Twice as Bright Yang Xiao Lon...

By Raikishin

24.6K 502 236

It is the 43rd Vytal Festival as Y/n and his team prepares to win it all but will all go as planned while ene... More

Round One (Vol 3)
Brawl in the Family
Lessons Learned
Never Miss a Beat
Fall Maiden
Battle of Beacon
Heroes and Monsters
End of the Beginning
After the Fall

New Challengers

2.2K 49 32
By Raikishin

Sitting with your team in the stands, the match with team JNPR vs BRNZ is underway. Both teams at the moment seem to be at a standstill mostly due to Jaune trying to figure out team attack names. You facepalm at this as members of team BRNZ stare at their opponents in confusion and annoyance.

You: Only Jaune would try to pause a match just to figure out a team attack name.

Yang: Come on its not so bad.

You: Whatever you say Freezerburn.

Yang playfully elbows you in the ribs, looking back down at the arena team BRNZ has finally gotten fed up with waiting on JNPR the monitors zoom in so the audience can hear.

Brawnz: (finally calling out to them) Hey! (Team JNPR looks back with a collective "Huh?") What do you think you're doing!?

Jaune: (as if it's extremely obvious) Trying to have a team meeting, thank you very much!

Nora: Yeah! Team ears only! (points to her own ears to demonstrate)

Brawnz: (looks at his shrugging teammates before he goes back to yelling) WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF A FIGHT!

Jaune: (turning back and screaming even louder) AND WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF A CONVERSATION! WHAT DON'T YOU GET ABOUT THAT!?

Pyrrha: Um, Jaune?

Jaune: (annoyed) Yes, Pyrrha?

Pyrrha: I think that he means that we're all in the middle of a fight.

The sound of the crowds around them come back in full volume as Jaune remembers the real situation.

Jaune: Ugh... (putting his sword up to his forehead in exasperation) Nora, just... hit them with the hammer.

Nora: (gives one more evil smirk) Got it.

Brawnz: Wait, what?!

Before anyone can react, Nora jumps over in front of Team BRNZ, then brings her hammer around to collide with all four screaming fighters as they soar straight into the forcefield surrounding the arena's rim, sliding down to the ground with arms and legs in bent positions they really shouldn't be.

Port: And with that, it appears Team JNPR wins by knockout, literally! ...Can someone go make sure they're okay?

You: (staring at the bodies of team BRNZ limp bodies) Remind me to never make Nora mad, I think she actually broke their legs.

Ty: Seriously is that even legal?

Akio: Thats the Vytal tournament for you, it's a pastime of broken dreams and broken legs.

Port: Team NDGO of Shade is certainly a crowd favorite, but these lovely ladies are going against some of the toughest, testosterone-filled teammates we've seen so far! I'm of course talking about... Team SSSN! Sun Wukong and his team are certainly a force to be reckoned with, and although he'll be representing the Mistral Academy of Haven, I'm sure his friends and family back in Vacuo will be cheering him along!

Team SSSN walks into the center of the field, waving to the cheering crowds as they do so.

Weiss: (cupping her hands to call out) Good luck, Neptune!

Neptune: (his waving continues until he spots his four beautiful opponents, which causes him to develop a confident attitude as he addresses them) Ladies.

You felt a sudden chill in the air, you turned to see Weiss seething as she stands up and points down at the arena.

Weiss: Break his stupid face, NDGO!

You: (whispers to Yang) So are they like a thing or~

Yang: (shrugs) Dunno...

Back on the field, the roulette for the biome selection is decide with a desert stage behind team NDGO. The roulette then spins again.

Nebula: (laughing as she looks back at their selection) Alright! Home field advantage!

Sun: Don't get too cocky! That's my turf, too!

Scarlet: I hope I don't get sand in my shoes.

Neptune: (leaning over and whispering) Be cool, man.

Dew: (when the spinning images stop on a blue symbol of tidal waves) Hey! The ocean!

Neptune: Huh? (turns and sees the random pick for himself, eyes dilated at his goggles reflect the terrifying image, a slight whimper escaping him)

Ruby: (to her teammates) Uhh, what's wrong with Neptune?

Ty: He looks like he's going to be sick.

Blake: Oh, no. (Facepalms) Neptune's ... afraid of the water.

Akio: Seriously.

You: (struggling to hold back laughter) He acts so cool, but that's so dumb.

Yang: (chuckling a bit) Come on Y/n it's not funny.

You: You're right it's hilarious.

Oobleck: 3, 2, 1, BEGIN!

As soon as the word is said, Neptune zooms through the enemy team and skids up the mountain behind them.

Sage: (calling out to the fleeing teammate) Neptune, what are you doing?!

Neptune: (now standing on a ledge near the top of the formation, yelling down to his friends) Uh, you know, just gaining the higher ground!

Sun: (exasperatedly) On the enemy's side?!

Neptune: They would never expect it!

Dew: (turning to her allies) He's not wrong.

Nebula: (calling out her first order:) Open fire!

You: Well at least he has the high ground.

After Sage, Scarlet, and Octavia are knocked out.
Neptune jumps over to a spot near the coastal line next to Sun, and he unfolds Tri-Hard into its trident form before tip-toeing forwards and, eyes closed, plunges the sparking prongs into the water. The energy surges through the deep until the remaining members of NDGO are electrocuted and sink to their knees in the water, smoking and defeated with the sound of the buzzer.

Port: (while Sun and Neptune chest bump each other in celebration) And with that, Team SSSN moves on to the doubles round! (to Oobleck) You know what I call that victory?

Oobleck: Shocking?

Port: No, well earned. What you said is stupid.

Ruby: (leans back in her seat and sighs) Aw, that was so close!

Yang: Looks like the dorks made it to the next round!

Blake: (looks down in the arena where Sun and Neptune are dancing like fool, Sun gives her a wink and double gun salute) Emphasis on "dork".

Oobleck: (over the sound system) That concludes the matches for today. Please leave the Coliseum IN A CALM AND ORDERLY FASHION!

Yang: Come on, let's go congratulate 'em.

You: Yeah lets-

As you stood to leave with Yang and the others your eyes met with the last person you expected to be sitting in the stands directly across from.

You: (glaring) Lex?

Lex stands up from his seat and proceeds to leave from the seating area.

Yang:Y/n is everything ok?

You: Yeah you guys go ahead, I got an old friend to meet up with.


Following Lex to the fairgrounds you couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that crept over you. Lex didn't seem like his usual self, his usual relaxed and cocky way of walking was replaced by a more dignified. Even more strange was the aura you were sensing from him. The pendant around your neck then started to pulse madly.

???: Stop! You mustn't go near that man.

It was the same female voice that you heard back at mountain Glenn coming from your pendant.

You: And why the hell not? That bastard shot me.

???: That man is not the same man you knew.

You: What do you mean?

???: I'll explain only if you promise not to further pursue that man.

You stop walking and begrudgingly watch Lex get farther and farther away from you. As if sensing you stopped following him, he turns his head slightly to give you a mocking smirk before continuing away.

You: (clenched fist) Better have a good reason for why I'm not kicking his teeth in.

???: Believe me, I do.

You: (sighs) Fine but first who and what are you?

Titania: My name is Titania, a member of the Fae folk.

Chapter End

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