Quiet Stormโ˜”๏ธ

By writtenbyYoursTrulyy

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Don't judge a book by its cover, everybody's storms are quiet๐Ÿคซ. More



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By writtenbyYoursTrulyy

Sincere POV

* Flashback to 2013, 7 years ago *
( 14 Year Old Sincere )

I was looking through the crack of my mama's door. Just watching as she opened bills on top of bills.

She picked up her phone and dialed a number.

"Hello? Yes this is Serenity Williams. I was calling to ask if I could have an extension on my water bill? It's due in 2 days but I don't get paid for 5 days." She said in her white gjrl work voice.

I didn't hear anything the bill collector said but tears started running down my mama's face.
"Okay, I understand." She said and her voice cracked.

My heart hurt for my mama. We've struggled our whole life but this is an all time low. This means our water is finna get cut off. Our lights are already off, we have candles we found outside of a church lit all over the house. We don't have anything in the fridge but some bologna, bread, some old mustard, and some cheese. I've already had to pawn my PlayStation 2 and my most expensive pair of shoes last week to keep the electric on. And I know the rent is due next week.

I have to do something. I can't just sit around. I thought to myself.

I didn't go to sleep that night. I waited till my mama and my little brother went to sleep and I put my jacket and shoes on.

As soon as I was about to open the room door I heard my little brother speak.
"Where are you going Sin?" Kash's 10 year old voice asked me.

I slowly turned around. "Don't worry about it. I'll be back in an hour." I said, knowing I wouldn't be able to live up to those words.

"Okay....... be safe I guess." He said and rolled over on his air mattress towards the window.

I walked out the room and quietly tip toed out the front door. Thankfully without waking mama up.

I got out the house and headed to the corner store where only the crackheads, drug dealers, and prostitutes are still awake.

I looked around at all the people and I told myself not to get nervous.
I let out a breath and threw my hood over my head.

I approached the 2 corner boys with my head up and my hands in my pocket.
"Well who do we have here? What you doing out at this time of night lil man?" The first dude said.

"Look ima just get straight to the point. I'm tryna get put on." I said with no hesitation or nervousness.

The second dude looked me up and down and laughed.
"The hell man? How old are you? Twelve? Go back to your mommy's house and get tucked in to bed." He said and I shook my head.

"How old I am doesn't matter. I said I'm tryna get put on. There are plenty of other corners on this side of town that I could go to and find somebody just the same as you. I'm not here to waste time, are you gonna help me or not?" I said in all seriousness making him stop laughing.

"Damn lil bro, you out like that?" The first dude said but I didn't respond. I just looked at him.

I looked back and fourth between the two guys before turning the other way and walking off.
I said what I had to say twice. They weren't tryna help me so I'm on my way to the next.

"Wait!" One of them called after me.
I stopped in my tracks and turned around.

"Come here lil bro." The first dude said.
I hesitated on walking back over there but I eventually did.

"What's your name man?" The second one said nodding his head at me.
"Sin." I said with no expression in my voice.

"And how old are you?" The first one said.
"14." I said. I sniffed and pulled up my pants.

They both took a second to examine me and I just stood there with a cold look.
Then they started whispering to each other about me, ignoring that I was still standing there.

After a minute they stopped talking.
"Okay, we'll help you get put on only if you don't rat us out." The second one said.

I scoffed to myself.
These niggas are some dumbasses. I would never say no dumb shit like that. Anybody gone say they won't rat on you, even the snitches.

"You got my word." I said and we dapped each other up.

"Alright, follow us. We finna take you to the trap." The first dude said and tilted his head towards the car at the end of the block.

I sighed to myself and took a deep breath.
I'm doing this for mama and Kash.

I got in the back of the blacked out Tesla. The second guy got in the driver seat and pulled off with no seatbelt.

"What you tryna get put on for man? You young as hell." He said looking at me through the rearview speeding down the street.

"Tired of seeing my mama cry over bills." I said keeping it short and shrugged.

"Well I don't know if boss gone put you on since you so young, but it's worth a try since you got a valid reason. And plus the teenagers the ones that smoke the most these days." The dude said from the passenger seat.

Fast forward to the trap....

We walked in this regular house and I thought everything was normal until we got to this door that opened the basement.

After he opened the door I gagged and started coughing. The smell of smoke and sex smacked me in the face.

"Keep up." The second one said.

I jogged behind them and they let me down this hallway to this big wooden door. They knocked and waited a few seconds before knocking again.

"What is this?" I said and they both looked at me in unison.

"Boss' office." The second one.
No later then the words left the house the boom of a voice caught me off guard.

"WHO IS IT?" This big deep voice scared me a little bit.

"It's Quan and Quinten. We need to talk to you." The first one said and there was silence.

"Come in." I heard and we all walked in the office.

"Who is this?" The man said looking at me.

I examined the man.
He was buff and covered with tattoos. He had low cut hair, with big lips and straight teeth like me. He had a deep voice, and was tall as hell. Overall, he had the same features as me. From the build, to the simple facial features. It was creepy.

I guess he noticed too because he was staring back at me, but then shrugged after a while.

"My name is Sin. I'm here because I'm trying to get put on. Yes I'm young, I'm 14. I'm only here to help my mom. That's it and that's all." I said with no expression because I didn't know how he was going to react.

I heard one of the guards scoff causing me to make eye contact with them.

I glared at him with a cold look. I might be young, and nervous about about certain stuff but I ain't ain't never feared nobody.

Not even these buff ass bodyguards.

We had a stare down till the man started speaking, breaking my focus on the man.

"You're young as fuck. Why should I bring a 14 year old to my team?" He said going back to doing what he was doing before we came in, I'm assuming.

"You trust me. Y'all all do." I said and everybody looked at me.

"And what the fuck makes you think that?" He said with his eyebrows scrunched.

"If none of y'all trusted me I wouldn't be here right now. These two wouldn't have drove me here." I said pointing at the boys. "I wouldn't have made it passed all them people outside without  getting shot, or even questioned. I wouldn't have walked into your office that has 2 bodyguards without my life being in danger. Considering that none of y'all have any knowledge as to who I am at all." I said looking everybody in the eye.

It was silent in the room, everybody just staring at me.

"Everybody clear the room." The man said still staring at me.

The boys and the guards walked out and I was finna walk out too but he stopped me.

"No. You have a seat." He said and pointed to one of the chairs in front of his desk.

The door closed shut and we were just making eye contact for a few seconds before he spoke.

"Listen kid. I don't know who you are, where you come from, none of that. But I'm interested in you. I could've killed you right now but I didn't." He said but I shook my head and he stopped talking.

"No, you couldn't have killed me. I'm an observer. You have no gun in sight. Which means that you have a gun in them file cabinets, the drawers, in your waistline, maybe in your socks, and most likely under this desk too. So, you couldn't have killed me. If I had a gun, I could've killed you as soon as everybody cleared the room."I said and he raised his eyebrows.

I'm a youngin but I'm very smart. I've always been around the street life so I know everything to do with it. I kinda know how to shoot too.

"Impressive . You said you wanted to do this for what again?" He said and I let out a breath.
"I'm tired of seeing my mama stress about money and me not being able to do nothing about it." I said and shrugged.

He looked at me for a second. "Elaborate on that."

I sighed. "Me, my mama, and my little brother been struggling since I was born. My mama got pregnant at a young age, and my dad is nowhere to be found. I've never been able to afford anything nice but my PS2 but I had to pawn that and some shoes to keep the electric on. I see my mama cry all night around this time of month and my heart hurts for her. I'm tired of sitting around not being able to help. There's no jobs open for me, so this is my only option." I said and he let out a breath.

He was silent for a long time, just staring at me.

"I see my self in you. I started the game when I was 16. Me and my mama struggled my whole life till I got in the game. I know how it feels to struggle. And for that reason, I'm gonna let you come work for me." He said and I blew out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"But, under certain conditions." He said and I looked up.
"You have to stay in school, no working during nights, and not a peep about this to your people's. Not your friends, your mom, nothing." He said and I nodded.

"You got my word. As soon as my mama gets comfortable I'm out of here." I said not knowing I was gonna be able to live by those words.

"Welcome to the team." He said and stood up and we shook hands.

"The name is Quincy, but you call me boss." He said and I nodded.

This is my life now...

* Flashback Over *

"Boss?" I said when I stepped in my office.

"Don't call me boss. You're the boss now, remember?" He said from one of the chairs.
He stood up and we did a manly hug.

"What you doing here man? You never come around here no more." I said and sat in my rollie chair.

"I never come around here cause I don't need to. I left this place in the hands of the best worker I had." He said and I shook my head smiling.
"Where them other boys you be running around with?" He said and I looked up.

"Smoke and P?" I said and he nodded.
"Yeah them. I like them boys, but I don't know about the other one. Where you find em at?" He said and he lit a cigar.

"Them been my boys since the sandbox. But DJ was Smoke's friend. You made me swear not to tell anybody when I first joined, not even my friends, remember?" I said and he nodded.

"Well I am here for a reason." He said seriously.
I nodded letting him know I was listening.

"You do know Reggie's out right?" He said and I nodded.
"He's out to get you and some girl." He said and I shook my head.

"I'm already knowing. He been out to get my girl since before I got with her tho. That's his ex." I said and his eyebrows shot up.

"So who is this girl? I've never met her before?" He said and I shrugged.
"Probably not. I just met her a month ago. You know that rape and domestic violence charge he got?" I said and he nodded.

"She was the victim." I said and he started shaking his head.

"I didn't know till a little while after I met her. Me and the crew was at my house eating and we was talking about how he was out for somebody named Jay Bear. All of a sudden she ran out and started throwing up and shit, telling us that Jay Bear was her. I didn't know how to feel cause that's my baby girl and to know she got raped and beat on like that? It's like a pit of pain in my chest that's always there. And it's gone be there till his ass is dead, and ima make sure he dies if that's the last thing that I do." I said leaning back in my chair staring into space.

"Aye man, don't think too hard about it. It was before your time so you couldn't do anything about it. But we need to come up with a plan, starting with this girl and keeping her safe. Along with your son." He said and I nodded.

"Our son." I corrected him.
"The hell you mean? Legend's her's ?" He said with a look of confusion.

"Long story short. Legend called me one night crying talking about Armani was hurting him. Turns out she was Reggie's sister and his plan was to get me to her house and kill me there cause he knew I was gone come running for my son. He also planned to kidnap Jayla while she was still in my house, but I had Jayla with me and she ended up killing Armani and his whole plan failed cause she was with me. After that night she's been more than a mother to my son. He calls her mama, and he done forgot about Armani at this point. And she loves my son so I don't have a problem with it. She's never given me a reason not to trust her." I said thinking about Jayla.

I'm really starting to fall hard for this girl man.

"Now I really got to meet her. And I've been thinking of this plan to take Reggie out and everybody on his team..."

Jayla POV

"Mommy!" Legend said running to me as I walked in the living room of Cierra's house.

"Hey my baby. Did you have fun with uncle DJ?" I said picking him up and put my work hat on him.

"Yesssss! We played fortnite and call of duty!" He said excitedly making me laugh.
"You hungry?" I said and he nodded with a big smile.

"I'll make you some spaghetti when we get home. Go get your stuff together." I said kissing his cheek and let him go.

"Damn that's really your son now?" DJ asked me.
I didn't even see him sitting on the couch.

"Is that a problem?" I said going to the kitchen table.
"Nah nothing like that, It's just surprising. I've never seen somebody really interact with him like that instead of Sin's mama." He said sitting down across from me.

"Yeah we all sat down and talked about it. I'm surprised Sin let him call me mom in the first place. I told him I didn't have a problem because that little boy needs a mama. Trust me I know how it feel not to have nobody to call mama." I said and sighed.

He nodded. "Yeah and I'm sorry about that." He said and I shook my head.

"It's nothing. I'm just glad I could help." I said. "Where my friend at?"

"She went to the store, she'll be back. Where Sin at?" He said.
He got up and walked passed me to the fridgerator.

"He's at work." I said putting emphasis on 'work' to let him know it was the trap.

"Awe....." He trailed off and we sat in awkward silence till I heard the door unlock.

"Baby they didn't have the red dorit- oh heeeeey Jayla!" Cierra said coming in.
She dropped her bags and ran to hug me.

DJ smacked his lips. "You don't even get excited like that when you see me. Ain't that bout a bitch?" He said sounding like he was talking to his self.

"Don't be one of thoseeee. You and Sin some big ass babies." I said laughing and he mugged me.

"You every had a jug of milk to the head?" He said putting the groceries up.
"You ever got dragged in your own house?" I said and Cierra laughed.

"Fuck you." He said.
"Fuck you too." I said back.

"I'm ready mama." Legend said coming back in with his iron man backpack in his hands.

"Go say bye to you aunt and your uncle." I said and he ran in Cierra's arms.
"Bye TT." He said and she kissed his cheek.

"Bye baby." She said and let him down.

"Aight ima fuck wit ya lil neph." DJ said dapping him up.

I shook my head watching them do a handshake.

"Ima mess with you." Legend said trying to mock his tone.

Fast forward 10 minutes...

"Legend sit back." I said.
I let him sit in the front seat one time and he don't know how to act.

We're on the highway and I don't know if there's cops or anything. Little kids ain't allowed to sit in the front but who cares.

I glanced in the side view mirror and seen this black SUV that I seen behind me a couple minutes ago.

I started to panic a little bit. I'm from the hood, I've seen shit like this all the time.

"Legend. Call your uncles. Hurry up." I said and he immediately pulled out his phone.

A few seconds later I heard him speak while I was speeding up.
"Hello? Yeah my mommy needs to talk to you...... we on the highway....... okay, mommy here." He said trying to give the phone to me.

"Put it on speaker, I'm driving." I said and he held the phone up.
"Hello?" I heard P's voice.

"Umm there's a big black SUV that's been following me for like 5 minutes. Everytime I speed up or switch lanes they right there behind me. I got Legend in the car and if something happens to him I won't live with myself." I said panicking and they tried to swerve through the cars in front of them.

"Yo I'm on the way with Smoke. I'm close so stay on the phone till we get there. Y'all can't see anybody in the car?" He said they started catching up to me.

"No, the windows are tinted. They're starting to catch up to me." I said trying to stay calm.

"If they get beside you just slow down and switch lanes behind them." He said and they got beside me.

They started to roll down the passenger window but I did what P said.

After that I heard the phone hand up and I looked to see P pull up next to me.
We both rolled down the windows and Smoke started yelling out the window.

"Pull over to the side, but keep driving!" He said and I nodded.

I pulled over and no sooner than I reached the lane I heard gunshots ring out.
"Legend get on the floor and cover your head." I said and he unbuckled his seatbelt and ducked down.

I stopped driving, got in the backseat and layed across the seat.

I heard gunshots for 2 minutes before I heard a loud crash and burn sound.
"Oh my god." I said expecting the worst.

I got out the car with a quickness.  I seen that traffic stopped and there was a fire up ahead.
"Smoke! Pryce!" I yelled out for them cause I didn't see them.

"We right here sis." I heard a voice say behind me.
"Oh thank god." I said hugging P with tears welling up in my eyes.

"Where's Sm- oh." I looked behind him and seen Smoke wiping his gun clean.

"Hey sis." He said with the biggest smile walking my direction.
"It's been a few since I seen you." He said and I hugged him back.

"I knowww. We all need to go out again. But what happened? Did y'all see who it was in the car?" I said and they looked at each other.

"It was Reggie's people." Smoke said and my heart dropped.

"Oh my god man." I put my hand over my forehead walking back to the car.
I opened the door and seen Legend on the ground still with his hands behind his neck and his head down.

"Oh my god. Come here baby." I said and he got back in his seat and I reach over and pulled him into a hug.
"You okay?" I said and I felt him nod his head.

I kissed the side of his head and closed my eyes.
"Go say hi to your uncles." I said and he got out the car.

I just say in silence, staring into space.
Reggie is really out to get me.

I sat there thinking till tears just freely ran down my face.
"What the fuck man." I shook my head and layed my head on the steering wheel.

There was a knock at the window and I looked to see Smoke there.
I wiped my tears and rolled down the window.

"You okay?" He said and I just sat there.
I didn't know what to say.

"I don't know. I feel like this is some kind of nightmare." I said and got out the car to get some air.

"I know. But we won't let nobody hurt you." He said and wrapped his arm around me.
"But Sin said call him tho, asap." He said and walked off to P and Legend.

I pressed Sin's contact to call him. It answered on the first ring but he hung up and called back on FaceTime.

I answered and I didn't get a chance to speak before he started asking all these questions.
"Baby? You okay? Where you at? Where's Legend? Are y'all hurt?" He said and I sighed.

"I'm okay baby. We're okay. I just got shaken up a little." I said and he let out a breath.
"I'm sorry baby. Why didn't you call me?" He said.

"Because you're at work. I'm not gonna make you leave just because I was scared." I said and he looked at me like I was crazy.
"Don't ever say no shit like that. My son was in the car, plus you. You should've been texted me when you started to get worried." He said and I nodded.

"You're right I'm sorry." I said starting to cry.
"Why are you crying baby? I'm not mad." He said and I shook my head.

"I'm mad at myself. I don't ever take the highway and the one time I do, I'm getting chased down with Legend in the car. If something would've happened to him I wouldn't have been able to live with myself. I just feel like that was my fault." I said wiping the tears as they came down my face.

"It's not your fault. It's not anybody's fault. I blame myself because I know I'm not in the safest time in my life right now. I should've had somebody there to protect you to prevent this in the first place. But don't ever blame yourself over some shit you couldn't prevent. Even if you took the Main Street, they would've followed you there too. Wipe your face, you're okay." He said and I wiped my face.

"It's not serious baby, they're dead. The boys made sure of that." He said and I nodded.

I wiped the rest of my tears and sniffed. "Okay. I'm probably gonna just take him to your house. The boys are probably gonna want to come with me." I said into the phone and he nodded.

"Okay, I'll be home in about an hour beautiful." He said and I smiled.
"Okay bye." I said and hung up the phone smiling.

I walked to Smoke's car where the boys were and they were all laughing.
Legend did that scream he always does when he laughs causing me to chuckle, even though I didn't know why he was laughing.

"We ready to go?" I said and they looked at me.
"Yes. Mommy can I ride with uncle P?" Legend said to me and I nodded.

"You alright sis?" P said and I nodded.
"Yeah I'm okay now. Sin said he's coming back to the house in an hour." I said and they nodded.

"Well lets ride out." Smoke said and we all got in the cars.

Fast forward to the house....

We got in the house and P unlocked the door.
We all took our shoes off and went to the table and opened the Wendy's we had. I told everybody I didn't feel like cooking.

Well except P. He wanted to be the odd one out and got some damn subway Subway.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Smoke said and P looked up from his bag.
"What?" He said unwrapping his sandwich.

"Yo ass really made us wait 15 minutes for some dumbass subway?" Smoke said and I laughed.
"Right, a fucking oddball for no reason." I said and we both laughed at him.

"Aye, fuck y'all. Y'all fat asses over there getting fatter by the second while I'm eating healthy. Fuck y'all." He said and flipped us off.

I seen Legend move and I looked to see him holding the middle finger too.
"Stop, don't do that." I said trying not to laugh.

He thought it was funny and kept doing it but I popped his hand.
"Stop, for real. Don't do that." P said laughing while Smoke was laughing with his head in his lap.

"Dont listen to your uncles. That's how you get in trouble." Smoke said trying not to smile.

"Sorry mommy." Legend said and I nodded.

P cut on the TV and as soon as he did the news came on.

"We have a report saying there is a car on fire on highway 59. Witnesses say there was a shootout in the street and the car tumbled off the side of the rode and exploded. Paramedics say that there were 5 people in the car and there are no survivors. We will be back when we have more information on the victims." The reporter said on the tv and I shook my head.

I grabbed the remote and changed it to Cartoon Network.
"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" I heard.

I looked and seen Smoke on the ground and P stomping on the floor laughing.
"Y'all is so extra. That's not even funny." I said and they kept laughing, silently. Clapping and stomping.

"Ohhhh shit. She said 'the car tumbled of the side of the rode and exploded.' " P said and Smoke held his stomach and started laughing harder.

"Oh shit that was funny." Smoke said sitting up wiping his tears.

"Y'all are a mess." I said putting my bag of food in the fridge.

"You not eating?" P said once they calmed down.
"Not right now. I been at work all morning, and I haven't got the chance to sleep. That food can wait." I said going up the stairs.

"I'm up here if y'all need me. But I'm in the shower." I said.
"Okay, goodnight sister!" P yelled up the stairs.

"Goodnight favorite!" Smoke yelled.
"Goodnight mommy!" Legend's little voice yelled making me smile.
"Goodnight y'all." I said.

No sooner than I shut Sin's bedroom door, I started stripping out my clothes.
I put my clothes in his dirty clothes hamper and turn the hot water on.

As soon as I stepped in I sighed in relief.
Who knew a damn footlocker job would cause so much tension in my body?

I sat there for 10 minutes just letting the water run down my body.
"Baby." I heard scaring the living shit out of me.

I wiped the glass door of the fog and seen Sin standing there.
"Fuck you scared me. Yes baby?" I said sliding the door open.

"Sorry. But I'm finna get in here with you." He said not giving me a chance to answer before he started stripping out his clothes.

I shrugged and went back to washing myself with my Dove cucumber soap.
A minute later Sin stepped in and hissed.

"Fuck baby why you got the water so hot?" He said stepping out the way.
I started laughing and turned a little bit of the cold water on.

"Stop being a weenie. It's not that hot no more." I said and he put his hand underneath the water.
"Swear you wanna feel like it's hell in here. You wanna be the devil so bad." He said and I laughed again.

"Cause my back was hurting and I'm tired." I said turning around to face him. "How was work?" I said rubbing the sides of his neck.

"It was fine, I seen my old boss." He said and I nodded.
"Well that's good, I think." I said riding the soap off of me.

"Mmhmm how was work?" He said washing his self.
"It was crazy as usual. Darius and Darrion almost got fired cause they be talking to the customers crazy." I started but he interrupted me.

"You said who?" He said and I turned around.
"Darius and Darrion." I said.

"Who the fuck are they?" He said and I smacked my lips.
"My coworkers babe I already told you this." I said and he scrunched his eyebrows.

"When did- ohhhh. I remember now, the gay ones right?" He said and I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever. I forgot what I was gonna say now." I said and went about my business.

We stayed in the shower for 10 minutes. I couldn't stay in there as long as I wanted cause I'm literally tired and it's only 5 o'clock.
"You okay baby?" He told me wrapping a towel around his waist.

"Yeah I'm okay, I'm just tired. I haven't been to sleep yet." I said and he came behind me and started rubbing my shoulders.
"Well I'll let you sleep, I know you tired." He said and kissed my neck a single time.

He walked out the bathroom and I started drying myself off.
I lotioned myself with the cocoa butter he had on the sink and rinsed my face and put Vaseline on it.

( AN: I do this, the Vaseline makes your face softer. )

I walked out and dropped my towel.
"Oooo dont do that baby. You gone make my dick hard." Sin said laying back on the side of the bed on his phone.

"Stop looking at me then." I said slipping on some spandex shorts and Nipsey hustle shirt that drops mid-thigh.

I crawled in the bed and he smacked my ass.
"How can I stop looking at somebody so sexy mamas?" He said and I blushed laying on my stomach.

"Want me to lay with you?" He said and I smiled bigger.
"I would really like that baby." I said and he scooted next to me.

He threw my leg over him and I put my arm around his stomach.
He started playing in my hair making me more tired.

"Goodnight slash afternoon baby." He said making me laugh a little bit.
"Goodnight baby." I said and drifted to sleep.

3 hours later.....
( 8 o'clock )

I woke up with my arm and leg across 2 big pillows and smacked my lips.
I walked downstairs to see all the boys on the couch with controllers in they hands.

I rubbed the sleep out my eyes and sighed.
"These niggas still here?" I sad to myself.

"Hi mommy." Legend noticed me first causing everybody to look at me.

Sin put his controller down and came to give me a kiss.
"You cooking? You don't have to if you tired." He said sitting down at the table.

"I'm good baby, I know all y'all asses hungry." I said and he laughed.
"Legend you still want that spaghetti?" I called to him from the kitchen.

"Yes mommy!" He said and I smiled.
Everytime he calls me mommy it warms my heart.

"Y'all want some? Matter of fact, I already know the answer to that." I said and everybody laughed.
"We all high baby, sorry." He said while I cracked the noodles in the pot.

"I could've guessed that, especially Smoke." I said knowing he could hear me.
"Don't be speaking on my name home skillet. I'm chilling." He said never taking his eyes off his phone.

20 minutes later....

"Y'all come eat." I said and everybody came running in the kitchen.
"It's not the end of the fucking world. And y'all grown ass niggas got to make y'all own plates, I ain't tryna hear y'all complain about wanting more." I said and they all smacked they teeth.

"But thank you baby. Give me a kiss wit yo fine ass." Sin said grabbing some plates.
I leaned up and he pecked my lips a bunch of times before slapping my ass.

"Yeah what he said without all the PDA." Smoke said and I laughed.
"Fuck y'all. Ima feel on my lovely ass girlfriend whenever I feel like it." Sin said and I blushed and looked down.

"Here son." I said sitting Legend's plate down in front of him.

Snake #1 POV

I sat and watched through the bottom of the kitchen window as they all ate like a big happy family.

I finally got tired of watching them and walked 3 houses down to my car.
I got in and called boss man.

"Talk to me." He answered the phone.
"They haven't really done much but I know it's Sin's people that killed my cousins." I said getting mad again. "He has to die now. All of them. Even that bastard ass kid."

"Alright come down. We have a plan and we're gonna put in in action, just not soon." He said and I gripped the steering wheel.

"And speaking of your cousins, I'm sorry for your loss. But Jayla is a smart girl from the hood, I wouldn't have expected nothing else as to what happened. She knows Sin's people gone come running for her when she calls." He said and I nodded.

"Yeah, they do. I've witnessed it first hand." I said looking around at my surroundings.

"All you have to do is be patient. The plan will work this time. Sin and everybody is going to go down." He said and I smiled.
"I'm taking your word for it boss man." I said and hung up.

You're going down Sin...

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