Alastor x Narcoleptic! Fem! reader

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       Narcolepsy means that you fall asleep basically everywhere =o=


~Y/n's POV~

  After the major fail with the interview Charlie had with Katy Killjoy, the ride to the hotel was considerably tense between Vaggie and Angel. She was extremely pissed off and Angel was being insolent as ever, brushing off her curses and concerns from his shoulders.

    You, well, were sleeping beside Angel. Head plastered on the window of the limo, softly breathing, and hands clasped tightly with each other. Non-problematic. You have a condition called Narcolepsy, which you've endured ever since you lived and still have to endure now.

    You weren't much help with the hotel since you dozed off a lot, Vaggie scolded you many times just like she does to Angel, but once she figured out you weren't pulling her leg about your sleep condition, she left you off the hook.

    It was wondrous that you didn't stir by Vaggie's screams, maybe you were simply used to her scolding Angel, or either you were too tired to care.

~Time skip~

       When the driver parked next to the hotel, you were still quiet on the window. Vaggie and Charlie slipped out without a word, both still upset about the current event, so Angel was left with the task of waking you.

Angel Dust shook your shoulders with two of his arms, "You gotta' wake up, sweetheart, we're here."

   Your eyes slid open gradually, upon seeing Angel's attempts at waking you, you groggily walked out of the car and stretched. Popping a few joints in the process.

"How did the interview go?" you yawned, palming your eyes before running your fingers through your hair to tame it.

"Absolute shit, I guess. Char was all upset when it was ova'," Angel shrugged.

"Oh, sorry I fell asleep."

"You can't help it, sugar tits."

~Time skip~

     You entered the hotel and walked towards the fridge for anything to soothe your dry throat. Angel was beside you as well, bent in a ninety-degree angle, plausibly for the same thing.

    "No drinks?" you muttered tiredly, not hearing a remark Angel said before drifting off to sleep. You stumbled a bit, feet tripping over each other, but caught yourself once you had a Popsicle in your hand.

   Sucking the liquid from the Popsicle, you felt relief once the pain in your throat lowered to a manageable state.

      Leaning against the corner of the room, an awkward yet soothing silence overtook you. Rocking you much so that you fell asleep in the corner, still standing, and with a Popsicle loose in hand.


That didn't wake you, surprisingly, but it most definitely took the other's attention away from each other.

Charlie bounded at the door, opening it with curiosity and excitement.


Charlie slammed the door shut with a panicked expression on her face, but opened it once more to check if it was true.


She slammed it again and skidded it across the room to grab Vaggie's attention.


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