Chapter 4

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So I think I'm gonna go for three chapters a day!

Love you always! xxx


I sat on the bed, figuring there was no reason to try to leave, I know he locked the door. That's when I heard my friends voices become clear. They were inside. I let out a loud scream hoping they'd hear but their footsteps stopped. I waited for the steps to start again, but they didn't. That's when I heard the man speak clearly.

"Who are you two? And why are you here?" He asked with actual concern. I knew it was fake.

"W-we are looking for our friend... Olivia, h-have you seen her?" Katy asked, you could tell she was scared based on her tone and the shakiness in her voice.

"Honestly, ain't seen her. I'm just walking through myself. Say? Are you Katy? And uh Chelsea?!" He said walking the steps slowly. "Think I went to school with you guys, I live just over the valley."

"You do look familiar. Anyway, we need to find our friend. If you wanna help you can." Chelsea said with a scoff.

"Actually I was just about to head out. But nice seeing you girls." His steps walked towards the door, then faded as he left the house. Katy and Chelsea following him out.

After about two hours of sitting and praying my friends would find me, I heard them leaving. I began screaming and beating the window again. But this time it was like they couldn't hear me. I threw myself on the bed and cried. I just want to go home. That's when I heard the door unlock.

"You just don't quit do you?" The man yelled before shutting my door. "I told you don't move! If they had found you I would've had to kill them!" He rested a hand on his head, pacing around the room.

"I mean, you could just let me leave." I said to him.

"And why would I do that? For you to tell everyone what happened here? I don't need that again." He shook his head. "They won't be back for a while. Give it a week and you'll be gone for good to everyone."

"They will find me! My parents w..."

"When will you see they don't actually care?! Dammit Olivia! You aren't stupid! The only reason they are still looking is because it'll look bad on them. Your parents? They won't even feel a difference." The man moved so his face was next to mine, he grabbed my chin causing me to squint in pain.

"You're lying!" I yelled through my clenched teeth.

He shrugs then laughs evilly. "Maybe I am Doll."

I roll my eyes and cross my arms, thinking about a way that I could escape. No possible exits popped into my head, and I'm sure he's thought of everything.

"So tell me more about you." I say sitting back and getting comfortable.

"What?" He said with a blank look.

"Well I figured since we are gonna be in here for a while, maybe we shouldn't be strangers." I smiled, taunting the man.

"You aren't a stranger to me. I know you. And me? You don't need to know anything. If you do find a way out, you'll tell everyone about the man named...." he sighed. "Harry. That's all I'm tellin' "

I looked at him, waiting to see if he were lying, but every drop of sarcasm had dropped from his face.

"Why are you the only one here? Could you at least answer that?"

"No! I already told you my name, which is possibly the worst thing I could've done." He rolled his eyes, standing up abruptly. "I gotta go. Don't move I'll be back. If you leave I'll find you and kill you. Do you understand?"

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