Chapter 13

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I took a break, sorry it was kinda out of nowhere but I needed it! I'm back though!


I wake up and blink a few times to focus on the clock. 12:30. Damn I slept a good while. I sit up slowly and look over to the kitchen where Harry is doing dishes. I creep over to the pack'n'play where Penelope is asleep, then walk quietly over to Harry and wrap my arms around him, startlingly him a bit.

"Well good afternoon sleeping beauty!" He turns around to have his lips meet mine.

"Good afternoon." I smile and look into his beautiful green eyes. "How long has she been asleep?" I tilt my head over to the living room.

"Uh 10 minutes." He nods. "It took forever but I finally got her down. You make it look so easy." He turns the water off and places the plate into our dish rack. He wraps his hands around my waist, and looks down. "You ready to come out yet big guy?" He laughs.

I smile and look down rubbing my swollen belly. Thinking about how badly I want to give birth.

"Feels like it's been years!" I look up at Harry. He's still looking down at my belly, admiring it. "I just can't wait." I make eye contact with Harry. He leans down and kisses my lips softly.

"I cannot wait either." He smiles then turns towards the living room. "Well. That didn't take too long." I follow his gaze and see Penelope tossing in the pack'n'play.

"Don't worry, I got it." I walk over and lift her slowly. Her diaper reeks, so I carefully, but quickly carry her upstairs to the changing bed. "You are a little stinker aren't you?" She giggles and wiggles joyfully. She's so perfect, her beautiful curly blonde locks, her gorgeous blue eyes, her cute dimples. It almost looks like she is the perfect mix of Harry and myself, you'd never know she isn't ours together. I wrap up her dirty diaper and throw it in the bin in the closet. I change her clothes into a comfortable onesie, it definitely got hotter today than it was supposed to be. I lift her and slowly descend the stairs once again.

As I pass mine and Harry's old room, I see him grabbing stuff to move upstairs. I grab the pac' n' play and drag it into the room. I put Penelope in there carefully before handing her a bottle. I walk up to Harry who is grabbing things rapidly, almost as if we were being chased out. I touch his shoulder lightly and he shivers.

"You can take your time you know? There is no rush." I reassure him with a small smile and rub his shoulder.

"I know dear, but he is coming soon." He rubs my belly slowly.

"I know, but this doesn't have to be done by then. Does it?" I question, only knowing his answer will be dramatic as ever.

"Yes! I do not, I repeat, do not want you getting hurt going up and down the stairs after the children." He says with true worry in his voice.

"I won't be broken forever. It..." Harry is quick to cut me off.

"Sweetheart, you will never be broken. I got you. I will help every time I can." He reassures me, presses a kiss to my forehead and continues working at the room.

"Well at least let me help." I say protesting.

"Sweetheart no. You are helping me enough. I can do it. Besides, you taking care of P helps me more than you know." He walks off to the bathroom and grabs somethings out before heading out of the room and up the stairs.

I sigh and walk over to the Pac' n' play that I put Penelope in and she's knocked out. I grab the bottle and walk to the kitchen to rinse it and put it in the dishwasher. That is one good thing about Harry and I do keep the house nearly spotless, though I know raising kids will change that.

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