it was always you."

"Then why?"

"That night at the bar."

"Which one?"

"The one where you ignored me and left me sitting alone babysitting my drink. It was so embarrassing and lonely. And when I came to you—you completely ignited me in front of everyone. I'd never felt so alone until Ivory came to talk to me. Even she saw how miserable I was and I didn't seem to matter to you at the time."

"I'm sorry for that. It did matter. I was watching you the entire night. There was this mirror I could look at from where I was sitting that gave me a clear view of your booth. I had to make sure no one was bothering you." He laughed.

"People were talking around me, but I felt lonely as well. I just wanted you to tell me what was on your mind, but I knew you wouldn't. I was just being an ass. We shared this incredible moment and I could see you shutting down. It was easier to shut down first to try and dull the pain."

"I only shut down because when I saw you smile at me I realized I was in love. It scared me to feel that so soon."

"But I felt the exact same way."

"You hadn't said it."

"So I was just as much afraid of freaking you out as you were me."

"It can be scary, not knowing if someone you've given your entire heart to even wants it."

"I want everything you have to give."

"I'm not always sweet."

"You're a brat. I've always known that."

"And you're so stubborn I want to punch you sometimes."

"Sometimes? Most of our waking hours, but you love me."

"More than anything."

"I fell in love with the brat that blossomed into an amazing woman, and I keep falling harder and harder each day."

She crossed her legs around him and her arms went around his neck. He laid his hands on her hips and stared into her eyes. "I feel the same way. I need you to help me with something."

"What's that?"

"When I start to feel things—things like this—please remind me that he put a knife to your throat. That's the only way..." She blinked and a tear fell. "That's the only way I'm going to accept that it was my only way out."

"I'll remind you of that and also that he did this to you." His finger danced over the scar on the back of her neck. "Sweetheart, he broke your ribs, he punched you, never feel like what you did wasn't warranted."

"Thank you." She'd gotten to the point of believing his words on the first try. She'd trusted him more than she ever had any living person.

"Now can we get comfortable?"

"You don't like me wrapped around you?"

"I love that, and you're going to be wrapped around me now. I just want you to lay with me. Put your head on my chest and wrap those gorgeous legs and arms around me."

She did as he requested and felt a lot of her stress melt away. As much as she wanted to lose herself in the feel of her skin against his and his strong heartbeat keeping a steady rhythm under her ear, she couldn't help remembering all the blood on the floor in her room at home. Those stains would probably never come out.


"It's the place we made love for the first time." He read her like a book. "Whenever you think of your house, think of your parents loving you, think of Reid, think of all the places you made beautiful memories. And your room, think of the last time we were there and how good it felt. We touched every surface."

"My bed."

"The walls."

"The dresser." She got tingly thinking about it.

"The floor."

"The window sills."

"There wasn't one place I didn't have you."

"You picked me up and carried me to all those places without missing a beat. It was thrilling. I loved every minute. It felt like we made up for two months in one night."

"Think of that when you start to remember the bad things."

"Even with all that the first time was still my favorite."

"Really?" He stroked her back with his thumb.



She sighed. "I was thinking about the night of the funeral and how much I hated that you didn't stay right before you walked in. I don't know if you saw it, but I was actually crying because it hurt so much. I really needed you to be there when I woke that morning."

"I should have been there."

"You don't have to keep apologizing. I know why you ran. I get it, but up until that night in the shower I was still undecided about everything, but seeing you standing there I made up my mind. I wanted you like I've never wanted anyone in my life and you showed me I wasn't wrong."

"Even after everything came out? All the secrets?"

"Even after the secrets I knew I'd made the right decision for me. I don't think Adam could have ever made me feel the things I felt for you—good or bad. It's just a level of intensity and intimacy that exists between us that I don't feel can be recreated ever. I'm happy to have experienced all of it. I feel it made us stronger. You know what I'm thinking most times before I even say it."

"And you give my world meaning. No one has ever taken the time to understand me the way you have. You made me face all the things I hid behind for so long. You taught me how to love someone with my whole heart and trust them completely." He looked around the dark room and she could feel something bubbling inside him, she held her breath as she waited for him to embellish. "I want to relinquish my title."

"What?" She sat up quickly. "No. No way."

"Baby we need—"

"We need to work. We need a distraction and you're on the way to making history at Mania. No—I won't allow you to give that up."

"It's not important."

"It is. It's what you've worked for."

"But you're what I've waited for. I want to be there for you and give you the time you need. All my life I waited for this." He waved his hand over them. "I just filled my time with other things until it arrived."

"You don't have to give up one thing to have the other. I'm not going anywhere. I'm a little bruised, but I'll heal. I'm not stopping what we're doing and I'm not letting you do that either. You're going to Mania and you're going to kick Chyna's ass and retain your championship. I'll be right by your side. I'll even spit water with you."

His smile was a gorgeous gift to her and she traced his features with her fingertips. "You hate it when I do that."

"The things I do for you."

"If you want it, it's yours."

"No, it's yours—ours—if you make history I get to be there in the moment with you, and when I do the same you'll be with me. See how that works?"

"It's a great plan."

"I know. I thought of it," she shrugged. "But before all that, there is something I need to do. I don't want you to say no, but I think you won't enjoy this. Mickey had a family, and I took him from that family—"

"You don't owe them anything." Mickey's sister had been all over the media since the announcement of his death painting him as a saint and Charlotte as the evil bitch who took him away and they had yet to address the rumors. Hunter had kept her shielded from the world, but she knew they had to emerge at some point. It had been three days.

"Not her. Definitely not her, but he had a wife, and Hunter if someone had—if it were you—I'd want to know why. I'd want that person to face me."

"I'd never beat a woman or stalk my ex, so it wouldn't be me. Not ever." She knew he'd protest, but she also knew his heart. He wouldn't deny her the one thing that could put her at ease.

"I don't care what his sister thinks of me—or even the media that's running with her side of events. I care about his wife because it could have been me, and I care about my fans. They're devastated. I've never publicly said that Mickey hit me, and I don't think revealing that he was a monster would be the best thing, but me reaching out to his widow is what I feel is right. I know the psychological games he used to play. She's as much a victim as I was."

"I don't feel good about that. What if she's as vile as his sister? I can't hit a woman, but I'd want to if she hurts you."

"She can't hurt me." Charlotte palmed his cheek. "But I love it that you get so invested in my wellbeing."

"You know I'd never really want to hit her, right? I just—I don't like it when people make you feel like anything less than the most perfect thing in the world."

"You are so good for my ego." She laid back in his arms.

He laughed. Not with his normal hearty amusement lining it. This was a nervous chuckle. He was completely unsure, but she'd also known he'd be with her every step of the way. Even if it was uncomfortable.
Knocking on the iron and wooden door, Charlotte held her breath. She knew Hunter felt her trembling next to him when she dropped her hand and he caught it, gripping her before lacing his fingers through hers. The vacation was over, but they weren't back at work. They were in North Carolina doing probably the hardest thing she'd ever done.

"It's okay," he breathed into her hair as his voice sent waves through her body. Everything had her jumpy. Her stomach was in knots.

"Maybe this was a mistake. I didn't think it through."

"We're here now, and..."

He didn't finish before the door opened. Mickey's sister stood before them, her brunette hair in a modest side part and her pink lips pursed into a condescending scowl.
"I don't believe you had the nerve to come here."

"This was a mistake." Charlotte turned to leave. She was heading to their car when she suddenly stopped and spun around. "No. I did nothing wrong."

"Excuse me?" Her arms crossed, but Charlotte didn't and wouldn't back down. She marched back with Hunter chasing behind her. "On the eve of my brother's funeral you show up to his house with your accomplice and spout that you did nothing wrong? What kind of a person are you?"

"Your brother was a psychopath."

"You're not going to stand here and blame him for you beating him to death."

"No, I won't blame him, I'm blaming you." Charlotte shoved a finger into her chest. "Every time you covered for him, every time you turned a blind eye, every time you acted like you didn't see. You saw him punch me—you saw the black eyes and bruises and you said nothing. I can't blame it all on you—I lied to protect him as well, but you knew. Don't stand here and act as if you didn't."

"He was never going to hurt you that badly. He would have stopped."

"That badly?" Hunter spoke up. "Him touching her at all qualified him for all of this. You can say what you want, but he was never going to leave her alone. You should be ashamed of yourself."

They were arguing loudly in front of the house, the neighbors were watching, a crowd was gathering, and all Charlotte could feel were eyes on her. She'd never been so mortified.
"Let's just go, Hunter. You were right, this wasn't a good idea."

She walked away, preparing to cut her losses and move on the best way she could until she heard a voice call out to her. Again, she turned back and almost fell over, looking at the doorway.

"Oh God." His wife was there. His wife and their unborn child. She was pregnant.

"Come back, please." She motioned for Charlotte, and Hunter held her back.

"I'm not so sure you should."

"No, it's okay. I'd really like to talk to you." Charlotte had known her name was Madisyn, but she didn't know much else about the woman.

Hunter held her hand the entire walk into the house. It was a nice place, filled with pictures. To the outside eye it would appear to be a loving couple in a loving home, but Charlotte knew better. Their place had been nice as well. Photographs of the good times in the beginning of their relationship lined the walls, as the years went by the pictures became few and far between. He hadn't wanted to document the hard to hide bruises on her skin.

"Madisyn, why are you allowing her to come into your home?"

"Teri," Madisyn paused. "This is my house, it belongs to me, and if you don't want to be here then leave. I will talk to this woman. She came a long way to see me."

"She killed—"

"A terrible person." Madisyn cut her off. "She killed a terrible person and she's not the bad guy here. So leave."

"You're throwing me out?"

"Yes. Just go." Teri grabbed her purse and keys, storming out after rolling her eyes at all of them.

Madisyn waved her hand over the couch before taking a seat. "I'm sorry I don't move as fast as I used to. I would have answered the door and skipped that unpleasant scene."

Charlotte was still fixated on her swollen abdomen. She hadn't known she would arrive to this. "I—you're pregnant." Charlotte blurted before she could gather her thoughts.

"Eight months."

"I—I'm sorry."

"Don't be." Madisyn touched her stomach and Charlotte reached out to touch her arm. There were lightly faded bruises on her skinny wrist.
"He grabbed you?"

"Often." Madisyn nodded. "It hadn't been as often with the baby on the way and there wasn't the full on hits, just slaps and rough grabs. But I was sure it would pick back up after the baby."

"Why did you stay?" Hunter seemed genuinely intrigued.

"Why did you stay so long?" Madisyn turned to Charlotte.

"He had a way of making me feel like I couldn't leave, and when I found the strength to leave he made me stay with force. It was very hard, but when I finally had enough I got out. I also had a reason to risk it all."

She looked at Hunter, and he offered a reassuring smile. He really had given her strength even before they were together. Just the thought of what they could be made her decision to leave solid. It propelled her.

"Seems like a risk that paid off." Madisyn smiled at their linked hands. "You two seem happy. I'm glad you found that. I always felt horrible about what Mickey did to you at your job."

"You saw that?"

"The world saw. The look on your face told me I wasn't the only one. I wanted to reach out to you—I wanted you to know that you weren't alone. But I wasn't sure if you would want to hear from me. I know that he hurt you in unimaginable ways. And I'm sorry about what Teri said about you. I—I plan to make a statement on your behalf. I'm going to tell the full story. You don't deserve to be labeled as some murderous villain. Your career shouldn't suffer because you did what I wasn't strong enough to do."

"He taught me a very important life lesson. I don't trust as easily, but when I do I know it's unbreakable. Because of how horrible Mickey was I closed off parts of myself and Hunter was able to break through all the barriers. That's how I know he is meant for me. Without the pain I wouldn't have the happiness. I don't know you, but I want that for you. Everyone deserves what I've found."

"Despite everything, I'm happy. I love my baby. Knowing that she's safe fills my heart with joy. I'm ready to meet her and I've vowed to never let harm come to her. I would have killed him myself if he had touched her, so thank you. I really from the bottom of my heart thank you. In saving yourself you saved us."

"You mean that?"

Her eyes glossed over and Charlotte gripped her hand. "I just—wow. I didn't expect this. I thought I'd taken something away from you, I wanted to tell you why."

"You gave something back—my life. When you called I knew I had to see you. I had to meet you."

"As strange as it sounds I'm happy to meet you too. I was so nervous, I stressed about it, but—can I hug you? Would it be too weird?"

Madisyn shook her head, and rising to her feet she grabbed Charlotte. "It's not weird."
Charlotte had never felt anything as powerful as being here. Everything with her and Hunter had led her to this moment.

She'd found the inner peace she'd always craved, and just as she predicted, Hunter was there with her. It wasn't the public success she'd envisioned—it was much more than that. He'd been there when she truly found herself.

They stayed a while longer, surprisingly, Charlotte enjoyed herself and promised to stay in touch. She meant it. She'd wanted to get the baby some gifts and check in on Madisyn as often as she could. She felt connected to her. In another life they probably would have been friends.

Sitting in their rental car, Charlotte exhaled as tears rolled down her cheeks. She'd needed a good cry. It was freeing.

"Baby." Hunter ran his hands down her back and pulled her against him. "You were right. You needed this."

"That girl and her baby, Hunter. What if he had hurt them?"

"He didn't. You stopped that."

"Hunter I killed someone, but it feels like a blessing. How is that possible?"

"Things work out in strange ways. You said without everything you've been through you wouldn't know what real love is—without everything I've been through I wouldn't have gotten close with your dad and been led to you. Our pasts brought us here and Mickey's past led him to you that day forcing you to protect someone else's future."

"It's crazy to think that all the bad things gave us something so wonderful. I love you so much, and I feel a little guilty for thinking all that had to happen for us to find each other."

"That's not necessarily true. I was writing to your dad long before my dad did what he did, and I knew you long before Mickey—before you were with him."

"Do you think we would be here if things hadn't been so bad?"

"I do. Some how, some way I would have found you. I'm convinced no matter what happened in my life there is no way I would have been able to make it through life without meeting you. We're inevitable."

"Inevitability, so romantic."

He laughed. "It is, though. Us being inevitable is the most romantic thing in the world. It means I would settle for nothing and risk everything to find you."

"When you put it that way..."

She smiled against his fingers as they swept over her lips. He was the most beautiful person she'd ever seen. "It's very poetic."

"It is. Thank you for doing this with me."

"No where else I'd rather be. You have to start believing that."

"I do. Sometimes it's just good to hear."

"Well then, use me—abuse me—but always leave the light on. I'll find my way home."

"Like a lost puppy."

"Just call me Lassie."

"He wasn't a puppy." She rolled her eyes.

"No, but he always found his way home."

"Your home is Connecticut."

"That's just a place. My home is wherever you are."

She nodded her head. He'd said everything perfect, he'd said everything she needed to hear. "Then let's go. We have work to do."

"Not before we see your parents."

"I was kinda not ready to face them yet. Not at my house. It's still very fresh for me."

"You don't have to come in. In fact I'd rather you didn't. I need to speak with them privately."

"They'd be pissed if I didn't come in."

"I doubt it." He caressed the side of her face. "Just trust me."

"I do." She stared into his brown eyes, something flickered in them before he recovered. "What?"

"I love hearing you say that."

In that moment she knew. "I hope I get to say it again. Soon."

She didn't know how or when she had arrived, but she was ready. Maybe it was the way he protected her, maybe it was his sincerity, but looking into his eyes she felt it.

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