Hazbin Hotel x reader one-sho...

By NefariousLacuna

82.5K 1.1K 677

I'm sorry for making so many stories and not being able to finish them :( I just recently found out about Haz... More

Alastor x Narcoleptic! Fem! reader
Yandere! Alastor x Shy! Female! Angel! reader x Yandere! Angel Dust
Request Page!
Alastor x Male! Powerful! reader
Sir Pentious x reader {Fluff}
Dating Sir Pentious would include...
Dating Lucifer would include....
Angel Dust x Quiet! reader
Alastor x Female! Dream demon! reader
Lucifer x Powerful! Female! reader
Husband! Alastor x Kidnapped! reader

Sir Pentious x reader

4.2K 51 9
By NefariousLacuna

Requested by: Minepearl 


         Today was a rough day for me. I woke up without Pentious in bed with me, it tampered with my mood a little but not a lot. Then once I arrived at the job I'm working at, my boss was being all pissy about everything I do.

It was hard to not snap at him, but I managed to swallow down my anger and replace it with a smile. It seemed to piss him off more.

I walked to the air ship with a frown on my face, I swear one more bad thing will make me cry. I looked over at a rock and walked over it. If I tripped, I would've bawled in public and nothing would make me stop.

I sighed deeply and climbed on the ladder that connected with the ship, I pulled myself up and felt the chilly air rush at my face. I inhaled the scent of wet grass before entering the ship, it was unusually quiet with all of the eggs bustling around.

"Hey miss/mister boss!" an egg greeted with a cracked smile. 

"Hey..." I replied with a tired voice, "Where's Pentious?"

The eggs glanced at each other before one perked up, "He's working on an invention! How amazing is that?"


"Very intelligent indeed!"

I huffed out silently before stifling a yawn, and trudged over to where my husband usually worked at. And I was correct. 

He was hunched over with blueprints scattered on his desk, he paused on what he was writing, seeming to know that I was there. He then continued writing.

"Hey, darling," he greeted with a similar tired voice.

I walked over and wrapped my arms around his neck, he leaned into my touch but didn't pause what he was writing. I peeked at the blueprints and saw that he was inventing yet another thing to acquire territory.

"Why don't you take a break? You seem tired," I said to persuade him to bed, or at least to hug me. All I want at the moment was his cold arms wrapping around my body.

But he refused with a shake of his head, "I'm almosssst done."

I frowned with an upset look, my chest tightened but I exhaled shakily in order to level myself. "Okay," I answered and kissed his cheek before retreating to our shared bedroom.

I wiped my eyes and plopped on my bed, the stress from the events that happened today seemed to dawn on me. I cried softly, not even a sound came from my lips, from the occasional sniffs it was completely quiet.

I had this urge to punch something, to tear something, anything. But I pushed the strange urge down, in case I do take part in them. I knew Sir Pentious wouldn't be too happy about that.

I sat up and covered my face with my hands, shaking my head softly, I gripped my hair tightly. 

A hand forced me to release my hair, I looked up and was met with a familiar pair of eyes. I quickly wiped my eyes and straightened my hair.

"If you really wanted me to take a break, you ssshould have sssaid ssso," Pentious uttered softly, he wiped my tears away and joined me in bed.

"I-It wasn't that," I exhaled harshly, "today is just a bad day."

Pentious hummed softly, not really having the best experience on comforting people. He glanced over at me before placing his head in his hand, deep in thought. 

I managed to calm myself before I broke down crying again, but now I say awkwardly in silence while Pentious zoned out. His eyes were keened, almost shut. It was hard to tell what he was thinking about, but then a smile formed on his face.

He slithered off the bed with his hands on his hips, "Enough with thisss mushy ssshit! Come join me for a movie!"

It wasn't much, but the act made me smile.

"Sure," I agreed and joined him while he slithered out to grab some items.

He hummed softly while he packed snacks under his arm, he then ordered me to pick out a few movies for us to watch. I easily chose two scary movies and one funny movie, knowing that he'd have nightmares if he fell asleep after watching a horror movie.

I followed him back to the bedroom once he grabbed a few drinks for us. I showed him my picks, which earned me a tired sigh, I simply laughed at the sad expression on his face. He soon started laughing too.

 I eagerly crawled on my side of the bed and pushed myself inside the sheets, Pentious was left with the task on putting in the movie and arranging our snacks. He didn't seemed to bothered by it.

He popped in my favorite movie inside the CD player, which laid below the mounted TV, and started the movie. He slithered back to bed and laid beside me before placing his hat on the end table, he let out an exhausted sigh. I chuckled and shuffled to his side, he instinctively swung his arm around my shoulders.

I munched on peppermint bark while the movie began to commence. 

I felt his head plop on mine before his lips kissed my hair, I smiled and pressed myself closer to him. He seemed content with the position, hell, even happy if I was able to see his face.

The stress of the day washed away along with my fruitless tears, all it took was some attention from my boyfriend. I grasped his hand and hugged it to my chest. 

I hoped he knows the effect he has on me. 

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