
By vickie2021

66.4K 2.1K 748

Sasuhina story. This story was inspired by one of my favorite sasuhina stories called "In the Light" by @Tayt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 12

2.9K 106 56
By vickie2021


Izumi had a small cottage away from any major village. Only small towns miles away.

Izumi invited us in and offered us a seat in the living room. The place didn't look any different from the last time I was here, after I killed Itachi. "I'll go warm some tea." She scurried to the kitchen.

I look over to a confused Hinata sitting next to me. "I am not the only living Uchiha." I said only causing her to look away in more utter confusion.

Itachi couldn't bring himself to kill Izumi. He loved her. Therefore he brought her here and she remained here. Itachi came to visit her twice every month after the massacre.

Before he died he put me in a genjutsu showing me all that happened, including Izumi in this cottage. I ran here afterward, busting through the doors to a startled Izumi. That night I cried on her floor for hours as she held me.


"It's okay" her false statement only made me cry harder. It's not okay. I know she is trying to comfort me, but how could she? I just killed the love of her life.

"I killed him" I forced out.

"I know, I know." she rocked me back and forth as she held me, running her fingers through my black locks.

"He was sick, ne. He couldn't bear the thought of letting that disease take him out." She stopped rocking and stared out the window at something I couldn't see. "He wanted you to hate him. He wanted to shield you from the truth for a purpose. He wanted to die by your hands."

I dwell on her words as she takes my face to hers, resting both her hands under my cheeks. "Now he wants you to live. He wants you to let go of all the rage and hate. He wants you to forget revenge. He wants you to get back the childhood that was taken from you. He wants you to make friends, find your soulmate, and settle down. He wants you to build a family no one can take from you" Now she was crying with me. "He wants you to be happy."

*End Flashback*

That was two years ago. This is my first time back since.

Izumi came back with two cups of hot tea, setting them in front of me and hinata on the coffee table. "So what brings you two all the way out here?" She questions looking from Hinata to me.

"Does the name Mamoru ring a bell?"

"Not at all." I tell her how he captured me then Hinata. Then how we broke out and killed him.

"What is his Jutsu?"

"He becomes engulfed in a blue aura. If he hits any chakra point, it shuts down and has the Domino effect on all other surrounding chakra points. Soon the person's chakra system shuts down."

"Who was he working for?"

"We don't know. That's why we are here. All I've heard is that they work on the moon or with the moon. I don't know. Some bullshit."I say quite disappointed.

"Ōtsutsuki" she mumble barely audible.


"Nothing." she speaks shaking her head. She got out a piece of paper and began writing. "There's a man in the town over. Very intellectual. He has been on many travels and was a feared shinobi in the land of the mist." she handed me a piece of paper and began rubbing her eyes. "Tell him your story. Maybe he can help."

"We will. We should go now." I say standing.

"No. No please stay you two must have been traveling a while. There's always tomorrow." She says now rubbing both her eyes.

"You can take those out. Hinata is trustworthy."

"She is a hyuuga." Izumi deadpans sternly staring at me.

"She is one of the good ones." I say back without breaking contact. With that Izumi stood and went through the entrance to the back of the house. I sit back down next to Hinata who was finishing her tea. "Hyuugas and Uchihas don't have great history."

"I understand." She responds with a small smile. I let my eyes linger on her lips a little until I see her blush is my peripheral.

I turn my head to Izumi walking back in. Her eyes were now the same color as mine. My breath caught in my throat and I immediately stood up to get a better look at the young boy who followed closely behind Izumi. He had the Uchihas dark hair and Izumi's eyes. I knew who he was once I seen Itachi's under eye marks.

My eyes followed his every movement until he was in front of me with Izumi crouching beside him. "Wave Isao. This is your Ojisan Sasuke I've told you about." He looked up at me and raised his hand, flapping his fingers up and down.

I'm an uncle. I never thought this was possible. It was surreal looking down at my nephew. Waving at me with a smile, his smile.

I feel soft hands caress me arm, starting at my elbow. I look down to my side to see Hinata urging me to say something. I look back down to see Isao, who now had his thumb in his mouth. "Hi." was the only thing that came out. Izumi looked up at me with a goofy smile. I sigh and sit down.

"How old is he?" Hinata asked.

"Just over a year and a half." Izumi answers.

"I am your Uncle Sasuke. Your dad is my older brother. I will be around more now on." I squeeze his hand slightly. "I promise."


I spent the rest of the day with Isao. He was so excited to play outside. He says his mom doesn't let him play outside. I can't blame Izumi. It's a dangerous world, but Izumi trust me to protect him since he begged her til he lost his voice.

We played hide-and-go seek. I found Isao every time
but he only found me once when I was hiding behind my hands. Then we played a game where I threw him up in the air and caught him. We had to stop that after a couple of times. I got carried away and threw him too high, he was crying by the time he landed in my arms. Once I calmed him down, Izumi came out he house screaming. "What do you boys want for dinner?"

"Cupcakes." Isao squealed

"Tomatoes." I say back to the house. I heard her mumble insults as she walked back in and closed the door.

Then Isao asked a question that shocked me, "Can you teach me to be great like you and otousan." Only itachi's kids would be one talking like a grown man.

I stare at him wide eyed. I then lay down in the grass and stare at the sky. I pat the space beside me queuing Isao to lay next to me. "Your father was more than great. He was an amazing ninja, not only because he trained hard, but because he had to be. Without him, me nor your Okasan would be alive." I shift my focus from the sky to Isao. He was staring intently at me. "Your dad was loyal, naturally intelligent, and he always tried to do what he believed was right. You can't teach that. But me," I focus back on the sky.

"I'm not great."

"Okasan said Ojisan and Otousan were one of the strongest Uchihas to live. Okasan tells me stories of how you fought in the war and beat up bad guys." Isao stood up and was now hovering over me. "I want to learn to be a strong Uchiha too." I look up at him and a small grin forms on my lips. Of course Itachi breed a determined stubborn child.

What he is asking, I can't do. I shouldn't be anyone's role model. He can't learn to be great and strong from one of the bad guys.

I sit up and am now eye level with Isao. "You know what you have to be to be a great ninja?"

"What?" he squeals eagerly.

"Fast" I say and began running. Isao started cheering and running after me.

After a few races, Izumi comes out the house screaming again. "Isao dinner is almost ready! Time for your bath!" I scoop Isao up and tickle him in the process. He squirms and laughs as I carry him in the house and hand him over to Izumi. "Hinata's in the kitchen." She winks at me and walks to the back of the house with Isao on her hip.

I walk to the kitchen and leaned against the door frame. I watch Hinata as she is whisking some batter with an apron on. Her hair was up in a bun on top of her head, showing off her slender neck. The apron tied to her waist showed exactly where her waistline was and just how her hips compared. Hinata wasn't the stereotypical thin beauty every man wished for. She had curves.

She moved with grace checking on the contents in the pot, then the tea kettle, and back to stiring her batter. I step in the kitchen to make my presence known. "Smells good."

"Oh Sasuke-kun." she jumps a bit. I walk behind her. "Arigato. Izumi made the tomato soup. I'm just watching it while she bathes Isao." She stops whipping the batter and turns to me. "I told Izumi I would make cupcakes for Isao."

The kitchen wasn't big, so there was less than a foot between us. Hinata looks me up and down and flushes a bright pink noticing our proximity. She bites her lower lip as she looks me dead in the eyes. Is this her way flirting? She blushes hot pink and looks away smiling. Because it's working.

Her lips where now a rosy color from her previous biting. I can feel myself get hot. Why does she have this effect on me? She's not suppose to have any effect on me. I'm not good for her, or anyone, so I can't have her. I can't have her hourglass figure. I can't have her dough lavender eyes or her creamy neck. I can't have her soft touches. I can't have her gentle voice that grace from those rosy lips. Oh those lips I can't have.

Fuck it. I grab her waist and pull her into me. She let out a small squeal. I lean down and connect our lips. It was quick, a chaste kiss. She didn't even kiss me back. I was holding her as she stares at me wide-eyed. This is awkward. Should I let her go and leave? Should I keep holding her until she does something? I stared back at her, keeping my face emotionless.

I think about the only wise words Suigetsu ever said to me 'Your Sasuke fucking Uchicha.' I lean down again kissing her with more emotion. With everything I've been feeling since she fell into that cell.

I feel hands creep behind my neck as our lips start moving in sync. Her lips were so soft. She was hesitant at first, but now she was into it just as much as I was.

Her smell was intoxicating and the feather touch of her hands on my neck was giving me goosebumps. As the kiss grows more urgent, I move forward and push her against the counter. I lick her bottom lip seeking an entrance. My hands travel down her sides, to her hips, then under her butt. I give her ass a gentle squeeze causing her to gasp. I use this an entry for my tongue into her hot cavern. She didn't taste sweet like I expected. I hate sweets. She tasted warm and inviting.

Our tongues swirled together fighting for dominance. It wasn't much of a fight, I won. I grazed my tongue on all it could reach. Her hands dipped in my hair. She lightly massaged my scalp, then tugged lightly causing me to groan. I cuff her butt as my hands never left. I lift her up, placing her on the counter behind her with me between her legs. At this point I have little control over how my body is reacting. All I know is that I want her. Now. My lips leave hers, letting her up for air. I trail feather kisses down her chin and across her jaw. I feel her breathing heavy and a slight smirk graces me lips.

My hands follow up her waist and find their way in her shirt on her lower back. I continue my trail of kisses down her neck. She lets out a soft moan. That does it. The little bit of restraint I was holding onto was now gone. Her neck was practically screaming "mark me" so I oblige. I bite and lick her neck. I lift my head to lightly blow on my bite mark. Her hand releases my hair and both fall at her sides flat on the counter as she tries to steady herself.

I begin to suck the same spot. A deep moan leaves her lips. It was the most erotic sound I've heard and I concluded I love it. I love her voice at all levels. I move to another spot and lavish in it; biting, blowing, licking, sucking. Her body reacting to all. My hands were now feeling all of her bare back.

"Sasuke.." Hinata says breathless. I love the way she says my name. Thank heavens for my parents naming me such. It was meant to escape her lips.

"Sas.. *moan*.. Sasuke" she says more urgently, but I'm too invested on the color change of her creamy skin. "Sasu" she breathes out. I feel her slightly trying to push me off her. I reluctantly lift my head trying to understand. "The food." she says looking at me with hooded eyelids as her chest rises and falls rapidly.

I back into the counter behind me as I hear the kettle whistling. I run my hands through my hair and scratch my neck. She glides off the counter. She takes the pot and the kettle off the hot surface and stirred the tomato soup. She then faces me with her eyes still hooded. Her apron was crooked, her face was flushed red but the love bites on her neck where darker. Her bun was now looser and her lips were plumper than before. Beautiful.

I was trying to calm down my breathing but with the way she was looking at me it was impossible. She licks her lips and drags her pointer and middle finger across her bottom lip innocently. Breathe Sasuke. I stand up straight. "I'm going to wash up." My eyes leave hers as I walk to the bathroom to relieve myself of severe blue balls.


We all ate dinner together. I tried not too, but I couldn't help myself from sneaking peeks at Hinata across the table. Although she didn't look at me, not once. She kept her head down and ate, only lifting it to engage in small talk with Izumi. I also noticed she was wearing a scarf to cover her neck, and her face was blushed pink the whole meal.

Once everyone was done eating, Izumi put Isao to bed. I tried to help Hinata clean up but she insisted that she had it. Therefore I found my way to the couch and rested with my eyes closed. 

I opened my eyes after feeling someone staring at me. My eyes meet those that look like mine. "You resemble him so much." She says. I respond with a sincere smile. I know she misses him more than anything. My eyes leave Izumi's face and trace Hinata's figure as she enters the living room from the kitchen. Izumi's eyes follow mine. "Arigato for cleaning up Hina."

"No problem. Where is a shower I could use?"

"Through there to your right, it's the last door on your right. There is a bedroom for you and Sasuke. The bathroom is connected." Hinata turned a bright red at Izumi's words.

"I'll take the couch."

"Its okay Sasuke-kun."

"I'll take the couch." I say this time to Izumi, ignoring Hinata's poor attempt at consoling me. When I looked up again toward Hinata, she was gone.

"I like her" Izumi says with a wide grin.


"And you do too. She is what you need."

"I need her Kekkei Genkai."

"You coulda brought any shinobi to defeat the boss. Why her?"

"She wanted too. It was convenient."

"You like her."

"I like that she is quiet."

"You can lie to yourself, but you can't lie to me. I see the way you look at her."


"I know that look all too well. It was the same way Itachi looked at me." That's impossible. Is she hinting at me being in love? I know I feel something for Hinata. Lust? I like her, maybe, but love is reaching. "Why a Hyuuga?"

"I couldn't choose who was thrown in a cell with me."

"No telling how your kids will look."

"Hopefully like Hinata." My eyes become wide at realization of what I just said.

"OOOOOO. I knew it! I fucking knew it!" Izumi stood on the sofa and started jumping up and down. "Sasu likes Hina."

"STOP!" I scream in the lowest whisper I could. "Before she hears you." Izumi quieted and sat.

"What are you going to do?"

"Nothing." I say closing my eyes and stretching out on the sofa.

"There's a festival in the same town as that man I told you about. Take her."


"Alright I'll leave you to your thoughts. Goodnight Sasuke." All I could think about was how our kids would look.


That morning I woke up early, as usual. But I slept through the night, which is unusual. I sit up on the hard couch and feel someone holding my hand. The hand was light and soft. I follow the hand down the see Hinata sleep on the floor at the foot of the couch. Her hand was firmly holding mine as she was sleeping on her back with her hair sprawled everywhere and her mouth open.



Hey y'all. I haven't really been in the mood to write but i'm pressing through.

I have been trying to make the chapters longer, which only results in longer updates. Which do you prefer? Longer or shorter?

I hope you all like it. <3

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