Hero's Journey (A Percy Jacks...

By PLPanda

291K 5.2K 3.5K

After defeating Gaia Percy is being forced to become god, but instead he asks to be sent to the world where n... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 22

3.4K 64 16
By PLPanda

A/N Let's get this party started. An epic, three-part grande finale to my story. Romance, blood, amazing battles and total and utter OP-ness. I love writing stuff in DC universe, because no matter how OP a character is, there is always a bigger fish.

The poll is closed. More about it in the note at the end of this chapter.

Mount Justice
November 14, 10:36

The whole team was watching the news with worry. They knew what this meant. By declaring the war, Qurac was now alone in the war. Because of this act of aggression, the UN issued a series of embargo and sanctions on the country. All the humanitarian support went to Bialya, whose ambassador was quick to ensure they were all seen as a victims of warmongering neighbor. It was barely 24 hours and there were already countless civilian casualties. It was like a whole nation was suddenly under mind control.

On the screen next to the newsfeed was an open channel with Captain Atom. He was standing in private room of the Justice League in UN headquarter. "We are facing a global crisis here. Qurac has some strong support in UN. Many see their preventive attack as just. At the same time, Bialya is pushing for intervention of international peacekeeping forces. The tensions are high and it will only get worse. Justice League was banned from entering territory of either country. We can't even come near the embassies."

"Actions of Noor Harjavti are even stranger when you consider that three days ago, she was a firm supporter of her father and his policy of peace. We suspect this was planned by Queen Bee from the beginning."

"Provoke the attack so that the world would support her and then annex the other part. Miss President is talking about one nation, playing into her Cassus Belli." Aqualad spoke, explaining to those not into politics. *khe* Percy *Khe*

"Exactly. We need you to get to Dhabar and investigate. We need to know that this is not some sophisticated scheme. Villains are getting more crafty as of lately. And please. Be careful. War is not like your day-to-day crime fighting. It's anything but what they show in those movies. If you are caught, the League will have no choice but to disown you. You will be on your own there. If someone wants to back out, now is the only time."

Nobody moved an inch. They mulled the idea over in their head. this was going to be more dangerous than anything before. Everyone but Percy. "I am going."

"Me too." Zoe joined him. The others were about to walk to them, but Percy made a hand gesture and stopped them.

"Before you make rush decisions, let me tell you some things. War is not black and white like what you usually do. There are good people on both sides, doing their best for what they consider the 'just cause'. This includes killing. If we go we are almost sure to encounter death. Like captain said, it's anything but glorious images in movies. Nobody can guarantee that everyone will make it back. Just because we are supposed to be doing only infiltration, does not mean it will be any less dangerous. We will be intruders on foreign soil. Enemy which they will kill on sight. Age, parentage, intentions, love... this things does not matter. The only thing that had value are skill, experience and willpower." Names of his friends that died in the wars back in his worlds flashed in his mind. Silena, Beckendorf, Luke, Bianca, Damasen, Castor, Bob... He had a tear in his eye, but he held his posture. "It's kill or be killed. Sometimes, sacrifice is unavoidable if you want to survive. I advice you to stay here. Me and Zoe will do it. Alone. Smaller team will have easier time anyway."

Others looked stunned. The weight of his words were still ringing in their ears. They thought they were fully ready, but now they started to doubt. Could they survive? What would happen if one of them died? Would they really be ready to kill someone to save another life? The saw the subtle change in Percy's posture when he spoke. He was no longer happy or careless like usual. The most visible change were his eyes. The spark that was always there was now dimmed. He looked... tired. Like this old people in veterans' houses.

"Nobody will fault you if you back away." Zoe said in much more calm voice. She knew that they still held this passion of youth. She did not want any of them to loose it.

Captain Atom watched this. He took a close look at Percy and he noticed the same things that the Team saw, but also something visible only for those who experienced it themselves. Buried deep underneath everything, there was this speck of jealousy. Jealousy of those who did not have to experience this. But in his case, this feeling was genuine. He was happy for them. That they did not need to share his experience. "They stand correct. Two people team will suffice. Rest of you will have another mission. I just received a report about off-the-grid Cadmus facility in metropolis. With all the mess going on out there, you are to investigate." In truth, he pulled a file from a pile of unresolved cases. It looked fairly simple. They were more than ready to handle it.

"Understood." Aqualad saluted. He then turned to Percy. "Good luck on your mission." He gave another salute, but this time Atlantean one. Percy reciprocated.

"You too. Be careful. I wouldn't want to hear that I missed all the fun."

Twelve hours later

"This is definitely not fun!" Neptune screamed. Next to him, Zoe was firing arrows faster than a machinegun with precision of well-calibrated sniper rifle. They were surrounded from all sides by undead soldiers armed with Celestial bronze weapon. "When the villager talked about soldiers out of time, I expected some super advanced battle suits. Maybe a mech or too. Not... this." He discharged another eldritch blast from his trident, hitting the several of British Colonial Forces armed with muskets. Celestial Bronze, or whatever it was in their guns, hurt quite a bit. He had this dimmed version of the Curse of Styx, but even it could only hold so much. After around seventieth stray bulled he actually started to bleed. And the armies seemed endless. And they marched relentlessly, trying to kill the two heroes.

Percy could recognize this soldiers anyway. They were Ares personal army. The fallen who lost the battle and had to pay their debt to the god of war. "At least now it's clear who is behind this. The lord punk Mc'Punkenson himself." He joked while at the same time piercing two soldiers in traditional Arabic outfits, armed with swords. He then used the extra weight to swing his trident with more power and crush several more 'warriors of bones'. Another strike to bring down more of them who got close. He and Zoe found shelter on top of small rock formation. It was almost like a natural defense tower. The small drillhole in the middle provided cover behind which they could hide from bullets. He took onto himself taking any soldiers who climbed up to them while Zoe picked the most dangerous groups with explosive arrows.

They spotted the army while traveling high over the desert. It was unclear why Ares decided to involve himself into the war directly, but it might have had something to do with the fact that Khandaq joined Queen Bee in defensive war. It was like a civil war between villains. And it was not pretty. The pair of heroes decided that they need to stop the army from reaching the front or it would be a bloodbath. Mortal weapons are useless against 'summons of Ares' as Zoe put it. They landed on the desert in front of the army. Percy tried to create a crack that would stop them, but before he managed to split it wide enough, the soldiers opened fire. There were many warriors. Some as old as Anceint Egypt and ending on Second World War uniforms. This was also the biggest collection of Celestial Bronze weapons ever seen.

Right now, Percy fired several icicles at skeletons who were about to cut Zoe from behind. "That's all nice, but little more effort could actually be nice." She snarled while at the same time notching four arrows with orange tips and firing them all up. The bombardment created multiple holes on the battlefield. "You know, like an earthquake or a tsunami. Or at least a hurricane." She was not looking at him, but Percy could easily tell that she was frowning.

"I can't. I will need all the power I can get if Ares shows up." He did swipe a waterwhip. Hydrokinesis was the only power that did not tax him in any way if he used it in short bursts like this one. "But we can't just sit here. We can't just fight the whole army alone. We need the justice League."

"They can't help. UN will not allow it."

Percy was angry. Politics and stupid leaders yet again. Zeus was bad when he closed Olympus in panic. But now the whole world was at stake. If could, he would personally go there and drag the secretary General here to show him what they are up against, but he could not. Instead, with one hand he pulled his smartphone and started recording this fight. After about two minutes of fighting skeletal warriors, he stopped the feed. He handed it to Zoe. "Someone is stopping all transmissions. You must get it to the Justice League. Or better yet, to the UN. You are representative of Themyscira. We need to stop Ares before he does more permanent damage."

"And leave you here to have all the fun?" She protested.

"Don't worry. I can manage it here for some time. Now go get some help. May the tides be with you." He joked.

"You and your movies. Read a book once in a while." She chuckled before summoning her Moon Chariot. In seconds, she was gone.

"Now... Let's hope she convinces them fast." He took one more look at the army in front of him. "Looks like now I just need to hold the ground. There goes my plan of saving strength."

He lunged from his pillar right into the middle of approaching army, trident ready. Hurricane formed around him, tearing apart some of the closer warriors. He himself was like a hurricane, walking and slashing or piercing skeletons. A wide swipe there, a lunge there, and finally a blast of eldritch energy in front. The piles of bones and swords were everywhere. He was a demon, jumping from place to place and slaughtering the army. Trident in his hand felt like just an extension of his arm. Percy was now in full-out battle mode. His senses sharpened and his mind accelerated. The whole world felt as if slowed down. The warriors were moving sluggishly when he cut them. A series of bullets came at him, but he blocked it with his trident, only to then fire an icicle at the direction. The projectile pierced the skull of undead soldier and sent his soul back to the underworld. But the armies seemed to have no end. Percy couldn't give up now. He traveled the Labyrinth. He survived Battle of Olympus. He escaped Tartarus. He won against the Giants. And now he will beat the hell out of Ares once he shows up.

Slowly, he made his way through the army. Finally, another large rock formation was closing by. He decided to make his stand there. Desert sun and dry air slowly tired him. His mask was yet again damaged badly, no longer able to filter air. It might have as well saved his eyes, but he had to ditch it. Broken googles were too much of a hindrance so he put it away. Now his eyes were covered by his old domino mask, just to hide his identity from general public. It's not like almost every villain knew his identity anyway, right? By the rock, he finally had some shadow to at least shield him from the sun. He was fighting like wild beast, tearing apart anyone who got close. Finally, to his surprise, the attack halted. Soldiers stood still, saluting. He used the opportunity to down a vial of ambrosia. Meanwhile, in the further part of the countless legions, he notices a split. It was like the sea parting in front of him. He also noticed the horned helmet in the middle of this. Great. Now he decided to show up.

"So I see that the the god of Dumb himself finally made his appearance. Did your have a problem with finding a matching sock or maybe armor without a gaping hole in the stomach." Demigod taunted.

"You think this is funny, punk? You have no idea what kind of power I now hold. Previously, my host was fighting against me, trying to run away. He was also weak. But now? Now I have more permanent, more stable, more... obedient body. I am now even more powerful than your father!" Ares boasted while the soldiers backed away to give the two more space.

"Yeah. But you are also dumber, uglier, and generally less likable. Oh! And you stink!" Percy held his trident ready. He was constantly in battle mode, taking in all the information from around him. The air, the sand, which way the wind blew, temperature, angle of sunlight, how far from the rock he stands, where the shadow ends. Everything that would help him with the plan.

"Silence you mortal! I will make you watch how I destroy everyone you ever cared about. I will..."

"Stop talking? I already heard this speech." Percy taunted the god of war a bit more.

"You insolent...!" Ares lunged at the demigod. He was in the middle of a jump when Percy shifted his trident slighly so that the light reflected from the middle prong and hit him in the eyes, blinding him for a second. Hero used this opportunity to deliver one rather painful blow at Ares, using his weapon like a baseball bat. God of war was flung away a bit. His armor now had a dent in it, on the chest. Percy then created a minuscule hurricane that caused sand and dust to rise up and obscure the vision. Taking advantage of the confusion it created, he plunged his trident into the rock behind him, causing it to split in two. A giant geyser of salt water erupted. Percy immediately wrapped it under his control and pushed it at Ares, who was still standing there, now with his back straight. Hundreds of gallons of pressurized water slammed into the god of war. The pressure would be enough to slash through titanium block.

Percy was sure that this would weaken Ares or at least hurt him a bit, but to his surprise suddenly two beams of fiery red energy emerged from under Ares' helm. He levitated up in the air and vaporized the beam of water all the way to the source, melting some of the rocks and sealing the crack. "I told you insolent shit that I am now unbeatable. Not even your League will stop me in time. Partially because I have other things to keep them busy. I am like ten supermen."

The weight of his words hit Percy like a speeding truck. Ares was not possessing a human, but instead he took a kryptonian. Or some other strong alien. Demigod was on par with this alien race, but that still made the god of war ten times stronger than him. Why can't I just go back to fighting normal monsters. At least they didn't boast that much. He was scared. Percy felt fear. He would not win alone. "So I just need to stall you long enough for the League to deal with your 'distraction' and then come beat your ass?" He taunted, but Ares let out a chuckle.

"You don't get it, eh? By the time league manages to stop the chaos I caused, I will take control over the greatest military power. And in my name, one country will conquer all earth. Then, Earth will rule the galaxy. This and others. Once I become the living deity of the only empire in the universe, I will be omnipotent!" Ares unknowingly presented his plan to Percy during his speech, but it was not like the demigod could stop him. "You, on the other hand, will be long dead before this happens."

Ignoring the use of any weapon, the god of war dived at the hero with only his gloved fists. Given that his armor had spiky parts everywhere, one could in theory consider his hands to be a weapon by itself. Factor in ten times the kryptonian strength and you have most dangerous tool of destruction on this planted. Except the trident of Poseidon.

Percy charged his trident and fired a torrent of lightning at the god, at the same time draining all the magic, which he immediately sent back. The more he hit him with, the stronger Ares magic became. Thus, with more power he could drain even more. At first lightning was only able to slow him because of surprise, but soon, when infused with enough of his power, this attack started to actually hurt him. Letting out a roar of rage, Ares slammed his hands into the ground, sending a wave of tremors in all directions. Percy, thanks to his father's earthshaker domain, was completely unfazed. Ignoring all the rules of fair engagement, the god of war commanded all the legions to advance at Percy. Some of the skeletal warriors opened fire while others lunged at him. Percy could not stop the loop with his trident, so he was for a brief moment vulnerable for the attacks before water from around rose and formed a bubble shield. Only the tip of his weapon, from which the lightning originated, was outside. The stray bullet which managed to pass through hit him somewhere in the back. He shrugged it. There was no pain, so probably his partial invulnerability actually stopped it. At least that was for first fifteen seconds. Then, a sudden burst of burning feeling sent an involuntary convulsion through his body. The bulled did pierce his body, only he was in such a shock that nerve system didn't know how to respond. But now he fell on the ground. Immediately, all his powers died out. The bubble dropped and lightning stopped. Some of the bubble water fell onto his wound, which soothed some of the pain, but it did not heal. Stupid Imperial Gold poisoning...

"Now look at you. Kneeling before your god, eh? What do you want to say, Punk?" Ares slowly floated toward him. He was now covering the sun and throwing a shade at Percy.

"That... You... Are ind-indeed..." Percy had to cough out some blood. "indeed stupid." He finished. With the amount of magic he drained from the god of war, Percy managed to shadow travel away. He had no idea how far he could get, but he knew there was no way he could stay here for certain death.

November 14, 20:56

Robin led the squad inside the building. He, Artemis and Miss Martian were making their way through the maintenance tunnel while the rest waited outside. The preliminary scans showed nothing inside of the building, but the mere presence of this way proved that to be false. There was some sort of shielding around the building. It blocked all communication systems. That's why their Mind-link was so crucial.

"Robin. Update."

"We are moving slowly to avoid detection. So far there was no visible exit from the vent, but it was under the floor when we entered and now we are above an empty space."

"Acknowledged. We will move in on your signal. Stay vigilant"

The three heroes finally saw the end of this tunnel. It was an elevator shaft similar to the one in Cadmus official place, except ten times larger. It was designed to transport cargo and even vehicles if needed. "Jackpot!" Robin whispered. "Aqualad. We found the elevator shaft. Moving down to gather further intel. You are free to enter." He sent and fired a grappling line. This time he was prepared and had enough to get him down fifty-two levels.

Aqualad noted and together with Aquagirl, Tempest, Superboy, Kid Flash and Zatanna moved onto the target. They crushed the doors to the empty warehouse and charged in. No alarm or even a sound. It was actually more creepy this way. Either they made a mistake, or there was something not exactly right. Traveling to the point where elevator was supposed to be if they were to believe Robin's location, they found themselves in front of large wall. Conner looked questioning at their leader and Kaldur nodded. The half-kryptonian lunged at the hidden entrance and created several cracks. The whole paint job fell down, revealing giant metal gate. It was reinforced in several places and looked like a way to the most resistant bunker in the world. There was only one mismatched detail.

"The shape is strange. If they wanted to reinforce it, they should've made it convex instead of concave." Wally spoke.

"Unless they didn't want to keep anyone out, but stop whatever they kept down there from escaping!" Tula voiced what everyone thought.

"That's bad. It means whoever they keep down there is most likely dangerous and really strong. Proceed with caution." Aqualad instructed. Suddenly, everyone heard a sound of vacuum being filled with air and the gate slowly opened. Behind stood Robin and his recon squad.

"Took you long enough." He smiled. They were standing on a large elevator. "We better get moving. Someone hacked the systems before we even got here."

"Maybe we should just call the league...?" Zatanna suggested shyly, not sure how the others will react.

"Negative. They already have their hands full. Captain Atom is counting on us." Kaldur was starting to pick up on the League's current leader military jargon. "If it is something really dangerous, we will call them, but better not have them go blindly."

The whole team walked onto the platform and Robin hacked the system to get them down. This building actually only had one level still operating. All other labs were long deserted and cut from the power grid with everything directed into the lowest one. The ride was dragging for what felt like an hour, but probably was not longer than ten minutes. They were all tense. The world they knew was falling apart and they were actually scared. The three Atlanteans especially. Atlantis' current ambassador was against any intervention, but king Orin was ready to mobilize the armies if he felt that the war can spread. Same went to Themyscira. If the two mythological lands made an alliance, it might have been a sign for other great powers to do a 'preemptive strike'. With each passing hour, tensions grew even higher. The smallest incident might lead to a new world war.

Finally, they reached down. What they saw made their blood freeze. The white corridor was in ruin. The lamps were hanging loosely above their heads, some flickering while others completely disabled. Walls were sprayed with some blood. Dozens of bodies littered the floor. Automated defense was destroyed with quick strikes and guards were killed in same way. Efficient was the word. Zatanna almost threw up. She hugged closely to Robin, who awkwardly reciprocated. He was one of the few who weren't affected by this, having seen similar crime scenes in Gotham.

"It's awful. Who would do such massacre." M'gann almost cried.

"A professional." Artemis gritted her teeth. She could recognize the tactic. It was Lady Shiva. Her father took her to the assassin woman few times for a training and it was exactly what she showed her. No unnecessary moves, no overextending, no witnesses. She was eleven back then. How she grew up to become a hero was beyond her.

Tula silently made a pray to Hades to accept this stray souls and Garth gritted his teeth. This guards should not have died just like that. Death was not something they were used to. Even during Black Manta attacks, his henchmen aimed to disable not kill. There were some casualties, but this was slaughter.

"We must move. be on your guard." Aqualad commanded. This is too much like what Percy talked about...

They walked through the corridor, seeing more deceased guards and destroyed turrets. Finally, they got to the crossroad. Three ways in total opened in front of them. The trail of destruction went to the right, but from the middle one came some strange sounds and lights. The turrets were on, but they were directed to the inside. They could also spot some trigger wires and lazers, probably connected to explosives of some sort. Right one was the least suspicious and most welcoming. Miss Martian could sense several people that way, but she didn't know who it was. Deep in the middle was some animalistic mind giving strong signature. She tried reading it, but she was overwhelmed by blood lust. All info was passed over to the rest of the team.

"Okay people. Please stay in line." Wally spoke, sounding like a tour guide. "On your right, you have a further path of destruction. Should you folks choose to follow it, we will meet with a deadly assassin with no regard of human life. Middle way is ridden with deadly traps and leads to the most vicious creature you will ever encounter. Besides angry Huntress that is, but moving on. The third path might actually be safe." He ignored the glare Artemis sent him on a mention of Zoe.

"What will it be, leader?" Conner asked. He was clearly distaste by all the death around, but he didn't show it.

"After the assassin... or after the monster..." Robin presented their options, ignoring Wally clearly voting for the probably safe way.

"That decision should belong to the whole team." Aqualad decided after a moment of thought. He silently pointed to the right path. Robin, Conner, M'gann, Artemis and Garth raised their hands. "After assassin it is..."

UN Headquater
November 15, 6:16

Zoe was pissed. Gathering the whole committee took longer than she expected. Of course League could not enter foreign territory without either approval of this country leader or permission from general committee. Now she had to speak to whole bunch of cowardly politicians to save her boyfriend's life. By now he was probably already in life-or-death situation ten times worse than what she left him in. Now, she had to wait for her turn to speak while Captain Atom tired and failed to play a politician. Finally, Secretary general gave her voice. When she walked toward the microphone, she was glowing silver light and her steps created small cracks. Her patience run away long ago. But she had to keep it cool or innocents would die. And a whole bunch of politicians with them.

"Respected ambassadors. My name is Duchess Zoe Nightshade of Themyscira, the Lady of the Moon and Mistress of the Hunt, the heiress of Fair Lady Artemis, the last Huntress." She spoke all her titles like when she had the unpleasant experience of visiting some royal court during middle ages. "You've surely heard about the war between Qurac and Bialya." She started, earning a series of emotionless stares. This did not encourage her, but it did irritate her more. The silver aura flared more. "I am here to tell you that it was in fact staged from behind the scene by a dangerous criminal. His name is Ares." This earned a series of whispers and murmur going through the crowd.

"LIES!" Sumaan Harjavti, the newly appointed Quraci ambassador screamed. "Your insinuations are both harmful and false!"

"Is that so?" She asked through gritted teeth. Her voice was magnified by the series of speakers, making it sound much more menacing. There was a tingle of threat in her voice. "Then how will you explain this." The anger was masked with fake calmness, but all the ambassadors could see that she was barely holding herself back. She pressed a button on the pilot Captain Atom gave her and large screen behind her displayed the video Percy recorded. "This! Are the armies of Ares. Undead warriors marching through the sands of Qurac toward the front line. Only he can summon or command them. This is clear indication that he is involved into the war. He seeks to sow discontent between humanity and cause another great war. He lives of conflict! You must let the Justice League go there to help stop him."

"And how did you get this video?" Questioned the Markovian Ambassador.

"My Boyfriend and I were flying over the dessert when this armies attacked us." She explained truthfully.

"She admitted to breaking the regulation!" North Realasia ambassador raged. "Why do you Leaguers even come to us if you do anything you want anyway?!"

Captain Atom, from his honorary seat quickly spoke. "Miss Nightshade is in not a member, employee, nor an associate of the league. We did not sanction any mission."

"Then she should be tried as a spy of foreign power! She is an Amazon! Does Themyscira now ally themselves with criminals?!" Sumaan raged.

"YES!" Minerva, the Amazonian ambassador shouted, standing up. She was wearing usual armor and Zoe knew she had at least one weapon on her. "Ares is a war criminal and greatest enemy of Amazons. If your country is indeed allied with him, you are enemies of the Amazons and we will attack. He knows only war and must be stopped, least we want to witness war that will put Second World War to shame."

"This is an outrageous threat. You are walking on the thin ice Lady Minerva." Vlatavan ambassador warned her.

"It's Amazons' duty to stop Ares!"

"You can't declare war over baseless accusations."

"Your country did it in the past and you dare to teach us?"

"The mistakes of the past are not to be discussed here!"

"I was still there!"

The whole meeting devolved into chaos. A red mist slowly rose from the ground and slipped between arguing. They long since lost sight of the original cause or what they were discussing. They were all too busy to notice this. Zoe was the only one who saw this. Captain Atom was busy arguing with American Ambassador over his duties to country and the League. She could feel the rage overcome her, but she also knew this wasn't real. Someone put a spell on this room. Or dropped some gas. She summoned her bow and fired flashbang arrow, getting everyone's attention. Immediately, all the security guards pulled their guns and aimed at her. "Will you all just shut up?!" She screamed at the befuddled crowd. "this is what he wants. The conflict feeds him. It gives him more power. It gives him his source of life. To prolong his existence he needs conflict. Ares will die unless he manages to plunge the world into another great conflict."

"You are a liar and perpetrator. This is all some Amazons' scheme to conquer the world." American Ambassador raged.

Sumaan spoke. "I demand she be placed under arrest for espionage, misinformation, terrorist activity and threatening the lives of ambassadors."

"Threatening the lives?" She waved her bow. "The only one threatening the lives of people are you. Ares is manipulating all of you. He must be dealt with!"

"That's enough!" Secretary General stood up. "guards! Take her away."

Minerva stomped. "If you do this, it will be unlawful act against Themyscira and a declaration of war. We will retaliate!" She threatened.

"United States will not stand by against such threats. If Amazons are willing to go to war, so are we if it means stopping you!"

The room exploded into another conflict. Several guards approached Zoe, but she just flared her silver aura and they backed away. "I know my way out. Try something and it will be the last thing. I am not a member of the league and I know how to kill." She threatened. While the essence of Artemis provided her with some protection from this spell, she was not immune. The negative emotions were slowly overtaking her. She strolled, not even bothering to open the doors. She just tore them out of the frame. Outside more guards waited, but she held the two large, solid wood doors and clenched her hands, shattering them into splinters. They all made her way, not willing to risk lives just yet. She just walked.

Zoe was already at the end when one of more brave, or more stupid, guards pulled his gun and shot at her. The bullet would hit the back of her head, killing any normal person, but instead she caught it. When she let go, it was only dust. She pulled her bow and fired series of arrows, pinning every guard by his shoulder to the wall. They bled and some might have a long-lasting health problems, but she was pissed. The spell was taking better of her and she had to move. Zoe started to run, already summoning her chariot. If the league could not help her, someone else would.

November 14, 23:59

The Team closed on the assassin. They could hear some computer typing. After another turn they came upon a doors that were blown by some explosive. Inside of the room was Lady Shiva. They instantly recognized the most dangerous assassin woman on earth (in their common opinion Zoe was more dangerous after they witnessed the video of her walking through the island full of deadly assassins). She was typing something on the computer in front of the large glass.

"Don't hide back. There is no point." She spoke without turning from the computer. "I know that you are here so might as well come. I will not hurt you. Yet..." She let the threat hang in the air. Team reluctantly entered the room. They were all ready to fight her. She had her blades tucked behind the sash around her waist. "My Master specifically instructed me to not harm you unless provoked. You can as well stay here. This is probably the safest place right now." She said without much care as she typed final commands to the computer. Behind them a series of metal doors closed, locking them in the same room. The windows suddenly darkened.

Team, still cautious, walked forward and surrounded her. Somehow, it did not give them any more confidence. After what they witnessed they were shaken. This woman was willing to kill without second thought and take any chance. Wally was the first to speak. "what are you planning, Shiva?"

"My master demanded to release the beast. This facility rebelled and he ordered me to make sure his will is carried out." She spoke and they noticed there was something different. It was like she was not quite herself and she tried to fight it. The others acted on some hunch, but Artemis knew well that she was in fact not like herself. Old Shiva carried herself with more pride. This one was almost submissive...

"Who do you serve?" The green archeress asked.

"Does not matter. Now look through the glass. You are about to witness the beginning of the end. Meet... Doomsday." She pointed her hand at the chamber below. Once they looked down for the second time during this mission their blood froze. Over eight feet tall monster covered in gray skin stood in blue energy field. His neck was protected with metallic collar and he wore green pants, but besides this he wore nothing. His hands, head, chest, back, feet and knees were covered in bone-like material forming giant spikes. His mouth was filled with sharp teeth. The beast slowly walked outside of the field and toward the doors. "This room is the only place he won't destroy. He will kill everything on his way and tear apart any civilization." She spoke. This was really not like her. Lady Shiva would always limit the given information to minimum requited.

Through mind-link, Artemis spoke to Zatanna. "I think she is being controlled by some magic. Can you break this spell?"

"I can try, but I will need help."

Tula joined. "Me, Garth and Kaldur can help."

"Okay, but you must hold her down for a moment." Zatanna told them. They all nodded.

"Let's do this!" Wally spoke and dashed at Shiva with super speed. She tried to counter him, but an arrow flew past her sash, tearing it and causing her blades to fall. Superboy pulled her other hand, while M'gann made a metal cuff around her other that weighted her down. She tried to escape, but they were holding her too tight.

Zatanna walked in front of her, three Atlanteans behind her. Their tattoos glowed light blue and they all touched her back with their right hand. Young sorceress could feel the arcane power flowing through her. She extended both of her hands toward assassin. Power that was coursing through her made her eyes glow and caused her to levitate in the air slightly. "Yam cigam evael ouy dna esruc eb nekorb!" the power behind her words made the whole room shake, but it was made to withstand direct force of several nuclear explosions at point-blank range. Nothing could even scratch this walls. Shiva whirled in pain. She tried not to scream, but a small whimper escaped her. Zatanna focused more and channeled all the magic she could muster, as well as draining the power from her 'support staff'. Slowly, a black mist escaped the lips of Lady Shiva.

"You are already too late. The monster was released. He will prepare the world for my arrival. Soon, you will all fall before my power." This voice was nothing like what they knew. It was... ancient. That was the only way to describe it. Eldritch even. Whoever it was, he was older than even Ares.

A/N More awaits in the next chapter. By this point you might have noticed that I strayed far from the YJ plot. That was my goal from the beginning. Not change it outright, but rather a gradual shift. Butterfly effect if you will. It's my favorite style of crossover writing.

Regarding next story, the choice might surprise or sadden a lot of (13) people, but I decided against writing the story that had the most votes. I know it might be unfair to you, but I want something more light-hearted than an angst story about tired Overpowered Percy. I want something funny. Percy x RWBY got most votes, so that is still going to be a thing, but Winter Sea it is. This time, it will be medium power Percy as a son of certain Atleasian. He will be at more or less the same level of skill and power as Ruby. Pairing undecided, changes to canon under development, more info on my profile soon. I will make sure that he stays more or less his canon personality even in AU like this. I am also looking for a beta for it, because I would prefer to avoid so much grammar mistakes I usually do. If you want to volunteer or suggest someone, feel free to PM me.

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