
By toxic_9899

157 0 0

As I walked through the abandoned town I noticed a house, door wide open. As a curious teen I wandered in, pe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 2

28 0 0
By toxic_9899

Hey guys!

If you have anything you think I should add, please just drop a comment :)

Love you always! xxx

We all sat in silence for a few moments before Chelsea shot up.

"I have a plan!" She sprinted out of the room and down the stairs, Katy and I attempting to figure out what it was that she meant. We turned the corner to the kitchen revealing Chelsea talking to her mom, with her mom's car keys in hand.

"Chelsea, you can only use it if you promise me two things." We all sat and stared at her mom, waiting for the conditions. "Be home by 11, gives you three 4 hours to stay out, and do not, and I truly mean DO NOT go out of town limits. Do you understand?" Her mother looked at all of us as we all agreed. We thanked her and raced back up the stairs to put on our darkest, yet most warm clothes.

"Bye mom!" Chelsea yelled from the front door.

"Please remember what I said!" Chelsea rolls her eyes as we take our first few steps out of the door, feeling the cold bite at our faces. We hop in the car and driving the opposite way from where we were supposed to be going, the old forgotten town.

"So what exactly is your plan?" I speak up after a minute of riding around town.

Chelsea parks in a parking lot then turns sideways to see Katy and I. "Okay so I told mom we were wanting snacks so we were thinking of grabbing some from the store. Then she gave us 4 hours to do so. Which helps us a little more. We are gonna run in and grab a few things, to make it look legit, then drive towards the ghost town and park a few feet away just in case." Katy and I nodded as we jumped out to go for the first part if the plan.

• • •

We ran through the store, grabbing as much junk food as we could and running it through on Chelsea's mom's credit card. We ran back out to the car and sped off towards the town. The closer we got the more eerie feeling I got. Every little thing made me jump. I poked Katy on her arm, asking if she was okay. She had not been this close to the town since we were 15. That night was a bad night for Katy.

~ ~ ~

"Katy!" We heard a loud scream coming from the bank. The sound of our best friend Tori, screaming her lungs off. The blood curtling screams grew louder as we got closer. We walked into the bank, seeing Tori, blood running from her nose, blood all over her finger tips and hands. We ran to her side.

"What the hell happened?" I yelled to let her know we were near her. She sobbed saying the man over and over. "what man?" I questioned more. Tori then started crying harder, that was when we realized we have to leave. Now.

We pulled Tori towards the gate when she felt like she had gained 200 pounds. We turned around, seeing a tall man holding her ankles, pulling us from her. Her body hit the ground with a thud and she screamed louder.

"She can't leave." The man said calmly. We grabbed her again and tried to pull, but she would not budge.

"I'll go for help." Chelsea said before running through the gate towards our town. We watched as Chelsea disappeared, but when we turned around Tori was gone. Blood trails in the sand below our feet. We tried yelling her name and running around after the blood trail when we heard one last, loud scream for help. We ran towards the cemetery in the town, the only place with green grass. As we came up to it, there was a bright light, and a few people standing, forming a body wall from where we thought Tori may be. As we got closer, we felt hands grab us and pull us from the wall. We screamed scared for what may happen. When we looked up there were two men, unfamiliar to the other one man, one grunted while sliding us backwards. Katy and I began to fight back. That was when we saw a huge fire that started to burn, just beyond where the people were standing.

That was the last time anyone saw Tori. We all needed therapy, Katy more than Chelsea and I.

~ ~ ~

"Yeah. I'm fine." Katy said with a cold tone. I knew she wasn't, I could tell when she was lying. I sat back and stared out the window, just before we parked, 20 feet from where the large gate stood.

"Are we sure we wanna do this?" The fear from Chelsea's voice showed we weren't supposed to be here. Katy nodded and took the first step. I look at Chelsea with a surprised look then shrugged and followed.

"We need to open these doors. See what we can find." I said as we got towards the middle.

"Let's go back to the front." Katy suggested, moving forward.

We walk up to this small White House, with black shutters. Chelsea opened the door cautiously and walked in. Dust filled our lungs as we walked through.

• • •

As we neared the finish, we looked around.

"It's 10:42." Chelsea said, reminding us of the time sensitivity.

"Let's just do these two quickly, I can do one house, you two do the other." I suggested, Katy nodded, but Chelsea just stared at me.

"What if he comes back?" She questioned, low Incase he was listening.

"Run to the car." I said before walking towards the last house.

I kicked the door open, hearing the crack through the entire house. This one different than the others. Clean and kept up. Family pictures dangling everywhere and the house smelled of meatloaf. I crept around, looking for any sign of life, then texting the girls.

- To: Groupchat
Remember, run if you need to. But let me know.

I continued looking around, the fireplace still warm. That's when the feeling came back. I looked at my phone, a text came through.

- From: Groupchat
Get out here now!

I panicked and ran for the door, watching it slam in my face. I looked up at the creeping stairs, a man walking down them.

"Hungry?" He said sarcastically. "I thought I told you to stay away." I looked up at him.

"Was just wondering where the lovely smell was coming from."

"Don't pretend like you weren't here, walking through my town, looking for whatever. You and your friends aren't smart by coming back." He jumped off the last step, landing right before me. "So what's your name? Also tell your friends you'll be back later. We need to talk." I gulped and shot them a message.

- To: Groupchat
Go home, I'll walk back soon.

He pulled me to the living room, feeling hotter than before.

Hey cuties! Remember any ideas are welcome! :)

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