Prismatic Love

By CharlotteJ13

467 0 0

Harriet, a girl who has dreamed of love since she was very young, will finally discover the truth about it. S... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 17

16 0 0
By CharlotteJ13

Feeling her eyes starting to tear up, she rushed to class and quickly sat down in her seat. Once she was seated, she wiped her eyes with her shirt so no one would see her crying. She pulled her books out and was about to pull her binder out when she heard a voice behind her ask her something. She knew that voice so well. Could distinguish it anywhere. It was a voice of comfort and happiness. It was James. Harriet turned around in her seat to find a worried look on his face. Before he could ask her anything else she hugged him so tightly he could hardly breathe. When she let go, he caught his breath and asked her again if she was alright. She replied saying she was somewhat ok, but not completely. She then went on to explain in brief, how Sebastian grabbed her as she was leaving her class, and asked if they could get back together.

Harriet watched James's facial expression change when she got to the 'back together' part. He looked scared. Nervous. Tense. She told him that no, she could never go back with him. When she said that, Harriet noticed a change in his expression. He looked relieved. Just as she was about to ask him why, Mr. Ashlow appeared and called for class to start. So James went to his seat and while she remained in hers. She'd just have to ask him later.

Harriet loved Social studies class. She loved learning about the history of the world and what challenges the heroes and heroines had to face. How they changed the world and how they had the courage to stand up for what they believed in. Harriet was fascinated with history and loved Socials class so immensely, that when the bell rang to announce its end, Harriet let out a huge sigh of disappointment.

"Why the sigh Harriet?" Mr. Ashlow inquired.

"Oh, just disappointed class is over. It seems like we just started and now it's already over. That's all Mr. Ashlow."

Mr. Ashlow smiled and Harriet left with the rest of her classmates.

+ + +

When the bell rang signaling the day's end, Harriet slowly got her things packed and walked out of class. Science class to be exact. Harriet wasn't a big fan of science so class seemed to go on forever. She was always happy when it was over.

At her locker, Harriet started packing her bag as quickly as possible. Trying to avoid Sebastian as best she could. She knew he'd show up any minute so she hurried to place her books and her binder of today's homework in her bag. Once she finished packing, she closed her locker door and started off. She could hear Sebastian down the hall.

When she finally reached James's car, she found him already waiting for her.

"How'd you get out so quickly?" she asked when she got in. She grabbed the seat belt and clicked it in place.

"I have gym, remember?" he replied as he clicked his seatbelt in place as well.

Right, Harriet thought. In gym, they are allowed to bring their bags so they can leave quickly. Though only when it's last period.

They drove in silence so Harriet's mind started to wander. She started thinking about life and love, and how wrong she had been about it. How love is not just magical. It is also painful and difficult. It is uncertain.

"I never got to tell you that I love the name Chloe. It's simple but elegant," James said breaking the silence and bringing Harriet back from her thoughts. Harriet didn't feel like talking so she just smiled. James smiled back.

After a few more minutes of silence, James arrived at Harriet's house. After parking the car, James got out and opened the door for Harriet. He helped her out and walked her to the front door.

"I'll see you tomorrow ok? Only a few more weeks of school left and then it's summer!" James said as they reached the front door. Harriet nodded and pulled James into a big embrace. She felt James' arms wrap around her and felt at peace. They stayed like that for a bit, then finally let go of each other. They said their goodbyes and Harriet opened her door and walked in. Just as she was about to shut the door, she saw James turn and wave. Harriet smiled, waved back and then shut the door. She watched James drive away from the window then went upstairs to her bedroom, holding on tightly to the necklace he gave her like it was her life, and if she let go it'd slip away from her forever.

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