He Spaced My World (Tommy Tha...

By HobbitLover13

15.3K 248 242

You are Paul Stanley's daughter, and it's your 18th birthday, and he letting you come to the show tonight and... More

Catching up and Jealously
Secrets and Promises
Guys Instead of Girls?
11:30 and Cuddles
Sneaks, Suspicions, and Dreams
Exposed Secrets, Truths and Crashes
Tommy Please
Worries and Sorrys, Lies and Friendships
Daddy Daughter Promises and Coming Home
Double Dates, Panties and Real Love Feelings
No Time, Parties and Groupies
Big Talks and Proposals
Going Public and Fights
My Drawing
Band Talks and Future Talks
Waffles, Problems and Keys
Christmas with Family

Daddy's Little Birthday Girl

2.3K 15 14
By HobbitLover13


"Hey, daadddyyy," Paul looked up and saw you skipping towards him, "have you seen my black combat boots?" You ask him wrapping your arms around his neck. Paul Stanley was you father and you are very happy that he is your father, you wouldn't ever ask for a better one. You loved him so much and he loved you just as much or maybe even more. He was the lead singer of your favorite band, KISS. It was your 18th birthday and he's taking you to one of his concerts tonight for free, not like you can get in for free anyways, but your seat is right in the front row, so he can keep an eye on you. He stopped doing his makeup for a second, and he looked up at you. You were wearing black jeans with holes in them and a black KISS crop top.

"No baby I haven't seen them, last time I saw them you had them on, please go change your shirt." He looked at you and sighed, going back to doing his makeup.

"Daddy,"you whined hitting him softly on the shoulder, "I'm 18 now, why can't I wear it?" Sighing while smiling at him messing up on his makeup where you hit his arm. "Sorry."

"Yes, I know baby but...," he started as he fixed his makeup before you cut him off. 

"You said when I turned 18, I could do whatever I wanted to do." You state rolling your eyes at him.

"I know, I know, I'm just not ready to let go of my little girl yet." He stops and looks down, softly sighing.

"Daddy, look at me," you move his head to make him look at you, "I will always be your little girl, no matter what happens to you or me. "I love you." He nods as you softly kiss his cheek.

"I love you too baby." He smiles, pulling you into a hug and kissing your temple. You hear his dressing room door open and you look up to see Gene.

"Uncle Gene!" You yelled as you got up to go and hug him. Gene Simmons is the bass player of KISS, and a really close friend of your fathers that you considered him your uncle, even though he really wasn't.

"Hey, Y/N doll." He always called you Y/N doll or sometimes just doll and you never knew why, but you just rolled with it. "Happy Birthday." He said as he pulled a present out from behind his back, you took it from his and sat down on a couch and opened it, to reveal a small rose gold necklace of your name with your birthstone at the end. You always wanted a necklace with you name engraved in it with your birthstone.

"Awe, Uncle Gene, thank you!" You got up and hugged him again.

"Your welcome doll." He hugs you back in a really tight bear hug, squeezing the breath out of you.

"You didn't have to do that." You looked at him and smiled. He smiled back.

"Y/N, when did I ever not get you what I wanted for your birthday?" He held your face to look up at him.

"Never." You sighed.

"Okay then." He kisses the top of your head and walks over to Paul, before lowering his voice that only Paul could hear.

Paul's POV

After Gene gives Y/N her birthday present, he walks over to me and whispers so that only he and I can hear.

"Hey, Tommy hasn't showed up yet, Eric and I looked all over for him." He slightly looks back to make sure Y/N wasn't listening, and she wasn't. I looked back at her also, we didn't want her upset about Bruce leaving the band, because they were close, they were like best friends and it would hurt me to see tears running down my daughters face, but I can't keep it from her for long. Being a father is probably the best thing ever in my life for the past 18 years. I loved her since the day I found out about her and will continue to love her, being a father has its ups and downs but it's all worth it in the end, it hurts to know she's 18 now and not to mention about to graduate high school and go to college. I'm glad she's my daughter and would never ask for a more beautiful and successful young woman, she's my whole world and I would risk my life, if it meant to keep her safe. And telling her about Bruce leaving is going to tear her apart and seeing her being upset makes me upset, so that's when the dad instincts kick in.

"Well, Tommy needs to hurry up and get here." I say out loud because I have to confront the truth. Y/N looks up at me and Gene talking confused.

"Who's Tommy?" She walked over and joined in on the conversation. "And where's Bruce? I haven't seen him in a while."

"Well, baby...," I stop to think for a second, before continuing, "Pumpkin, I know how much this is going to hurt you, it hurts me to have to tell you and to know the fact that you're going to be upset about it," I pause for a second and she's looking at me, "But Tommy is our new guitarist, Bru-Bruce quit." She gasped at my words and started to cry. "I know you're upset about it baby, but he had too." She looks at me tears running down her face and I get up and hug her tightly. I hate seeing my little girl cry, it breaks me,it really does, it hurts any parent to see their child cry. She looks up at me.

"Why d-did he qui-t daddy? Plea-se tell me w-hy." She asked me in-between tears and breaths.

"I'm not exactly sure baby, but he just had to leave. People do things for reasons baby, sometimes it might hurt them or others to do it, but they have to do it anyways. He said he didn't want to leave, and that he didn't want you upset about him leaving, okay?" She nods her head in my chest and I kiss the top of her head still hugging her, I smile. Just then Eric walks in with Tommy.

"Found him!" Eric kinda yells and Y/N turns around with a mascara stained face. "Now why is a girl crying on her 18th birthday?" He walks over and hugs her. "Is it because Bruce?" She nods and he hugged her tighter. "Sorry Y/N dear."

Tommy's POV

I walk in the room behind Eric and he walks up to this girl who he said it was her birthday and asked why she was crying. She looked like she was 13, but Eric said she was 18. She's looked really cute or no. HOT. Is the word, she looked absolutely hot. I've been with the guys for like a month now and never seen this girl ever in my life, but I'm glad I have now. "I'm sorry I was late," I looked at Paul, "my cab driver took a wrong turn." Okay was all he said, he sat back down in his chair and I studied her for a minute then looked back at Paul, who was staring at me. "So, this is-" I pointed at her, he nodded his head before I could finish my sentence. I see it in the face, I could tell she was his just by looking at her. I put my hand out, "hello, emm...," she noticed I was talking towards her so she turned to me.

"Y/N," she said taking my hand and shaking back, she slightly smiled. I was told about the bond between Bruce and one of their daughters, but never knew who's daughter, I wish I could just turn around and make him come back, just to never see tears run down such a beautiful face ever again, but I think I'm kinda falling for this girl. She is indeed very beautiful and I couldn't help but smile at how pretty she really was. "Well, pleasure to meet you Y/N, a very beautiful name for a very beautiful lady." I plant a soft kiss on her knuckles, smiling up at her and caught a glimpse of her smiling back. I could feel Paul really staring into my soul and I quickly let go of her hand, blushing.


He plants a kiss on my hand, and smiles at me, so I slightly smile back. He's so handsome and very charming, he lets go of my hand and looks at my dad and so do I.

"Daddy, are you okay? Your staring Tommy down pretty hard." You look back at Tommy and then back at your father.

"Yea, I'm fine." He says walking out, slipping past Tommy slowly.

"That was weird." Gene said "Shows about to start doll." He wraps his arm around my neck and we walk out. Tommy stands there not knowing what to think anymore. And I turn around and look at him. I stop.

"Go ahead Uncle Gene." I walk over to Tommy, "hey, you okay Tommy?"

"Uncle, Makes me feel better." He uttered under his breath as he looks at the floor. I looked at him puzzled.

"What'd you say Tommy?" I asked him confused.

"N- Nothing," he stuttered, "I have to get going the shows starting soon." He walks out slowly pads by me walking out the door. I shrug and walk to my spot in front of the stage. The show starts.

"HELLO, MANHATTAN! YOU WANTED THE BEST YOU GOT THE BEST THE HOTTEST BAND IN THE WORLD KISSSSSS!" I yelled along with the announcer. I screamed in excitement as the curtain dropped, they were playing my favorite song. I screamed the lyrics as loud as I can, daddy looked at me and I blew him a kiss, he smiled and turned around, as soon as he did, Tommy turned around and looked at me and smiled.

The show ended and I started backstage pass the VIP line, the security cut me off, but they let me through when they realized who I was and fans got upset that I skipped the line, one fan in particular, he got up in my face yelling.

"Who do you think you are, skipping the line like that? The line ends back there sweetheart, so start walking!" I wrinkled my nose and raised an eyebrow at him.

"First of all get out of my face," guards started to get him, but I held up my finger to tell them to wait, "Second, you don't realize who you are talking to do you..."

"Exc..." He started to say, but I cut him off.

"I'm not done," he looked at me rudely, "I'm Y/F/N Y/M/N Stanley, so watch it before I pop it." I said holding up my fist. He just stared at me before speaking, he walks closer to me wrapping an arm around my waist.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart, I didn't know, say how bout we go back to my place." He smirked at me, pulling me closer.

"How about no." I turn around and see Tommy walking towards us, he unwraps the guy's arm and replaces it with his. "She already has plans." The guy scoffed at him.

"Please, like Paul would want her to date you. You are not even the original Space-Man, you're just a copy-cat. And you are just a lying whore! I bet you're not really Paul's daughter." Tommy steps in between the guy and I. "Move it." He punches Tommy in the nose and then tries to grab me, but Tommy blocks him, I was so mad that I punched the guy in the jaw, security guards grab me and pushed me back making me fall to the ground. Next thing I knew I saw my dad come around the corner.

"What the hell is going on?!" I heard him yell. "Get off of my daughter! Go away!" He yelled at the guards, running to me.

"Daddy, he called me a whore and tried to grab me, s-so I hit him and they all jumped on me, like I did something wrong. Did I do anything wrong daddy? I was just using self defense." I choked out my words crying.

"No baby, never." He hugs me tightly. "Get him outta here, I never want to see him again!" He continues to hold me tightly. And I look up at Tommy.

"You stopped him from grabbing me" He nods and slightly smiles. Daddy looks at him.

"Thank you Tommy." My dad smiles at him, Tommy smiles back. That fucking smile just melted me inside, everything about him was so perfect. He's handsome and tall. I can't even, he's so perfect. I then realized I was falling hard for this man. Real hard. I slightly blushed. He turned around and started walking to his dressing room. Security helps me up. "Come on pumpkin." Dad smiled at me and I smiled back following him to his dressing room. I sit down on the couch and grab a magazine, allowing my father to get ready for the after party. Since I'm not old enough to go to a bar, I have to stay home and wait till daddy gets home. Gene comes in with Eric, but not Tommy.

"You ready Paul?" Uncle Gene asked walking towards him. Eric smiles at me and I smiled back at him. Eric was also like an uncle to me and it felt nice to have people close to me like that.

"Happy Birthday Kiddo." He smiled a cheeky smile knowing I hate being called kiddo.

"Eric, don't make me." I warned him. He laughs.

"I'm sorry, it's a habit."

"You're a habit." Uncle Gene walks over to him and roughly hits his back in a playing manner. Everyone laughs at Eric yelling. "Now let's get going."

"Uncle Gene, I thought you didn't drink." I stupidly gawked at him, he laughed.

"I don't go for the drinking doll," he's still laughing. "I go for the women." He stops laughing and winks at me.

"Okay, whatever." I roll my eyes. Paul walks up behind him and puts an arm around your shoulders.

"I have someone special to take you home tonight and stay with you until I get back. Okay pumpkin? Now close your eyes."

"Okay daddy." I close my eyes and I hear the door open.

"Okay, open up." I open my eyes and see Bruce standing in front of me.

"BRUCE!!" I run and jump into his arms and he catches me, he then gently sets me back down onto the floor.

"Hi Y/N. How you've been?" Tommy walks in and when he sees us and walks back out, Eric notices his actions and goes out after him.

Eric POV

"BRUCE!!" Y/N yells as she opens her eyes to see Bruce our previous lead guitarist standing in front of her as she runs and jumps into his arms and he catches her. Just then I saw Tommy walk in and look at them and walk back out, so I followed him.

"Tommy what's wrong, why di-" just as I was about to ask it hit me like a ton of bricks "You like Y/N, don't you?!" I looked at him with a smile on my face.

"Shut up Eric, no I don't." He blushed and thought he could get away with me not seeing it.

"Awee, so sweet Tom." I grinned at him and he shoots me a look.

"Shut Up!!"

"I won't tell her if you do bud, you know this. I know Y/N like she's my niece, I can help you." I nudge his arm. He playfully hits my arm. "I promise, but I can't promise how Paul will act about the fact."

"But her and Bruce,..." I cut him way off.

"Okay stop making conclusions about everything, they're not together. They're best friends." He looks at me.

"Really?" I nod "Okay." He smiles, just then the door opens and everyone one walks out.

"Everything good?" Paul looks at us and I nod. "Okay let's go then. Bye pumpkin." Paul kisses the top of her head. And Gene, Tommy, Paul and myself all head out. Leaving Bruce and Y/N.


"You ready to go home?" I look at Bruce and nod and we walk out getting into his car and head to my house. "We have a lot of catching up to do babe." He just calls me babe just because we're so close to each other. I nod.

"That we do, I have tea to spill about myself." I laugh and he joins. 

~Hello lovelies thank you for reading chapter one of my story, don't be scared to correct any of my errors, I would love to be told so I can fix it and make it a lovely story to read. I hope you enjoyed it. 😘😘 ~A~

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