The Thief's Stolen Heart

By Gingerassassin

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Adalynn Caine. The daughter of a rich man. Reece Graves. The con who wants her money. She is his next target... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one

Chapter Thirteen

410 21 2
By Gingerassassin

Miss Sanders hummed softly to herself as she strolled into the mansion, studying the schedule on her tablet. She had the morning off and she felt much better starting work with a break.

But her mood was gone the moment she received a message from Mr. Caine. Adalynn was sent home today for behaving like a heathen. I need you to make sure she gets some dinner. But first put her in the library to finish what she wasn't able to at the office. She still has work to do. I don't want to see her for the rest of the day. Ensure that.

Miss Sanders silently cursed her boss. She would have been long gone if it weren't for Adalynn. She fell in love with the little girl when she got the job as her nanny when she was just six years old. Then Mrs. Caine passed away and she couldn't leave the girl's side.

Based on the message, Mr. Caine had obviously sent Adalynn home and she was most likely in her room.

Miss Sanders made her way to Adalynn's room. She knocked once softly to show that it was her and pushed the door open. "Adalynn-" she stopped.

Adalynn was sound asleep in bed with Reece Graves asleep beside her. Their fingers were laced together and Reece's other arm was wrapped around her, hugging her close to him.

Miss Sanders smiled and silently closed the door again. She would follow her orders later. Right now Adalynn was peaceful, and she needed it.

* * *

Lynn was slowly beginning to wake up, but she just didn't want to. She snuggled further into her fluffy pillows and breathed in deeply. The scent that filled her nose was warm and comforting. A smell that wasn't normally in her bed.

She went still as she realized why she was so warm and comfortable. Reece.

Her face was against his chest and his arm was wrapped around her tightly. Their legs were tangled together, even though Lynn remembered being the only one under the blankets.

A blush warmed her cheeks but she didn't dare move. She didn't want to. Reece held her while she had cried, listened when she rambled.

Warmth spread through her heart as she looked up at Reece's peaceful, admittedly adorable, sleeping face. He was such a mystery, yet he was so kind and gentle, so understanding.

Without fully realizing what she was doing, Lynn's free hand, that wasn't holding Reece's, moved to his dark hair and she ran her fingers through it gently. It was mesmerizingly soft and unruly. Why was he so good looking and sweet at the same time? That wasn't a thing. No one was handsome and sweet.

"Lynn, that's dangerous." Reece's soft voice rumbled sleepily. His eyes were still closed, but he was definitely awake.

Lynn's face flushed a little but a smirk tugged at her lips. "Oh, this is?" She ran her fingers through his hair a bit deeper.

Reece's eyes slowly opened, sending sparks through Lynn's body as he seemed to look into her soul. "Yes, it is. Stop it, unless you're willing to test my limits." His eyes were teasing, yet there was a glint of seriousness as well.

Lynn played innocent. "Whatever do you mean, Toad? I'm just admiring the work your shampoo has done."

"Lynn... You're killing me here." He grabbed her wrist, stopping her. "Teasing like that isn't always the best idea. Unless you're okay with consequences." His eyes moved to her's, sending her heart thundering.

Reece was loving the blush blooming across Lynn's face. It was adorable and it definitely made him not think completely straight.

"Oh, and how was I teasing?" Lynn breathed. She would bet her life that Reece could feel her heartbeat.

Reece raised an eyebrow. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. You're doing this on purpose."

"Am I?"

Reece propped himself up on his arm so that he was looking down at Lynn. "Yes you are, and it's not fair."

Lynn bit her lip. "Well life isn't fair."

Reece's eyes locked onto her lips. Lynn's heart seemed to jump, and she couldn't seem to blink, let alone move.

"There is fairness in the world, Lynn."

"Really? I don't believe you."

His lips moved into a smoldering smirk. "I'll prove it." He moved so that he was above Lynn, and before he could think about what he was doing, his lips brushed against hers, just barely. "Is this okay?" He whispered against her mouth.

Lynn's heart stopped, but her actions didn't. Her hands were instantly in his hair as she pulled him down and kissed him. His hand moved to the back of her neck while the other kept him up from completely crushing her.

Lynn's heart was soaring. Damn, Reece can really kiss.

Reece was completely drawn in by this wonderous girl. He was definitely in trouble now. Her hands in his hair was driving him crazy and he seemed to melt to her touch.

Everywhere he touched Lynn could feel electricity sparking. For being such a gentle guy, he could really kiss.

Mr. Graves would be furious that he wasn't doing his job.

At the thought Reece pulled away, breathing heavily as he stared down at Lynn.

Her chest was heaving from the breathless kiss. He looked so good, even with his hair completely messed up from her hands.

For a moment neither of them moved as they stared at each other. Emotions were flying wild. Reece knew that he more than likely made a mistake, but he was not regretting it, which had to be worse. Lynn couldn't believe that she actually kissed him. He was so good to her, but... she couldn't tell if it was wrong.

"Wow." Reece finally breathed. "You've been holding out on me, Princess."

A smile broke over Lynn's features. "Forget the Princess and the frog, she needed a Toad."

Reece wrinkled his nose. "A better analogy wouldn't have made it sound so gross."

Lynn laughed. "You're probably right."

"Probably? Of course I'm right."

"Okay, you're right. Happy?"

Reece grinned. "Never better." He moved down to kiss her again, but a knock sounded at the door, stopping him, which was probably good. He breathed out a sigh. "Damn. Interrupted."

Lynn blushed deeply. If they weren't bothered... She knew what could have easily happened.

Reece moved away from her and off the bed. He quickly fixed his hair. "Why did you have to leave evidence?" He whispered teasingly.

Lynn chuckled as she sat on the edge of the bed. "Who is it?" She called.

Miss Sanders poked her head into the room. "Dinner is ready."

Lynn's mood immediately dropped as she remembered the awful things her father told her that day.

"It's in the kitchen, don't worry, Lynn." The nanny assured. "And Reece, your grandfather is looking for you."

Reece's mood fell as well, and guilt and confusion shot through him. If things were complicated before, it was definitely bad now. He wasn't going to tell his grandfather anything, but his feelings were more tangled than headphones left in a pocket.

"Oh, good. We'll be right down, Mama."

Lynn got up and stretched. "You talk about bad hair, Reece, mine is now a rats nest." She walked over to her bathroom and grabbed her hairbrush.

Reece leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. "Hey, did you want to talk about today? Why you came home crying?"

Lynn's throat tightened. "Um... I was bored today at the office. I was dancing and singing when I was supposed to be working. My dad walked in without me noticing and saw me." She stopped as her lip quivered ever so slightly. "He told me I'm a disappointment, that I'm not worthy to be his daughter. He doesn't want to see me the rest of the week."

Reece's blood heated. "What? Is that true?"

Lynn nodded and wiped a tear away.

Reece crossed the room and wrapped her in his arms. She hugged him back, setting her forehead on his chest. "None of that is true, Lynn. You're an amazing woman who goes through tough shit every day without showing it. You're strong and beautiful, don't let his words poison how you see yourself."

Lynn let out a slow breath. "I know. I just wish I know what I did so wrong. I've tried so hard my entire life, and he only sees disappointment."

"Maybe you should talk to him. Get him in a room where there won't be interruptions." Reece suggested.

Lynn shook her head. "I haven't really talked to him for a long time. I don't think he'd listen."

"Then make him listen. Something needs to change, Lynn. This can't continue."

"I know." She pulled back and smiled up at him. "Thank you, Reece. For... a lot of things."

He smiled. "That was a bit vague and cryptic. But you're welcome. Now, I'm hungry, and you probably are too."

Lynn nodded. "Yes I am. Let's eat in the kitchen."

"That's the plan. Come on, Princess. We'll get ice cream with it."


( ꈍᴗꈍ) I am so happy with this chapter. I love it so much. Anywho, hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

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