The Ethereal Dragon Slayer{La...

By HeartagramXxJess

6.7K 314 20

After years of isolation and torture, Sinclaire is rescued by an exiled Laxus. Follow along as Sin adjusts t... More

The Introduction
Returning What Was Stolen
The Battle On Tenrou
Belated Valentine special
The Terror of Acnologia
Returning to Fairy Tail
Adjusting with Fairy Tail!
Our First Job!
The end of Einswick
Make a Life For Yourself
Rome wasn't built in a Day
Laxus VS The Dragonslayers
Everything's Changing
The Day Before Departure
A Trip Up a Mountain
Vicious Spars

Let's Get Through This Together

520 23 0
By HeartagramXxJess

 "So why are we in such a rush?" Sinclaire asked. After eating, Laxus made it clear they needed to get to a communications lacrima. He then had to explain what a lacrima was, since the female dragon slayer spent countless years as an unwilling hermit.

"I tied that Roalden creep to the bathroom sink, but who knows when he'll wake up and attempt to escape. I want him dealt with as soon as possible."

Sinclaire looks down, tugging Laxus' coat better around her small frame. "What if..."

"I won't let him get you." The mage turns his head away from the woman, surprised again by the things he's said to her. Sinclaire herself stared up at him in awe.

"Thank you Laxus, I mean it."

Said man clears his throat, deciding to change the subject to something he's been wondering. "So how does your magic work?"

Sinclaire was happy to answer, more emotion in her voice than Laxus has heard since they first met. "Well, Xyntheran taught me only a few spells. It's complicated magic, really hard to get a handle of it." Laxus smiled, happy to see Sinclaire with a literal bounce in her step. "I can pause time, but it makes me sleepy when I do it. The longer I have time paused, the more of my magic that's drained. Before..." Her shoulders dropped, the bounce in her step left, and her tone changed to one of indifference. "Before my world changed, I was able to pause time for 6 minutes before fainting. I'm sure it's much less now." After a pause, she looks up to Laxus, "What's gonna happen to me?"

Laxus kept his eyes ahead of them as he thought. His original plan was to drop her with the magic council, but knowing now that she's an adult and not a child did complicate things. He knew the magic council would help, but a new idea popped in his head. "You should join the guild Fairy Tail."

Sinclaire's head turned similar to a confused puppy, "What's a guild?"

"It's a place mages can join to get jobs. Fairy tail is run by my gramps, the place is known for taking in people who have nowhere to go."

"Is that the guild you're with Laxus?"

The lightning dragon slayer frowned. "I'm not affiliated with any guild. I'm..." Laxus wondered how to word it, "I'm not particularly welcome at Fairy Tail anyways. I can drop you off at the edge of Magnolia, finding the guild is easy."

Sinclaire frowned in a way similar to Laxus, "Why aren't you welcome?"

Not wanting to get into that conversation, he kept his answer short. "I'm known as a mean person there, drop it Sin."

Said woman stopped, her body posed in what could be considered a stubborn child pouting. "Mean?! You didn't have to save me, but you did! You could've left me to be the town's problem once you saved me, but I'm still here! You're not mean at all!! I don't wanna be part of something that thinks that way of you!!"

Laxus composed himself, a smirk forming as he ruffled the woman's hair. "Then I guess you'll have to tag along until we find a good place for you to fit in."

Sinclaire watched in childlike awe as Laxus used the comm lacrima. After explaining the situation, the council member gave an order for them to stay in the town they were in. They wanted to get Sinclaire's side of the story, along with chastising Laxus for doing jobs while not affiliated with a guild. It was technically illegal to do it, but they considered him more of a vigilante than a criminal. They had about 2 hours until they showed up, so after getting a small lunch, Laxus brought them to the field on the outskirts of town.

"c-come at you?!" Sinclaire stared in horror at the man.

"No offense, but I highly doubt you'll hurt me. If you wanna stick around, I need to know you can defend yourself."

The ethereal mage hugged herself, "But... I haven't used my magic in so long..."

"Then let's take it slow. I want you to stop time, take 10 steps, then release the spell."

Sinclaire looked around. She was afraid. She knew her father would be upset with her at her cowardly behavior.

"Dry those tears!"

"But -sniffle- I messed up AGAIN!" wailed an 8-year-old Sinclaire.

"So try again! You need to learn how to pinpoint exactly where the portal exits so you don't end up in a dangerous situation!"

The small girl held her hands together, "Spacial transfer" She whispered. As she separated her hands, swirls of purple and gold mist formed. Pushing her hands forward, a portal made of the colored mist appeared in front of her. Instantly she ran through it, immediately teleporting 20 feet away. This time only 2 feet away from the x in the dirt, the place she was intending to teleport to.

"Better, but not perfect. AGAIN!"

Sinclaire took a deep breath. Holding one hand out, she brings full concentration to her body. "Ethereal time hold" The air turns still, and for a moment her heart bursts with joy! Then it feels as if she was hit by hundreds of pillows at once. The spell releases and she drops onto her butt. "DAMMIT!" Sinclaire looks up, realizing what she's said.

Instead of anger, she's met with a boisterous laugh. "What happened girly?"

Sinclaire pouts. "I was surprised I was able to do the spell, lost concentration and was knocked back into the normal plane of time."

Laxus nods in understanding. "Well you were able to cast the spell, so it's a good start. Try it again."

Sinclaire took a moment to just stare at Laxus. She considered him to be quite attractive, but at the moment all she could see was his kindness. It made her wonder why a guild ran by his grandfather would be unhappy with him. Standing up, she tries again, this time keeping her mind on the spell. After 10 steps she released the spell, returning to the current time seamlessly. She looks to Laxus, joy plastered on her face.

Laxus nods in approval. "Good, let's see what else you can do."

An hour later, Sinclaire was sitting on the ground, covered in sweat and dizzy. Laxus hands her a bottle of water and a granola bar. "For having your magic sealed away for 7 years, you've got a good handle on it. Some hard training will increase your magic so you can keep up your spells longer. How's your combat training?"

Sinclaire awkwardly twists her hair in her fingers. "None... no one's ever taught me how to fight."

Laxus nods, eyes focusing behind her. "You're early."

Sinclaire quickly turns her head, seeing a small group of people in matching clothes. She's quick to scramble to her feet, rushing to stand behind Laxus. "Better than being late. Is this her?" said girl steps closer to Laxus, hand touching his back as she peeks around them.

"Will I have to talk to them alone?" She whispers.

"I'll stick by you." He whispers back. "It is, let's be quick about telling her side; she's just finished training and will need to eat soon."

After painfully recounting the last 7 years of her life(standing behind Laxus the entire time) she was now tired, hungry and melancholy.

"I'm sure we could easily find you a place that can help you back on your feet. We have a program that can help you."

Sinclaire grabs at Laxus' clothes. "You said I could stay with you!" She felt angry and betrayed.

Laxus looked to the council member, "And you will be. She has no interest in your offer, but thanks anyway."

The one seemingly in charge of the group chuckled. "Always the loner there Laxus, sudden change of heart?"

Laxus shrugs, "if there's nothing else, Sinclaire needs to eat."

As she goes to follow the council member stops her. "Are you sure you want to go with him?"

Sinclaire physically recoils from the man's touch to her shoulder. "Yes... he saved me, so I wish to stay with him for the time being."

The man eyed her with a questioning look but allowed her to rush by him to catch up with the dragon slayer. "Sir, should we just let her go with him? That is Laxus Dreyar after all."

The man sighed, "If that's where she feels safest then fine, not much we could do anyways. Let's just get to the mansion and get this over with."

After a quiet dinner at the inn, Sinclaire shut herself away in the bathroom. The bathroom had a shower and bathtub built into one, but Laxus suggested a bath for her sore muscles. Her legs were like jelly, after all, she hadn't walked this much since she first was left alone by Xytheran. As the bathwater rose, she took a look at herself in the mirror. She was never given a chance to look at herself as an adult. Her violet hair was a tangled mess, her body was much paler in comparison to everyone she's encountered, not to mention much thinner. She sighed, abandoning the mirror to sit in her bath. Now alone, the dragon slayer had a lot to think about.

What was she going to do? Relying on Laxus wasn't fair to him. That councilman said he knew Laxus as a loner, so it would make sense that he'd be ready to get her out of his hair. She took her time bathing, wanting to give Laxus some space. Maybe she should find a guild to join. That thought led her mind to Fairy Tail. What was their problem with the dragon slayer? She couldn't imagine something he could have done to make him unwelcome. Was he banned? Unwelcome felt so vague.

Finishing up and stepping out, she looked at the bag she was given by Laxus. She only had the dress and a soft shirt and shorts for sleeping inside, but all were bought by Laxus. How could she pay him back? Everything felt like it was too much, leaving the female exhausted. She dresses, drags her body out the bathroom and to the shared room, right to her bed where she drops her body face-first into.

Laxus lets out a chuckle, "Day been that rough?"

She faces him, "So much... activity."

Laxus nodded, "Well hopefully it slows down. I'm thinking we head South, villages near or on mountains are prone to monster problems, it could make good training."

Sinclaire audibly gasped, "Training? You mean me?"

Laxus avoided eye contact, "I mean you don't have to."

Sinclaire fully sat up, smiling ear to ear, "I'd love to train! I gotta pull my weight somehow, this could be a great start!"

Without another word, Sinclaire crawled into bed, falling asleep so fast Laxus was almost impressed. Rolling his eyes, the mage walked towards the bathroom to prepare for bed himself.

For a month Laxus and Sinclaire traveled the southern mountains of Fiore. Sinclaire went to bed ragged every night, insisting Laxus teach her combat skills, along with how to incorporate her magic into it. Laxus wasn't much of a teacher, but Sinclaire was a fast learner. They constantly sparred, Laxus making a point to sneak up on her to push her down. Like clockwork Sinclaire would turn and sit on her butt, a glaring pout resting on her face.

"ass." she would mutter, then pounce at him like a wild cat. A spar lasted until Sinclaire wore out, the spars lasting longer and longer as the month passed. Her punches grew stronger, her kicks faster, and interestingly enough she became quite skilled at reading a persons' movements.

There was talk of a group of bandits a few towns over, robbing merchant carts trying to bring inventory to the small villages that reside in the mountains. Laxus figured it would be a good practice if she trained on others, a group of bandits sounding perfect.

The two dragon slayers walked side by side, Sinclaire always a step away, taking in a nice day. The sun was warm, the breeze pleasant on their skin. Sinclaire had her hands crossed behind her head, admiring the trees as the forest thickened.

"I smell crap." The ethereal dragon muttered.

Laxus chuckled, looking at her from the corner of his eye, "We're close then. Who's taking charge?"

Sinclaire blushed, "I'll be back up okay?"

Not wanting to overwhelm the reserved woman, Laxus increased his steps, deciding that direct contact will bring the most fights out, giving him a chance to see how well Sinclaire took in their training. A large and burly man was the first to appear from the treeline, a cocky smirk on his face.

"Today just isn't your day fella."

Laxus quirked his eyebrow, "Is that so?" It was easy enough to count out the general amount of bandits still in hiding thanks to his dragon senses. They all shifted around, already expecting a fight to start. Sinclaire had chosen to hide in a branch above eyesight, no doubt taking in the situation.

"Why don't you go ahead and pay the crossing tax. I'll be kind, how about a mere 1,000 jewel, a discount really."

"I'm not paying that, so move aside old man"

The man's face twisted in red anger. "WHY YOU PUNK!"

He lunges towards Laxus, who stood there looking unimpressed. A swirl of gold and purple appears in front of him, Sinclaire stepping from the mist and landing a perfect undercut to the bandit leaders jaw. He flew a good 10 feet away, a cloud of dust forming from his heavy impact. He didn't get up, and a good 15 men step out of the trees, clearly enraged by what had happened to their boss. They circled the dragon slayers, planning to attack all at once. Sinclaire didn't give them a chance, bringing her hand up,

"Ethereal time hold." The world around her stopped, and she rushed forward. Taking a high kick, she knocked one man into a tree, his rigid body hitting the tree with a crack. Pivoting she lands a firm punch to another's stomach, his also rigid body crashing into two others. She then allows time to return to normal.

The man who hit the tree was out cold, the other three in a groaning pile. "What the hell?" One of the men yelled, unable to see what happened to his comrades. "It was her!" Another yells. They turn their attention to the violet haired woman, but two were taken out by Laxus's lightning-fast reflexes. Sinclaire focuses on one bandit, charging at him with determined eyes. An orb of purple and gold surround her fist, though unlike the mist when teleporting, this one crackled and sparked, like a cluster of sparklers. When she lands a hit on his cheek, the ethereal magic surrounding her fist burns the bandit's skin. Not allowing the man to retaliate, she pauses time again, jumping behind him and returning to normal time to give a surprise kick to his lower back. He also slams into a tree, so she focuses on the pile of men who have returned to their feet.

"Ethereal shock!" She shouts, the sparks surrounding both her fists stronger than before. The force of magic surrounding her as she slammed her fist into the frontman reverberated strong enough to throw all three men into trees, none getting back up.

Laxus took down another four; it was two dragon slayers against the remaining five. The bandits looked around, the majority of their group unconscious. One turned, cowardly running, only to be shocked by a strong current. The four look to each other, before dropping down to their knees, "SPARE US!"

Sharing a look, the dragon slayers silently lay out the rest of the plan. Pausing time once more, Laxus shocks the last of the bandits. Laxus gave her an approving nod. "Still doing good?"

Sinclaire clapped in joy, "We kicked their asses!! I don't feel completely drained either!"

Laxus grins, pride was written all over his face. "Well then, let's search the area for all the things the bandits stole. If possible I want to reach Delphora before sundown."

Sinclaire agreed, excited to return the stolen goods to the townsfolk. It took no time at all locating 2 carts full of non-perishable foods, hygiene products, cleaning supplies and medicine. Gasping in delight, Sinclaire turns to Laxus.

"I have a spell for storing things!"

Laxus quirks his eyebrow, "Then why have a backpack?"

The female blushes, "Well... You gave it to me so I like using it..." Shaking her head, she stands in front of the first cart. "I wanna fully concentrate on this, can you push the carts in the portal? I can only create one personal rift so I'll always be able to open and close the right one!"

Laxus agrees, grabbing onto the handles of the cart and waiting for the portal to appear. Entering the portal, Laxus walked into a nearly empty room. He was fully surrounded by a purple and gold haze, though it seemed to follow him wherever he went. Placing the first cart down, Laxus exits the portal and takes a look at the ethereal dragon slayer. "still doing okay?" The said girl nodded, so Laxus repeats with the second cart. Once safely out, Sinclaire lets out a breath of air as she drops onto her bottom.

"Whew, that training has really helped! No way I could've held out that long when we first met." Laxus didn't want to admit, but seeing her fangs gleam in the sun as she gave a toothy grin made him grin as well.

"Well there's about 2 hours of walking until we reach Delphora, think you can manage it?"

In the month that the two have known each other, there are many things Laxus have noticed about Sinclaire, one being her love for a challenge. If he wonders she can do it, she pushes herself to do it. He almost feels bad for taking advantage of it, almost.

Sinclaire jumps up, "Manage it? Try to keep up!"

Laxus shakes his head, following the exuberant dragon slayer.

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