The Line Between Living and D...

By Wayward_demigod

169K 4.6K 633

The night the Particle Accelerator exploded was a terrible one. Dozens of people were killed and even more we... More

The Particle Accelerator
Seeing Through the Veil
Coma Boy
Dead Woman Walking
Testing Limits
A World of Pain
Saying Goodbye
Welcome Back, Barry Allen
The Fastest Man alive
The Flash's Debut
Leveling Up
True Feelings
A City Full of Metas?
The Streak
Growing Stronger
The Mist
Not Everyone Is Made To Be A Hero
Family Drama
The Aftermath of Death
Captain Cold
A New Hero In Town
Training is Stupid
Blissfully Buzzed
OK Boomer
Where's My Name?
First Date
The Opposite of Well-Adjusted
The Road to Healing
Sitting on the Sidelines
Cosplay Party
That's New
Back to Business
He Broke It
Hero Training
Angry Barry
The Man in Yellow
Face to Face
Christmas Confession
Quarter-life Crisis
Captain Cold Returns
A New Rogue
Scarlet and Violet
A Master Plan
Bad Decisions
Two Battles
Coming Clean
Burning Man
Honestly Breaking Up
Mushroom Cloud
Eiling the Pest
Substitute Dinner
Facility 27
Team Flashtex
Awkward Bowling Date Night
Mark Mardon
Lunch And Realizations
Captain Down
I Love You
Endings and Hopeful Beginnings
No Regrets
Patience Is A Virtue

Awards and Robberies

3.1K 89 17
By Wayward_demigod

Dani met up with Iris and Barry fifty minutes later at the University building named after Simon Stagg. The back part of her blue, high-low dress flowed behind her as she entered the building. Her eyes scanned the crowd for her friends.

Barry and Iris stood close to the stage. They had gotten there just a few minutes before Dani and Barry was waiting anxiously for her to show up. He hadn't gotten to spend any time with her since he woke up from his coma.

Barry glanced back to the doors for the millionth time. He started to shift his gaze when he noticed Dani entering. Barry stared at her in awe.

Iris realized that Barry's attention was elsewhere when he never answered her. She followed his gaze and smiled when she found Dani. It was obvious that Barry had a crush on her and Dani used to like Barry in highschool. So, Iris made it her mission to get the two together.

"Dani!" Iris called.

Dani turned, smiling at her friends. "Hey." She greeted.

"I'm glad you actually made it." Iris teased.

"Just because I had a big fight with my brother in a public space about my dead mother doesn't mean I've suddenly become a recluse." Dani rolled her eyes.

"I know but Zander was pretty harsh." Iris gave Dani a sympathetic look.

"Thank you for saying that, but the more we talk about this the closer I get to busting out in tears." Dani let out a shaky laugh.

Barry smiled slightly at her laugh. He hadn't taken his eyes off Dani since he spotted her and it was starting to become obvious.

Dani noticed Barry's gaze from the corner of her eye. "Is everything okay? I don't have any gray patches in my hair do I? I had to use dry shampoo today." She started to panic.

"What? No. No, you just, uh, you look beautiful." Barry stuttered.

A shy smile fell onto Dani's lips. "Thanks, Barry. You look pretty great yourself."

The award presenter announced Simon Stagg's name, grabbing the trio's attention. They all turned to the stage along with the audience, applauding, and giving Stagg their attention as he accepted his award.

"I find it quite remarkable, having once been a timid freshman at Central City University, to be standing before you now as the regents choice for man of the year. While I very much appreciate the award, the real honor for me is knowing that my work in organ transference helps give people a second chance at life. Thank you all very much for coming." Simon Stagg raised his award then was escorted off stage by his head of security.

"Okay. All right, first thing's first... Simon Stagg's in cellular cloning has led to huge advancements in the future of organ replacement..."

"Ooh!" Iris spotted a champagne tray. She grabbed three. "Are journalists allowed to drink on the job?"

"Their friends are," Dani answered, grabbing one of the glasses and downing it.

Barry took the other two away, placing them on a nearby table. "Okay. If you are bored already, just wait till we get to the science behind cellular regeneration."

Dani snuck her arm behind her friends, grabbing one of the glasses Barry put down. She moved back over to the other side of Iris.

"I have missed this you guys." Iris linked her arms with her friends'. "I feel like we haven't spent any quality time together since you woke up from your coma." She looked at Barry.

"Yeah, I've had a crazy few weeks, I know."

"I thought maybe you'd been avoiding me because of Eddie."

Dani's head shot towards Barry. "You know?"

"You know?" Barry furrowed his eyebrows at Dani.

"How do you think Eddie got Iris's number?" Dani gave Barry a playful smile.

"I know you think it's wrong, me dating my dad's partner, and I just--" Iris started ranting. 

"No. That is not it. At all." Barry shook his head.

Barry went to say more when Iris noticed Simon Stagg approaching. "Oh! Oh! Mr. Stagg, I was wondering if I could get a quote from you for my article." She asked.

"Not now, Miss." The bodyguard told Iris, escorting Stagg out of the building.

"I'll just make something up." Iris shrugged.

Barry and Dani laughed at her comment.

"So... what were you going to say?" Dani turned to Barry. He gave her a quizzical look. "You looked like you were about to say something."

"Yeah--" Barry started to speak but gunshots rang throughout the room.

The trio looked back to the stage where six masked and armed gunman aimed their weapons at the crowd. Everyone crouched down, hoping to avoid getting shot.

"Quiet down! All of you!" One of them yelled.

"Oh my god." Iris gasped. She gripped onto Barry's arm. They sunk to the floor. 

Dani still stood. Anger flashed in her eyes and she wanted nothing more than to beat each of those gunmen to a pulp. But she couldn't use her powers. Not in the open like this.

"Dani," Barry whispered, motioning for her to get down. He didn't want her getting hurt.

Dani reluctantly got down, keeping her eyes trained on the gunmen.

"Quiet!" The same man yelled. "How considerate! You're all wearing your finest jewelry! Almost like you knew we were coming to rob you! Now everybody line up!" He ordered.

The crowd did as they were told, tossing their expensive possessions into the bags held by the other five gunmen. Iris and Dani tossed their own things into a bag as one of the gunmen walked by.

Barry stepped forward. Planning on going after them but Iris stopped him.

"Don't. Don't." She said.

As the gunmen tried to leave, a security guard ran out. "Freeze!" He yelled. All six gunmen turned around simultaneously and aimed at the guard. "D-Drop your weapons!"

The gunmen fired. Barry ran forward, grabbing the security guard and bringing him into the stairwell. Then he went outside to try and catch the gunmen but yet another dizzy spell came over him. However, this time Barry actually passed out.

* * *

"Barry. Barry." Iris called. She and Dani were leaning over him.

"Barry!" Dani waved her hand in front of her friend's face. Barry jumped, Dani's voice scarring him as he came to.

"We turned around and you were gone. What happened? Are you okay?" Iris questioned.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I... I went after them to try and get the plates. And I... I fainted." Barry sighed.

"You fainted?" Dani asked, doubtful.

"Yeah," Barry answered slowly.

"Barry, you need to get on a treadmill more." Dani shook her head, helping him up.

The trio went inside, meeting Joe and Eddie.

"Hi." Iris smiled at her dad and boyfriend.

"Iris." Eddie nearly gasped.

"Where were you?" Joe asked Barry.

"Dad, go easy. I found him outside. He fainted." Iris explained.

"Do you want me to get you a paramedic, Allen?" Eddie offered.

"No, I'm fine. Thanks, Eddie." Barry said.

"Dani, are you okay?" Zander ran up to the group.

Dani turned around. "Zander, I'm fine."

"I was so worried about you." Zander hugged his sister tightly.

"We need to talk," Dani whispered in his ear. Zander stepped back, a confused look on his face. "Excuse us," Dani told the others. leading her brother outside.

While Dani and Zander left to go have a private conversation, Joe pulled Barry off to the side after hearing the security talk about being wooshed outside.

"You chased those gunmen didn't you?"

"Yeah, they must be the same guys that knocked over the gun shop earlier today," Barry said.

"And what were you going to do when you caught them? Huh? Ask them nicely to pull over? You're not bulletproof. Wait. Are you?" Joe stopped walking.

"No, but--"

"Okay. No more heroics. Chasing bad guys is not your job. It's mine. You're not a cop. Promise me." Joe gave Barry a stern look.

"Promise." Barry gave in.

"And you know Iris and Dani aren't stupid. Start making better excuses than 'I fainted'." Joe pointed at Barry.

"Wait. You want me to keep this a secret from Dani now, too?" Barry asked.

"Hell, yeah. If you tell Dani about your powers then she is going to blab to Iris. And I doubt that her dad or brother would appreciate you bringing her into all this." Joe started to walk off. "So keep your mouth shut."

Outside, Zander and Dani were standing to the side of the front doors. And Zander was trying to apologize to his baby sister.

"Dani, I am so sorry about earlier. I was just mad and I shouldn't have yelled at you."

"You don't need to apologize, Zander. You were right. I was smothering you because it was the only real distraction from what I was feeling. And I'm sorry for putting you through that the past few months."

"Uh, thanks," Zander said. He never imagined he'd get an apology from his sister.

"Okay, so now that that's out of the way... I saw something. Earlier." Dani changed the subject.

"What kind of something?" Zander furrowed his eyebrows.

Dani glanced around, making sure no one was around. "I'm not quite sure yet, but I think it was another meta-human."

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