The Last Witch

By Evangleline

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She died in the Great Witch Hunt of 2059. So when she wakes up as Genevieve Helen Swan with a newborn little... More

Part 1: Prologue
Part 2: Enter Genevieve
Part 3: Growing Up
Part 4: Charlie
Part 5: Return to Forks
Part 6: Cullen Thoughts
Part 8: To See and To Know
Part 9: Time Flies 1/2
Part 10: Time Flies 2/2
Part 11: Leah
Part 12: Bella's Arrival
Part 13: Bella's First Day
Part 14: Edward Loses His V-card
Part 15: Carlisle is Home
Part 16: Wedding Plan Adjustments
Part 17: Obsession
Part 18: Ignorance Isn't Bliss

Part 7: Discovered

8.7K 243 1
By Evangleline

A Few Weeks Later

No One's POV

He slept peacefully as she reached out her hand, holding it just above his wound. She knew that the doctor would only look to see how it was healing externally for the next month or so and by then it should only be scar tissue. Fork's General didn't have the resources to expend if she was being completely honest. While able to provide more then decent doctors and nurses, their medical technology was about a decade old and so long as Charlie and the doctors saw/felt nothing that was unusual they wouldn't look any further, especially considering he had a nurse, his own daughter, living with him.

She cast the spell and her hand lit up with a golden glow slowly healing him internally before pulling back so that the external part of the would heal naturally so as not to draw anymore suspicion. Little did she know that just outside the slightly open bedroom door a certain vampire had caught her scent and silently moved in to see her once more before leaving. Carlisle was just about to speak when he heard her voice softly speak in a mixture of Latin and some other language that even he, in all his years had not come across. His eyes widening in surprise as her hand glowed and the scent of blood from Charlie's bandage covered surgical site slightly faded signifying a healing yet still open wound that had he not performed the surgery himself he would have believed had not been nearly as deep as it was.

"What was that?" Her head whipped around and she stood straight at the sound of his voice, eyes wide with fear before hardening.

"How long were you there?" Her tone was cold as her blue eyes narrowed and he noticed her hand began sparking, the sound loud to my ears.

"I am not a threat to you. I promise." He kept his voice low so not to startle her and be forced to reveal himself not knowing what his mate was capable of. She was gifted clearly but never had he met a human who could consciously use what could be their gift if changed. (A/N: Remember they don't know Alice had visions when she was human at this point and won't for awhile) Perhaps this was why both himself and his son were mated to her. For there was no doubt she was truly powerful.

"We'll see. Nunc vado ad somnum." His vision began darkening at the edges and he collapsed hearing her sorrowful voice whisper. "I'm sorry but I need to know y--."


~Charlie's POV~

My chest felt lighter and less pained. I woke fully at the sound of movement at my side and a man's  voice but kept my eyes closed and breathing even. "What was that?" It was familiar, that doctor's. Carlisle Cullen.

"How long were you there?" Genevieve's voice came from his left and he felt a flash of heat and heard what sounded a lot like the low hum of electricity sparking.

"I am not a threat to you. I promise." Dr. Cullen's voice was kept low but there was an undertone to it, almost as if he pleading for Genevieve to understand he really meant it and wouldn't hurt her. Just how well does this man know my daughter? He opened his eyes and looked at the man standing at the door.

"We'll see. Nunc vado ad somnum." I watched as the doctor collapsed his eyes locked on my daughter, watching her softly and with such emotion that it set me on edge. "I'm sorry but I need to know you can be trusted." Genevieve whispered her eyes filling with guilt.

"How exactly are you going to do that?" I asked my tone even. I watched as her body stiffened and she slowly turned her head to face me.

"Daddy." she whispered fearfully and I sighed, running a hand over my face before giving her a tired smile.

"Come here, little caterpillar. We need to talk." She climbed onto the bed silently and leaned into me as I wrapped my arms around my sweet girl and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Did you really think I never noticed how different you were?" 

"When?" she spoke breathlessly before her teary eyes looked up at me.

"I'm your father, Genevieve. I may have had to leave for work more often than I wanted to so I could support us along with your mother and sister but there was not a single day that you did not have my attention. You're are my little miracle baby, no matter how big you get." I whispered the last bit to her. "You must have been about four when I first noticed it though. It was a few months after Renee left and you were in the back yard and I was on the back porch grilling. You must not have realized daddy was watching." A smile came to my face as I remember my little caterpillar in her favorite red dress. "You made flowers grow at the base of that tree you like to read under. I was so surprised I dropped half the bottle of BBQ sauce onto the meat."

"I remember that." She said quietly. "I grew them to get your mind off of them and asked you to make flower crowns with me."

"I had no idea how to do it but you just looked at me with those big blue eyes and I couldn't say no."

"Why didn't you ever say anything?"

"I figured you'd tell me when you were ready." He smiled brokenly to her. "But that day never seemed to come."

"Oh, Daddy!" She threw her arms around his neck. "It wasn't that I didn't want to tell you, it's just I knew how much you always worried and I knew if you knew you'd worry that much more about someone finding out. I guess you worrying so much was because you already knew though, huh?"

"There's that and ten there's the fact that you're my daughter, and I always hated how the boys would watch you and Leah." I looked back across the room "Mind telling exactly what you were going to do with him?" My brow raised at her and her cheeks pinkened only slightly and I knew she had forgotten all about the unconscious doctor.

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