DEPRESSED!Bakugo x Kirishima...

By dumpsterp0ssum

19K 384 141

Discontinued More

Hello this is a quick authors note
Chapter 2 (slightly updated)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Not and update
Lol you thought

Chapter 1

4.7K 91 69
By dumpsterp0ssum

A/N: I can't name chapters ok so it's gonna be like this 👌

Bakugo POV

I woke up to the sound of yelling, I know it's my parents arguing, out of fear of my 'father' coming in a beating me I quickly close my eyes because I hear footsteps coming. It is my dad he does his usual beating and calling me a faggot. I fell on my bed eyes closed. Then my mom walks in
"Katsuki? Are you awake?"
It's my mother so I sit up a little bit, I trust my mother and will do anything I can for her, I am currently saving my money to get us out of this hell hole. She comes in and locks my door. I was visiting for the weekend from the dorms and they know I'm gay that's why my father hates me and beats me. I'm glad my mother accepts me though. My mom comes sit on my bed.
"Katsuki sweety Inko called she said we can stay with her and Izuku because of your fathers behavior"
"That would be great mom" I smile and sit up to hug her, I wince in pain because of my cuts. She hears my wince pull away and lifts my sleeve. A look of pure worry on her face, she hit the back of my head, "Ow" but I know she only does it because she really cares it's just how my mom is. She pulls me in a hug and starts to cry a bit and I tear up. We hear my father at the door
"Hey when you are done talking to that disgusting faggot come to bed immediately come to bed. I don't want to punish you again."
My father beats both of us, and I hate it when he hits mom. I whisper to her
"I snuck some of your clothes into my room we are leaving when that old asshole fall asleep."
She slaps the back of my head, but not hard, for cursing. She nods and we put things in my suitcase, including my UA uniform. My father falls asleep fast so when we were done he was already asleep and me and my mom sneak out. It's 1am we would hat to bother Auntie Inko at this time but we just need to get away. I text Deku knowing he is still awake and since I've been nicer to home he knows what's going on in my life.
Hey Deku
Yes Kacchan? Why are you texting me now won't your dad beat you?
He would yes but me and my mom are coming escaping that hell hole of a 'house'
Alright I will wake my mom.
Thanks Izuku :)
...You called me by my name.
Yes you're like a brother I have to stop mistreating you we are going up the stairs be there soon.
Ok my moms up she will meet you guys at the door.
Thank you again.

My mom knocked on their apartment door and Auntie Inko opens, she looks at us with tears in her eyes and she hugs my mom
"I'm sorry Inko we just couldn't handle it there anymore."
My mom started to cry, I never seen her cry except I hear her after my dad beats her.
"Mitsuki it's ok it's ok I set up the spare room today, and the extra mattress is in Izukus room Katsuki."
My mom walks in and sits on the couch, I hug Auntie Inko I wince when she touches one of the bruises on my back, she looks at me and turns me around and lifts my shirt with a gasp. My mom looks over, she started to cry,
"T-that's from t-today's b-beating..."
I say with tear falling down my face, she turn me again and hugs me, I start to sob and that's when Izuku comes out, he sees me but I don't care their house smells like cookies and Auntie Inkos warm hug just calms me and I can let my feelings out.
I go inside and I go into Izukus rooms while mom and Auntie Inko sit of the couch to talk. Tears still falling down my face, I sit on the mattes son the floor, Izuku sits with me and hugs me. Although he is dating Shoto (still surprised he is letting me call him by his first name). I lean into Izukus shoulder and he lets me cry. When I'm done he lifts me up, well off his shoulder, and grabbed the first aid kit from under his bed I knew what he meant and I took of my shirt. He puts a cream that stings while he rubs it on cuts from glass and bruises and burns, and cuts I inflicted on to my self. He looks at me tears in his eyes, he hates seeing me like this
"What're you looking a-at." My voice a little shaken still
"It's just you actually trust me,and if you're wondering you aren't weak it's ok to let your feelings out, and I'm just glad that you trust me to let all of this out."
I smile and hug him, then we hear a knock on the front door, I'm scared it's my father and he figured out we left. It was just Shoto, he only comes when his dad goes ape shit.
"Hey Shoto"
"Katsuki why are you here?"
I nod towards Izuku and he explains, he knows I will get choked up.

~Time skip with my lazy ass~ Still Bakugo POV
I wake up earlier and Shoto and Izuku are cuddling I take a picture and walk out, auntie Inko is up early and I show her the picture
"Awww can you send that to me please"
"Yea sure Auntie Inko"
I sent it and looked at the date, we have to go back to school today, I get to see Kirishima, Izuku is the only one who knows I have a huge crush on him. Auntie Inko starts making breakfast my mom gets up (she loves bacon)
"I'm going wake up Izuku and Shoto"
I walk out they kitchen and wake the two up, also waving the picture at them as they wake up, I snicker seeing how embarrassed they got
"Kacchan delete that!"
"Your mom already has the picture" I smirk
"Hmpf" and Shoto is just like why honestly he didn't say anything.
"By the way Izuku your mom is making breakfast and I'm going get dressed, school again today!" I say while I walk out the room, I see my mom GIVE AUNTIE INKO A KISS ON THE CHEEK! I pop out the corner smirking cause like live your life girl and just say
They both turned around and blushed I waved my hand saying I don't care, and they smile. I get ready for school, I hear a knock at the front door, I look through the peep hole it's my father. I tip toe to Auntie Izuku and tell her my mom looks scared, same with me but me Izuku and Shoto have our hero license so if it gets bad I can get Shoto and Izuku, I walk in and tell them they are dressed so they come with me just for safety. Izuku opens the door, and my father stomps in and looks at me then my mother holding hands with Auntie Inko out of fear and I know what else, he also look at Shoto and Izuku holding hands
"SO IS EVERYONE IN THIS DAMN PLACE A GOD DAMN FAGGOT! YOU'RE ALL DISGUSTING AND DO THE WORLD A FAVOR AND KILL YOURSELFS!" He then pull out a gun and shoots me "NO DAD STOP IT! PLEASE!" he shot me in the shoulder and my mom in her leg. He is going for another shot at my head but Shoto freezes my father, I'm sobbing not from pain put from fear same with my mother. Izuku called the police, my father was arrested for life. I brought my mom to UA because recovery girl can heal her fast and I don't want my mother spending a long time in a hospital. She does her kissy thing I go to class because it was my shoulder, my mom stayed there though. I head to class and put my head down, I start to cry no one is in there at the moment then someone comes in. I stop and then I feel a hand in my back,
"Are you ok Bakubro?"
My stomach starts to churn, his hand feels so warm and a light layer of pink was in my face, I didn't look up though not many people know how kind I'm becoming *COUGH COUGH* MINETA I look up and run to the bathroom.
Omg my crush just seen me crying what do I do what do I do
I start to cry again and I felt my pocket the razor.
Do it cut yourself no one cares, not your mom Izuku Auntie Inko Shoto and Kirishima they don't love you.
I roll up my sleeve and cut and cut and cut. I hear people so I stop and put the wrappings back over my cuts. I go to class and Kirishima looks at me with worry I just sit down and put my head down. Then Aizawa Sensei walks in and starts today's lesson,
"Okay today we are talking about mental illness, because a hero should have a health stable brain. Focusing on depression."
Great why this lesson today.
Some people glare at me and look sympathetically at Izuku (Ochako Iida Mineta Yaoyorozu)
"D-don't look at me see!"
He lifts his sleeve showing a clean arm, why did he do this cause it gave Aizawa and idea. "I'm going to walk around and look at everyone's wrist." I froze a little at these words then calm myself not to look suspicious. He starts at the other end of the room everyone with clean arms Shoto has shallow scars he says they are from middle school. Then he gets to me I hesitate then feel sick, I cover my mouth and run to the bathroom. I hear someone behind me I don't know who but they're there. I ran to a stall and threw up with a little blood after again probably yesterday's beating, I feel someone rub my back while I vomit, when I'm done I look up and it's Aizawa.
"Katsuki are you alright, you ran out the room when I was about to check your arm." I start to tear up I sit and grab my knees and cry. He sits down next to me and pulls me into a side hug.
"Can I please see your wrist... I won't tell anyone what I saw I promise." I look at him a bit fearful but I give in something about his voice was... soothing? I think like a father. I give him my arm he rolls up my sleeve and takes of the bandages. His eyes open wide, he see words written in my scars like faggot weak and so on. He looks at me not expecting me to stand up and lift my shirt showing more bandages. I just feel like I can trust him, he unwraps then and gasps
"M-my dad gave them to m-me w-when he b-beat me yester-" I'm cut off with a hug, then hear the lunch bell ring I put on my shirt and not long after me and Aizawa are called to Nezus office.
I thought to myself we walked quickly trying not to get many looks. Auntie Inko is standing there. Crying. I go and hug her and the police are there the police start to speak,
"Today at 11am Bakugos father escapes prison with a blast from his hands, he was sweating we should've seen it coming he rubbed his hands together and blew his way out. He went to the Midoriya residence where Mitsuki was located, he had a gun and shot her in the head. She died today."
Inko started to sob and hugged me I'm the only one who really know of their relationship.
"Can I take guardianship?" Aizawa asks I'm surprised but I smile even though I'm crying with Auntie Inko.
"Well that's up to the boy if he would wish to live with you" Nezu says looking at me. I nod Auntie Inko seemed a bit sad but I said
"I had a breakdown in the bathroom he is like the father I never had, and he also excepts me, please Auntie Inko."
She just looks up and nods with a little smile, I look at Aizawa his eyes glossy what I said must have touched him in his weak spot I let go of Inko and Izuku is called to the office I go and hug Dadzawa (perfect name) he is a little surprised but hugs back
"Thank you" I say tears in my eyes.
I had to stop before the whole story is one chapter lol
Word count 2192

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