Chapter 14

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Hey loves! I decided to get back into the series. Sorry for the ghosting!

There is an R part in this section!!!

I open the door as they run up and hug me. I can't believe they are here.

"What's that smell? It smells wonderful!" Katy says as I shut the door.

"My boyfriend is cooking diner." I say as the girls stop looking around and stare at me.

"I'm sorry? Boyfriend?" Chelsea asks. I smile and giggle.

"Shh quiet down, the kids are sleeping. Follow me." They follow me through the house to the living room then the kitchen. "Ladies this is my boyfriend, Harry. Harry, these are my ladies. Chelsea and Katy." Harry nods to them and they wave at him all shy.

"Dinner is almost done Doll." Harry says smiling at me, loving how happy I am.

"Thank you, should I go wake the kids?" I ask him and he nods. "I'll be right back, follow me ladies." I kiss Harry before taking them towards the steps. "Now be as quiet as possible." I say to Katy and Chelsea. We go up the stairs and walk into Penelope's room. I go over and wake her up before carrying her over to Mason's room. I sit her down and wake up Mason. I look over at the girls, I sit in my rocking chair and feed Mason.

"Girl. This can't be real! You have an amazing life! Two beautiful kids, a very sexy boyfriend." Katy smiles.

"Is he good in bed?" Chelsea asks and I nod fast.

"Girl! The best!" We all laugh and I grab P before we all walk back downstairs. I put P in her high chair and have the ladies sit down at the table, I grab the drinks for everyone and Harry serves everyone. Him and I sit down and we all eat together.

"So Chelsea, Katy. You guys do know, you can't tell anyone about this. About me, about her. Nothing." Harry says in a serious tone in between bites. Katy and Chelsea look over at me.

"Yeah. You can't. Seriously. If you do, you probably won't see me again. Ever." I say looking in between the two of them.

"What do you mean? You'll still be here." Chelsea asks.

"No, if people come looking we will have to leave." Harry says. "It's not exactly easy to move our whole family. We have two babies." Harry looks at them then me.

"I need you guys to understand something. I'm not here. I'm dead." I say and they gasp.

"Dead? But we can see you? What are you on about Liv." Katy says

"If you talk about you guys coming here and you hanging out with Liv and her boyfriend and her kids, we will have to leave as they'll come looking." Harry says, grabbing my hand.

"When I came into the house, I tripped and hit my head, Harry tried to help me but I ended up dying. You only see me because I'm allowing you to see me." I say, Katy nods her head and Chelsea looks confused.

"We can't save you?" Chelsea asks.

"Chels. I'm not in danger, you don't have to save me. I'm very happy here, but do you understand what we are saying?" I ask, I'm starting to get worried Chelsea will tell. I don't wanna lose Harry or the kids.

"Chelsea. Katy. I love Olivia. I would never let anyone hurt her like they did your friend Tor-"
Harry gets cut off by Katy.

"I- we don't like talking about Tori. How do you even know about that?" Katy asks quietly.

"I was here. I've been here for a very long time. When I went to the men to save her they insisted she was tainted. I am so sorry." Harry says and drops his head. "That's why in the text I sent, I said come straight here, so the demons wouldn't harm you." Harry continues. Katy looks over at me, I guess looking for me to say he was lying. But I know he isn't.

"Look. We won't say anything. But can we see you more?" Chelsea asks.

"You can only come when we say, otherwise we may not be here and that's very dangerous." Harry says. "Thank you for keeping this secret. It means a lot to me and Olivia."

"Thank you guys, seriously." I say before getting up and gathering the plates off the table. "If you two want, you can go sit on the couch and I will meet you there in a second." I say as I put the dishes in the dishwasher.

"I'll be back down, I'm going to put the kids down for the night." Harry nods to Chelsea and Katy and exits the room. Chelsea runs to me.

"If you're in trouble please. Tell us." Chelsea whispers, I turn around, almost angry.

"Chels, like I've said, I'm fine. I'm happy here. I love Harry and my kids." I say before drying my hands off and walking with her back into the living room.

"Honey. Can you come here for a second?" Harry calls from upstairs. I put up a finger to the girls and run upstairs, where Harry meets me with a kiss. "Do they like me?" Harry asks sweetly.

"They think I'm still alive. They think I'm in trouble." I shrug. Harry drops his head.

"Well, I have something in a few minutes that will change their opinions." Harry kisses my forehead and sends me back downstairs to meet up with my friends.

"So. What do you guys think?" I look around, happy with my home and my life.

"It's a beautiful house, sexy Man, beautiful kids. You seem to really have a good life set out for you here Oli." Katy says while looking around. I hear Harry coming back downstairs and his eyes meet mine when he winds the corner.

"Olivia." Harry walks up to me and gets on one knee. "Will you be mine for eternity?" Harry asks, I gasp and Chelsea screams.

"Oh my god! Olivia!!" Katy and Chelsea scream together. I look down to Harry and smile as tears fill up my eyes.

"Yes!" I whisper. Harry puts the ring on my finger and wraps me in a hug, follows it with a swift kiss.

"Ladies, I'll walk you out. My fiancé and I have a long night ahead of us." Harry escorts them out after they say goodbye. We watch as the lights turn on and become distant. He shuts and locks the door, before sweeping me off my feet and taking me upstairs.


We go into our room and he drops me on the bed before crashing his lips into mine. His hands trail through my hair as he gets on the bed with me. He takes off his shirt, followed by my dress. He kisses my neck lightly and nibbles my ear as he thrusts himself against me.

"I'm gonna take what's mine tonight." He whispers in my ear in a raspy voice. He takes my bra off my arms before grabbing handcuffs from the side table. He clasps each wrist to each side. He stands up pulling his pants off, his shoes and his socks. He pulls me closer and kisses down my body. Making circles with his tongue around my nipples. I left out a soft moan before biting my lip. His cold hand slides down into my underwear before I feel a sense of bliss. Another moan leaves my mouth and I see him smirk. He knows exactly what he's doing to me. He pulls my underwear off in a swift pull and cuffs my ankles to each side of the bed. He slides off his boxers and for the first time I get to see his large member. His lips meet mine once again before he carefully slides into me. I feel sparks flying through me, this time he isn't as gentle as the first.

About two hours later

Harry rolls off and undoes my cuffs, he lays next to me out of breath. Our breathing syncs and he smiles.


"That- that was amazing." I say smiling and staring at the ceiling. I look over at him and he's asleep. I roll out of bed and go to hop in the shower. My legs are limp. I wash myself off and dry my hair before pulling the blanket over Harry and I. I look at him, sleeping so peacefully with beads of sweat still laying on his forehead. I wipe them off and kiss his cheek, I slowly drift off to sleep.

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