Recycled time

By mienim_stilinski

299 10 0

When you get cut you heal over some days but this isn't the case for Amore Grey-Wall who can heal in a matter... More

Mrs Mary's magic store
Through the back wall
The trip to school
Level 0.3
She's not dead
Having no heart doesnt mean your dead
Next time tell me yourself.
Dance to the death
Make it or fake it
Double beat

Le muffin

51 2 0
By mienim_stilinski

A/N: notify that this book MIGHT have a point of view change at the very end so if you would like to read that version you can wait or read both. And ps. Does any one know how to change the image above.
"CHANGE. Change is what makes the world go round, life is full of changes they can be good or bad. Change is when something is different to what it was before." Said the man in front of the room holding a wooden stick and pointing it at the 3d hologram of a tree and explaining how a tree changes through its life cycle.
"Amore, care to explain what change is?" He says obviously wanting the girls attention. "Huh" she says as soon as she realises that the man with the dark brown eyes and dirty blond hair was referring to her. "Um, change is when. . ." She trails off
"Change is when something is one way and then it becomes another way, a change can be good or bad" says the girl looking as if she is proud of what she has accomplished.
"So you were listening"
"Not particularly"
"So do you know anything I have said in the last minute"
"Yes" she says sarcastically noting that she has listened two a word or two.
"Please enlighten us with your knowledge of what I have said"
"Sure, 'so do you know anything I have said in the last minute'" she quotes with the class full of students laughing.
"Well I'm glad that you heard that at least"
"Well I do have a functioning brain Matt,
I mean, Mr. Naught" she states fumbling her words in to a large word with multiple meanings.
"Well class I will see you tomorrow or some of you at least"
Says the man putting down his bamboo "
The girl walks over to him with another boy with the name of Enzo he has amber hair and what seem like neon green eyes and a smile that could blind you when your eyes are closed.
"Matt, hey, can we talk later I need to ask you some questions about yesterday's lesson" says the girl with a pleading smile on her face.
"Sure, I have to go to the café later but I'll be at home at around 5 ish so we can talk then" the man said easing the other girls worried look on her face.
"Hey 'nzo" he says gesturing to Enzo the man leaving the room grabbing his messenger bag.
"See yah later"he shouts getting a glare from the lady on the other side of the library window that says 'shut up you little twerp'.
"You ready to go" says the boy next to Amore.
"Just a sec" she says walking back to pick up her Phone and bag.
"Let's go" says the girl walking out of the room dragging the boy along.
* * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * As soon as they reached the mansion along side the school they walk up to the patio and the girl reaches for her keys to open the thickly locked door to the house and notices a $50 note and as she reaches the note she is pushed out of the way.
"Stop" says the person who knocked the lady off her feet.
"Zach"she says trying to get up off the ground" is that you?"
"Yeh, don't pick that up, I wanted to come home with a bang so I was hoping that matt would pick it up and have that bucket of cola spill over him and then I walk up"
He said looking up at a blue bucket.
"Well matt won't be here until five so you'll have to wait." Says the girl unlocking the grey door and twisting the golden handle and opening the door.
"SURPRISE!" Shout the people hiding behind the couch and dining table.
"Ohh" says aunt Jen "it's only you?"
"Me and . . ." She says purposely building tension "ZACH" she yells as loud as the few people did before.
"YAY" they yell at the top of there lungs.
"Zach's home" yells matt as Jen jumps up to hug him.
"Seeing you knew, I take it you all follow me on 'tag me' or insta." He says feeling proud of his family knowing they have social networking.
"What are you doing home from Canada"
"I guess you could say home sick," he says with sort of 'I don't know' and 'believe me please' kinda look.
"Well I for one will miss the continuous cleanliness of the house" says the girl opposite Zach.
The room bursts into laughter as the girl finishes her sentence.
"And as Enzo walks in the crowd roars with excitement" he says sarcastically walking in with his hands in the air and a smirk on his face. Amore whacks him on the chest with the back of her hand and regrets it almost instantly when she notices she lost a nail.
"What, why" says uncle jim walking across the room.
"I said don't move," said the girl almost screaming as she moves toward her thumb nail stick on. "Okay it's all good now," she said "I've got my nail"she said "I'm glad it's blue and not a French nail".
"Anyway I have to go"said the girl.
"Is it really already 6?" Said the boy staring at his brown watch.
"We gotta go" said the girl looking at the silver clock on the wall with a look of confusion.
"Well Zach it was good to see ya mate" said the boy gripping Zach's hand and shaking it up and down like his life depended on it. Amore gives Zach a hug and then puts her small delicate hands on his shoulders.
"It was great seeing you Zach ill be home soon or I'll be here in the morning either of them" said the girl heading out the door.
"Where are you going?" Said the women on the couch wearing a purple scarf, white tank top, blue high waisted shorts and purple sneakers.
"LE MUFFIN!" Yells the girl jumping into the car and slamming the door shut waving out the window shouting"see ya later,"

"She's always rushing off somewhere that girl, I can never seem to understand her and her life style" says the elderly lady called Jen.

"Good Le muffin is still open" says the girl with long deep red hair and a mixture of what looks like neon green, yellow and a dark green eyes.
"Hey, Amo I was wondering if you would maybe, possibly, not that you have to, like to... " He trials off into a mumble then to an gaping mouth. As he closes his mouth the girl says " would I like to what?" she says with caution and growing suspicion.
"Pass me that tissue box," he says with a cheeky smile on his face growing ever so wide."Sure, I thought you were gonna ask me out for second and I was thinking 'what you've been my boyfriend for 1 year and 7 months and 16 days plus 4,5,6,7,8 ... Seconds'" as Enzo steps out of his truck his smile lessens to a sad, shocked and unimpressed sort of look with a gaping mouth and eyes as wide as a giraffe is tall.
"WHAT?" Said Amore with great caution and shock as she looks up at the sign of a factory being closed.
"I'm so sorry" it was Enzo's fathers company it was shutting down and moving to Russia."I don't know how they couldn't tell you and put up a sign saying that your leaving for Russia," said the girl holding Enzo's forearm so tight it was as red as a cherry.
"Well do you want a coffee" said the Amo jumping out of the car and walking swiftly up to the counter to order two regular coffees one with two sugars and the other with none but as soon as she binges the bell to get service she heard someone whisper in her ear"Not hear," it was Enzo he gripped Amo's arm and dragged her toward the stairs to go to the roof.
"Where are we going?" she said hoping for a simple answer like around the corner or an exact destination.
"You'll see" he said glancing back at the girl and loosening his grip noticing how tight he was on her thin fragile arms. The girl instantly noticed him looking back at her and gave him a look that simply said ' what do you mean you'll see, who says you'll see anymore' with a brush of confusion once he looked away. The girl walked up the stairs whilst the man pranced as if full of joy and with a smile that makes you feel as if he is the happiest man ever that has lived where as the girl looked as if she would rather be sitting at a table drinking her coffee with to much sugar in it and quickly swapping it with Enzo's so she can put only one sugar in it as if that is what she ordered, but as she walked further and further up those steps her hopes of siting in her normal corner table by the window and watching the children play in the playground and see the birds fly around the roof faded ever so slowly.
Finely they had reached the top of the building and saw the amazing view of the beach.
"Wow, this is definitely better than my corner table near the window" said the girl.
"I was hoping you would like it." Said the boy with a large grin on his face proving to the girl he was speaking the truth. the view from the table was a 360 degree view which was one third of the beach, one half of the mountains and houses and the rest was of the high rise buildings in the distance. the mountains were green and lush from the last rain which was one week ago.
"Why did you organise this?" She ventured to ask with a complete and utter astonishment look on her face as if it had never rained in her life and a drop of water just landed on her head."What's the special occasion?"she asked wanting to ask a million more but knew it would confuse him.
"Well I may have known that I was leaving but that sign was my way of telling you and I realised that its been three years since we met and I figured I should break the bad news before you were happy so you would forget then I the mourning the next day you would remember and cry a little but then get over it and would stay in contact but would drift apart slowly and ,dot, dot, dot" he said slowly slowing down toward the end of his small speech and hoping that she would hug him but instead received a red mark from the girls slap that she had given him after he repeated his last word of dot.
"You jerk" she said moving closer looking like she was going to send her hand flying toward his head but centimetres away stopped and softly placed her hand on his cheek and softly placed her lips onto his then moving away and hugging him as tight as she could.
"Stop please your killing me!" he said with his face going a dark red beginning at his cheeks and going on through out his face.As she slowly let go of his arms she shed one singular tear and speedily wiped it away before he noticed. A flash of purple, green and red went past Amo's and Enzo's face whooshing all of the loose jewellery clothing and hair past there faces as a bird flew by them at lighting speed and landing almost immediately on the ledge beside them. It was a small fragile looking bird with purple wings and green on the edges of his wings and red on his chest and a green back.The bird sang a sweet sound that was as beautiful to the ears as food to the starving. The balcony soon was surrounded by flying, beautiful singing creatures that looked like they were all in a rainbow from of all the colours blinding you into a realm of colours bright and dazzling. The pair were soon in a trance of complete and utter enchantment from the beauty of what was happening around them but soon blinked and it was gone the creatures were frightened by a poor bird who had been hurt and was flying in swirling and twirling until it landed softly in the girls hand. Bitting ferociously at the girls fingers obviously not wanting help but as hard as he bit the girl would refuse to put him down knowing that he was injured and needed her help.

Putting both her hand around the bird she thought of it flying and playing about and then the squirming and Bitting had stopped and the birds wings began fluttering uncontrollably flapping strongly knocking away the girls fragile hands and leaping up onto her shoulder nudging his head against hers singing the most beautiful song the girl had ever heard.

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