Part 1: Prologue

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The Grand Witches council had refused to heed her warnings. She had told them humanity was not yet ready to be made aware of their existence. They had said she was past her time, holding on to old values and grudges. They said if they listened to her or the other elders, it would be no better then being stuck in the middle ages. Their inability to see what was right in front of them was what had brought the downfall of their people. Their need to be one who could reveal their magics as they pleased to any and all norms, making their post upon social medias displaying their ways, and sharing their knowledge. They had given all access to the very ones they revealed us too in a matter of months.

The past year had been difficult with the start of the Great Witch Hunt. Homes were raided. Mothers, fathers, siblings, and even children taken to the camps to be examined and if deemed a witch, executed. The bombings however were new. Soldiers would come into neighborhoods in the middle of the night clearing out those the 'knew' to be 'human', as if magic made one any less human. But I suppose in a way it did. We lived longer, were stronger, and faster. It mattered not thought when they could drop Atomized Lobelia concentrate upon us, stripping us of our ability to focus and use our magic. It was the 29th of August in the year 2059 that they bombed Ricataw County and so at the age of 82 after dropping her glamour that Margo Lewis died as she ensured that the army of soldiers, who found the entrance to the escape tunnels, never made it through or escaped the caves by using the last of her strength to conjure hellfire and collapse it atop herself knowing that her people would be safe.

 It was the 29th of August in the year 2059 that they bombed Ricataw County and so at the age of 82 after dropping her glamour that Margo Lewis died as she ensured that the army of soldiers, who found the entrance to the escape tunnels, never made...

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Her bones crushed by falling rock. Her flesh burned by hellfire. Her blood boiled by its heat. Yet, now she felt cool as the breeze hit the exposed skin of her arms. She blinked repeatedly to clear the blur from her eyes. She was in a room painted a light pink in what appeared to be a crib much like those from her own youth. She struggled to her feet, unbalanced by her new, small body but as she did using the wooden rail she noticed the other crib across the room.

The sound of a door opening at her side had her head turning. A passing feeling of recognition passed through her and yet she knew she had never met them before her. The man with dark mahogany hair and eyes like chocolate brightening as he entered the room. A woman followed behind him with wavy brown and caramel locks reaching just beneath her collarbone and tired blue eyes, hiding a frown.

"Looks like someone's up today, Renee." He said turning to look back at 'Renee' who quickly placed a small smile on her lips.

"Hello, sweetheart." She said placing a kiss atop my head before moving to the other crib as the man lifted me up into his arms. "Time to wake up Isabella Marie." She reached her hands down to lift what was clearly another babe and a newborn at that if her size and manner she was being held was any indication. "Think I'll go feed her downstairs, Charlie." Renee said as she left with Isabella.

"Mom's a bit tired today, huh kiddo?" Kiddo. . . Kiddo? The term was vaguely familiar and so were the names. Charlie and Isabella were common enough as both were classic and timeless but Renee wasn't. And yet she knew she'd heard it before but when? She thought hard, vaguely aware of the man carrying her down a flight of steps. It hit her then when they saw a photo. The man still clean shaven but the woman with her hair straightened as they each held a babe.

Isabella 'Call me Bella' Swan

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Isabella 'Call me Bella' Swan. Cullens. Vampires. Gold Eyes. Vegetarian. La Push. Wolves. Black. Uley. Clearwater. Ateara. All Shifters. 





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