The Redemption

By user70513038

6.7K 216 136

It's been roughly two months now since Lloyd, Mari, Alya, Nino and Ari have returned from Ninjago and all of... More

Happy Turkey Day!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to the Family :)
What's going on currently


283 13 6
By user70513038

I sighed as I entered my room completely exgausted from the days events five akuma's today alone, the most memorable being Zombiezou, and about thirty others the rest of the week. Hawkmoth give us a break will you after all everyone in this dance is human regardless of owning a miraculous or being akumatized. Tomorrow everyone was going to meet up for a movie well not me I had training with my father Sensei Garmadon and Master Fu both for very different reasons.

My father was going to teach me about the needs of the students while Fu was going to teach me more about the zodiac kwamiis who I also will have to keep an eye on. but right now all I wanted was a truck of asprin and sleep because I had a major headache that was boarder lining a migraine. "Lloyd you alright?" Gong asked while munching on some apple slices.

"I'm peachy" I groaned my head instantly felt like it was being smashed by a wrecking ball the size of the planet Jupiter.

"Hawkmoth must really be getting desperate to get your miraculouses" Gong said flying over to my magical days to remember list, "The only thing that could possibly be causing this is the lunar eclipse in three weeks but on that day you and the others are really going to be ready for anything all of you will get much more powerful that day so it is important that you keep yourself in check"

"10-4"I moaned instantly falling asleep.

  Mari's p.o.v.

I heard a few light snores coming from Lloyd's room and decided to investigate turns out he was fast asleep. Tikki then flew out of my jacket. "Tikki" I hissed

Ever since the whole Possession thing that Lloyd went through with Morro I've had to take extra care of looking after Tikki. Morro did want the miraculous like Hawkmoth did sue me but it was to make sure that no one could rise up against him and so he'd have a contingency plan on his side of the line. Augh just thinking about those two weeks makes me sick.

Tikki flew over to Lloyd gently removing a small dagger from under his torso. Yup that could have ended up in disaster. "There" Tikki said once she placed the dagger on the desk.

I took a look around the room nothing had changed since we came back the only new additions being the Deepstone armor, the Sword of Sanctuary, and the scrolls of airjitzu by Master Yang. I picked up the sword and looked into the blade and saw Drakon, Chatte, Rena Rouge, and I rounding up a bunch of wild animals. Wow this thing is really freaky that's for sure. I put it back as quietly as I could before leaving Lloyd's room. "Where's Lloyd?" Mom asked at around dinner time.

At that moment Lloyd stummbled inside the kitchen. "I'm here" He groaned holding a makeshift ice pack to his head.

"You okay" Dad asked

"Headache nothing to worry about" Lloyd groaned

"Get some rest then don't forget you have that photoshoot with Kai and Ari early tomorrow morning and the movie as well" Mom told him

Lloyd nodded his head before heading back to his room. "Must be an after affect of Zombiezou's power" I said having gotten a headache of my own once we got back to school.

The only one out of the three of us not to get hit was Drakon so yeah he had his work cut out for him today. Then again Chatte, Drakon, Lloyd, and I have been run ragged this whole week. Agh I'm about ready to throw in the towel and ask for outside assistance with finding out who the heck Hawkmoth is. 

I sighed as I entered my room throwing myself onto my chaise. "Get some sleep Marinette" Tikki encouraged me as I slowly nodded off.

Back to Lloyd

I woke up the next day at around 4 in the morning since the shoot was at 5:30. I got dressed and was ready to go by the time Natalie came to pick me up sadly I was forced to share the ride with Kai who was really pushing the envelope more than he usually did. "Come on Lloyd just come on back besides I bet you that your new family puts up with you because your not only a model but also an Elemental Master." Kai said

I was very tempted to punch his lights out, but I kept my emotions in check and really restrained myself from injuring Kai. The photo shoot was for the jacket and the hat that Mari had designed Gabriel had finally finished the rest of the outfit for the two of us while adding in a third for Kai's sake. I looked at the former male derby hat that had been redone to suit a female it made me miss Adrien a lot more than I could ever express with words or emotions. Why did everyone, but me, have to forget the second we left Ninjago airspace? It was unfair.

I started to remember all the good times that I had with Adrien and bitterly smiled wishing that he not Ari was here right now. I then blushed remembering that he was my first kiss before we went to Ninjago. Kai harumphed as he glared at me from across the way. I rolled my eyes as we continued with the shoot. I played the biker bad boy, Ari the gentle lady, and Kai the overly formal gentleman.  We were done by eight and I got home at eight thirty. Not five minutes later an alarm went out about escaped zoo animals, great.

After an hour of wrestling gorillas, caging tigers, and nearly getting mauled by the panthers we got all the animals back in their enclosures. Mind you I called in back-up in the form of Rena Rouge so I had a miraculous to take back to Master Fu afterwards. "Where are you two going?" Chatte asked

"Rena is about to de-transform" I said gueasturing to her miraculous  that showed that she only had two minutes left.

"So you get to know while we are left in the dark what are we to you if you can't trust us" Ladybug retorted

"What else are you hiding from us?" Chatte added

"Um sorry but we got to go" Rena said pointing to her miraculous

"I'll tell you both later but for now just accept that this is the way things are and that it's hurting me not telling you what is going on but when the time is right you'll know" I told them both before running off with Rena

"I hate secrets" Chatte said

"I hear you" Ladybug grumbled

After getting Trixx back from Alya I ran for Master Fu's place to return the miraculous as Lloyd. "You know if you want to make it intime for the movie you should go the exact same way as Alya" Gong advised

"We'll just have to miss the ads like last time then" I told Gong

I returned the Fox to master Fu. "Perfect. Now come and tell me what is bothering you Lloyd" Fu said once the Fox was safely stored away

"W-w-what?" I sputtered

Fu gave me a knowing look like my Uncle Wu would. I followed him into a different area of the building. "Hold on" Fu said stopping Gong and Wayzz from following us.

"Oh master please" The two cutely begged

"Kwamiis must never know the recipes for modifying there powers what if one of you was to get captured like Hawkmoth's kwamii Noroo." Fu said scaring the two into the gramaphone.

"Whoa wait hold up modify their powers?"I asked as he closed the door

"What's on your mind" Fu asked

"Ladybug and Chatte are asking more and more questions and are tired of being left in the dark." I said picking up a few bottles that had fallen on the floor.

"Tell me Lloyd do you put the noodles in before or after the water boils?" Fu asked

"After is plain logic" I said

"And just like this logic Ladybug and Chatte will know when the time is right and not a moment sooner" Fu said as he poured many crushed and ground items into a pot.

"What are you cooking?" I asked suddenly very nervous.

"When fed with a specific blend of ingredients the kwamii's can grant special power and each powers specific list is encoded here" Fu said showing me one such form.

A past version of myself looked like a sea dragon version of my suit I then compared it to Ladybug's and Chatte's to see that unlike them my arms had flippers, my legs were wrapped in some sort of tentacle, and my scales where a more turquoise than their original colors of green and grey.

Thee only problem that Master Fu was having was figuring out the final ingredient a tear of joy. It stumped me as well cause it could be literal or metaphorical by the sound of what Fu has been trying it's mainly been the metaphorical kind, but let's admit everything is a very slow process of elimination.

"Well I'm sure you'll figure it out" I told Fu as my cell began to ring

Aw crud the movie. "Sorry Master Fu" I apologized as I ran out picking up the phone since it was Nino who was calling.

"Dude where are you?" Nino asked

"Sorry had a few personal things to attend to I'm on my way literally three minutes from you " I told him using the rooftops to avoid any and all traffic.

"Sorry" I apologized once I arrived

"Come on dude" Nino said grabbing my arm and hauling me inside the theater

We soon found everyone else and took a seat with them. But as soon as the opening credits began rolling people started fleeing from their seats and it soon became quite obvious as to what was going on the theater was flooding. "Who left the faucet running?" Alya said as the back door blew open with water.

"Everyone get to the stairs" I said I began ushering people up with Alya and Mari.

We soon reached the roof only to see that all of Paris was flooded. But that wasn't the worst part water levels where still rising and heading out of Paris fast we aproximatly had one hour before all of France was underwater eight for all of Europe and then.... I'd rather not think about it. Then the cause of the sudden flood revealed itself to be an akuma, great really feeling the love Hawkmoth. Taking Kim who'd foolishly dove into the water.

I created a boat of ice along with an oar. "Where you going?" Alya asked

"To go help  " I replied

"Be safe" Alya told me as I paddled out of sight

I went to go find Master fu knowing that I shouldn't face this akuma without an elixir that allowed me to breath underwater I'm not Zane or Nya. I soon arrived at Fu's place and my father was already there with  Wu, Misako, Kai, Zane, Cole, Jay, and Nya. "Agh what's he doing here?" Nya growled

"All of you shut up you only helped me back when I was possessed because without me you're powerless" I growled, "You really didn't care about me"

"Stop playing around Lloyd turn in the Balance Miraculous or else" Kai growled

"No" I flatly stated

Kai tried to punch me but I dodged trapping his arm under mine before kneeing him in the gut. "Enough Lloyd has made his decision you all must learn to respect it" Master Wu said

I pushed past him to Master Fu. "Anything?" I asked

"No I've tried everything" Fu said

"Let me at this Syren I'll beat her to a pulp." Nya hissed

"NO" Father, Fu, and I shouted.

"That is still a living breathing person regardless of what Hawkmoth does to him or her! If you do that then you all are no better than the villains we've faced in the past!" I snapped

"Wait have you tried an acutal tear of joy" Father suggested

"No" Fu said

"Well then let's get laughing" I said walking over to Zane opening the hatch and turning on his funny switch before promptly closing it.

Sure enough moments later Zane started dancing around like a lunatic, the good kind not like the Joker or Harley Quinn. Jay broke out laughing and soon enough we had our tear of joy. I Quickly added it to the mixture as Cole turned off Zane's switch. "Lloyd I think we have the solution" Fu smiled widely

Taking a wooden spoon I took enough for Gong to transform. "This just got interesting" Gong smiled

"How so?" I asked

"Plagg hates transforming more than anything else in the world" Gong Chuckled

I shook my head those two and their rivalry will it ever end? I fed the elixir to Gong as Kai was picking himself off of the roof. "Tasty" Gong said

"Gong Power up" I said

Gong turned into a more aquatic version of himself. "Aqua Gong Let's roar!" I said transforming

Once the light had faded I took a good look at myself a thread like substance wrapped around my arms and legs and the scales had a turquoise tint to it. "Master Fu I think it's time for you to put the noodles into the water. "I told Fu before diving into the water.

I swam off to go find Syren. "Wait does this mean I won't get to see mecha monkey's vs. Cyber Sharks 3" Kim asked

"What?" Syren asked confused

"Don't worry in fact you'll probably make it to the next showing" I said

"The four of us can go together" Ladybug said

Ladybug and Chatte swam onto the scene. "I'll even share my popcorn" Chatte said as we all took up fighting stances.

Not ten seconds later I was head butted by Syren in the chest area. "Ouch" I groaned as I was slammed into the iron railing of the pool's upper levels.

"Lucky charm" Ladybug said showing a pair of car key's

"Whelp it's been fun but your prince charming has to hit the road" I said as Ladybug and kim swam out of the building.

"My Prince" Syren cried racing/swimming off after him

I swam after Syren who was hot on Ladybug's heels/fins.

Getting the plan instantly I swam ahead readying my baton. "Now" Ladybug shouted

I slammed my baton on to the hood of a car as Syren swam right into it. Chatte and LAdy bug closed the doors knowing that the air bags wouldn't last long. After that well it was just a matter of breaking the object and purifying the akuma. Everything afterward was set straight water levels receeded back to their normal levels.

I was called to see Fu a few hours after everything had calmed down. He handed me the vials and gave me another set for Mari but with some quick thinking I decided to pull a Percy Jackson move and put the elixirs into chocolate chip cookies and they where such oddball colors. I on the other hand portioned mine into tiny glass vials. "Keeping to tradition I like" Gong said as I finished corking the last vial and placing them all into various sets.

"I always did prefer things that way" I smiled


Hey everyone I finally got my computer back so now I'm back in the game. Anyway once again I'd like to thank everyone who's been with me since the beginning if this journey. Anyway remember that suggestion box well my cousin said to include some Daminette later on and not have Lloyd or Damian Wayne get along in the slightest thought I'd discuss it with the readers before making any final decisions with this book.  Lastly don't forget to vote and leave comments I'm always looking for ways to improve my writing so don't be shy about bashing me about something you do or don't like.

Till next time. 

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